Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread onpon4
No. That's about as absurd as if Wal-mart was held responsible for selling  
food to someone who later commits a terrorist attack. The only way I can  
think of that you could possibly be held responsible is if someone literally  
said to you, "I want to do X so that I can perform a terrorist attack, please  
help me do X".

What on Earth gave them the impression that Replicant is a tool that  
terrorists use, anyway? It's completely useless for terrorism. It takes away  
features from the phone, it doesn't at all guarantee privacy, you have to get  
exactly the right phone model for it to work, and it's a whole lot of effort.  
If a terrorist is worried about phones being compromised by the government,  
they either just won't use phones at all or they'll constantly switch between  
disposable phones.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread vitotorleone
I would be more concerned about the circumstances under which you are meeting  
a stranger, particularly if you are a minor. If that's the case, perhaps you  
could invite one of your parents or another trusted adult to come along and  
hang out in the public place where you meet and help this person. If you are  
meeting someone about your age, hopefully you'll make a new friend and your  
parents can learn something about tolerance.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread legimet . calc

Don't give Trump any ideas!

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread seimirchaplin

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

oh the irony of such sarcasm... too many people would believe you in america.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

Fair point, my bad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail
Calmstorm was attempting to construct an analogy between god (and invented  
rules attributed to such) and free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail
God(s) and religion were invented as a means to exert control - i.e., take  
away individual freedoms.

Free software is a means by which individuals can exercise their freedoms.

Very different.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

You don't believe bad actions will come back to bite you later?

you cannot be serious.

What about Bernie madoff? the guy who ripped off so many people and then got  
caught and his own son committed suicide.  He must have been thinking after  
that, what the hell have I done...

as for what you say on Joel though, he is actually a positive person. he  
tries to lift people's spirits and encourage them to keep on trying. which is  
something that god wants. he does use scripture also.

for some it works and for others like you it doesn't

even some atheists find him to be the opposite of what you say. even if they  
don't agree with him. they at least say, "I am not interested but at least  
your not a bad person.

Truthfully going to him is a last resort for nonbelievers.

I am getting the sense this is going nowhere though... I see hate through  
your words. you hate god. you hate religion. I just don't think you will ever  
be truly happy that way. I am sorry I couldn't help you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail

Please cite your evidence in support of this assertion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail
Regrets? Sure, but I'm able to sort them out on my own. All of us have good  
and bad thoughts every day. Part of being an ethical/moral person is being  
able to work through them and decide which are worth acting upon. Sometimes  
it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Belief in an invented god shouldn't be  
part of the thought process.

Karma? No.

There is only fake religion, not of it is 'real.' Having said that, I have  
actually watched a few minutes of Joel Osteen for laughs. That smarmy, money-  
grubbing bastard is among the worst of the worst that religion has to offer. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm
Sure if you want I can look at it.  but I do think wikipedia isn't the best  
source of information. nevermind I actually saw you meant not the article...

if its online free I may consider it.

I am not entirely sure if anyone in this world can be sure about anything one  
hundred percent.

tell me though, do you believe in karma at all? or that your thoughts if  
constantly negative will drag you down...

not that you want to look him up, but joel osteen is that kind of pastor. the  
type I Call "real religion"

just think about it.

one last thought, you didn't answer my question:

do you ever have bad thoughts you have acted on in the past but regretted it  

I know I have.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm
That is my response to the red fever which plagues america that people think  
is the blue plague...

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread eloi . igor
I guess times are changing and we can't say that terrorism isn't a more  
popular subject now days,but it is very serious. Choosing to be free is now  
associated with be some sort of criminal? That's is very serious.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noordinaryspider

FYI, IRC is Internet Relay Chat.

tomlukeywood is helping someone over the internet and  not in any danger. I  
am watching my 9 year old engage in safe internet behaviour on a gaming IRC  
channel channel as I type this and feeling rather overprotective for doing so  
instead of making dinner and vacuuming.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm
This is what angers me about the nsa and big corporations/law  

they think they should know everything that is going on at any given moment.  
And yet they don't want it being done back to them which is the opposite of  
what should happen...

