[Trisquel-users] Spying by the ISP

2017-05-06 Thread cyberdevoper

Hi guys

I am familiar that ISP can spy on connections and protocols such as  
http,https,ftp etc bit i am not exactly sure how much info can they grasp for  
each connection/protocol.

Also there are quite a lot software that can track connections(through  
GNU/linux,anaylze,track usage,even see deep in to the modem config etc) and i  
am not really sure where to start.For example if i would like to see all  
outgoing connections that modem intercept or are listened because of other  
devices connected to the network and how would this have an impact on an all  
wifi network(popular name for reserved network with ISP who offers share  
modem function)For example main connection is users but there is a  
separate(optional)for example if you are interested in global wifi,make  
available option on your modem,and anyone who did the same you can connect to  
such network through the country .


[Trisquel-users] Spying in mobile phones.

2017-05-06 Thread cyberdevoper
I am mainly interested to know about connections such as 2G/3G/4G and main  
protocols that are available such as GPS/GPRS

Some people say that they can spy only sim card/card code such as in bank  
cards etc,some say that they can spy socket itself and some say even interact  
with it.

Can someone provide basic explanation on this topic and for example:

If i would be to use 3G/4G network modem for connection instead of 3G/4G  
phone with wireless hotspot ,how much secure would i be?

Regards and have a nice day.

[Trisquel-users] AMD PSP technology

2017-03-25 Thread cyberdevoper

Hi guys

I am interested to know how can i check if i have AMD PSP installed on my  
Laptop and which version do i have?

I am afraid for the security on the machine that i am using.Its HP laptop  
with AMD A10 5745M CPU and dedicated GPU(R7 M260 Topaz XT).Compared to the  
another Acer laptop with Beema E26110 the HP laptop has LED indicators for  
the ethernet.

Now quite often my ethernet LED would remain active even after my Laptop has  
been turned OFF.Now sometimes it would happen when i turn OFF the  
Laptop(initiate through Ubuntu interface)my screen just goes into loading for  
the power OFF and remains there,and then if i would turn OFF laptop on the  
power button(by holding it until laptop turns OFF),my LED for the ehternet  
would turn OFF,only in this case,otherwise it would still remain ON.

Now i already tried fixing this with newer BIOS firmware,but this did not  
worked.Also worth of mentioning both laptops have really low number of  
options in their BIOS and on A10 version overclocking is not available at  
all,as there are no GUI tool for GNU/linux and options inside BIOS are  

So maybe you see my previous thread where i was interested in ARM,but when it  
comes to purchasing old Libreboot laptops such as X200 ,i am really skeptical  
as eroding is a problem and i do not like to buy used stuff .


[Trisquel-users] BIOS firmware on ARM

2017-03-24 Thread cyberdevoper
Intel have ME,AMD have PSP,what does the ARM have and how much depends on its  
architecture type and vendor?
This is not clear to me,as i could see most of their BIOS are short and do  
not have many options like on x86 and/or its not made to be accessed on such  

Can someone explain me this thematics,for example would i be more secure with  
newest AMlogic or Rockchip or Allwiner and similar boards(CPU/GPU) rather  
than newest intel/amd chipesets?

Regards and have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help with releasing my games and its source codes.

2017-03-07 Thread cyberdevoper

I will definitely check that out fully .Thanks for sharing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help with releasing my games and its source codes.

2017-03-07 Thread cyberdevoper
Sorry if i was not clear enough,when i mentioned that GPL would not bring the  
revenue,let me explain:
If i would license my code as GPL,people would be able to share my work and  
make money out of it,while if i would use dual license,they would be able to  
share the code but not make revenue out of it,where for example for the  
single license purchase they would be able to use the project in commercial  
uses.While i would have the game free to play.

Or for example set up crowd funding campaign and license all under GPL if  
milestone is reached.

This is unique case because games are created in GUI game engine(Haxe and  
OpenFL)where you can make many ports out of it and easily re skin the games.

While games that i will make in the future will be much more simple.

Now i will offcourse spread the word in the Game engine community ,but i am  
not sure where should i spread the word besides the trisquel forum?

When it comes to resources in the game,some are taken but modified by my side  
and some are created by me.

I was thinking about this rather for example leaving flash and html5 ports  
for free and charging for GNU/linux or Windows(ReactOS)port.

[Trisquel-users] Need help with releasing my games and its source codes.

2017-03-07 Thread cyberdevoper

Hi guys

As you may know i have already wrote about my game series.I did got audience  
for them on various websites,however since i do not want my software to go to  
waste and do want to provide the source code back,what would be the best way  
to go with?

Should i for example,release 2 out of 3 games together with the source code  
and crowdfund the third one,if i would be releasing source code in  
general,would dual licence be OK?

I am OK with sharing however where GPL does not go in my case is making money  
out of it,so for example i would use one of the CC licences to provide  
sharing while if someone do want to use another type of licence and make an  
economy out if it he would purchase the rights for licence of his choice.

Can you tell me what you think about the ideas in general and if you can  
provide me more help regarding this problem.

Here is the link for one of my games

Regards and have a nice day 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-22 Thread cyberdevoper
Guys,i was just browsing on MiniFree website and i seen that they have device  
on pre order


Price is over the top on my opinion,but i can not see the guide if i have  
x220 on my own.Can someone explain me what is this all about,how can we find  
out which devices will be covered by LibreBoot in the future,were there any  
announcements and how do they communicate with their users?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-22 Thread cyberdevoper
I think that X60 would be good enough since i could try to pull off the LCD  
screen and use keyboard only,for example something like commodore,and use  
mounted monitor into the wall as a display.

Now i am not aware of which CPUs are compatible with Libreboot or with  
specific Lenovo laptop named from the MiniFree so i am still gonna research  
on this topic.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-22 Thread cyberdevoper

Let me explain about the pricing :

I am not within the states or the EU zone,so for example if Laptop with  
LibreBoot cost 500$add extra 50$ for shipping,40$ taxes(in case of DHL for  
customs)590$ total and on top of that 30% for import taxes to the  
country.Just on taxes alone i would have to pay almost 200$.On amazon.com  
most of the models mentioned can be purchased for average price of 120$,on  
amazon.com i can use P.O box for shipping,and i can hire company within the  
states to lend the P.O box where they can ship device to me via UPS which is  
cheaper variant.So in total it would be 120$+25 for UPS =145$ and 30$is  
almost 200$.So the amount for whole device on amazon would be just paying for  
taxes if i would purchase device from technoetic or minifree.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-22 Thread cyberdevoper

I don't have raspberry pi or beagleboard at the moment.
I don't think that procedure itself would be too hard,and yes power is  
crucial for the device(CPU on board and RAM/SSD which i would upgrade later.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-19 Thread cyberdevoper
I will be using it more as a desktop PC rather than a laptop so battery does  
not matter,the same as the screen size.

Taking it out,probably on crucial times so battery life,screen size would not  

What would matter is docking station for additional inputs,express card if  
usable in this time and if drivers are available.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you play games with a libre engine but proprietary data? Any advice? What are some of the ethical pitfall?

2017-02-19 Thread cyberdevoper


This is tricky part.For example Frogatto game is actually an engine  
itself(Anura).So engine is Libre and if you use their engine you wrap and  
ship the game with the engine itself,but their license do provide you freedom  
to make separate license (may be proprietary)for images and audio files which  
is case in the Frogatto game.

I would recommend you to go to every dev framework and game engine website  
and join their communities as there are many developers that releases their  
games Libre together with its resources(CC licenses ,GPL licenses etc).

Now overall its hard to find them if you would just use search on github,many  
use personal sources and/or dev environment (which is usually Libre)is  
available to be installed and game to be run upon the dev environment  

There are many games to play to,and once i finally create my own website i am  
gonna list them since LGDB don't really do the best job and its hard to get  
around.And most importantly ,collect the actual data and share just in case  
it get lost in the dark.


[Trisquel-users] Lenovo thinkapds(LibreBoot )buying guide

2017-02-19 Thread cyberdevoper


I am interested to buy one of the Lenovo laptops that are LibreBoot  
compatible.I can not afford pre loaded laptops as they are usually more  
expensive and due to such large price import taxes are in mind.Just paying  
for taxes would cost me like the laptop itself purchased from amazon.com

Now since i am gonna do the procedure on my own(install LibreBoot and  
Trisquel) and upgrades later on(RAM,SSD,CPU maybe later on)which Laptop  
should i buy.

Lenovo ThinkPad X60/X60s
Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet
Lenovo ThinkPad T60
Lenovo ThinkPad X200
Lenovo ThinkPad R400
Lenovo ThinkPad T400
Lenovo ThinkPad T500

Keep in mind that i am not interested in display size,as i am gonna use  
external monitor display,docking station may be useful(just interested if  
port is open/libre and functional).
Also i seen express card slots and since they are old interested to know if  
they are also compatible and usable at this time?
I am interested to use the machine for 2D game development (Javascript)and in  
general for HTML5,CSS3,JS.

Also for regular media use etc etc.

What would be the easiest way to set up,which laptops from the above and why?

