RE: [TruthTalk]Covenants

2003-08-05 Thread ShieldsFamily
Excellent commentary Judy--send more soon! Izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]Covenants

Bruce Woodford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think I need to clarify a few things here:
(1)What we have traditionally called the Old Testament (Genesis to
 Malachi) and the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation)  is a use
 of terms in a way that God never uses them!  Genesis to Malachi is
referred  to in scripture as the scriptures, the law etc, but never
old  testament/covenant.  So when I use the term old covenant I try
 to  use it in it's scriptural sense, of the covenant that God made with
Israel at Sinai.

Wouldn't Mosaic covenant be more exact Bruce?

It was a conditional covenant based on Israel's acceptance of
God's terms. See Ex.24:1-8  God has made at least nine covenants
 throughout history and each one is signified with a manifest token.
That token lasts as long as the covenant.

All covenants made with God are conditional - He is the great
and awesome God who keeps His covenant and loving kindness for
those who love Him and keep his commandments (Daniel 9:4).

The first unconditional covenant was made with Noah and all flesh
in Gen.9. It was signified by the rainbow and is still in force today.
God also made an unconditional covenant with Abraham (Gen.17).
 That covenant was signified with circumcision of Abraham's male
 descendants, and it also continues forever, as will circumcision of
Jews and Arabs.

No covenant is unconditional not even the New Covenant.
The covenant with Abraham as well as the New Covenant are
not between unequal parties. Abraham did not walk through the
pieces, God did. In the New Covenant Jesus walked through the
pieces on our behalf so the covenant is between God the Father
and God the Son.  Like Mephibosheth we enter the Covenant through
adoption (as sons) by the King. We are heirs to a previously
established covenant between God the Father and His son Jesus.

But  the covenant made at Sinai was signified with the visible token of
 the sprinkling of blood of animal sacrifice. That covenant ended with
 the sacrifice of Christ and the rending of the vail of the temple.

The Mosaic covenant was a revelation of God's holiness and His
desire for a holy people. The Hebrews had found themselves in
bondage to Egypt because they were transgressing the Abrahamic
covenant (they were not obedient to its conditions) and so God gave
them a tutor or schoolmaster in the form of law until the time of the
fulfillment of the promise to Abraham (Gal 3:23-25)

It is not me or the RCC that vanished that covenant!  God did!
Heb.8:13 says, In that He (God) saith, A new covenant, he hath
made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready
to vanish away.

Note that Hebrews 9:1 describes that what was vanishing were
 the ordinances of divine service and the worldly sanctuary and not
God's statutes and commandments which according to Hebrews 8:
10-12 had been put into their minds and written on their hearts.

 (2) The new covenant is NOT Matthew to Revelation!  The new
covenant was made at Calvary. So actually almost all the events of
the Gospel records are under the old covenant. Much of the Lord
Jesus' teaching in the Gospels is teaching relative to relationships that

would be true when He had dedicated the new covenant. But the use
of temple buildings which He called My Father's house was an old
covenant practice. The vail was rent when Jesus died indicating that
God no longer dwelt in temples made with hands (Acts 7:48 and 17:24)
and that the way of access into the holiest was now made open through
the blood of Christ (Heb.10:19-22)

God never did dwell in temples made with hands; Acts 7:48 refers to
the prophet Nathan who told David to do what was on his heart but
later returned with a word from God see (2 Sam 7:5-17). Vs.13 does
not speak of Solomon; we know that Solomon's kingdom did not last
forever, this verse refers to Jesus who is the one with the everlasting

Under the old covenant, one always had to be in the right PLACE
 to worship God. God always had His dwelling in PLACES! But the
major feature of  the new covenant is that God's dwelling is now in
PEOPLE.  That is why we can worship Him anywhere at all...WE
ARE THE TEMPLE!  That is why many believers who recognize
new covenant truths say, We don't GO TO CHURCH, we ARE
THE CHURCH!  You simply cannot go to yourself, so if God dwells
 in you,  you cannot go to where He dwells either!

God dwells in us by His Spirit and yes corporately we are in the
process of being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood.
(1 Peter 2:5). Scripture also tells me that my physical body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit but I am the only one who can worship
there and I am not the 

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

I agree with most of what you said.  I am aware that we are the church
(Body of Christ), and I have always been bothered by building church
buildings with all the mortgages, etc.  It seems like one solution to large
groups needing to meet, and I'm not ready to condemn it all just because
home churches may be superior in most ways.  I'll have to think about ALL of
your points later (when I'm not watching after a 1, 3, and 5 year old!)

