Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-05-19 Thread equimanthorn
My eeepc is 1001px, works well with light distro, and using Midori or  
Seamonkey I can use JavaScript without problems (i.e. for gmail... please  
don't bite me...) the last 3 years I always use Trisquel Mini on it without  
problems, I love it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-05-19 Thread xliang9550
I once had one Asus eeePC with an Atheros AR2427 WLAN card. It worked  
smoothly under GNU/Linux, though it's no longer working now.

As long as you don't use it to browse JavaScript enabled webpages, the  
performance is barely acceptable, roughly as fast (or slow) as my  
16-years-old ThinkPad X40 (also equipped with an Atheros card).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-05-19 Thread equimanthorn

now a strange thing happened:
I insert one usb key in the netbook and
pcmanfm mounted without problems...
then I plugged my android phone to the netbool amd pcmanfm mounted it without  
problems 😲

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-05-18 Thread equimanthorn
Today I need to connect my android phone to my netbook and pcmanfm cannot see  
my phone.

in synaptic all the gvfs packages are installed :/
help please...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-02-08 Thread pablo6k

Congratulations !
Complimenti !

Hoping to install Trisquel 9 Mini in the future in my netbook too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-11 Thread equimanthorn

I follow your advice and "autoremove" was safe,
many thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread equimanthorn

Many thanks for your answer Chaosmonk
I forget how simple is the solution...
Is only an experiment, Trisquel Mini is one
of the best distro out here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread equimanthorn

Picture or it did'nt happen :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread mason
> and is not possible to update trisquel-mini-recommended from version
> 8.0-34 to version 9.0-8 due to some missing
> dependencies.

Trisquel Mini 9 is not ready yet, as you have discovered.  It's not the
end of the world, you're just going to have to stick with some Trisquel
8 packages until it is possible to fully upgrade.

The package manager will only attempt to autoremove packages that were
installed automatically as a dependency of another package.  If you want
to be able to run autoremove without a package being removed, manually
reinstall the package.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread equimanthorn
This is my sources list, after the first upgrade and the first reboot the  
sources.list file was empty so I paste this:

# Trisquel repositories for supported software and updates
deb etiona main
deb etiona-security main
deb etiona-updates main
deb etiona-backports main
deb-src etiona-backports main

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread equimanthorn

when I type in the terminal :
sudo apt-get autoremove

I have this list:
  apt-clone archdetect-deb consolekit cpp-5 dpkg-repack esound-common  
fonts-mgopen gconf2 geoclue-2.0
  gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 gir1.2-json-1.0 gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0  
gir1.2-nm-1.0 gir1.2-nma-1.0 gir1.2-timezonemap-1.0
  gir1.2-xkl-1.0 gksu gnome-app-install gnupg-agent iio-sensor-proxy  
imagemagick-common iproute libapparmor-perl
  libasprintf0v5 libass5 libaudiofile1 libavcodec-ffmpeg56  
libavfilter-ffmpeg5 libavformat-ffmpeg56 libavresample-ffmpeg2
  libavutil-ffmpeg54 libbind9-140 libbluray1 libboost-filesystem1.58.0  
libboost-iostreams1.58.0 libboost-system1.58.0
  libcamel-1.2-54 libcapnp-0.5.3 libcapnp-0.6.1 libcdio-cdda1  
libcdio-paranoia1 libcdio13 libcgmanager0 libchromaprint0
  libck-connector0 libdebian-installer4 libdirectfb-1.2-9 libdns162  
libedataserver-1.2-21 libesd0 libevent-2.0-5
  libfcitx-gclient0 libgcr-3-common libgdbm3 libgeoclue-2-0 libgksu2-0  
libglu1-mesa libgnome-desktop-3-12
  libgnustep-base1.24 libgtkglext1 libgtkmm-2.4-1v5 libgtop-2.0-10  
libgtop2-common libhunspell-1.3-0 libical1a libisc160
  libisccc140 libisccfg140 libisl15 libjasper1 libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0  
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0 liblircclient0
  libllvm5.0 libllvm6.0 liblwres141 libmimic0 libmirclient9 libmircommon7  
libmircore1 libmirprotobuf3 libmpfr4
  libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-gtk-common libnm-gtk0 libnma-common libonig2  
libopencv-calib3d2.4v5 libopencv-contrib2.4v5
  libopencv-core2.4v5 libopencv-features2d2.4v5 libopencv-flann2.4v5  
libopencv-highgui2.4v5 libopencv-imgproc2.4v5
  libopencv-legacy2.4v5 libopencv-ml2.4v5 libopencv-objdetect2.4v5  
libopencv-video2.4v5 libopenjpeg5 libpackagekit-glib2-16
  libpango1.0-0 libpangox-1.0-0 libpeas-1.0-0-python2loader libpoppler58  
libpostproc-ffmpeg53 libprotobuf-lite10
  libprotobuf-lite9v5 libpython3.5 libqpdf17 libschroedinger-1.0-0  
libsodium18 libsrtp0 libswresample-ffmpeg1
  libswscale-ffmpeg3 libtbb2 libtidy-0.99-0 libtimezonemap-data  
libtimezonemap1 libunistring0 libva-drm1 libva-wayland1
  libva-x11-1 libva1 libvpx3 libvte-common libvte9 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0  
libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 libwebp5 libwebpdemux1 libwebpmux1
  libwebrtc-audio-processing-0 libwildmidi1 libwps-0.4-4 libx264-148  
libx265-79 libxapian-1.3-5 libxapian22v5 libxfont1
  libzeitgeist-2.0-0 open-ath9k-htc-firmware python-apt python-central  
python-gconf python-gdbm python-gobject-2
  python-gtk2 python3-gi-cairo python3-icu python3-lxml python3-pam  
python3-pycurl sbsigntool splix ttf-freefont

  ttf-junicode x11-apps x11-session-utils xinit xorg

It seems Trisquel want to remove xorg, I am scared :o

and is not possible to update trisquel-mini-recommended from version 8.0-34  
to version 9.0-8 due to some missing

Can someone help me?
Sorry for my bad english

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Mini (my install and some doubt ...)

2020-01-07 Thread equimanthorn
Hello, yesterday evening I have formatted my eeepc 1001px to make one  
I have made a fresh install of  Trisquel Mini 8 with LVM and I changed the  
sources.list from Flidas to Etiona and so...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade (around 300 packages to upgrade)

and reboot: all is ok, Trisquel 9 Mini is very fast and I don't have any  
problem with encryption and so:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade (only few packages to update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (many others packages to upgrade

and reboot and all is ok, there is some small graphic glitches but Trisquel  
seems very fast and usable (and perfect for this small eeepc)

but now I have 2 doubt...