Thank you in advance guys,you helped a lot already,this is the final step for  
me to officially join the community.


[Trisquel-users] Need help with safe partitioning (making files non recoverable)

2017-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper


I was just interested if i would install GNU/linux distro of personal choice  
and use in partition software to delete partitions,create new partition  
table(if possible) and re create partition with different size would this  
make files non recoverable to HDD/SSD or i would need to use specialized  
distro/bootable software for example parted magic to manage partitions and  
install OS afterwards?

Regards ;_)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2017-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper
All accusations stated by Leah would be fine if he/she claimed all of the  
following before her position was personally threatened .

At this position all claims states that personal reasoning is all that  
matters and all stated would be fine if personal subjection had not been  

Welcome to the real world.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2017-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper
I think that i will wait for a while and see if some of the new devices would  
come to the market.

I dont know if i am too skeptical and i would not have a problem buying more  
than 10 year old laptop if it was new inside a box never opened ,but i never  
buy used stuff,its just personal rule that i made for myself.

Maybe my reasoning is wrong on this one but time will tell,however soon stock  
will do run out,at least it is my personal opinion,i do not have real numbers  
at my hands.

Regards and thanks for help

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper
I did noticed,and actually thought to support EOMA68 because it is not  
expensive and seemed like a good idea.
I did found out about possible flaw in bootloader,is there anything else that  
is wrong with the computer card(standard and actual card)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper

Also i would like to ask you about Devuan.

They are representing themself as an Libre OS with 4 essential freedoms on  
their website,however they are not endorsed by the FSF.

Are they really Libre or do they provide blobs like Debian too,just with init  
in it instead of systemd?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper

It is because the goal that is behind it.
Imagine having a person that stole 10 000 000$ dollars from poor people  
organising 100 000$ charity event.Should you praise him for making that  
charity event,or defy it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper

I have to say that you do have to look at price point.
It is not the same if you are out of EU zone and do want to purchase the  
hardware inside of the EU or within the US.
For example taxes on the laptop from any Libre vendors that cost for example  
700euros would take me between 30% to 40%(200 euros for example) onto the  
taxes to come in,while if i would decide to purchase device that has windows  
from amazon(same hardware) would cost me 150euros(lets say 200 euros in total  
with taxes).So in total with only tax difference gain from Libre vendor i  
would have whole device from proprietary ones.It is not that i am trying to  
say to deny to support people that are trying to do the good work,its just  
that it is really hard to get the shipping and taxes to work out for  
The best example of cheap proprietary computing would be baytrail and  
cherrytrail devices and its availability ,however this is story for itself  
and another topic in its own manner.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper
There are many plans that i have in mind,i had tried many different things  
and i am working on releasing the full projects for my games,this is why i  
pointed out on HTML5,since it is the code itself rather than an port with  
compiled code that can not be seen.
I made 3 games as a part of the series,i did got audience,but what i did not  
liked,people came,played game and left.I simple don't see that working out  
for me.One of the main reasons for me being a part of the Libre community is  
to deny to treat software as a toilet paper.

I did tried many marketing methods,in game companies etc,but the way is to be  
what you are and to show what you do.So my games will be shared,i will make  
my own website explaining full story about myself and how i entered into game  
development,why i did and how did i found out about Libre software and how  
other people see it in a non understanding world.

Take a note that i did learned a lot in theory so i could achieve  
understanding,and there is much more on the actual hard work to do.
I started from GUI transcompilers that i have used,and it took me so much  
time to chose and see why HTML5/CSS3/JS is a right choice for a Libre  
software.I am not depended on the OS,not loosing time for packaging(not that  
i am not gonna do it,just mentioning)and making the code to run on most of  
machines.You can chose between many rendering engines(spidermonkey,V8 as  
open/libre ones,same for html and css)you can chose the browser(Firefox based  
and similar,Chromium based)or you can use V8 with QML and QT where you can  
extend the functionality if needed.Then you can chose OS of your choice and  
finally the architecture.

Web browsers are only large collection of software that is crucial and will  
never miss on libraries to run on,not become obsolete or have dependencies  
issue,library conflict.Imagine that some day distro drop the support of your  
choice,how much time would be spent to move all code to another one,just  
because single .sh as a executable is not widely used and software is  
packaged instead.

There are many topics and i do have a day job,it takes time and will to  
do,learn ,work ,make,create.

I hope you understand and will stick with me,after all i am here as you are  
for the same purpose and its goal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper


Thank you for playing.
Before i decided which dev environment would be my main focus and why i had  
to test a lot of different things and collect large amount of theory  
knowledge so i could understand the technology and hardware behind it.
My main concern with hardware was the optimisation ,so many were not  
optimised for GNU/linux and i did assumed that probably much more better  
optimization Libre powered laptops could have since they are completely clean  
out of blobs and has been worked on for a long time.
My main flaw is that i can not see data on the performance,lack of video  
tutorials from the vendors itself and other people using it.

