Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre Windows 7-like theme for GNOME 3?

2013-09-15 Thread gp

Maybe use things from this Chinese distribution called Deepin.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best free forum software - phpBB, Simple Machines, or MyBB?

2013-08-31 Thread gp
If you want something extremely simple and pro-GPL, you can try  
Wordpress+bbpress :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] XMPP or SIP Account

2013-08-15 Thread gp

Maybe try for SIP.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A libre Courier font saved my rush

2013-08-15 Thread gp
Wow.. thank you so much for sharing this. It's great that there are people  
making great Free alternatives to omnipresent proprietary fonts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You might be using a google name server

2013-08-10 Thread gp
I haven't had the time to do this yet.. though I do want to, as soon as I can  

Re: [Trisquel-users] You might be using a google name server

2013-08-08 Thread gp
I've been using OpenNIC for a while, but it doesn't resolve the government  
websites in my country, so I use OpenDNS as a secondary DNS server.

Re: [Trisquel-users] B1 Free Archiver

2013-08-06 Thread gp
It looks like they produce a free software tool called b1pack available here I checked the license headers of a few  
files and it's Apache. Basically it means that the underlying library and  
commandline tool are Free, but the main application is not(no mention of  
anything like that, and no links to source code).

Re: [Trisquel-users] is powertop easy to use?

2013-07-29 Thread gp
You can try TLP instead of PowerTop. It's supposed to be better

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your movies?

2013-06-13 Thread gp
You can use the command-line program youtube-dl. It's available in the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Penguin GNU / Linux Laptop /w 1920x1080 Matte Screen Now Shipping

2013-05-31 Thread gp
This is awesome. I'm saving for a new laptop, and this is the perfect machine  
for me(with the i7 :D). But I have a few questions.

1. Can I get one with a dvorak keyboard?
2. What are the approximate shipping charges to India? Also, do I have to pay  
the 36% custom tax like I have to do on most imported things?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Penguin GNU / Linux Laptop /w 1920x1080 Matte Screen Now Shipping

2013-05-31 Thread gp
Whoa.. so the $1500 laptop is going to cost me around 1900. And I was  
suddenly so happy :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where are the Open Source erotic/porn games for GNU/Linux?

2013-05-18 Thread gp
Well most Free Softwre projects have started by developing 'scratching their  
own itch', so you are free to start such a project. Launchpad is a great  
platform for project hosting(and it's free software itself). Heck even I  
would help as I'm into 3d graphics and stuff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] new laptop

2013-05-16 Thread gp

GNOME == GNU Network Object Model Environment :P :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Change the Default Internet Browser for Iron Browser

2013-05-15 Thread gp
Last year I took it upon myself to clean up th licensing problems with  
Chromium, but the source is so messed up with multitude of files in multiple  
directories, with different, unclear licenses, and many of them without any  
licensing information at all. Many files are there which have comments  
suggesting they were reverse-engineered from the Win32 api. Removing folders  
pertaining to other platforms resulted in failed builds. That's why I finally  
gave up.

Maybe the condition has improved, maybe not. I'm thinking about taking it up  
again as soon as I sort out my own life.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Themes in Trisquel

2013-04-26 Thread gp

Trisquel uses gtk3.4, so be sure you get a theme that's compatible :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Times New Roman, compulsory?

2013-04-05 Thread gp
I've faced a similar situation before, the only difference is that I went on  
a 'thermonuclear war' with the university administration citing Fundamental  
Rights, human rights, unconstitutional behaviour and such things. They had to  
change the instructions to include 'Times New Roman or a similar serif font'.

I'm aware that not everyone has the time or inspiration to do such a thing,  
but fortunately there are alternatives. The best will be to use the  
Liberation Serif, or Tinos from chromium projet(under the Apache license).  
The latter has better hinting and more glyphs, including cryllic and others.

