Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-29 Thread ursmaritimus
I think we have inadvertently walked on a dog's dropping around post #7 and  
slipped into the Troll Lounge.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-28 Thread ursmaritimus

> You cut the body of the dolphin without respect, at ease.

You actually started it by cutting its right tail fin. I did not know it was  
a dolphin, I was transforming what I thought was a dog's mess into a Scottie,  
putting life back to it.

> that is not your work, originally. You would rather have that kind of  
respect, like mentioning the initial source and its license

Given the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License under which we are  
posting in this forum, I originally posted it as a Modified Version of your  
work right below your original production, which made it quite  
straightforward who was the original author. The whole thread got erased for  
some reason, so the original reference got buried in the void. Someone else  
must have hit the wrong button.

I cannot modify my post here because you have replied to it, so I shall post  
my derivative work again and duly mention you as the original author and  
myself as derivative artist.

If you are still not happy with this, you can always request a removal of my  
earlier post and refrain from posting your works here in the future or from  
complaining about derivative works for which there is absolutely no ambiguity  
about who is the original author.

Blue Scottie passing by a reclining monk, a close-up of an earlier version of  
Masaru Suzuki's famous Wave3.2.1

Re: [Trisquel-users] Helping with documentation

2020-08-26 Thread ursmaritimus
Log in, go to the documentation page you would like to work on and click on  
"Edit" on the top right of the page. You will access the source of the page  
and everything will be quite straightforward.

Of course, if you are unsure of what you have to do or afraid of breaking  
something, you might ask away here or contact one of the current editors  
listed at the bottom of the page. This is a collective edition work so any  
change can be undone by going back to one of the previous versions.

Thanks for getting involved in updating the doc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-26 Thread ursmaritimus
Please do not mention this either, we had to send him half planet Cabbage  
before he accepted to even consider it. We do not hold it against him,  
though, he seems to have been quite trigger happy recently. Rumour has it  
that he managed to delete his own thread. The TLCDC is still inquiring about  
it so I cannot comment further.

We have a feeling you might have missed this post of ours, for some reasons  
it got both unduly indented:

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-25 Thread ursmaritimus

> GIMP for white owls. MyPaint for yellow and black turds.

What about the blue sea or the green leaf?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-25 Thread ursmaritimus

I have no idea how to reword a painting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-25 Thread ursmaritimus

What about the blue Scottie passing by a reclining monk?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-25 Thread ursmaritimus
By the way, we are keeping some of your ant bots prisoners until we have  
fully managed to reverse-engineer them. We might also test their resistance  
with some new powerful chemical. We will not torture them, though, it is  
useless now.

We can exchange them for a few of these giant cactuses you busted. Of course  
they are not ours but we have a deep interest in herbology, as you know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-24 Thread ursmaritimus

Indeed. A long way from the secret giant cactus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and Jami

2020-08-24 Thread ursmaritimus

I do not have this problem on Trisquel 9. Nor did I have it on Trisquel 8.

I am not using Libreboot though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-23 Thread ursmaritimus
Indeed GIMP requires to understand how layers work, while many users simply  
do not need them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-23 Thread ursmaritimus

I have a feeling something is missing in your sentence.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-23 Thread ursmaritimus

Why do you need that second layer for?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I cannot see easily which layer I am selecting now on Gimp

2020-08-23 Thread ursmaritimus

Why do you need that second layer for?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-22 Thread ursmaritimus
I always have a secret microform copy of this forum. Those are necessities to  
rue stupid users or something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-20 Thread ursmaritimus
> I don't think there is a word today that is accepted throughout the society  
to describe unpopular boys.

If you are not philandering, people are not talking about you anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-20 Thread ursmaritimus
> I am starting to think that Pinephone might be a necessity for me since I  
sometimes need a mobile phone to call.

That's an illusion put into your head by mobile phone manufacturers and  
service providers.

Billions of people lived a happy life for centuries without mobile phones.  
Most of them did not have internet either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-20 Thread ursmaritimus
I knew something fishy had happened when they suddenly vanished after a  
fierce, protracted fight.

I must have let the microbot queen too close to the secret micropodule. I now  
understand why she pretended to be dying for so many days.

How many half cabbages shall I send in exchange for your silence? I would not  
like everyone to learn that I am using a secret microcomputer to test flatpak  
and guix on Trisquel 9.

Blast, I just ruined your hopes of cabbage shower. Were you eyeing another  
castle in the sky? There is a small castle nearby, I might ask the owners to  
invite you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-19 Thread ursmaritimus
> If it's working for others, it's possible the problem is with my torrent  
client (or my old hardware, the OS, local network etc).

The problem has been there since the first release more than six months ago  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-19 Thread ursmaritimus

You are right, I cannot reveal anything here, except that it is secret.

You might find some clues in this nearby thread, however:

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-18 Thread ursmaritimus

Those are necessities for ruing stupid fish or something others.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-18 Thread ursmaritimus
I am not, for one, and at the same time I am, depending on which machine you  
are talking about.

There have been a few things I wanted to investigate on Trisquel 9 so I  
installed it on a secret microcomputer but am still running Trisquel 8 on my  
'production' PC.

