Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-20 Thread tomlukeywood

i have has success!
i got it to boot to a usb

the mistake i made was using unetbootin to
make a live usb stick
make sure you follow the instructions here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-09 Thread noordinaryspider

Many thanks. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-09 Thread tomlukeywood

hello i have received a email from

and memtest and grub invaders were not working for me
as the developers did not cross compile them
for the x60 textmode roms
so its best for now to flash the vesafb roms

so sadly we will have to wait a bit longer to play
space invaders in out bios :( (unless you have a 64-bit processor)

also you can boot to a usb stick in libreboot
with the instructions that i will be following here:

also i think you have to run gnu/linux on libreboot
so libertybsd  may not boot on it

i will post when i have tried to follow the instructions more which will be  
when i have time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread shiretoko

Are you sure that libreboot actually supports booting from usb?
I know that its features are limited
My guess is that this is the problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread tomlukeywood

i have installed libreboot and at first all seemed
fine it shows the grub menu
but when i tried to boot to a os it gave this error:
disk ahci(0,1)  not found

i can edit the commands
and i can go to a grub command line

dose anyone know the command to boot a kernel in grub?

or any way for me to make this libreboot install work?

i dont have a hardrive in the computer
i am trying to boot to ether my usb stick
or a usb cd drive with a gnewsense live cd in it

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread tomlukeywood

i installed a HDD and it gave the same error

dose anyone else have libreboot

or know how to could boot to a os from the grub command line?

also just to note i have not compleated the second stage of the installation  
yet theses instructions told me t reboot before completing them

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread tomlukeywood

i have emailed and i am waiting
for a reply

i got myn for £30 on ebay and i have seen a few other for about that since  
so if you want to try its not too expensive

to get one
but if you dont want this risk of messing it up then get a gluglug one which  
you can get for £198

also you could get it even cheaper by getting a £30 one and paying for there  
£128 service of flashing it for you

so it costs £158

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread noordinaryspider
My X60 is still in transit, but it was only $20--no battery, no power cords,  
only a single gig of RAM but it does have an HD.

I'm going to play around with it for awhile and see what Tom's experiences  
are before I make any irrevocable decisions about whether I want to fix it up  
and send it off for the experts to flash or whether I'm okay with bricking  
it, getting another one, and enjoying the process of learning with the  
eventual goal of liberating my workhorse T-61.

If this is something you want to learn how to do, this is probably a great  
time to pick them up--you can get lots of four or five for around $200, which  
isn't very much to pay for a valuable skill that might have a bit of a  
learning curve, IMNSHO.

T-61s are quite a bit more expensive and can have video card problems. My  
first eBay special only lasted a few months but my second has been delightful  
and well worth what I paid for the two.

Tom, could you keep me updated on the situation and advise me (when you know)  
on how much of a hassle it would be to flash the ROM first and upgrade the  
HDD later if all goes well?


Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-08 Thread maestro
tomlukey - go to #libreboot on freenode and ask there - I hope you'll succeed  
liberating your lappy - I would be thrilled if I had one of those


Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-02-01 Thread amenex

tomlukeywood said, properly:

 I think you misunderstood my question

I sure did.  However, I now understand the basic process better after doing  
Intel's boot update for my G865GLC motherboard. Intel's instructions rather  
set the standard for understandability, if not the four freedoms ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-01-30 Thread tomlukeywood

i think you misunderstood my question
i am already running trisquel 7

what i am trying to do is install libreboot a libre bios:

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-01-30 Thread dooleyn
Check out these guides provided by the libreboot devs if you haven't already.  
They are very well written and there exists documentation to rescue a bricked  

I believe future libreboot releases will support Guix and ProteanOs. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing libreboot on a x60 thinkpad

2015-01-30 Thread amenex
Just a note of experience from this long-time (three weeks) Trisquel user:  
Make a bootable flash drive (I used an 8GB one) and load Trisquel's iso with  
the nice usb-flashdrive installer. Add as many applications with the software  
installer as you like, being sure to check how much free space remains on the  
flash drive, and give it a try. You can re-install Trisquel and a few less  
applications if you brick the flashdrive ... I did that about three times.  
Unless you set out to do so deliberately, there's not much you can do to the  
candidate laptop except running GParted on the laptop's hard drive  
accidentally. Or accidentally hitting the install button during bootup -  
you can even cancel that if you're paying attention.

You can run the laptop from the Trisquel flash drive as long as you like; it  
boots up quickly and gives the laptop full functionality without resorting to  
any portion of the laptop's original operating system. You can even mount,  
read  write to the laptop's hard drive, so long as there is room on it. All  
files on the laptop are accessible as well (I dunno about password  
protections on that laptop's files, however - but my own laptop has not  
rejected access to my data files when running Trisquel from the flashdrive).