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-10 Thread gp
I agree with most of your points, but not on using MATE. MATE is built using  
gtk2 and is incompatible with upstream gnome. And as gtk3 progressess, it'll  
keep getting older and older. One viable solution is to use Consort, which is  
built off of gnome 3.6 fallback, and is compatible with upstream gnome. They  
have just forked the basic required components such as the panel, wm and file  
manager. The maintainer also aims to bring some old gnome2 features to  
Consort, like the places menu and such. So it's a logical choice to use that  
instead of MATE.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

2013-02-12 Thread gp
One particular environment to watch out for is Consort from the SolusOS guy.  
It's basically a fork of gnome's fallback components but the goals are pretty  
good , like porting metacity to gtk3, real transparency in panel, old places  
and system menus in panel, and so on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Right time to insist on your friends ditching Facebook and Skype for WebRTC!

2013-02-12 Thread gp
I was he fuy who started out with this. I did document a whole lot but life  
happened(If you know what I mean).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu One

2012-08-20 Thread gp
there is a desktop client available for owncloud, so you could run your own  
server instance or get an account at one of the hosted services.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing the default image viewer

2012-07-20 Thread gp
I think there's a setting for defaul applications in System Settings in the  
System Info section.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Poll: Interest in a usable free software friendly phone?

2012-07-03 Thread gp
I was thinking about designing such a portable Free Software device, but from  
scratch. I'm not really sure about the OS, though Maemo looks like a nice  
choice, better than Replicant IMHO. The target board to use is but it hasn't started shipping yet. I  
believe that such a phone can be targeted towards students, Free Software  
Supporters, and in my case, visually impaired people. I strongly think that a  
cheap computing device such as this is really needed in a world where there  
are people who need to do basic tasks and dont need Apps so much.

P.S. My goal is to keep it under $150.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Poll: Interest in a usable free software friendly phone?

2012-07-03 Thread gp
I just read the article about Firefox OS phones being launched in Brazil.  
This seems like a nice thing, although I doubt any of those phones will be as  
Freedom friendly as we need. Most common issues might be regarding drivers  
for the GSM modem and WiFi chip. Though I believ it would be possible to run  
it on an A10 CPU with a reverse-engineered MALI400 GPU and some trickery.
The main thing is, we need a working screen reader and a daisy book reader  
for the project, and if those are available for Firefox OS, it'll be awesome  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-06-10 Thread gp
I've just completed my studies and I'm looking for a job. So I'll be able to  
be a member once I get a job and some money starts coming. :)

I'm quite proficient in HTML, CSS, PHP and Wordpress, but those look like  
common things and a lot of people here might have those. I also do some gtk  
themeing and I'm currently doing the Trisquel theme for gtk3.
I'm learning vala for gtk application development but it's in very early  

I know Hindi, that's my mother tongue, and I'll be happy to translate the  
website :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you configure the login image?

2012-06-10 Thread gp

You can go to User Accounts in System Settings and change the photo there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] is 0ad gpl licenced?

2012-05-28 Thread gp see the licenses there. it  
seems to be gpl and lgpl for some parts,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Synapse by default in the next Trisquel versions

2012-04-30 Thread gp
I've been using Synapse since it was introduced and I must say that I  
absolutely love it. I support icarolongo's suggestion to include it by  
default in the next Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Would you be interested in a trisquel-unity metapackage?

2012-04-24 Thread gp

Thank you for your kind words :)
As far as Unity is concerned, the current Trisquel theme should work with it.  
There's only a small issue in unity-2d, where the buttons on the panel are  
ugly, but that's a known bug in unity-2d. And if you and other guys  
interested can test and find out any bugs, I'll fix theme as soon as I can :)

P.S. I have no understanding of gtk2 themeing :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 STS Brigantia release announcement

2012-04-17 Thread gp

Congrats to Ruben and all Trisquellions for this release :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] YAFERBIU Yet Another 'Free' Extensions Repos B****** It Up

2012-04-06 Thread gp

From the GPL FAQ

If a program released under the GPL uses plug-ins, what are the requirements  
for the licenses of a plug-in? (#GPLAndPlugins)

It depends on how the program invokes its plug-ins. If the program uses  
fork and exec to invoke plug-ins, then the plug-ins are separate programs, so  
the license for the main program makes no requirements for them.