I wish they would all just go back to whence they came... to go back to the  
nothing they are seeking so desperately. no matter how much power they get,  
they better know they won't live forever and they are only delaying the  

Disposable phones make so much more sense, or stealing phones,  but our world  
leaders won't take the hint that this is more often the truth or that the  
people will literally rebel against them in the future for their evil acts.

seriously though, they need to have their bubbles popped so badly, Putin and  
trump especially...

no one will thank them or their supporters for their evil deeds. matter of  
fact more likely they will be remembered for being horrible human beings and  
evil wolf-men. and by that i mean people who are like wolves in sheep’s  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread adel
It's not worth making your parents worry about you.  I disagree with their  
thought process.  But if they genuinely believe it and you help this guy,  
then they will worry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm
true religion is freeing, but to answer your bigger question, that wasn't a  
construct that is my views whether you wish to believe what I say or not,  
that is up to you.

Truthfully though it was an incomplete explanation.

sadly though, only a small remnant of religious people seem to understand  
what religion was meant for, freeing oneself from the curse of darkness.

you cannot tell me you never have bad thoughts that you don't wish you never  
acted on.  that is part of the curse of darkness.

ie, sin.

as for free software, it was invented probably to fight what you call  
religion which is in actuality a falsehood of religion

real religion requires people loving each other in spite of their faults not  
condemning them and oppressing them.  now do I think this is rare? if you had  
asked that I would have to say, very much so.

Free software in my opinion has similar ethics to what i quote call "real  

I agree that free software is about ethics but I disagree that religion isn't  
about ethics.

I think some humans just choose to sometimes abuse everything they touch

that may be why you think religion is evil.

love does not force is a huge theme of real religion...

I don't believe in your false idea of what religion is.  I don't wish to rake  
you over the coals so I will just say, to each to his own and enjoy your  

and live an abundant life of happiness.

and yes I do make mistakes sometimes, but I try and that is what is  

I am sure you people are good in your own way. do understand though we all  
have our own opinions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread greatgnu
>Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting  
replicant was a white american? I'll leave it at that.

Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting  
replicant was Hillary Clinton? I'll leave it at that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

even some atheists found that book according to wikipedia to be flawed.

as in it would do no good for anyone.

by the way, you should look up to see on different articles why those people  
felt that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread allanitomwesh
How has Trump not jailed her yet? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm
The simple fact is, while I don't know everything about him, and while there  
may be people who know him better,

my understanding is: he is good, he hates sin, he knows every hair on our  
head and beyond better than we do...

the bible is extremely complex if you have ever read revelations and that  
part shows me anyways, that we cannot

comprehend someone so complex... to be honest, he can use even evil motives  
against themselves.  trump may be his

answer to waking up the people to how bad the republicans have gotten.

Although I digress, my main thoughts as to why he is omnipotent is he created  
all of humanity and everything else.

he is peace and love all in one.  But, in the way of a perfect parent.   
reward is one side of the coin for those

who are good. and punishment is for those who are bad.

Love has these two things, reward and punishment.

as for why he is almighty, he can do the impossible. many people with near  
death experiences talk about the light at the end of the tunnel.  and other  
things that are unknown to most.

I hope this helps you understand why I believe in him.  as for why, I support  
GNU/linux also, when most of my faith don't know or don't care or for those  
few who do hate it,

it is because for me it is a way to keep corporations and government from  
getting too powerful. for me anyways...

I know some would call me an oddball, but hey... not sure what else to say.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread greatgnu
I advocate encryption and free software. I am a huge terrorist. I'm also a  
torrorist. What I might just be missing is installing replicant. I knew  
something was missing in my terror book, I only wasn't aware it was a  
replicant. Only problem is I never owned, don't own nor plan to buy a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread onpon4

> Your parents are racist and you should tell them as much

No, he shouldn't.

Even if this accusation of yours is true (which I doubt), accusing someone of  
bigotry is entirely unproductive and divisive. If you get accused of "racism"  
because you think helping an Arab install Replicant is a bad idea, all that  
does is harden your heart against the possibility that it isn't.

Not to mention, accusing your own family of racism so readily just isn't  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noordinaryspider
I have been using some form of GNU/Linux since 2004/2005ish and this is new.  
I don't like it. I was in the habit of casually mentioning what OS I use, my  
philosophical reasons for doing so, and offering brief tech advice to those  
in need on various hobby and special interest forums.

People used to be at least polite enough to say, "That's interesting." or  
"You must be very smart." or "I wish I was a supergenius/had a Phd. in  
computer science like (myusername)"

It's been very sudden, but not they call me anarchist or terrorist instead of  

That is undoubtedly what your parents are reacting to. I get it a bit from my  
kids and the octogenarian father I used to brag about on the forums is an  
applefanboi now.

