Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-28 Thread davesamcdxv

Wown, didn't know FF could do that. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-27 Thread greatgnu

Oooh I see. Contact Ruben and ask.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-27 Thread martin
 When you use other people's instances dependent search engines can't get  
your IP address or any useful tracking information about you.

Although thats not really true, if you are using some of the other Searx  
search types, like images and video.  Searching for images will make you  
download image from other search engines and this can be used to track you by  
Google, Bing and others.

You can use the RequestPolicy Continued add-on to protect against a site  
connecting you to 3rd party sites.  There are other similar add-ons too, like  
uMatrix, but I haven't used it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-27 Thread tomlukeywood

just python

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-27 Thread greatgnu
Bananna Magique - I asked him if he meant this.. I think my senility is  
getting worse..

By the way the procedure you describe is the common one found in all major  
search engines. It requires allowing javascript. You can do that without  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-26 Thread davesamcdxv

I was asking about adding it as the default search engine on Abrowser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-26 Thread davesamcdxv
I set searx as my browser's default engine How does one go about doing that  
(i.e. what's the keyword thingie?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-26 Thread greatgnu
David - I'm not quite sure I understand your question correctly. Are you  
asking how to add and select searx in the search toolbar (or wahtever that is  
called) - like when you select a word and right click the mouse search with  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-25 Thread tegskywalker
Are you running with the Python that comes with Trisquel (CPython) or  
something like PyPy?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-25 Thread tegskywalker
You do make an interesting point. Let's say they release the code for this  
under the AGPL and we are all free to use it and hope it is just like the  
code run on the site. I say hope because they, as the copyright holder of the  
code, can change the license at any point and could be running a a custom  
version of the code under a different (potentially non-free) license.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-23 Thread danigaritarojas
Exactly! People should leave the solitary  non-descriptive links for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-23 Thread mampir

I downvoted, because giving a non-descriptive link is an awful practice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-23 Thread mampir

J.B. Nicholson-Owens:
 I don't understand how the searx metasearch engine lives up to its claim
of being Tracking free[1] or privacy respecting[2].

Meta search are useful as proxies.  A given Searx instance can still track  
you by logging your search queries, but it's still much better than everyone  
sending all their queries directly to Google, Yahoo, Bing or DuckDuckGo,  
which allow them to accumulate tons-and-tons of information about everyone.

Searx instances provide decentralization, in the sense that not all search  
queries of everyone are logged in one place.  That's why Searx much better  
for freedom and privacy compared to Google or DuckDuckGo.

Staring you own Searx instance is mostly useful for other people to use, not  
you, at least not directly.  It's better for your privacy to use other  
people's instances, while providing a Searx instance for others.

J.B. Nicholson-Owens:
 Depending on the details, the metasearch engine and/or the dependent search  
engines can record time/datestamps, IP addresses, queries, and returned  
results at a minimum.

When you use other people's instances dependent search engines can't get your  
IP address or any useful tracking information about you.

Magic Banana:
 DockDuckGo, Ixquick and Startpage promise that they neither store the IP  
address of their users nor their user agents. [...] I would feel better if would do the same promise.

Promises are worthless.  Especially worthless when give by a commercial  
interest, such as DuckDuckGo.  Searx instances provide a much more real and  
practical solution for privacy, even if there could be a lot more work done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-04 Thread shiretoko
For the discussion, that would mean that SaSS is things that are good for  
privacy. An obvious bug!

Not in the new quantumgravity programing language i'm using;
go and build up some knowledge about computers, banana! You're completely  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-04 Thread janosch . adams

Thanks for the link, it looks really good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-03 Thread tomlukeywood

char SaSS;
char things_that_are_bad_for_privacy;
void main(){
SaSS =! things_that_are_bad_for_privacy;

dont know of the =! operator but it compiles...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-03 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

It does not.
You can't browse through a search engines database with your own
computer only. Therefore, it is not software as a service substitute.

And here I thought it did because I've already implemented the idea and 
it seems to be working. I guess I didn't think to run this past you 
first. Perhaps you should be more interested in what's good for 
improving privacy than dogmatically sticking to someone's definitions of 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-03 Thread shiretoko

Perhaps you should be more interested in what's good for
improving privacy than dogmatically sticking to someone's definitions of

I think you still don't get it: you can be interested in what's good for  
improving your privacy _without_ calling the use of search engines SaaSS.