Also i may point out that i did used to 17inch laptops,however i can purchase  
smaller one and use additional display.

I hope you liked the game,there are more coming.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread cyberdevoper
Thank you for sharing the info about minifree.I did recently found out about  
Technoetic i would definitely spread the word about it.

[Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 ,T400,C201 needs some help

2016-12-25 Thread cyberdevoper

Hi everyone

I would like to purchase one of the libre hardware officially supported PCs  
and i was waiting for a quite some time and i think that i am probably  
getting one in 2017 however i would need some performance test help in order  
to see if it would work for me.
I am indie game developer and i am interested to see performance of my games  
on these machines.
Now these games are Libre (still not fully released) and they served me as a  
test to see my own personal skills,see my direction in game development,test  
the market etc.
Long story short,there is HTML5 port that i would like from you to try on,and  
there is native .sh export compiled on Debian Stable so it can work on most  
machines,however that is not my main point of interest at this point since i  
did not released native code at this point(GUI transcompiler was used for  
game development).

Regarding the devices my main device of interest is Asus Notebook C201,which  
i can see that minifree listed and started to sell officially as a certified  
device which i am glad to hear,however i would like to see the performance on  
X200 and T400 laptops too,or some similar ones.

Please download from
Patformer (HTML5-fullscreen)NoAds Version-It is browser scalable where you  
can scale the resolution and test the performance based on it.

If you need more info and you are unsure to help,please message me  
I will have special thread for my games soon so this thread is mainly for the  
performance side of things.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

[Trisquel-users] Question about EOMA68 Libre Tea Computer Card (RYF)

2016-11-14 Thread cyberdevoper


If you are not familiar with the product,please look down below.

I never used to own arm in miniPC form (except for non usable android  
phones).I thought that it would be a good idea to switch my off job  
computing(personal development)to total libre computing platform.
Now i never bought none of RYF laptops provided by GNU.org,simply they are  
old laptops that corroded long time ago(my opinion at least) and this is  
first time that we have a chance to have new manufactured RYF certified PC.

I am interested in web development with accent on JS(besides html/html5 and  
css/css3) and interested in performance of the components inside the board.I  
done various software in GUI game engines and didn't wanted to make mistake  
when deciding on code that i will spent most of my time on.I decided to go  
with web option simply because there are more than 1 runner for the code and  
more than 1 platform that more than 1 runner can be run on.

If MALI GPU opensource driver is not available in Libre Tea Computer Card how  
much would i be able to get on the performance?Now my target resolution would  
be half of the fullHD(960x540)for the JS games running in Canvas2D or  
WebGL(2D games mainly)with 30FPS.

Also if we do have only microSD card as an option how much would speed be  
degraded compared to eMMC chip or something similar?

Regards and have a nice day ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-04-15 Thread cyberdevoper
Thank you for this one,i really didn't knew that firmware can make such a  
problem,thought that it goes together with open source driver as a all  
together package!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-04-15 Thread cyberdevoper
Just checked the chromebook and to be honest thats just what i need.It will  
have to wait some time until i actually purchase it because i have problem  
with the setup:

2 units of 17 inch laptops
2 units of smart android boxes
1 unit  of baytrail mini PC
And a lot and i mean a lot of peripherals

Sadly my room is not that big so having all this connected is not possible  
yet so i usually swap or use couch as an additional desk if needed !

Once that problem is solved Chromebook is a way to go!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper

Please re read my original post where i was talking on which driver i use.

I use open source drivers on my newest Ubuntu LTS and compared to trisquel  
drivers ,well,its not comparable at all.

Thats why i was asking about OS development,are they just supporting  
particular hardware,because there are free drivers out there,and they just  
dont seem to want to implement them to me,or simply development of trisquel  
is too slow,i just want to know what is happening here?

Please re read original post!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper


This is why i see free BIOS as really important component of the PC,but so  
far OS with BIOS OS does not seam to bond itself properly.

Its hard to find all in one solution,i am really truing to dig something up.

I am sick of having to run BIOS update,only way for update through windows  
and .exe ,BIOS having tons of different updates,corrections,even can  
normalize workflow,OEMs does not give a crap at least providing errata page  
about BIOS update itself,i dont like it at all

I will keep you posted !


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper


Its just weird to me.I am trying to grasp what is happening here.