T9 obviously feels quite mature now so many users might indeed have forgotten  
they are running a beta, or should we say gamma version.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-18 Thread ursmaritimus

You might want to use a windshield.

I am now wondering, are you more comfortable with cars passing gas?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-18 Thread ursmaritimus
I have already switched to Ubuntu Gnome 14.04, it runs fine on the 2011  

Also, I totally unplugged my main OS from the network to avoid methane  
contamination from cow wind breaking. I am writing this on a vegetal  
manuscript in a 1756 bottle of rum.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-14 Thread ursmaritimus

What about Yuri?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-14 Thread ursmaritimus
I think it is usually attributed to Pavel Aleksandrovich Tolstoy Jr, but  
originally suggested by Jesus.

I am not sure which Jesus though, there might also have been a few of them,  
more or less famous in their respective towns.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-14 Thread ursmaritimus

According to Tolstoy, one should not resist evil.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-13 Thread ursmaritimus

Does it mean we can keep the items we collected at the workplace then?

I am getting anxious about them items.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-11 Thread ursmaritimus

Sure. I like the compact models especially.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-10 Thread ursmaritimus
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins  
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"Of course, in this example, after you confess to the Lord you should also  
return the items to your workplace and not keep them."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-09 Thread ursmaritimus

> Obviously not.

OSX is POSIX certified. How does that make it free software or "open source"  
or "linux based"?

Keep in mind it is important to avoid mixing things up in order to retain  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-09 Thread ursmaritimus

> I'm the type of person that carries a point-and-shoot in my pocket each
and every day.

Me too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-08 Thread ursmaritimus

Isn't Android POSIX compliant?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-01 Thread ursmaritimus


I have indeed a memory of out-of-the-box fit with a Macbook, keys,  
connections and everything. Only, the user wanted a jukebox and the sound was  
almost inaudible. Because there are two standards for combo jack connectors:  
the universal standard, and the Apple standard. Everything else was working  
fine so I flew back to my place with the laptop and kept searching until I  
found some nice drawing about the jack standards.

I only needed to play wit the pin configuration of the soundcard and switch  
the base channel for the mic channel. Another option would have been to  
invest in a $2 adapter but my friend was too greedy for that so we went for  
the soft way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-07-31 Thread ursmaritimus
The issue with scrolling on the sound applet is indeed gone, as I think you  
reported somewhere.

Are the function keys operational on your install(s)? I will need to check  
the key bindings further but as it stands the volume keys are not working  
(sound-off, volmue+ and volume-).

Re: [Trisquel-users] About the Duckduckgo default referral

2020-07-28 Thread ursmaritimus

>  instead of being given the opportunity to check a box to allow it.

That should rather read "instead of no-referral DDG (html only) being the  
predefined default search engine". No need for box checking, users would only  
need to change the default search engine to DDG-with-referral if preferred.

[Trisquel-users] About the Duckduckgo default referral

2020-07-28 Thread ursmaritimus
As mentioned in a now defunct thread, Abrowser is sending the ?t=trisquel  
string by default to DDG.

I found out that LinuxMint for instance are explicitly mentioning their  
referrals on their "Partners" page (see screenshot or on their website) and  
how they get some of the ad revenue back.

Would it not be better to mention it somewhere here, maybe nearby the  
donation corner? Again, I am sure some users might be happy to contribute  
that way if they do not have enough resources to donate.

It was a bit awkward to discover it by chance, instead of being given the  
opportunity to check a box to allow it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Optimizing Trisquel for Offline Computing

2020-07-27 Thread ursmaritimus
I had completely forgotten about it because I have not been needing offline  
resources so much recently, but HTTrack allows you to download the whole  
content of most static websites for offline browsing.

You can install it from the Add/Remove Applications.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-07-27 Thread ursmaritimus
The data is gone, I was stupid enough to hit the wrong button and confirm,  
which in the current settings permanently wipes everything away, posts and  

Lots of stuff just went back to the void where they belonged, freeing some  
storage space for better use. I cannot really regret that. Most valuable  
stuff is still in the mailing list archives.

I will now focus on sharing my Trisquel experience wherever applicable,  
outside the Troll Lounge.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-07-26 Thread ursmaritimus

you are safe, that's what counts.

I seem to have morphed into a penguin in the process, but yes, I am 
safe, thanks.

We can call off the bounty hunters.

Oh my, yes, please do. I had to start the random morphing process in 
order to escape them.

[Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-07-26 Thread ursmaritimus
I am awfully sorry for the fuss, I had difficult times with the email 
provider I had been using for the boba account. My email address got 
blocked for unknown reasons, they just would not tell anything, except 
that they would not tell why. They also blocked the new address I 
created in order to ask for a new account here. The name of the provider 
is "mail" followed by the usual commercial ".com" suffix. I will be 
boycotting them too.

My email address being blocked, I thought it better to erase my account 
here but seemingly hit the wrong button. I did not expect all the posts 
and the answers to vanish altogether, only the poster to turn to 
"Anonymous" or something, as I have sometimes seen in older threads.

I have now asked for a new account with this email, I hope it will be 

I have no idea whether deleted posts from a deleted account can be 
un-deleted on the forum. Many of them were arguably not a big loss for 
the community but I agree with andyprough that some answers were 
valuable material.