If the program dynamically links plug-ins, and they make function calls  
to each other and share data structures, we believe they form a single  
program, which must be treated as an extension of both the main program and  
the plug-ins. This means the plug-ins must be released under the GPL or a  
GPL-compatible free software license, and that the terms of the GPL must be  
followed when those plug-ins are distributed.

If the program dynamically links plug-ins, but the communication between  
them is limited to invoking the ‘main’ function of the plug-in with some  
options and waiting for it to return, that is a borderline case.

Re: [Trisquel-users] YAFERBIU Yet Another 'Free' Extensions Repos B****** It Up

2012-04-04 Thread gp
As far as I can say these extensions can be considered as derivative work and  
will have to be under the same license as gnome-shell, i.e. gplv2.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Trisquel 100% of the Time

2012-03-26 Thread gp
ununrar provides an interface to unar so it can be used by file-roller and  
such programs which previously used unrar. It basically allows you to open  
and extract rars through file-roller using unar as backend.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with facebook video ( flash player)

2012-03-20 Thread gp
yes, those videos worked with linterna magica installed, last time i checked.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with facebook video ( flash player)

2012-03-19 Thread gp

facebook videos should work with Linterna Magica.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why arent the Liberation fonts in the default install?

2012-03-17 Thread gp
I think it's largely a personal choice. BTW I'm currently using PT Sans  
Caption and I find it to be much better than Droid and Deja Vu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why arent the Liberation fonts in the default install?

2012-03-17 Thread gp

pt sans isn't in the repo. I downloaded it from google webfonts svn :D
you can download all google webfonts at

P.S. pt sans is under the SIL open font license

Re: [Trisquel-users] Disturbance at the microphone

2012-03-17 Thread gp

open alsamixer and try reducing mic boost :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why arent the Liberation fonts in the default install?

2012-03-16 Thread gp

If you set hinting to none or Slight, Droid fonts look much better .

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF approved BSD

2012-03-11 Thread gp

It's great if you support GPL :D
And the companies like Apple that don't allow GPLd software on their stores  
are just afraid of it taking over the world :D :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF approved BSD

2012-03-10 Thread gp

Oh sorry... That was a reply for t3g. I should've quoted him there. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please keep Trisquel 5.5 CD-R size

2012-03-08 Thread gp
Ubuntu ships two different DEs written in two different toolkits and that's  
the reason their iso is large. I think we can easily keep it under 700.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mate Desktop Enviroment and Trisquel 5.5

2012-03-07 Thread gp
Well I'm not officially 'on the team', just helping out :) Helps increase my  
feelgood factor :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 Brigantia beta images ready for testing

2012-03-07 Thread gp
you should really change your window-borders to the Trisquel ones. these look  
awful with the theme.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mate Desktop Enviroment and Trisquel 5.5

2012-03-06 Thread gp

This is what my desktop with gnome-fallback looks like.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 Brigantia beta images ready for testing

2012-03-05 Thread gp
I think all menus have the same class in gtk3 so it might not be possible,  
but still, I'm trying to make it black.

Re: [Trisquel-users] display issue

2012-03-05 Thread gp
That is a very common issue with Nvidia cards and multiple displays.You might  
want to install the latest kernel and/or the latest nouveau driver.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advice on free software web analytics

2012-03-05 Thread gp

I believe webalizer is a good one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 Brigantia beta images ready for testing

2012-03-03 Thread gp
Unity2d has a major bug that renders ugly buttons in the titlebar for any  
theme other than Ambiance and Radiance. That is a real show stopper for me,  
but otherwise I like Unity-2d.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-01 Thread gp
It really depends on what you intend to do with your system.If you'll install  
a *lot* of applications and games etc, then go with this

/ root partition ~25gb
/home home partition rest of it

if you just use your computer for daily work, 15gb is more than enough for  
the root partition ( / ) .