Currently the older two are watching a video, and 1 year old is having fun
pulling everything out of the food pantry (and eating some of it), and
Grandfather is getting his nap after taking the older two to eat and bounce
happily at the McDonald's Fun Place!!! This morning the 5 yr old, Gretchen,
got up at the crack of dawn and I heard her walking around the house. So I
sleepily dragged myself out of bed to check on her.  I walked into the
living room to find her smiling happily at me and asking, Grandmother, what
are you doing up so early? I have learned that when you can't find the 1
year old you should check in the dog crate.

The most exciting moment (so far) was yesterday morning when I opened the
back patio door to let the dogs out and a skink (lizard to me!) ran into
the kitchen! So little Sammie the teeniest dachshund in the world fiercely
attacked it and bit off it's tail! So the skink is running around one way
and its tail is wiggling around the other way, and the dog is trying to eat
them both--Grandfather had to come to the rescue!!!

Just wait--your day is coming, Grandpa Bruce!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bruce Woodford
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

Good morning Izzy,

In response to my statement:Since the new covenant made the first old,
decayed and ready to vanish away (Heb.8:13) neither Jews nor Gentiles have
any direction from God to construct any sort of temple or sanctuary for
gatherings of new covenant saints!.

You responded:So you believe that the whole OT is null and void now? Funny,
I was under the impression that the first century Believers (including
Jesus) worshipped at temples, honored the Sabbath, and believed that Torah
was eternal. But now it is vanished away? Maybe it was the apostate papal
RCC that vanished it--I don't think the Lord did. As for me, neither of
the Lord's Covenants are done away with--His OT and NT is written on my
heart of flesh, rather than a heart of stone. 

I think I need to clarify a few things here:
(1)What we have traditionally called the Old Testament (Genesis to
Malachi) and the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation)  is a use of terms
in a way that God never uses them!  Genesis to Malachi is referred to in
scripture as the scriptures, the law etc, but never the old
testament/covenant.  So when I use the term old covenant I try to use it
in it's scriptural sense, of the covenant that God made with Israel at
Sinai. It was a conditional covenant based on Israel's acceptance of God's
terms. See Ex.24:1-8  God has made at least nine covenants throughout
history and each one is signified with a manifest token. That token lasts as
long as the covenant. The first unconditional covenant was made with Noah
and all flesh in Gen.9. It was signified by the rainbow and is still in
force today.  God also made an unconditional covenant with Abraham (Gen.17).
That covenant was signified with circumcision of Abraham's male descendants,
and it also continues forever, as will circumcision of Jews and Arabs. But
the covenant made at Sinai was signified with the visible token of the
sprinkling of blood of animal sacrifice. That covenant ended with the
sacrifice of Christ and the rending of the vail of the temple. It is not me
or the RCC that vanished that covenant!  God did! Heb.8:13 says, In that
He (God) saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which
decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

(2) The new covenant is NOT Matthew to Revelation!  The new covenant was
made at Calvary. So actually almost all the events of the Gospel records are
under the old covenant. Much of the Lord Jesus' teaching in the Gospels is
teaching relative to relationships that would be true when He had dedicated
the new covenant. But the use of temple buildings which He called My
Father's house was an old covenant practice. The vail was rent when Jesus
died indicating that God no longer dwelt in temples made with hands (Acts
7:48 and 17:24) and that the way of access into the holiest was now made
open through the blood of Christ (Heb.10:19-22)

(3)Under the old covenant, one always had to be in the right PLACE to
worship God. God always had His dwelling in PLACES! But the major feature of
the new covenant is that God's dwelling is now in PEOPLE.  That is why we
can worship Him anywhere at all...WE ARE THE TEMPLE!  That is why many
believers who recognize 

Re: [TruthTalk]Covenants

2003-08-05 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Judy,
You wrote: Wouldn't Mosaic covenant be more exact Bruce?
Actually, this covenant is not spoken of as being made with Moses, but is 
designated by...
-where it was made: Deut.29:1 in Horeb
-when it was made: Deut.29:25; I Kings 8:9; when He brought them out of 
-with whom it was made: I Kings 8:9 with the children of Israel

You wrote: All covenants made with God are conditional - He is the great 
and awesome God who keeps His covenant and loving kindness for those who 
love Him and keep his commandments (Daniel 9:4).