On gnu.org and fsf.org we have hardware database of hardware which is non  
free but marked as free and opensource,but at the same time,we have hardware  
vendors list that sell GNU/linux endorsed distros ,which use non free  

In this situation,are they OK by using it?Please take look at the links  

GNu list
Please take a note about this website inside gnu list
And take a look at their components on their laptops

Now FSF list
one of their supported hardwaare list
Does recommend Linux Mind and other ubuntu Distros,also take a look at  
hardware specs

Now we are coming to most interesting part

Single board computers:

List of all SBC marked as non free hardware,but actually original devs and  
creators claim that its free

Its not a full list,but i dug out some board that seems legit,active  
manufacturing and FREE


Now if someone could take a look at the components and check if everything is  
FREE,that would be great.

To me ,its seems really good,what do you think guys

I found out their original model among the others have coreboot,you can  
locate it here


Now what i dont understand,they also dont seem to endorse GNU/linux official  
distro list,they do recommend Ubuntu and Debian among the others.

Keep me posted and let me know what did you find out?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper

I just think i found something


Still looking into it.

If you see some proprietary component,please let me know!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper

Yes they do rot ;-]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper
I am using opensource drivers(at least marked as such in Ubuntu)and they are  
great and they are hardware accelerated.

Please re read original post.

Also if they are just marked that way and actually contains some proprietary  
non free software,please let me know!


[Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper



I was looking at the website gnu.org and i seen this laptops as one of the  
recommended 100% FREEDOM hardware.

Now what i found online is that CPU,GPU and all other components are old,and  
some people say that those laptops are actually rip OFFS of lenovo laptops.

I started to do deeper research and i seen that these laptops are completely  
cracked down,their hardware unlocked 100%.

Now what weird to me is where they get hardware from?Are they running their  
own manufacturing,or are they old lenovo laptops that were took long time ago  
and never sold out,and now they are being sold as libre laptops???

When it comes to these kind of websites,old look does not mean anything,and i  
am trying to grasp what is actually happening here.

I didnt contacted official sellers yet,i am planning doing so,and i seen that  
a lot of people here have these laptops so if they could provide more  
info,that would be great.


I guess that OS like trisquel are actually made for this kind of  
hardware,because i tried it on my new laptop(2013 manufacturing year,one of  
the first Richland based AMDs APU with R7 M260 graphics)and my graphics card  
performance on both GPU and APU was 5% which is disaster.

Now seeing newest ubuntu LTS 14.04.3,and its drivers that are great,hardware  
accelerated,openGL performance works the same as on windows ,closedsource are  
faster to be honest,much more,and even better performance on openGL rendering  
with Ubuntu than on WIndows,but they have some bugs and were causing my  
laptop to freeze at random so i decided to keep free drivers.

Now seeing this not available in trisquel at all,even if its free,i am  
interested in buying some supported hardware,but i dont want to buy old peace  
of crap that is sitting on some shelf for 8 years.

I get that model itself is old,but is actual manufacturing of those  
components finished long time ago,or this is new manufactured hardware ready  
to be sold as a piece of freedom hardware for freedom software???


Re: [Trisquel-users] Question about libreboot T400 and X200 laptops

2016-02-07 Thread cyberdevoper

Thanks for the info

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Baytrail based PC-s

2015-10-15 Thread cyberdevoper

Hi again

Just wanted to make an update

I found out that some new chipset is included in Linux kernel 4.2 and some  
independent distros were there based on RedHat for Baytrail systems.

We should expect full support(or at least at some extent)in Ubuntu 15.10 and  
other upcoming distros releases.

More on this topics




Windows is only there for porting my games to that platform,i dont really  
have any intention of using it longer than it needs for project/game to be  
compiled and tested!

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Baytrail based PC-s

2015-09-26 Thread cyberdevoper


I have Ainol mini PC with intel z3735f based CPU

I have trying to install Ubuntu based distros(Not trisquel so far)on Micro SD  
cards by adding 32bit grub in boot section on the USB3.0 flash drive.

Goal was to create dualboot environment(eMMC for windows and Micro SD card  
for ubuntu based distro) .

As someone who didn't used windows since XP i decided to buy one of these  
PC-s because Windows 8.1 is last OS that will not be able to penetrate  
personal data as Windows 10 can(by license at least) .

As windows 8.1 with bing and firmware provided so i can rollback anytime was  
a pretty good deal,also hearing that BIOS have a lot of features was a good  
deal too ,however there are some catch in this.

64bit CPU on 32bit UEFI with 64bit OS.

No legacy boot option inside.

So far i had success to access OS but wifi wasnt visible and Setup was  
extremely slow and always breaks.

Any ideas what can i do