For the swap, it should always be more than your RAM.
If you have less than 1gb, add 1gb to it and that'll be your swap.
If you havearound 2gb, double it.
If you have 4gb or more, add 1gb to it.
If you have something colossal like 16gb or something, you better have  
something like a 20gb swap :P

Please ask if you have any problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on the Raspberry Pi

2012-02-26 Thread gp
There's a similar device which strives to be free hardware too. It's called  
Allwinner A10. See

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on ZaReason’s Alto 3880

2012-02-20 Thread gp
Flashvideoreplacer supports a number of websites. See the compatibility page

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] OpenID providers ?

2012-02-19 Thread gp
Launchpad provides an OpenID service. Also if you have a blog at, you get an OpenID with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Main page bug?

2012-02-19 Thread gp

Press Ctrl+Shift+J and look for any errors.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any alpha or beta images of 5.5 to test?

2012-02-10 Thread gp

Is the panel accessible from the keyboard? I think not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Would you be interested in a trisquel-unity metapackage?

2012-02-06 Thread gp

A matching gtk3 theme is in testing phase.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Copyright and free software

2012-02-02 Thread gp
Copyright is misunderstood. In fact it is copyright that makes free software  
possible. The free licences like GPL are based on copyright. Copyright  
protects the author's rights, the right to release his work under the terms  
he wishes, and to enforce his rights when someone violates the terms of  
Without copyright, the GPL and similar licenses will have no meaning, and the  
software would be either public domain or proprietary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] helping your parents to figure it out

2012-01-29 Thread gp
You can try Share your Desktop option in Empathy while using a  
Jabber/Googletalk account. Perhaps the simplest option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tablets

2012-01-26 Thread gp
I believe a tablet based on MIPS will be a lot cheaper than one based on  
Atom. You could use Parabola GNU/Linux, which is another great fully free  
distro and maintains a mipsel64 port. You could use some version of  
enlightenment with the Illume UI option built into it.
Though I'm in no position to spend any money right now, I really wish we have  
a real Free Software tablet in the market.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any one suggest a free alternative to teamviewer?

2012-01-24 Thread gp

+1 to that. I used a few weeks ago to help a friend who was new to GNU/Linux

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web (shared)hosting with free software values

2012-01-07 Thread gp
I need such a company too. I currently host on Znet, but they, like many  
others, aren't libre enough.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to repair Trisquel

2011-12-31 Thread gp
Which file is missing, and what problem is it causing. Most common way is to  
reinstall the package to which the file belongs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System 76 Gazelle Professional compatible with Trisquel ?

2011-12-28 Thread gp
If you wish to do any 3d related work on a fully free system then Intel  
graphic cards are the only choice right now. The newer intel cards like the  
i5 and i7 have a new technology called Sandy Bridge which places improved  
graphics support in the CPU itself instead of a Northbridge. These processors  
are well supported in newer versions of the Linux kernel(you can use the  
fsfla repo to upgrade your Linux-libre kernel). I dont have such a system or  
I could test it for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another reason to not trust Oracle and non-free software

2011-12-20 Thread gp
I think Oracle has done a wise thing by basing the latest RI(Reference  
Implementation) of Java on OpenJDK. This means that OpenJdk is no longer the  
less-capable java clone, but the real standard implementation, so all  
programs written with 'standard' java in mind will run flawlessly on OpenJDK.  
This is a big win for Free Software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Customizing Trisquel .iso -- problem w/ chroot

2011-12-07 Thread gp
Are you running an amd64 version as the host OS? It seems from the error that  
you're trying to create a 64 bit chroot on a 32 bit system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Start Up Disk Creator App?

2011-12-05 Thread gp
Download this application . It works  
under windows and can create live usb drives from the iso.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom Trisquel ISO?

2011-11-25 Thread gp
If you just want some options like those stored in your home directory then  
you can copy your home directory's content to /etc/skel of the custom iso's  
filesystem, as these get copied to a new users home directory at the  
installation time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser's user-agent string

2011-10-23 Thread gp

I agree, we should have both firefox and abrowser in the user-agent string.

Re: [Trisquel-users] AI Furby-Like Creature

2011-10-23 Thread gp

some Free speech recognition systems

As Magic Banana said, speech recognition is a very complex and one of the  
most difficult areas of software, which requires large number of experts(and  
lots of money) to develop. So don't expect to find a perfect solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wiki spammers

2011-10-23 Thread gp

Please send this to the dev mailinglist, or even better, file a bug.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Documentation Collaboration Needed - Any programmers please get in touch with me

2011-10-11 Thread gp
You are not supposed to compile this by hand, but by using GNU autotools.  
There is a script called configure in the main 'hello-2.7' directory, which  
when run, generates a config.h file. Compilation is to be done through the  
make command then.
If you want to just set up a basic programming environment for beginners,  
then it would be better to start off with small standalone C programs.

As for the documentation, consider me in. I'll help as much as I can.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's nominate Ruben for the Award for the Advancement of Free Software

2011-10-05 Thread gp

yea yea yea.. :D let's do it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] what the heck do i do with tar.gz files?

2011-10-05 Thread gp
+1 for checkinstall. I always use it if i have to build something from  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A suggestion for a campaign

2011-10-02 Thread gp

Great idea. How do we get started?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compiz-plugins-extra wants to uninstall compiz!

2011-10-01 Thread gp
compiz-plugins are from the 0.9 series while compiz-fusion plugins are from  
Actually I have no problem in installing the package compiz-plugins-extra.  
Have you checked all updates are installed? You might still want to try this:

sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra

that should solve the problem. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thunderbird

2011-09-27 Thread gp

There you go..

This is the latest stable source package. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot Get To Bottom Panel with Accessibility

2011-09-23 Thread gp

I think it should be metacity instead of nautilus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thunderbird

2011-09-22 Thread gp

If anybody wants to help, just add to this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thunderbird

2011-09-21 Thread gp
I've downloaded and started reading the whole source tree for chromium. I  
think I'll post my findings in a new thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should future releases have Modern (Gnome 3/Unity) and Classic desktops?

2011-09-19 Thread gp
All gtk3 work that I do is done on Parabola GNU/Linux. It uses slightly older  
version of gtk3 and I can only compile a specific revision of the unico theme  
engine. The versions in 11.10 allow more features in the theme but underlying  
thing is the same.
I also considered installing Ubuntu 11.10 beta with linux-libre but it'll  
need  a lot of time to compile the kernel and clean up the install (I'm a  
stubborn purist :P ). Maybe i'll go with 32 bit, I believe 32 bit binaries of  
linux-libre are available for ubuntu.
Whatever be the case, I'll deinitely do it soon, probably near this Ubuntu  

P.S. I'm one of those GNOME-Shell people :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.0 - Plymouth Acting Strange?

2011-09-19 Thread gp
You should install fusion-icon. It helps easy switching between metacity and  
compiz(and other window managers if you've installed them)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.0 LTS alpha images ready for testing

2011-09-17 Thread gp
I was going to write a full testing report of triskel but unfortunately I'm  
not getting enough time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unknown file system/Grub rescue: WTH?

2011-09-16 Thread gp
I've dealt with such problems many times when I was starting out with  
GNU/Linux 4 years ago. I think the best solution for you is:

* Copy all data from sda7 to another partition

* Delete sda7 and sda6(if it doesn,t allow you then right click and select  
'swap off'

* Resize sda5 to extend on the right(DO NOT extend any partition to left,  
it'll take HOURS and will be counter-productive)

* Resize the extended partition sda4 all the way to right. Create new  
partitions for swap and home(as much as you require)

* Resize sda3 to the right(if ntfs allows that) to reclaim that ~5 gb space.

