Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread greatgnu

cheers dawg le mange :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread greatgnu
>The rather low popularity of GNU/Linux is the main reason why there are not  
many viruses/troyans/worms targeting it.

I disagree on this point. Gnu/Linux's popularity is everything but low and  
there is certainly great incentive to write malware for it, there are  
hundreds of thousands of servers cracking which would be extremely profitable

But you have nailed it completely when you say

>Then, there is the fact that GNU/Linux users usually not run as root, so the  
vulnerability must allow privileges escalation to be actually dangerous.

Logic has it there are no viruses in the wild because of the  great variety  
of distributions and packages versions and especially because as you point  
out writing a proper malware for GNU is no easy game.

dat my 2.15 cent..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-19 Thread hd-scania
Linux-libre (mostly in PC) is very seldom to be affected and Linux embedded  
system (most of most nonfree Linux) is most likely in high risk, finally  
nonfree Linux in PC varies, rolling ones are less often, Debian is most  
secure overall LTS ones (esp disabling EVERY nonfree and contrib pools),  
Fedora needs to be most vulnerable which its releases are by every 0.5 years.
But of course our sense of cyber security is also an aspect against the  
Unix-like-targeted malware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread pinmaritim

haha ;-) that's me
Yes !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread greatgnu

caaarazy dawg :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread dhood
Though I generally agree, I am also concerned about malicious code  
masquerading as ads dubbed "malvertising" which is a security issue. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread dhood
Sure, as long as you know how to use them correctly AND actually do so at all  
times. Otherwise their benefits are compromised. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread davidh888


Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread hd-scania
But are Tor and related frontends recommended to us, to harden us for our  
anonymity or security, or both thanks?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-18 Thread hd-scania
The trojans are most likely run which you are running Wine and its frontends  
AS ROOT, you will be still vulnerable against m$win-targeted malware even  
though you are in a libre system.
Alongside Wine there is most likely not an explicit example you are down  
against malware in a libre system, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread greatgnu
You don't need one. I have to agree with senor Banana about rkhunter, only  
false positives, if any, but an anti-rootkit does make more sense to have  

Just make sure your software is updated and stick to ur repo and you'll be  
fine :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread davidh888
Thank you! I plan on using PIA since I've had a very good experience with  
them. Will there be any issues setting this up? I apologize for these newbie  
questions, Im very new to all this! lol

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread i_write_words
David888 I just wanted to welcome you to Gnu/Linux and commend you for your  
concern about security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread dhood
A firewall is always a good plan. The most straightforward one is Gufw, it is  
in the repos. I also recommend AppArmor, https everywhere (browser  
extension), and a VPN at minimum. I personally run Privacy Badger, and an  
adblocker with my browser additionally.

There is a good, though slightly old chat about online security here for your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread davidh888
Thanks guys! What about a firewall? Would I need that? Sorry, I'm new to this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread hd-scania
david888, you honestly dnt need to worry which you are attacked against  
malware in a libre system like Parabola and us. You are here protected with  
full freedom which our RMS has guided us.

[Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-16 Thread davidh888
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can recommend any good anti virus programs  
that would work well with Trisquel and Libreboot? Or, there a point to  
have antivirus software with this setup?