Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from 32to 64 bit

2020-08-30 Thread tr33hugger
I made a backup of the home folder and applied it on the X200 and it worked.  
Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from 32to 64 bit

2020-08-27 Thread xliang9550
First log on your old system and decrypt your /home directory. Then attach a  
removable storage device with enough space to hold your /home directory. We  
assume that your removable storage is mounted at /media/username/mount_point,  
which can be checked by using lsblk command. Make sure that directory is  

Backup your former /home directory:

~ $ tar zcvf /media/username/mount_point/backup.tgz .

When finished, unmount the removable storage device before disconnecting it.  
Then attach said storage device to your new computer. We assume that it is  
mounted at the same mount point.

Restore your former /home directory (including configuration files):

~ $ tar zxvf /media/username/mount_point/backup.tgz

When finished, all your configuration files should be transferred to your new  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from 32to 64 bit

2020-08-27 Thread tr33hugger
I've made the mistake of copying files from the  Thinpad X60 to a USB stick  
then moving them to various folders on the Thinkpad X200.

/dev/sda1 which is ext4 and

/dev/mapper/trisquel-vg-home which is xfs

All the files got dumped in ext4 directory. I can now see that's for system  
Looks like I'll have to start again. Sorry, I don't understand linux file  
systems. I'm a drag n dropper and balk at terminal code.

This system was encrypted with the install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from 32to 64 bit

2020-08-26 Thread xliang9550
Make a backup of your home directory and extract its content to your new home  

For example, on your old system:

~ $ tar zcvf backup.tgz .

On your new system (copy the archive file backup.tgz or something else to  
your new home directory):

~ $ tar zxvf backup.tgz

[Trisquel-users] Moving from 32to 64 bit

2020-08-26 Thread tr33hugger
Loaded Trisquel 64 bit successsfully onto Thinkpad X200, SSD. Apart from  
copying bookmarks over from the X60 32bit, can the settings be copied or do I  
need to start again ?