All this bla bla bla tmi can be distilled into some simple advice to be  
gentle with your parents but don't worry about the tech advice. We have  
posters here in those countries who are decent, kind, helpful people as well  
as decent, kind, helpful posters in the UK and US who are very upset about  
what their governments are doing.

You are absolutely right. It is racist. It is strange. The fact that it is  
common has nothing to do with the previous facts.


Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread allanitomwesh

Your parents are racist and you should tell them as much
You are more likely to be arrested for breaking some sort of copyright on an  
iPhone by Apple than for showing someone how to install a custom ROM on their  
old Samsung

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail
The purpose of religion is to exert control over the weak-minded and exploit  
the marginalized and desperate through perceived appeasement of invented gods  
and their servants (i.e., 'clergy'). It is unethical and immoral by its very  
design. It is also the single biggest impediment to human progress.

Hopefully humanity will realize the grave mistake of investment in religion  
before civilization flames out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tirifto
I feel like one of us is severely misunderstanding the term "religion." As I  
understand it (still after checking the dictionary), religion is belief in  
god(s). If I simply believe in God, there is no exerting control over  
weak-minded and there is no appeasement to servants; there is only faith.

What you describe sounds to me like organized churches, which do have flaws,  
may be controversial and some have indeed brought many bad things to people  
over the years, claiming it was in line with religion. But that is not the  
definition of religion at all.

If one was to idolize the four freedoms as the sole commandments from some  
sort of a divine being and would decide to devote their life to supporting  
these freedoms, they wouldn't be doing something immoral or obstructing human  
progress. These beliefs wouldn't lead them to any wrong actions; contrary,  
they would prod them to do good in this world.

As I understand it, religion is simply belief in something greater above us,  
and that by itself is not a bad thing and is not harmful in any way. Some  
forms of it may be unethical and harmful, yes, but that's not what I'm  
arguing for here. To me, saying that religion is bad is like saying that  
computers are bad. Most computers may serve to violate the freedom of their  
users in some ways, but it would be wrong to universally declare the  
invention computers as bad because of that; that would make little sense.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread greatgnu

sure libredrs, that's not the point.
The answer was, mr. Calmstorm, god, or more correctly the invention of god,  
is omnipotent because omnipresent and omniscient.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread allanitomwesh
Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting  
replicant was a white american? I'll leave it at that. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail

Ignorance does not necessarily imply racism or bigotry.

Discussion and education can often alleviate unjustified fear.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread jabjabs
We live in interesting times. Their opinion comes from a state of media  
driven fear, it can be very hard to reason with these people other than  
playing the long game of pointing out just how unlikely their paranoid  
thoughts are to actually be the case.

My partner always thinks I'm "hacking" (in the negative sense) when I have  
the terminal open, it is amazing how much opinions people base on popular  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

This is very true. ;)

if only people would let themselves be educated...

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tirifto
Please don't say that. Religion is not inherently unethical. It can be  
unethical and bring bad things, but it can just as well be ethical and bring  
much good. Religion is broad and diverse. It has many different forms; people  
can perceive and follow it in many different ways. But I don't think religion  
by itself sets a concrete idea which we can classify as ethical or unethical.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread calmstorm

Well Said.  especially the last paragraph.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Yeah... black and white thinking is what libredrs is aruging for.

all religion is bad = black and white statement.

should we do that to all computers? very similar to getting rid of all  

much more grey than we realize... and I will admit I have had that weakness  

but I realize now that I was living a lie back then as to what I thought  
religion was.

I would have been that kind of person in the past who foolishly serves a  
false religion.

thank christ though that I am free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread eloi . igor
I couldn't stop myself from clicking here after reading such an... Attention  
calling (?) tittle
It's quite the thing your parents are estating... Does they have a proper  
knowledge about what is and what are the benefits of having free software or  
do they just think it's a "hacker thing"?
It's quite common to see some fellow colleges of mine giving me a weird look  
for using GNU/Linux. Is not like I work with some cracking or something  
program. By simple running terminal people often associate it with being a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noemail

Suggested reading:
(the book, not the wikipedia article)

The sole purpose of religion is to exert control.

Free-thinking and ethically-minded people exist quite nicely in the absence  
of any god or religion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noordinaryspider
I don't buy my 9 year old devices, but other family members do. It's hard to  
find a balance and I am a very, very imperfect parent and an imperfect person  
as well.

He needs more interaction with free software users who are closer to his age  
if you're into gaming and are up for a bit of mentoring.

