Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-07 Thread g . smyli
More than once I've just given up on a distro and moved on to try something  
else so I can relate. If you come back, we'll probably be here. MUA HA HA HA  
HA HA! :)

re dpkg -i

He has no internet in Trisquel 7 so there be other steps to get the kernel  
from 6 - off a Trisquel 6 install disc? Use 6 to download to a usb, oh no, he  
has no usb in 7. Could partition HD to accommodate dual boot, install 6 and 7  
side by side, use 6 to download kernel (kernel, headers, what exactly) then  
boot into 7 and mount the 6 partition to get at the kernel. Just a little  
work that. Surely there be an easier way?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-07 Thread greatgnu
Hmm, too bad Trisquel 7 is not working well on your hardware. I have Debian  
Jessie (current stable) installed on a 2004 laptop, Intel GPU, Intel Celeron  
1.50 Ghz CPU. Everything works just fine. Maybe give that a try when Trisquel  
6 goes unsupported.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-06 Thread orontes

@Geshmy 170301 19:42

“Seems like some daemon that is supposed to set up your Internet connection  
isn't starting.”	

@Magic Banana   170301  20:54

“I believe the service in question is "networking". ”

Your analysis and solutions often give results – in the theory and the  
practice - because I've done it with a couple of distros in the past. But  
this is not me with Trisquel 7.0.


@SuperTramp83  170302   18:20

“Seems to me that the configuration files are messy, so a clean install of  
Trisq 7 is IMO the fastest and best way to go.”

@Geshmy 170303  02:25

“Thank God it usually all comes out in the wash with a fresh install! Heh,  

Heh, heh… }:-(  That is what I did, buddies: Via torrent and from the   
official mirrors I downloaded the full ISO of Trisquel 7.0. Results: Download  
perfect, MD5 Sum, perfect, burned, perfect, and the report of the analysis of  
the resulting DVD – made before installing  - declares that “there are no  
errors in the disk”. Everything is OK.

My mood deteriorates when I try Trisquel without installing. The same thing  
that happened to me with the distros that I mentioned at the beginning, it  
happens again: there is no connection to the Internet and it is not possible  
to use the optical mouse.

Even so, because I believe in miracles, I installed it and… NADA! The  
problems are increasing, we must now add a problem more: Trisquel 7.0 does  
not detect the USB.

MUA HA HA HA HA HA...!  ( Again the devil laughs ).


I do not want to continue with this thread, that nothing is going to reach,  
not for lack of will of the some members of the Forum, but by the sad  
certainty that the developers of operating systems, applications, and  
cyber-security – very excited about the x64 – are deposed their interest  
in the hardware x32.

My computer was manufactured in January 2003. Yes, it belongs to the  
Jurassic, but still its components work quite well, and the same thing  
happens with hundreds of millions of computers all over the world that are  
still useful and which may work as always if there is software that is  
suitable to the characteristics of the hardware that operates in the realm of  
the 32-bit.

The sad fact of the matter is that most of the friendly people of the FOSS  
movement are already with the same trend that drives the developers of the  
closed code: To give preference to the x64, and sometimes with results that  
are regrettable.

It is impossible to talk, I think, about friendly and compatible operating  
systems  with old computers like mine when this not is complying with the  
reality of the facts. Compare Trisquel 6.0 with the 7.0 one and you will see  
how much of Ubuntu there are between one and another.  It is not negative  
take advantage of the free software from Canonical, the bad thing is - I  
believe - in do not check properly what it is that is being taken from them  
and to what extent is affecting a distro that is aimed by equal to new and  
old computers.

For now I want to leave my sincere thanks to those who took the time to read  
my case and contribute their ideas.

I very well know that is not advisable to do it, but while I am looking for  
an alternative amongst  the diverse GNU /  Linux distros offered in the Web,  
I must confess I came to the Forum thanks to Trisquel 6.0 newly installed on  
my computer...

