Re: [Trisquel-users] Synaptic package list export - selected only?

2016-04-15 Thread davesamcdxv
Could've been a tad more selective though - maybe by marking manual  
everything listed as those 2 metapackages' dependencies but not the  
dependencies of said dependencies..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Synaptic package list export - selected only?

2016-04-15 Thread davesamcdxv
I think the word you're looking for is manually installed (i.e. as opposed to  
automatically installed).

Try apt-mark showmanual

(Anyway if memory serves me everything that came on the Trisquel ISO were  
marked manual).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Synaptic package list export - selected only?

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
Well, back to square one. Debian's idea of "selected" and mine were  
different. For now I'm just putting my packages I ask the computer to install  
in a text file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Synaptic package list export - selected only?

2016-04-15 Thread newellrp1
Isn't there some way to just use the list of selected packages to select  
those packages on a new install and apt-get all of those packages back on to  
your system? to me that is the most elegant solution (and most future-proof,  
as DEBs won't be getting obsolete).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Synaptic package list export - selected only?

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie

You can run in the terminal
dpkg -l > packages.txt
to write information about the installed .deb packages to file packages.txt.  
Also run

dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W > packages.txt
to just write the names.
I tried to get it to work in Synaptic but it seems easier to use the  