Re: [Trisquel-users] What's your mastodon?

2018-12-20 Thread smirnov . dmitri

I don't use it anymore. Boring stuff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I ignore learning Java and other programming languages that use the Java virtual machine (JVM)?

2018-12-07 Thread smirnov . dmitri
Anyway web-dev is good area if you need quickly earn money. I was in same  
situation where I was very needed money when I was around 20. So I learn  
HTML+CSS+JS+PHP and started to earn. But will be quickly overwhelmed by  
annoying clients, stupid people, marketing etc.

I talk with my colleagues who also work long time in web-dev industry, most  
of the are leaving. And go to own business, education, management, same Java  
enterprise etc. Almost everybody disappointed with today's industry. Today  
making websites aren't so cool as it was about even 10-15 years ago. You have  
much to learn everyday (I got funny case, I started to learn AngularJS, when  
I learn new hype frameworks came to stage ReactJS and everybody started to  
use it in industry and forgot about Angular), but old-school people already  
have own families, children, other problems. Old school web-devs are mostly  
35+ yo. and they simply don't have time to spend 1-2 hours everyday for  
learning new stuff which is constantly comes to play with huge speed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I ignore learning Java and other programming languages that use the Java virtual machine (JVM)?

2018-12-07 Thread smirnov . dmitri
Modern PHP isn't so bad as it's described. Agree that older versions of PHP  
were absolutely awful. Today it's pretty nice language. Problem of the PHP  
that it has huge crappy written code-base behind and army of unprofessional  

In my opinion JavaScript is **much more** confused than PHP. Today situation  
in JS world is much worse than in PHP. Around JS a lot of hypists, cool kids,  
marketers, amateurs who write code and have absolutely no idea about: data  
structures, algorithms, optimizations etc. There are good JS programmers, but  
too few of them. Also released another Bastard languages from Microsoft  
TypeScript. Which transpiles shitty language into another shitty language.  
For me enough, sorry, by web-dev.

If I was young today and started to do web-dev. I'd choose Python. It is just  
my opinion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I ignore learning Java and other programming languages that use the Java virtual machine (JVM)?

2018-12-07 Thread smirnov . dmitri
I worked as web-developer about 15 years and can give you a quick review  
about language and industry.

First of all about Haskell. It was my misunderstanding. There nothing wrong  
about Haskell in freedom terms. But Haskell is more academic languages and  
there are aren't much jobs there. In my opinion Haskell is more like hobby  

Java today is mostly used in large enterprise and also banks love Java. Small  
company avoids Java due to price of development and project-scaling. About  
99% websites are small and Java is overkill for it. Development becomes too  
expensive. If you are going to work in large enterprise then you need to  
learn it. Once I got some job offers from Banks who started refactoring their  
old system written in C++ to Java. Kotlin, Scala Clojure aren't also popular  
and they looks like over-hyped thing like Ruby was in 2006 see below. Java  
contains a lot of non-free stuff.

I don't recommend to learn Ruby novadays. It's hype is passed. I remember  
Ruby-mania in 2006-2008 where everybody was crazy about Ruby and  
Ruby-on-rails. Today very rarely somebody starts new project in Ruby[on  
Rails]. At job you will probably will support legacy systems which are once  
written in Ruby.

Rust, Erlang, Elixir.
Cannot say much about that they aren't so popular and also not too much jobs  

Looks promising people slowly stated to Python web-development and started  
very slowly and carefully replace PHP stuff. I also like Python it is  
logical, simple languages. But it has one big flaw. It's performance is  
almost same slow as Ruby.

It's a still giant-bastard which controls more that 60-70% of the web, read  
Wordpress, Drupal (Trisquel website also Drupal), Joomala, Sroomla and other  
crap. PHP never dies, too many shit code already is written in PHP for  
decades. It will be forever in web :) And you will always can have bread on  
the table doing PHP. But it's codebase extremely crappy.

JS is the most shitty programming language ever made, some moments are  
absolutely illogical, languages design is a huge mess, where Number is not a  
number, funcions are object, object are functions and arrays etc. This is the  
most over-hyped languages today and every kid today writes in JS. Actually JS  
is the reason why I finally left web-development profession. The industry  
because extreme mess of crappy frameworks, packages, not needed tools,  
bastard syntax, a lot of kids. If you want to quickly make money you can jump  
onto this hype trends. But you will every month new framework and new tool. I  
think JS is non-free by it's nature.

Today web-development in general extremely unstable and messy area, where I  
don't want to anymore. It's completely f**ked up.

[Trisquel-users] Why Trisquel website isn't translated into Russian?

2018-06-11 Thread smirnov . dmitri
Russian language is the official working language in UN. There about 291M  
native Russian speaking people around the World. In Russian world there are a  
lot talented programmers, engineers, 'linuxoids' etc. Due to recent political  
tensions last time, as far I know government of Russian Federation looking  
for IT technologies replacement. Even they started to own OS ReactOS (I am  
not sure that this is 200% of Russian development, but government do some  
invest there, but doesn't matter right now). Also they using some GNU/Linuxes  
stuff for military purposes. Only idiot will install Windows on the detecton  
missile systems :-).

So I think Triquel website could be translated into Russian. Community can  
get a lot of talented people or those are interested in free software  
philosophy. Is there any technical obstacles to do this? Or any other reason?

For example my native language is Russian, but not living in RF since my  
birth. I could at free time (yes! yes! free time is very limited resource :-)  
) start to translate pages 1 by 1.

Thanks for your read.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to start contribute

2018-01-05 Thread smirnov . dmitri

Thank you for your detailed answer, it is very useful for me.
Of course I continue to work at my job as senior web-developers in current  
company where I work.
Because I have family who depends on me. But I want to deal with Free  
Software for my soul not for money.

[Trisquel-users] How to start contribute

2018-01-05 Thread smirnov . dmitri

Greetings friends!

Recently I got inspired by FSF movement. Really good ideas which are really  
close to me. I work about 15 years as web-developer, but recently this  
web-development stuff became very commercialized. There already tons of the  
crappy programming experience and infinite crappy frameworks where one is  
worst than other. In my opinion this trends will lead to nowhere, as the  
software development as well. I even don't say about privacy, moral and  
psychologic aspects, people went crazy with these "fancy" technologies, but  
seems that they don't give too much happiness in people's lives.

I would like to be a part of FSF. I already tried Trisquel once, on common  
laptop, a lot of stuff didn't worked like WiFi this is OK. no libre drivers -  
understandable. I am going to buy libre laptop and start to support FSF  
movement, but I dont know where from to start. Where is the entry point to  
start contribute? The first step is a bit messy for me, if I would like to  
start contribute Trisquel. Really hard to find starting point.

I have skills which can be useful for the movement. I use HTML, CSS,  
JavaScript as expert. Last year I started to learn C, have future ambitions  
to dig in Licux kernel. Using Linux for many years, mostly as common user,  
can write and understand BASH scripts.

PS.I continue to work only because my family wants to eat as well, but no  
pleasure at work anymore. Supporting and contributing FSF movement is good  
for my soul.

Hope for your wise advice.
Best wishes!