MUA HA HA HA HA HA!  ( Now I'm the one who laughs at the devil )  ;-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-02 Thread g . smyli
I thought it seems to be multiple issues and appears way above my pay grade  
although if it was me, I might choose to play around with it till I broke it  
completely. Thank God it usually all comes out in the wash with a fresh  
install! Heh, heh.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-02 Thread greatgnu
>Sorry to hear the Trisquel 6 to 7 upgrade didn't work so well. Me, I would  
either start over by reinstalling the good working Trisquel 6, or burn a  
Trisquel 7 'mini' install to a dvd and try installing from that directly.

Yeah, that is exactly what I recommended to the OP in the Spanish forum..  
Seems to me that the configuration files are messy, so a clean install of  
Trisq 7 is IMO the fastest and best way to go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-01 Thread g . smyli
Sorry to hear the Trisquel 6 to 7 upgrade didn't work so well. Me, I would  
either start over by reinstalling the good working Trisquel 6, or burn a  
Trisquel 7 'mini' install to a dvd and try installing from that directly.


You might try this regarding Internet connection
(you can do 'ipconfig \all' in Windows to learn what ip is working in Windows  
and repeat that with the gateway most likely being whereas your  
ip is 1. My example below uses a fairly standard default home  
network - but others certainly exist.)

In terminal:

$ ip link
---just to make sure what eth0 is called,
Mine is called enp2s0 but ifconfig -a shows that also so since ifconfig -a in  
yours shows eth0 I will assume it's safe to assume dev name is eth0.

$ ip link show dev eth0
---just to make sure it's UP,
---if it's not, try
$ ip link eth0 set up
$ ip addr broadcast dev eth0
---Guessing about your network. .255 is usually the broadcast address
---Also guessing that no other device already using .100.
$ ip route add default via
---in the above example, the router/gateway's ip would usually be

Then you need to add nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf, I use openNIC name  
servers but you might work to use your gateway as nameserver also. Additions  
made to /etc/resolv.conf may only be temporary as it says in mine at the top  
of the file:
"# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by  


if all that worked, a '$ ping -c 1' should resolve to google's ip  
address more or less instantly.
( I did an install recently that needed for me to perform these steps and I  
am reading from the notes I made, three other commands I noted I will pass on  
just in case they would be needed: $ ip addr flush dev eth0 - $ ip route  
flush dev eth0 - $ ip link set eth0 down - these will erase what you've done  
so you can start over)

Seems like some daemon that is supposed to set up your Internet connection  
isn't starting. NetworkManager maybe. If the above works you might have to do  
it every time you reboot because the service that is supposed to take care of  
it isn't running. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-03-01 Thread orontes

This is the answer to the command:


# ifconfig -a
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  direcciónHW 00:e0:4c:d7:86:d5
  Paquetes RX:0 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  Paquetes TX:0 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  colisiones:0 long.colaTX:1000
  Bytes RX:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

loLink encap:Bucle local
  Direc. inet:  Másc:
  Dirección inet6: ::1/128 Alcance:Anfitrión
  Paquetes RX:138 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  Paquetes TX:138 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  colisiones:0 long.colaTX:0
  Bytes RX:10040 (10.0 KB)  TX bytes:10040 (10.0 KB)


PS/ Castillian is the default language for the system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-02-28 Thread orontes

@hack and hack

"What I would try is to test the live CD/USB you used to install. I mean  
maybe you didn't check, and it's corrupted."

Believe me, what you advised is what I always do in the first place with any  



"How do you connect to the internet? (like with Wi-Fi or a cable or  
something)try installing Linux-Libre"

Although I can use the Wi-Fi, the updates I do through a wired connection, it  
is more secure. I did my step from Trisquel 6.0 to 7.0 that way.


@Maxime Devos

"Abrowser and `ping` can't access the
network if your computer is offline."

“That's Logical, my dear Watson” :-)


@Mangy Dog

"What does (in a terminal)

 $ ifconfig -a

return as an answer ?"

I'm going to try. Then I'll tell you that happened.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-02-27 Thread Maxime Devos
> I would like to know what I did or what I'm doing wrong to Trisquel
> 7.0 i-386 does not connect with the Internet in addition to submit
> two other minor problems:
> [...]
> a. There is no way to connect to the Internet: Using Net Tool there
> was no way to obtain a response with the “ping”. Abrowser can't
> access the site of Trisquel or any other, in spite of the retries
> made. The application of connections warns one time and again that
> access to Internet is closed, but register on the wiring to the
> modem and the DHCP link that is scheduled to be taken automatically
> to the IP v4 and v6.

Do you actually have connected to your network? You can do this from
GNOME Control Center -> Network. Abrowser and `ping` can't access the
network if your computer is offline.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-02-27 Thread mappack
How do you connect to the internet? (like with Wi-Fi or a cable or something)  
If you can get any internet connection working in some way, try installing  
Linux-Libre with the instructions provided here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-02-27 Thread mcz

I've never ever performed a GNU/Linux system upgrade.
What I would try is to test the live CD/USB you used to install. I mean maybe  
you didn't check, and it's corrupted.

Else, maybe it's just a matter of upgrading something (the system or even the  
kernel). Hopefully.

That's all I've got :/

[Trisquel-users] Hi, Houston, we've problems...

2017-02-27 Thread orontes

Kind forum members of Trisquel:

I would like to know what I did or what I'm doing wrong to Trisquel 7.0 i-386  
does not connect with the Internet in addition to submit two other minor  

1. I had installed Trisquel 6.0 on par of a Winbugs XP. With Trisquel there  
were no obstacles in the connection with the Internet. Prior to the next  
step, I corroborated that the system was properly updated.

2. With this precedent, I decided to move to 7.0, keeping in perspective the  
“dual boot”. I must say that the downloads – more than 1200 new  
packages - were made without problems and the time that it took was  
approximately expected by the updater, a little less than two hours. Also,  
the installation took an hour more, all of which went smoothly, including the  
rest of the processes to restart the system now updated.

3. Already within the system Trisquel 7.0 began to see their oddities:

a. There is no way to connect to the Internet: Using Net Tool there was no  
way to obtain a response with the “ping”. Abrowser can't access the site  
of Trisquel or any other, in spite of the retries made. The application of  
connections warns one time and again that access to Internet is closed, but  
register on the wiring to the modem and the DHCP link that is scheduled to be  
taken automatically to the IP v4 and v6.

b. With Trisquel 6.0 I used a USB mouse that slid beautifully as with skates  
on the ice. With Trisquel 7.0 is not possible to do so, even though it is set  
in the System Panel: An annoying and terrible lag makes it tortuous the  
operations of a misguided pointer and keys do not respond. This was solved by  
connecting an old and reliable PS2 mouse of ball, but there is history for  
the record.

c. And to please the devil, who laughs, when you turn off the system, this  
simply stays on with the screensaver in all its glory, “per saecula  
saeculorum”. In other words, you must use the real on/off button of the  
computer if you want to make the shutdown final… A way of doing things,  
something primitive, it seems to me.

I don't want to give the impression that I'm desperate with what happened  
with Trisquel 7.0 and search for another distro that it may serve me. To be  
honest, these same problems I have had when I have installed the latest  
versions of Deepin, Robolinux, ChatelOS, Debian, Tail and Bodhi Linux in  
recent weeks. All of them, Trisquel included, have something in common, I  
think: to Share and distribute applications and libraries of Ubuntu, and all  
of them are already in the wave of the UEFI and x64. Is there something new,  
I wonder, in those applications and libraries that affect the 7.0, but not at  
the 6.0 version of Trisquel?

Well, here I leave my case with the warning that in the forums of the distros  
mentioned here, there have been reports – quite a few, fortunately - are  
similar to mine. It is obvious

I followed some of the solutions provided on those sites, but in vain.

In advance, I leave the thank you for your interest and consideration.