Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
The world suffers a lot. Not because the violence of bad people. But because  
of the silence of the good people.

Think about that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
If someone has the nerve to talk publicly bad about women and LGBT people  
then I will publicly shame them.

I don't care if someone else disagree. I agree there are things should be  
treated privately but this kind oy thing doesn't.

There are things that is worth rising your voice against. This in one of  
them. Especially with the amount of discrimination the world has seen in  
recent times.

I expected better of some of you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread i_write_words
I can't read the whole thread, I just wanted to thank Happy Gnu for caring. I  
was a closeted het female for most of my Gnu/Linux using years for this  
reason. This username was a mistake on my part and I almost left Trisquel  
because I didn't think I could handle people knowing that I was female.

Meeting Leah was life changing for me.

Mainstream women on the sites I frequent commonly say things like "I'd like  
to switch from gmail, but my husband is too busy to set up a new email  
account for me".

Leah's personal life is none of my business, no matter how much I want to  
support her and defend her from hurtful comments. Chasing her and other  
transwomen away is denying ourselves their talent, just as we deny ourselves  
the talent of those mainstream women who are afraid to even ask how to set up  
their own email accounts.

After I accidentally outed myself, Jade outed herself on purpose, either in  
solidarity with my embarassed self or because she was planning on doing so  

Ciswomen have been treated respectfully here, for the most part, ever since.  
I still think we have some closeted females here, just from writing style and  
other little things I pick up because it takes one to know one.

If Happy Gnu gets banned for standing up for us, however imperfectly, the  
closeting and fear of being ourselves continues.

I hope I have half the courage this young man has shown the next time someone  
says the same sort of thing about Mexican people as this troll has said about  
Lisa. I'm too damned grumpy to weigh in on the content of the thread right  
now so I'll let you get back to what you were talking about.

I feel safe now. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread greatgnu

mv /crap_storage/whatever_this_shit_is/ /trollhole

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread jbahn
I fully agree with Mangy Dog. And I am pretty sure that posters posting that  
sort of incoherent 'opinion' and 'facts' isn't going to change either  
attitude or behaviour just because somebody complains and tries to shoot  
back. The words to extinguish to fire function as fuel. Ignore the fire and  
watch it (of the forum)...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread calmstorm
I think you are a troll, sorry but anyone who takes the sinclair broadcast  
group seriously is off their rocker, and I know you watch that stuff, because  
that's where the talk of "social justice warriors" comes from.  I don't  
really understand why you bother, but just stop. It will be taken offensively  
by a lot of people.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread calmstorm

Actually, I agree with you. Probably you have a good point. MangyDog

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread calmstorm
It is sad what our world has done to everyone but wealthy white men. and also  
white men in general.

I disagree with white supremacy and I am a white male myself.

I guess you could say that I dislike corruption and hypocrisy and injustice.

otherwise my country's dangerous orange and the red knights of congress,  
wouldn't bother me as much. same with the cops.

Freedom is supposed to be more accessible to the public than those in power  
and 5% of the country.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread calmstorm
I would agree, but being a troll as you probably know doesn't make him  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread calmstorm

As a christian myself I am appalled by people like marioxcc's behavior.

Gender superiority is both lame and false.

Neither sex is exalted according to the bible, this is because both sinned  
and both are made in his image.

But even forgetting that, you would think marioxcc's comments would be more  
respectful, if he is a christian,

or at least, I would anyways.  This tells me he is hollow inside and shallow  
as well.

I don't know if permanently, banning him will solve the issue, but I do think  
it would be good to kick him out for a while.

I support equal rights, equal pay, and I also think the real problem most  
people face in life, is arrogance, backstabbing, and physical harm.

Those three things are life's biggest sins.  Nothing else is even on the same  
tip of the iceberg. My point is that most issues the right brings up are  
diversions from the real root issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
Calling people pathetic you don't know and is not involved with you is just  
as bad Arc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread arc
Hilarious. As laughable as it is, everyone's entitled to their paragraph long  
diatribes, either of you guys. Engaging like this just makes the forum and  
the individuals involved look pathetic. And, if you want to call for  
someone's opinion to be shut down, or to argue about whatever trite either of  
you are talking about, maybe go to the Troll Lounge. Don't mean to be a  
backseat mod, but I think it would be appropriate. Because this doesn't have  
much to do with Trisquel or computers, does it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
Yet you on purpose omit the fact and even justify what happens in Mexico.  
Because you are Mexican.

Mexicans haven't earn that many Nobel prizes or done anything successful in  
math or science because of sad reasons.

But women haven't because you think they are stupid.