I hope it helps. Some things to note

* You cannot resize or move xfs partitions, only way to do that is backup,  
delete and recreate

* NEVER resize a partition to the left if it has ANY data on it.

* NEVER give up :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should future releases have Modern (Gnome 3/Unity) and Classic desktops?

2011-09-14 Thread gp
I'll send it to the devel mailinglist as soon as its usable. Right now i'm  
fiddling with ever-changing unico engine :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should future releases have Modern (Gnome 3/Unity) and Classic desktops?

2011-09-09 Thread gp

Thanks for the link.
Trisquel's default theme is built on equinox, and i've already nearly ported  
it to gtk3(only the scrollbars aren't done, coz it's not possible to  
replicate those using css only)

I'll add the required files for unity too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should future releases have Modern (Gnome 3/Unity) and Classic desktops?

2011-09-05 Thread gp
I'm currently porting the default Trisquel theme to gtk3. I've been working  
on gtk3 for quite some time and I must say it'll be ready in a few das or so.
If you could point to some documentation to making unity themes, I could  
include that as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Be aware of using mesa driver experimental

2011-09-05 Thread gp
My friend has a GeForce 9400M and his system is super stable(only blender  
crashes on right click). I think it's the card that is more or less  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Join the petition asking for This American Life in Ogg Vorbis and help us reach 5, 000 signatures!

2011-08-25 Thread gp

yea me too. I also sent an email. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptops

2011-08-25 Thread gp
All Acer laptops nowadays have Atheros WLAN which works perfectly with free  
software. I got mine a little early so i got an Intel instead :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adding software-center to repos?

2011-08-16 Thread gp
I have all the intention of doing it, but I'm really busy with my internship.  
If there's nothing done within a week, i would do it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] So painless, did I miss something?

2011-08-15 Thread gp

Congratulations :) and welcome to Freedom!!
Btw which graphic card do u have?? You can try installing  
libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental to enable experimental 3d support(if u feel like  
experimenting ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linterna Magica Installation

2011-07-30 Thread gp
Linterna magica is a userscript and doesn't need steps like configure. If u  
have installed greasemonkey correctly, u just have to click on the link to  
the uncompressed script and it should automatically get installed. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spam filter shenanigans

2011-07-19 Thread gp

Mine were blocked too..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop stickers in gift shop?

2011-07-07 Thread gp
yea i want those too. Also the small ones you could put on the Super key(I  
scratched it to remove the sign of the Satan from it.. :P)

Re: [Trisquel-users] (off topic) Stallman cancels talks in Israel

2011-07-01 Thread gp

spam alert.. !!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposal: PackageKit or Software Center

2011-06-29 Thread gp
Yea the version for maverick is working. I've downloaded the sources for the  
latest version and i'll try to run that today. And i'll certainly ask for  
help if i need it.. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposal: PackageKit or Software Center

2011-06-25 Thread gp

Hey look i got it running on Trisquel :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposal: PackageKit or Software Center

2011-06-25 Thread gp
Exactly. I'll also download the sources for the one in Ubuntu 11.04 so it can  
be done for 5.0 too. It'll be awesome to have this thing in tisquel.. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] make default options / symlink?

2011-06-19 Thread gp

I guess you need to install build-essential package..

Re: [Trisquel-users] AnyDATA ADU-520A broadband USB modem

2011-06-19 Thread gp

You might want to try this when nothing else works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposal: PackageKit or Software Center

2011-06-15 Thread gp
Debian, which now uses the Software Center, has removed the Ubuntu part and  
just called it Software Center. Perhaps we could start from theirs?

I second that. It would be nice to have a better app installer with trisquel  

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