SaaSS =! things that are bad for privacy

And it's far from acting dogmatically if you stick to the definition of a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread franparpe
Oh my! Searx is fast, very fast. I think I'll be using it as my default  
search engine and see if the results are as good.

I've looked at preferences and they work similarly to ixquick's old days: you  
can select what search engines to use.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tomlukeywood
from a user interface point of view this search engine is the best i ever  

and its libre software
bye bye ixquick!

but do you need a powerful web-server to run the search engine yourself?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

Looking at the paragraph right above that one, it says:

  It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on
other platforms without storing search data. Queries are made using a
POST request on every browser (except chrome*). Therefore they show up
in neither our logs, nor your url history.

Right, but that doesn't address anything substantively so it doesn't 
answer anything at all.

That's just a description of what any service has to do (mixing your 
queries) with an unverifiable claim of privacy (without storing search 
data). All services have to keep some track of who made which query in 
order to get them the right results back (we don't want people asking 
for cat pictures to get non-cat pictures back). Either the user's 
computer does this on their computer alone (which isn't feasible given 
the size of the DB needed to do this search in a thoroughgoing way) or 
the user submits the query to another computer (which makes it SASS with 
the privacy-busting that goes with all SASS).

As for other info, it doesn't seem to say. However, considering that it
focuses on privacy, and unlike similar services (cough cough DuckDuckGo)
it's free software, I'm going to trust it and most likely use it in
close future.

Startpage/Ixquick are not foreseeably worse metasearch engines, and 
being free software SASS doesn't mean anything for the end user because 
one doesn't do the entire job on one's own computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tirifto

Looking at the paragraph right above that one, it says:

 It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on other  
platforms without storing search data. Queries are made using a POST request  
on every browser (except chrome*). Therefore they show up in neither our  
logs, nor your url history.

As for other info, it doesn't seem to say. However, considering that it  
focuses on privacy, and unlike similar services (cough cough DuckDuckGo) it's  
free software, I'm going to trust it and most likely use it in close future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tirifto

 being free software SASS doesn't mean anything for the end user because
one doesn't do the entire job on one's own computer.

While this is true, usability-wise, I also appreciate the contribution to  
free software! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tomlukeywood

heres a list of sites running the software:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread shiretoko

All services have to keep some track of who made which query in
order to get them the right results back (we don't want people asking
for cat pictures to get non-cat pictures back). 

Why should this be the case?
It's perfectly possible to perform a search for some user and delete all data  
about the process afterwards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tomlukeywood

i compiled it sucsessfully
run this command to save you some headaces!
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libxslt-dev python-dev  
python-virtualenv python-pybabel zlib1g-dev

heres a screenshot it runs rely rely rely fast btw
but on thing to note is it only seems to work when i am connected to the  

so i am a bit confused as to were the search results are coming from...:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tomlukeywood
i was trying to run searx and after installing all the dependency’s it  
wanted me to

i get these errors:
tom@trisquel7-gnu-linux:~/searx-master$ python searx/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File searx/, line 53, in
from searx.engines import (
  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/engines/, line 209, in
engine = load_engine(engine_data)
  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/engines/, line 51, in  

engine = load_module(engine_name + '.py')
  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/engines/, line 44, in  

module = load_source(modname, filepath)
  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/engines/, line 3, in
from searx.poolrequests import get
  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/, line 48, in
http_adapters = cycle((HTTPAdapterWithConnParams(pool_connections=100),  

  File /home/tom/searx-master/searx/, line 14, in __init__
self.max_retries = requests.adapters.Retry(0, read=False)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Retry'

anyone have any ideas?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread maestro
ugh what a tasteless awful radioactive green terminal color you got there ay  
ay ay!!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tomlukeywood

i cannot contain my computers radio active power it is too great!

i;t;s l;i;s;ti;n;i;ng ;:(;

all hail the AMT in all your ADVANCEDNESS WE HAIL YOU!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-01 Thread ka1cey
I set searx as my browser's default engine, and tried a bunch of searches.   
I'd say the results were comparable to ones I'd get by hitting bing or  
google. but the result presentation is wonderfully clean and easy to read.   
Thanks rfor the suggestion.  

[Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-01 Thread maestro

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-01 Thread gromobir
Why do people vote this down? Thanks a lot for sharing this link. I'll give  
it a try or is there anything wrong with this project?