[Trisquel-users] Re : Questions

2012-02-26 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Anyone here using ownCloud?  I set it up on my personal webspace this  
week-end, in the hope of getting rid of Google for good.  It's a promising  
idea but the product still seems buggy and unfinished.  I was mostly  
interested in the Calendar, Bookmarks and Contact apps but they all have  
their issues.  I hope that the next versions will fix most of them.  In the  
meantime, if anyone wants to discuss ownCloud here, I'd be delighted to know  
what your feeling about it is!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Documentation/Publicity help needed.

2012-02-19 Thread rochefort . benjamin
I agree with marioger.  A thank you note would cost nothing and would be  
nice.  I became a member beginning of 2012 and as of today I haven't received  
anything, save for a subscription to the trisquel-members mailing list.   
Maybe the Trisquel USB key is in the mail - I have no way of knowing.  I  
think a little bit of transparency wouldn't hurt, especially since it seems  
to be hard to find members.

For your information, here's the thank you note that you receive when you  
make a donation to Linux Mint:

Dear Donor,

Thank you for helping our project. On behalf of the team and as the founder
of Linux Mint, I would like to express my gratitude for your generous

Although the total income generated through donations and ads doesn't allow
us to gather a team of developers who would work full-time on the
distribution, it helps things a lot. We started advertising on other
websites such as distrowatch.com and we were able to acquire some equipment
to test our distribution in a better and more efficient way. Most of all,
this money allowed the developers to work more hours on the project,
although not full-time, and to put them in a more comfortable situation. The
money gathered also allows us to financially support sub-projects and to
invest in activities which will in turn allow the distribution to grow.

Our project continues to grow thanks to people like you and it's an honour
for us to acknowledge your contribution at
http://www.linuxmint.com/donors.php and as part of our monthly stats, at the
end of month on http://www.linuxmint.com/blog

We listed your donation as 2011-07-24 Canada  Benjamin R. $20.

If you wish to add more information to it (your website address or your
nickname) or if you want to change the way you appear in these listings,
please log in at the following address using the following credentials:


Thank you very much for supporting Linux Mint.


Clement Lefebvre
Linux Mint

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot configure connection settings.

2012-02-10 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Narrow down on the few lines that are about the wireless card.  You'll have  
to type them here, but there won't be much :)).

This link may help you:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot configure connection settings.

2012-02-10 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Purchase a freedom-compatible card, or a USB dongle.  You can find such  
things on thinkpenguin.com for instance (the owner - Chris - is a regular on  
this board, just ask him), on eBay (if you know exactly what to look for),  
other places as well I guess...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ranking the 100% free distributions

2012-02-07 Thread rochefort . benjamin
A pretty worthless blog post if you ask me.  The guy just describes some  
characteristics of the distros.  No comparisons, no analysis.  No rational  
for the ranking.  Did I miss something?  gNewSense #1?  You gotta be kidding  
- the thing hasn't been updated in ages (its status on distrowatch :  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Questions

2012-02-07 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Good to know - I was also looking for some alternatives to skype (ekiga never  
worked for me) and dropbox-like sites.  Merci la banane magique ;).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo Sl410

2012-02-06 Thread rochefort . benjamin

Or a compatible card (from ThinkPenguin, or eBay...).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can anyone tell me if this netbook (w/ Intel GMA 3150) supports 3D acceleration?

2012-01-26 Thread rochefort . benjamin

Thanks Chris for the information about wifi cards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thunderbird

2012-01-25 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Any reason why Thunderbird's version in Trisquel's dagda repository is  
3.1.16, when the latest version is 9.0.1 ?  I understand that we cannot  
provide the latest version of each software, but Thunderbird/Firefox seems to  
be a special case (Trisquel already provides the latest version of Abrowser:  

[Trisquel-users] Can anyone tell me if this netbook (w/ Intel GMA 3150) supports 3D acceleration?

2012-01-24 Thread rochefort . benjamin
As this specific model isn't listed on h-node, I wonder if anyone here can  
answer that question.  The netbook I'm talking about is this one:

Acer Aspire One AOD257-1679 LU.SFV0D.046 Netbook - Intel Atom N570 1.66GHz,  
1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, 10.1 WSVGA, 6-Cell


It has the following specs:
Graphics Description:   Integrated Graphics
GPU/VPU:Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150

I'm quite bummed that the desktop that I purchased a few years ago has an ATI  
graphics card and hence no 3D-acceleration with Trisquel.  I understand that  
Intel integrated graphics cards do not require binary blobs.  So before  
purchasing that netbook, I want to make sure that I won't be disappointed in  
that aspect.  Thanks in advance if you know if Intel GMA 3150 is  
'Trisquel-friendly' or not in terms of 3D-acceleration!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can anyone tell me if this netbook (w/ Intel GMA 3150) supports 3D acceleration?

2012-01-24 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Good news as far as the graphics card is concerned then :).  But the concern  
about the wireless card is worrisome :( - hadn't thought about that...

Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD HD 6310 APU Drivers

2012-01-03 Thread rochefort . benjamin
How hard would it be reverse-engineer this infamous binary blob?  Is it  
technically feasible by someone from the free software community, or almost  
impossible from a technical point of view?  Does the community have all the  
necessary tools / knowledge / etc... or do we lack crucial information that  
makes it an impossible task?

Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD HD 6310 APU Drivers

2012-01-02 Thread rochefort . benjamin
I hadn't heard about that.  Great news!  Is there a list somewhere of the  
graphics chipsets whose specs have been released?  What about Radeon HD4200  
for instance (my card, for which I don't have 3D acceleration with Trisquel).  
 Is there any hope that I will have 3D acceleration with this card one day on  
a fully-free system?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spam filter shenanigans

2011-07-19 Thread rochefort . benjamin
One of my posts was blocked a few days ago.  Looks like it disappeared into a  
black hole :'(.

[Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin

2011-07-14 Thread rochefort . benjamin
This company sells freedom-compatible hardware with Trisquel pre-installed.   
Thought it would be interesting to share.


Do you know of any other?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Plymouth Logo Looks Like A Mess When Booting

2011-06-11 Thread rochefort . benjamin

I'm sure you meant the following for point #3 :


And it does work :).  Actually I finally settled on


because it was a bit too verbose for my taste when 'not quiet'.

Thanks for the help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Plymouth Logo Looks Like A Mess When Booting

2011-06-10 Thread rochefort . benjamin

Hello Magic Banana,

I have the exact same problem than the original poster and would like to  
replace the ugly (because of my ATI card) boot splash by textual boot  
information (as described in your startupmanager link).  I could even live  
with completely hiding it - anything but staring at that monstrosity ;)

I played around with startupmanager but none of my choices seem to make any  
difference.  I expected the following combination to improve the appearance  
at boot, but no such luck :

'Afficher l'animation d'amorcage' : UNCHECK
'Afficher le texte pendant l'amorcage' : UNCHECK

Can you - or anyone else - please help?  Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] FaceBook page?

2011-04-21 Thread rochefort . benjamin
http://www.gnewbook.org/ might be what you're looking for.  I haven't tried  
it so I don't know if it's good or not, but at least the principles seem to  
be sound.

[Trisquel-users] What happened to the boot splash trisquel in 4.5 ?

2011-03-25 Thread rochefort . benjamin
In 4.5 I only see 'Trisquel 4.5' and four dots in the middle of the screen.   
What happened to the nice Trisquel logo?  Has it been removed or should it be  
there and its absence could possibly be related to my ATI graphics card?

I also have an annoying 'Cannot reserve MMIO region' message right in the  
middle of the boot screen, but that seems to be an Ubuntu problem as far as I  
can gather from an Internet search.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What happened to the boot splash trisquel in 4.5 ?

2011-03-25 Thread rochefort . benjamin
OK, so there IS supposed to be a boot splash.  Hmm...  Maybe I will install  
Slaine on my wife's HP laptop (without telling her of course, ha ha).  It has  
an Intel graphics card so I will probably see what I am missing.  I purchased  
my desktop with its ATI card before I became aware of the whole Software  
Freedom philosophy - isn't that sad ;).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5 Slaine released

2011-03-24 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Congratulations and thanks for the hard work!  Looking forward to installing  
it :).

[Trisquel-users] Unable to see any youtube video with 4.5

2011-03-24 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Not a single YouTube video works for me with 4,5 :(.  It worked fine in 4.0,  
the only thing I had to do for that as far as I remember was to set the  
FlashVideoReplacer quality to HIGH.  No such luck with 4.5...  Is anyone able  
to see anything coming form YouTube??  Did you do anything special for that  
(cookies, whatever...).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel be based on Debain in the future?

2011-03-23 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Linux Mint (whose philosophy with regards to Software Freedom is completely  
on the opposite side of the spectrum than ours by the way) is based on  
Ubuntu, but now also provides a Debian-based version : LMDE.  It's based on  
Debian Testing, and from what I understand, is supposed to provide the exact  
same look-and-feel to the end user than the Ubuntu-based versions.  The main  
and important difference is that this is a rolling release : install it once  
and you'll never have to do it again!  I suppose that you also get newer  
versions of the programs, at the cost of stability.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to share printer

2011-03-19 Thread rochefort . benjamin
OK, everything works fine now :).  Looks like I made a typo on the client  
side when typing the printer's name...  Stupid mistake...  Will be more  
careful in the future...  Thanks everyone for your help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to share printer

2011-03-14 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Sharing works with Linux Mint 10, which is based on Ubuntu 10.10.  It also  
works fine with openSUSE 11.3.  Maybe something was broken in Ubuntu 10.04  
(on which Trisquel 4.0 is based) and has been fixed since.  Will try again  
when Trisquel 4.5 is out (very soon I guess?).  As for now, I give up :).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to share printer

2011-03-14 Thread rochefort . benjamin
Thanks, but this is exactly what's not working. But see my message above, I  
may have borked my install by trying too hard :).  Will try again on a brand  
new install...

Thanks again to all who responded.  Will let you know if the situation  
improves or not.

[Trisquel-users] Unable to share printer

2011-03-12 Thread rochefort . benjamin


An HP printer is attached to my desktop running Trisquel Taranis. I am able  
to print from the desktop, no problem. I also have a laptop running openSUSE  
and I want to be able to launch a print job from that laptop. For some  
reason, the laptop doesn't seem to see that the printer is shared, although I  
have shared it through CUPS.

From the CUPS interface on the server (desktop):
HP-Photosmart-C4600-series (Idle, Accepting Jobs, Shared, Server Default)
Connection: hp:/usb/Photosmart_C4600_series?serial=CN044HF1X305G0

From the CUPS interface on the client (laptop):
HP-Photosmart-C4600-series (Idle, Accepting Jobs, Not Shared, Server Default)
Connection: ipp:/vegas/printers/Photosmart-C4600-series

Any help would be appreciated!