Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-10 Thread stephaneschmit
Oh alright. That's good to know. Feel welcome to ignore my last email then (I  
still need that invoice tho).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-09 Thread calmstorm
Aww, but people love necroing! so much so that they thumb me down many times  
when I do it.

but seriously, it is amusing at times when people necro. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-08 Thread info

hey there

i got behind on emails but caught up as of a few days ago. i now answer  
emails quickly again

if youhave questions about minifree products or about your order, i'm happy  
to answer them via email

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-06 Thread stephaneschmit

Alright thanks for the detailed answer.

I believe there might be a problem with the edit buttons. At least, I don't  
experience this behavior. No big deal though. I was just curious.

As for the locked thread I was frustrating about, I won't need to ask a admin  
to revert the auto-lock because I found a more relevant one that is still  
open. Good to know we have this option though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-05 Thread david
Hi! you have been given two replies, both of them true but just a bit  
incomplete (I think :)

Regarding the edit button: the first post on each thread can not be edited by  
its poster because of a limitation of the forum software and its integration  
with mailing lists. Since it can be done by an administrator, you can ask  
(me, for instance) for any change (i.e. typos, bad titles, etc.) and we'll  
help with that.

Regarding the threads being locked, that's a common design decision which  
affects all threads (without any relation to their topics) after a given time  
without activity. It's better for the organization of the forum and avoids  
"necroposting", which usually results in less replies that with a new post.  
Once again, when it's needed for some reason, an administrator can revert  
this auto-lock.

We've locked a couple of threads for content reasons, but it's a really  
uncommon practice at this forum :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-05 Thread stephaneschmit
I can see how it's a good idea in the case a specific question is answered  
but those threads seemed to exist so Minifree could provide support to  
Trisquel users who might struggle because of libreboot specifics or hardware  
related issues.

Anyway yes, I will try IRC. I didn't think of that. Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-04 Thread greatgnu
Once someone replies to your post it gets automatically locked, and for a  
good reason. Imagine what would this place be without this feature.. an  
terrible hell..

You can go on their IRC channel on freenode. I believe it was #libreboot

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-03 Thread stephaneschmit

It seems more complex than that but thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-03 Thread svenerik_vn

I believe you can edit replies, but not op

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-03 Thread stephaneschmit
Also, why is the edit button not always available in these forums? I wish I  
could correct my typos but for some reason, not all of my posts seem to allow  

[Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-03 Thread stephaneschmit
I purchased one of these laptops and it would have been nice to be able to  
receive some support from Leah or other users. One of the threads explains  
why it was locked but not the second one. Is this the wrong place to ask  
support for these laptops? If so, where would be a better place? Minifree  
says they provide support by email but I haven't had much luck with that for  
the past few weeks. Thanks.