Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-25 Thread milind727
The biggest security vulnerability that Windows has is the from-the-factory  
back door access that has shipped with every version of Windows since before  

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread taiji_tao

Article is bunk.

One must consider that the most secure servers in the world all run  
GNU/linux.  The US federal government mainly uses GNU/Linux, especially RHEL  
(RedHat Enterprise Linux), NSA uses RedHat, most of the worlds air traffic  
controllers are using GNU/Linux etc...Oh, by the way this also includes ISS  
(as in International Space Station) which uses Scientific GNU/Linux  which is  
a spin of Fedora.

Seems more like Microsoft damage control.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread jagsoul

Windows like Raccoon City

More like the Umbrella Corporation for that matter ;).

Any goverment source is full of crap, they are just trying to save their  
doomed to extintion, and so beloved back doors paradise OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread shiretoko
And why is my gnu/linux system running safe and secure since 12 years now  
while every windows system of my friends and collegues is permanently fucked  
up with malware?
But if some random site on the internet states something different, then of  
course i have to be wrong...

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread danigaritarojas

 US government repository as source

of course Windows is more secure FOR THE GOVERNMENT than the
Linux kernel, with Windows it's more easy to spy citizens.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread davesamcdxv
Oh, and which would one prefer? A 2nd-hand car with  
10-powered-by-God-knows-what cosmetic problems or one that is prefect except  
that the brakes have all failed?

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread davesamcdxv

Especially if The Daily Mail then echoes the Internet article.

(In all fairness the article cited a rather authorative (if not always  
correct) site, only to then draw conclusions worse than what floppies are  
compared to HDDs capacity-wise)

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread onpon4
Or that Microsoft just fixes the vulnerabilities before they become known,  
and pretends they never existed.

I can't help but notice that Windows only shows having fewer medium and  
low vulnerabilities than Linux (not sure if that's referring to the  
kernel or GNU/Linux); in fact, the proportions don't make sense. If you take  
this at face value, Windows vulnerabilities are always really bad, and small  
ones just don't exist. The only way this can make sense is if Microsoft is  
just not publishing Windows vulnerabilities that haven't been discovered by  
someone else, and others tend to only discover the really bad ones (i.e. the  
ones they can most easily take advantage of).

In short, this is a piece of FUD that probably revolves around an incomplete  
vulnerability history. Don't trust it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread davesamcdxv
Might as well say that according to ISIS 99.9% of  
law-abiding human beings practice Islam as practiced by ISIS.

Sadly the commenters on there don't know that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread tomlukeywood

this may be true (though i don’t think its true)

but you have to remember as gnu/linux-libre is libre software
more vulnerability's will be discovered
Note the word Discovered

its a good thing if a vulnerability is discovered in a libre program
because it means people can fix it

if it were never discovered then how would it ever get fixed?

so the fact there are less vulnerability's discovered
in m$ windows may mean Micro$oft just don’t try and find them
or leave them open as a backdoor

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread dooleyn

Your comment reminds me of this issue of xkcd. Very funny.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread jei
You can't correlate something like the number of vulnerabilities recorded in  
a public database with a notion of being more secure or less secure. And  
nobody (not the government, not Microsoft, not the Linux Foundation) says  
that, it's just a wrong conclusion by some journalist. But you guys know  
that it's clickbait anyway, so why discuss this to begin with? (Also  
anecdotal evidence is equally worthless. Any personal GNU/Linux system not  
having security problems in decades is a thing you can be happy about, but  
nothing you can make general arguments with.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread marioxcc . MT
The article is fallacious. It makes several assumptions, and among them, that  
the number of vulnerabilities listed in a public database is representative  
of an operating system security. To start with, since GNU/Linux is mostly  
free software, then it can be examined by security researchers easily, which  
is not the case with Windows. This implies that at the same level of  
security, GNU/Linux, other free software packages and mixed operating systems  
will have more discovered vulnerabilities.

Using the same fallacy, we could take any barely known toy cryptosystem and  
claim that it's more secure than AES, DES, RSA, CAST5, etcetera, since there  
are no known vulnerabilities for the toy cryptosystem while there are plenty  
of attacks for each of the established cryptosystems. However, as any  
cryptographer will tell you, that's not a sign of security. Cryptographic  
algorithms can only be trusted when they have received extensive scrutiny.  
With the current state of cryptography, this scrutiny will discover some  
vulnerabilities or potential vulnerabilities in the system. Most of the time,  
these vulnerabilities (called “attacks” in this context) will not impair  
the security of the system in practice (Furthermore, sometimes these attacks  
don't even apply to the algorithm being analyzed itself, but to a  
intentionally weakened version, or apply to the algorithm being analyzed).  
See for example Bruce Schneier Applied Cryptography.

The situation with software is similar. With the current state of software  
development, if software is analyzed, vulnerabilities will be discovered  
(That will become a thing of the past when programs are not only written, but  
mathematically proven correct to behave according to a specification (which  
is much less likely to be flawed, since it's usually simpler than the  
implementation)). Software which undergoes more scrutiny, such as important  
free software, compared to important proprietary software, will have more  
known vulnerabilities. This is factor that makes GNU/Linux more secure. See  
also full disclosure in the English language Wikipedia (but note that what  
Wikipedia states as a fact is driven mostly by popularity among a group,  
namely the authors of the so called “reliable sources” in its policy,  
hence you will find that GNU/Linux is an OS [...] which some call  

Communication media of this style (wide-audience magazines, newsletters,  
etcetera) aren't a good source of information, especially technical  
information (information within the scope of technique, engineering and  
science). These media frequently exaggerate, and misinterpret the information  
from the underlying source. When reading popular media, I recommend to  
maintain a critical attitude.

Reading technical books is a much more effective, efficient an reliable way  
to acquire knowledge on a technical area.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OS X, iOS and Linux have more vulnerabilities than Windows!!!!!

2015-02-24 Thread davidvargas1
Is this forum about Trisquel? or just everyone likes to post bull-crap, about  
non trisquel issues all the time?

This post should be post it in the TROLL HOLE!