God makes covenants with men. The covenant that is in view in Dan.9:4 is the 
covenant that God made with Israel after they came out of Egypt! It WAS 

You wrote: No covenant is unconditional not even the New Covenant. The 
covenant with Abraham as well as the New Covenant are not between unequal 
parties. Abraham did not walk through the pieces, God did. In the New 
Covenant Jesus walked through the pieces on our behalf so the covenant is 
between God the Father and God the Son. Like Mephibosheth we enter the 
Covenant through adoption (as sons) by the King. We are heirs to a 
previously established covenant between God the Father and His son Jesus.

I'm sorry sister, but there are no covenants in scripture made between 
divine persons! Covenants were only established  AFTER sin had entered into 
the world and people found by experience that they could not trust one 
anothers' word or promises!  So God began to make covenants (binding 
promises) to assure sinful human beings that THEY COULD TRUST HIM!. But 
because there is no distrust between The Father and The Son, there is 
absolutely no need for any covenants between them! The covenant in Gen.17 
was not made BETWEEN THE FATHER AND THE SON! IT was made by God WITH 
ABRAHAM, and through him with Isaac, Jacob and their seed. SeeExodus 2:24; 
Leviticus 26:42; 2 Kings 13:23; 1 Chronicles 16:16;  and Psalms 105:9

You wrote:The Mosaic covenant was a revelation of God's holiness and His 
desire for a holy people. The Hebrews had found themselves in bondage to 
Egypt because they were transgressing the Abrahamic covenant (they were not 
obedient to its conditions) and so God gave them a tutor or schoolmaster in 
the form of law until the time of the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham 
(Gal 3:23-25)

Sister, can you be specific about the conditions of the covenant which God 
made with Abraham which were violated by Israel which violations became the 
reason why they were in Egyptian bondage??  Where does scripture state this 

You wrote:Note that Hebrews 9:1 describes that what was vanishing were the 
ordinances of divine service and the worldly sanctuary and not God's 
statutes and commandments which according to Hebrews 8: 10-12 had been put 
into their minds and written on their hearts.

Sister, I would remind you that the worldly sanctuary of Heb.9 along with 
it's furnishings, the ark the cherubim etc had passed away centuries before 
Hebrews 9!!!  Also Heb.8:10-12 does NOT say that God would put His statutes 
and commandments into their hearts but rather His LAWS.

Deut. 4:13 defines the specific contents of the covenant that was first made 
with them children of Israel as THE TEN COMMANDMENTS!  This is precisely the 
first covenant (Heb.8:7-9) which decayed, waxed old and was ready to vanish 
away when the Book of Hebrews was written nearly two millenia ago!

The book of the law  in which the curses were written (Gal.3:10) was the 
Book of Deuteronomy! See Deuteronomy 29:21; 30:10; 31:26; Joshua 1:8  Such 
was only a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ and we are NO LONGER UNDER 
JESUS! (Gal.3:21-26)

You wrote:God never did dwell in temples made with hands; Acts 7:48 refers 
to the prophet Nathan who told David to do what was on his heart but later 
returned with a word from God see (2 Sam 7:5-17). Vs.13 does not speak of 
Solomon; we know that Solomon's kingdom did not last forever, this verse 
refers to Jesus who is the one with the everlasting kingdom.

Judy, Exodus 25:8 specificly tells us that that children of Israel were to 
build the tabernacle as a sanctuary so God could dwell among them. True, it 
was a TENT and NOT a HOUSE as II Sam.7 states. But AFTER Solomon's temple 
was built, God did dwell there!  The Lord Jesus stated repeatedly concerning 
the temple in Jerusalem that it was HIS FATHER'S HOUSE!  God also dwelt in 
the bush, where Moses met Him! See  Deut.33:16.

You wrote: I agree that most of what we see is lopsided. ATST baby 
Christians can not be expected to do the work of the ministry, they have to 

(I don't know what ATST means!) Sister, I do not seek to be disagreeable, 
but I cannot agree with you assumption that only mature body members can 
minister. This is never stated in scripture! Think of your grandchildren 
when they were born: not one of their members