Muhammed probably has the best and most relevant advice for tomlukeywood's  
situation but it makes my heart hurt.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread eloi . igor

>You don't believe bad actions will come back to bite you later?

It's such a fragile thinking. Why do someone have to believe in bad  
consequences in order to not do harm to people?
Before you say it, I do agree that religion have the power to develop some  
good habits. But we're in 2017. Do we still need to hold to that in order to  
do a good act?
We don't. And if you consider the fact that religion does way more damage  
than good, than why do we really need it? I can't see a positive answer to  
the need of religion. It looks more like an habit to me... 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread noordinaryspider
You also asked me to be more specific about what people on the mainstream  
internet were saying about me. I think it would be rude to directly copy and  
paste from another forum but I am still fuming about something that happened  
today on a thread about printers so I will paraphrase as best as I can.

Me: I can scan (thing) for you if you want, but would it really less  
expensive to print it out than just to pick one up at the dollar store?

Used: It is if I use generic ink!

Me: Wow, what kind of a printer do you have? I have an HP deskjet 940C.

Used: I haven't bought it yet! Here's a link to my thread about printers.

Me: Thanks bunches. Those probably wouldn't work for me, lol, my son said I  
could use his printer while he's out of town and it makes a great doorstop.  
Here's a link to what I want. I can't afford it either, but it's fun to  
window shop, isn't it?

Used: NO HP!!!

Me: Why? Is there something I should know about? Do they have spyware? Mine  
is so old I'm pretty sure it's clean.

Used: I didn't know printers had spyware!

Me: Unfortunately, you're in good company. I don't have time to look up the  
links for you right now but you're a smart girl. It would be just like you to  
find everything you needed to know before I got a free minute.

Used: Don't bother! I'm a millenial! We're smart enough to know that the  
government is in our living rooms and there isn't anything we can do about  
it! My neighbours wouldn't even want to talk to me if I wore your tinfoil  

Apologies if this fuels ageism; I don't mean to direct it at anyone on the  
Trisquel boards and I don't even remember who is a minor or a millenial most  
of the time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread megver83
that's tru. The only thing "privacy" you get with Replicant is removing the  
samsung backdoor, nothing else.
I've personally help an oriental free software project, Uruk, and my name and  
Email is in the contributors website, and that's not illegal in many  
countries at all.
Besides, if you help him through to install a custom ROM, it won't be worse  
than selling him a thermonuclear weapon

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread megver83
most terrorists are paid by the USA government. 2001 attack to the Twin  
Towers was a self-attack by the president George Bush, and they blame Bin  
Laden and the Laden family which was ridiculous because the Bush and the  
Laden families worked together being owners of oil companies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread greatgnu

>they think they should know everything that is going on at any given moment.

Sure. It's about power, and what they are building is **absolute** power.

I have a question for you, mate calmstorm: Why is god omnipotent? Or, more  
correctly, what makes him almighty? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread onpon4

> you could use it without the government monitoring you (theoretically)

This just isn't true. Regardless of what OS you're using, phone calls are not  
encrypted, cell phone towers can track your location without the cooperation  
of your phone, and phone providers can tell who you've called and when.  
Replicant can do nothing to stop this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread vitotorleone
Thanks for the clarification. 

[Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tomlukeywood

This is very strange in my opinion but anyway.

I have been contacted by someone with a Arab sounding name who wants help  
installing Replicant on there phone.

I have offered to help them by meeting them on the Replicant IRC channel so  
guide them through the process.

my parents think that because they have an Arab name then they may commit a  
terrorist attack and this would then implicate me.

I think this is very racist but anyway they are very anxious about it and  
don’t want me to help this person so to try and reassure them.

Does anyone know of any law in the UK or Canada that would stop me from  
showing someone how to install Replicant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tomlukeywood
"What on Earth gave them the impression that Replicant is a tool that  
terrorists use, anyway?"

They assumed that as you could use it without the government monitoring you  
(theoretically) a terrorist would use it to communicate.

but as you say they are more likely to not use a phone at all if they know  
what there doing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread encryptedram
Out of curiosity, do you purchase the latest devices for your kids? For  
example if they really, really want the latest Playstation or iJail, do you  
get it for them, or do you offer to instead buy a device that respects their  

And regarding the people who call you an anarchist for supporting free  
software, what arguments do they give?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-01-30 Thread mappack
The news should really stop showing people in hoodies typing in a terminal  
window on their PC as "hackers".