Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread rockinko

I tried a long text, error.
How I can to correct Apple manufacturing software to free machine. I asked  
tor-mailing-list, they answered me that only tails guarantee privacy. I  
thought that hardware could to send hidden informations from my computer. Am  
I too much paranoid ?
I'm tired to feed Apple information bank. Perhaps Apple don't analyze data  
from their users, I ask the question is Apple spy their users ?
I'm disappointed by Obama that cautions nsa. I even watched tv, that I never  
do, his first president speech. Usa, yes we can rent the world for money!

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread rockinko

shoter: can I use gnu/linux on macintosh hardware safely ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread maestro
xfury - Unless you have a pc that has no proprietary firmware and no  
proprietary BIOS you can't really know..
Buy one of this beauties at , install Trisquel or  
any other 100% free OS and you'll be safe as one can be

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
I found your post quite easy to read. it was also interesting,  a
insight into your life and your thinking.

I think your stuffed if you want to try and reuse your ithing hardware,
that your going to have to replace it all. maybe the desktop/laptop can
be reused (minus wifi unless with a different distrio that does not
priorities supporting only libre hw. sell good
free software only wifi dongles)

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread onpon4

 can I use gnu/linux on macintosh hardware safely ?

Using Trisquel on a Mac isn't going to make it blow up or anything... worst  
case scenario might be a bug in the partitioning software causing you to be  
unable to boot OS X after setting up a dual-boot, but that's really unlikely.

Linux has pretty good hardware support. AMD/ATI GPUs are unaccelerated 2-D  
only, and many wireless cards don't work at all, without blobs. But that's  
about it. The only reason Linux systems such as Android can't work on iThings  
is because of a lower-level lockdown functionality in them (restricted boot).  
The same is true of Windows phones and I think many Android phones as well. I  
don't know if restricted boot is used on some laptops and desktop computers,  
but if it is, it's uncommon.

On the other hand, for privacy, it's true that Macs aren't even close to the  
best hardware (that would be the Gluglug computers), and Trisquel isn't the  
best software (that would be Tails, though do note that Tails is shipped with  
proprietary firmware blobs for wireless cards that need them, hence why you  
don't tend to see recommendations for it here).

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread rockinko
I have subscribed to forum lists so I will have a better view of trisquel  
community. Maybe I should take business at the root by learning emacs that is  
far from my work. Pictures could be wrong practice and in our 21 century we  
have to upgrade to a more abstract layer: coding. Comps sometimes exclude  

Thanks all  last answer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread maestro

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-25 Thread jabjabs

Can confirm, works excellently on Mac's. Wifi not at all.

[Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread rockinko

recently I could to downgrade to a cheap laptop intel fr kb without flashing  
bios yet (it's not mine). so it's not 100% trisquel env. i couldn't test  
trisquel seriously because I have patented hardware (apple) 4 comps (1  
macbook 1,1 1 macpro 4,1 1 macbook 8,2 1 iphone 5). a day i read a news where  
rms gave a jugement about s. jobs and apple: this is a cool jail. i kept in  
mind this tense and analysed if it was true. it's a long process specially  
when you started on macintosh. i did a clear mistake, rms marked a vital  
point. i'm in comps for more 20 years so when somebody else bring a jugement  
about comps i either exclude or i includ depends information's sens jugement.  
i grew up in 68's (paris evenements) philosophia with non-material value as  
concept and became autodidact when I was 14 yr. when i was enough old to buy  
a true, not fake, machine i discovered a new concept but material. if you  
want to be free and safe private in fact you have to use your own brain  
without outputs like writting and you are 100% anonymous. when I decided  
inconscienciously to use a machine i had to convert my mind to machine/usa  
culture. while 90's there was an access opener than today to free computer  
philosophia. when i digged apple 68k I have seen  a c++ emacs running on my  
machine, i was too young and too stress to get it. I've lost a true  
opportinity to dev that is a key to be free. apple is a cool jail so true,  
i have lost too much time  money with rubbers like apple. they only make  
money they're pervets like all rubbers. machines have been extended to thier  
paroxysms in usa that is a europe extention culture in a way. when I started  
comps it was exotic and usa population hadn't upgraded on this social  
behavior, it was relax. suddently while mid 90's usa media promoted comps and  
mostly internet it wasn't freak's decision like rms but political decision  
with endoctriment.
in 2012 i have seriously tried, by nerv, to open apple's door by install  
gnustep via step move's linux association called fink. shortly after i  
upgraded to open source unix fbsd. I discovered lately unix behavior open  
license. fbsd is, according few i've read from rms, not real free. from now i  
don't know if it's true or not. you can dev lisp for instance on bsd and  
mckusick driving isn't so bad, he teachs comps to young people that is mindly  
because my nature tends picture's art, steady colors produced by a screen is  
important i'm screw on apple. apple sucks in software but they have patented  
abused hardware on multimedia. gnu understood with libreboot that hw* is also  
a key. i never test x60 or x200 hw* but i need decent screen colors to work.  
my question is how i could recycle my apple hw* including my iphone (from  
that i read it could possible to install android and then replicant) to  
gnu/linux freedom.

*hw means hardware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread davidvargas1

Is this forum about Trisquel? or just everyone likes to post crap, about non  
trisquel issues all the time?

This post should be post it in the TROLL HOLE!

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread tomlukeywood

i think the question was
how can i free my apple phone with a os like replicant?

and as much as the question could of been clearer
its related to free software which is closely related to trisquel

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread tomlukeywood

as i think this question was not rely attempted to be answerd

i will post what i think xfury was trying to ask:

my question is how i could recycle my apple hw* including my iphone (from  
that i read it could possible to install android and then replicant) to  
gnu/linux freedom.

*hw means hardware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread danigaritarojas
 i grew up in 68's (paris evenements) philosophia with non-material value as  
concept and became autodidact when I was 14 yr...

Really? the story of your life?

As MB said, try again. Because I simply refuse to read such chunk of useless  

Re: [Trisquel-users] dr. gnu i have to heal my apple hw how?

2015-02-24 Thread mail

I had a fair amount of difficulty attempting to understand your question...
But I think you were asking how you can free your computer and phone?

There is no Android for iPhone in a working state, and Replicant is currently  
impossible for iPhones.
You can install Trisquel on a fair amount of Mac computers, but there may be  
a component that doesn't work, such as wifi.