(For those new I am Mexican too)

I tried to teach marioxcc how his logic is bad because if we apply it to  
something else it is wrong.

He can't accept that his retoric is clearly wrong.

Anyway he just made my point. He shouldn't be here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread marioxcc . MT
>Marioxcc has clearly posted discrimination towards women and his comments  
are not only negative, but destructive, irrational and should not be part of  
this community.

>He had made some horrible comments against woman and I am sad to see such  
ugly thoughts contaminating Trisquel community.

Saying the truth that you do not want to hear is not “discrimination”.

That you can not wrap your head around the fact that there have been 17 times  
as much male Nobel Prize laureates (something you have choose as a benchmark,  
not me) than female Nobel Prize laureates is not my fault.

That A. Byron –who was the “first programmer” in a fairy tale told by  
feminists– never saw a computer in her life is not my fault, so do not  
complaint to me. The fault is of those social justice warriors and  
pro-multiculturalists that want to fool the community into thinking that the  
first computer programmer was a person who died decades before the first  
universal (Turing-complete) came into existence.

Neither is my fault that those MTF transsexuals that undergo the  
erroneously[1] called “sex change/reassignment surgery”, pay a quack to  
mutilate their genitals into a deep injury that struggles to close itself and  
that they call this injury a "vagina" and prevent it from closing by  
introducing foreign objects on it. That is what they do, as you will find by  
doing a quick search of the academic literature.

The problem here is not me, as I just bring to your field of view the facts  
that you ignore. The problem is that you want to pretend that these facts do  
not exist, because they expose to anybody how absurd your your social justice  
warrior world-view is.

What you are doing in starting this thread is a well known tactic of the  
social justice warrior herd: When all the people that are present to speak  
are themselves, they say that they want free speech and all voices to be  
heard. When somebody from the outside brings some facts that bursts their  
bubble, then all the cries for free speech cease and are replaced by the  
yells that the dissenting arguments are shut as forcefully as possible.

In the United States, the herd mentality is pervasive that the same social  
justice warriors that otherwise would cry for freedom of speech have managed  
to deter people with dissenting opinions from giving a speech in their  
university. Isn't it ironic?

If I am banned for saying the truth that some people do not want to hear into  
the ears that this forum is, then so shall it be, for the truth that you are  
afraid of is exactly the truth that you ought to hear. It would not be the  
first time, nor the last. You can shut your ears and close your eyes, and be  
oblivious to the reality, but you can not shut my voice.

There will be always something to be done, and my lifetime is not enough to  
do it all. I have used enough of it already trying to speak to somebody who  
is deaf because he does not want to hear. Thus, I conclude my participation  
in this thread with the above text.

[1]: The sex of an individual is defined in the more general way, by the  
gametes that the physiology of the organism gonads corresponds to, or in  
humans and their evolutionary relatives, by karyotype, provided the absence  
of anomalous localization of the SRY gene. Since we can not modify genes  
(beyond epigenetics) nor replace the gonads of an individual with those of  
the other sex, it follows that there is no way to change sex. You can find a  
source is basically any biology book.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
To be fair. Unfortunately women had been mistreated in most cultures, not  
only western.

But my point was not to point to western countries but to give an explanation  
on why history appears to lack women success.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu
Is sad to see such irrational person who misses a little history like the  
fact that in western countries the laws and culture are inherited by romans  

Under Roman's laws the women was a property of men and was forbidden to do  
anything if was not allowed by the head of the family.

This was later adopted by Christianity and was a long history of denying  
women a place in culture, education and politics.

So every time a woman accomplished something on something men used the bible  
as an excuse to dismiss or even punish the woman for learning.

This happened to create a history where only "men" did something for  

Similar things happened to the countries that were under the slavery of  
western countries. Like Asian, African or latinamerica countries.

This is the reason why history appears to be full of "white male"  
accomplishments, because if someone was black or a woman then this person was  
punished for trying to learn.

Marioxcc clearly can't see this fact even though is obvious. The reason why  
men did so much was not because they were superior but because they used  
force and power to destroy anyone who was better than them.

Women, black men, indigenous, Asians and more, all were under fear. You can't  
actually expect they to compete in history because they were punished.

But you can't be so retarded to think that they are more stupid instead of  
see that clearly they wore as smart but under a horrible regime.

It makes me sad to see that people can't use their brains to think and be  
kind to others.

I really don't know what to say. I can't expect marioxcc little brain to  
grasp all history and social problems in just one post.

But I hope you learn Mario. For your own good. You can't be an idiot for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please ban marioxcc from this forum

2017-08-25 Thread happy_gnu

This is an example of why he should be banned: