Re: [TruthTalk] question

2004-07-05 Thread Dave
DAVEH:  Perhaps Jesus felt a need to keep the commandments, which (as 
Laura said) should be an example to all.

Terry Clifton wrote:
Was just sitting here minding my own business, and a question popped 
into my head.  There is probably a simple answer, but I cannot think 
of it, so any help will be appreciated.

The question is: Why was Jesus baptized?  Certainly not to be saved, 
and not for the remission of sins, so why?

Dave Hansen
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 7/4/2004 8:42:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Izzyâs comments in red:

When was the last time you all read a lengthy and involved email from me?  So give me some slack and allow this exception.   You all are great.  I have included the thread remarks of Slade and Lance. 

Before we close the lid on the box in which we have place brother and dearly departed John Smithson,  allow him  self defense.  

I understood Slade's thoughtful repose to be the result of nothing more than one who is thinking out loud.   In the end of this episode, Slade concludes his presentation by admitting  that " Since these questions both have two answers depending upon the working mindset, they are a useless argument."  I don't know how "useless" this internalization was, but it was of little consequence in view of the fact that it actually spoke little as to what I consider to be important  -- from my point of view, of course. 

And maybe, just maybe, I failed in my end of this exchange we call communication.  Allow me to ramble a bit, hoping that I can tie it all together in some kind of  meaning conclusion.

I see the biblical authors as writing with an emotional focus that is in stark contrast to the Western mindset which places the analytical on the throne of all that is righteous. and sensible.  "Mindset" is not "wrong" or "preferable" but it must be recognized and understood.    When James writes concerning "justification by works,"  I believe that in his mind, he is in full agreement with Paul and couldn't care less if his (Jame's) wording seems in conflict with the apostle he [on occasion] pastors.  And those of you on TT that read from the upper deck, so to speak, know that some high church theologians cast off the book of James because of this imagined  conflict  -- not recognizing that the oriental mind thinks and writes differently than the Western.  I try to allow for this difference in spite of the fact that I fancy myself as being a logical and analytical thinker.  As a result, I see lots of textual problems in the biblical message but no actual contradictions.   What the Book is intended to be is much more important to me than the various problems seen by the critical mind   --  such musing as to theoretical conflict within the written word is a waste of time to me.   I think that the âconflictâ between James and Paul is imaginaryâa definite clue to the fact that Paul is misunderstood. 

Neither do I see a conflict.  But I am curious as to why the clue doesn't work from another view  --  that James is misunderstood.    In my church, brethren run to James to prove that salvation is essentially up to you.  The life line has been thrown out and floats near enough to us that all we have to do is reach out and lay hold of it (thus gaining justification via works)  It is almost that Jame's comments trump Paul.   They never, and I repeat "never," give an explanation for Paul's words to the effect that we "are saved by faith apart from obedience to the law  ---  apart from obedience to any "law" understanding "law" to mean a "code of ethical conduct."

When that kind of thinking is applied to the actuality of who we are, my view of man, I fancy to believe, is in complete accord with God's view because my view has come my way from God.   But, of course, we all say that, don't we Chis Barr?   I see in the biblical message,  a god, the God, who created man in His image and seeks to provide for man;s arrival to that end.   I see a god, the God, who valued His creation so much that He is willing to actually participate with His "offspring" in bring them back to Himself.   God not only knew from the beginning that man would need help, He knew that man would respond to His ministry of reconciliation.  He wants us to be new again.    This exploitation of the old man by and through the gracious assistance of God Himself is a wonderful declaration by God of  both the value and the confidence He has in His creation and in His ability to bring the task of creation to its desired conclusion.   

When I counsel those who are not only messed up but broken to the point of not knowing  their true value as a person, I often tell them "stop allowing what you do, your sins, your addictions, to define who you are."   The fulcrum of my life changed when I decided to define myself by Godâs Word, rather than by the opinion of any human being.  I have been horribly independent since that day, many years ago. So blame the Lord. He is the One to which I answer, and the only One whose approval I seek. J 

Is the God in Christ that you met in the biblical message indwelling, alive, dynamic  -- the force in your life that causes you to be what you were created to become?   If "yes,"  our disagreement is semantical only.   

That advice, as it stands alone, is not good enough to effect any real and vital change. It 
must be combined another principle.  We are defined by creation and the birthing event t

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 7/5/2004 7:15:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks for the post, John.  I wonât respond, as all my posts/questions lately are ignored anyway.  Izzy


izzy, I am working on a response to your post as we speak.   


Re: [TruthTalk] question

2004-07-05 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/5/2004 9:16:45 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  question is: Why was Jesus baptized?  Certainly not to be saved, and 
  not for the remission of sins, so 

I always figured it was to set an example for believers.  Probably too 
simple!  LOL  Laura

[TruthTalk] question

2004-07-05 Thread Terry Clifton
Was just sitting here minding my own business, and a question popped 
into my head.  There is probably a simple answer, but I cannot think of 
it, so any help will be appreciated.

The question is: Why was Jesus baptized?  Certainly not to be saved, and 
not for the remission of sins, so why?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thanks for the post, John.  I
won’t respond, as all my posts/questions lately are ignored anyway.  Izzy


Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 7:09
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Divine


In a message dated 7/5/2004 10:57:06 AM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj: RE: [TruthTalk]
Divine Nature 
Date: 7/5/2004 10:57:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

slade in yaroq
I understood Slade's thoughtful repose to be the result of
nothing more than one who is thinking out loud.   In the end of this
episode, Slade concludes his presentation by admitting  that " Since
these questions both have two answers depending upon the working mindset, they
are a useless argument."  I don't know how "useless" this
internalization was, but it was of little consequence in view of the fact that
it actually spoke little as to what I consider to be important  -- from my
point of view, of course. 

What I meant by the term "Useless argument" was
that if two people have divergent mindsets, they can fail to understand each
other and discussion between them can break down and fail. Two answers to the
same question can be different but
yet both correct.. depending on the stance of the author. I never intended to
waste your time with unimportant topics.

I do not see the need to defend what I said
above.   I certainly did not mean to belittle and if that is what is
seen,  I will give more attention to what I say.   You all know
that we are sharing only (maybe) 50% of what would normally be communicated if
we were face to face.  Body language and tonation are not included in
these emails so a sense of humor and the decision to think more highly of
others than we do ourselves is critical.  Illustration on body language
and tonation:    Say our loud wand with a big frown, 
" You've got ten seconds to clean this room or you are in BIG trouble,
buster." Now, say the same thing while smiling
(yes - a fake smile but smile nonetheless).   

I never intended to waste your time with unimportant
topics  -- these words make me fear that slade is a little
ticked but how can I know for sure without asking.  So I will assume the
best until it becomes obvious beyond debate. 

I see the biblical authors as writing with an emotional focus
that is in stark contrast to the Western mindset which places the analytical on
the throne of all that is righteous. and sensible.  "Mindset" is
not "wrong" or "preferable" but it must be recognized and
understood.    When James writes concerning "justification
by works,"  I believe that in his mind, he is in full agreement with
Paul and couldn't care less if his (James's) wording seems in conflict with the
apostle he [on occasion] pastors.  And those of you on TT that read from
the upper deck, so to speak, know that some high church theologians cast off
the book of James because of this imagined  conflict  -- not
recognizing that the oriental mind thinks and writes differently than the
Western.  I try to allow for this difference in spite of the fact that I
fancy myself as being a logical and analytical thinker.  As a result, I
see lots of textual problems in the biblical message but no actual
contradictions.   What the Book is
intended to be is much more important to me than the various
problems seen by the critical mind   --  such musing as to
theoretical conflict within the written word is a waste of time to
me.   I think that the “conflict” between James and Paul is
imaginary—a definite clue to the fact that Paul is misunderstood. 

I agree with Izzy when she says there is no conflict with
Shaul and James (Yaakov). After all, Peter says that people twist the words of
Shaul to their destruction and Shaul said in his last address in the book of
Acts, that he never did anything against the customs of their [Jewish/Israeli]
fathers [i.e., Torah].

Did we not read my post a second time?   Is John
saying there is a conflict between the two?  Of course not.  Does
there appear to be a conflict?  To many the answer is yes.  
Paul would never make the point of Jame's in the way Jame's wrote  -- and,
guess what, he didn't.   I will forgo the opportunity to start a new
thread regarding Paul and his opinion of the Law and the old-law abiding
saint.   I was not even alluding to that theological issue. 
What I said is to the point of mindset and intention rather than doctrine and
needs little defense.

Hitler was a child of God. When??? He served the devil. His
rebellion to that FACT brought him to a complete and miserable end.  I am
a child of God and that defines what I do and how I am included in

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 7/5/2004 10:57:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj: RE: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature 
 Date: 7/5/2004 10:57:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time
 Sent from the Internet 

 slade in yaroq
I understood Slade's thoughtful repose to be the result of nothing more than one who is thinking out loud.   In the end of this episode, Slade concludes his presentation by admitting  that " Since these questions both have two answers depending upon the working mindset, they are a useless argument."  I don't know how "useless" this internalization was, but it was of little consequence in view of the fact that it actually spoke little as to what I consider to be important  -- from my point of view, of course. 
What I meant by the term "Useless argument" was that if two people have divergent mindsets, they can fail to understand each other and discussion between them can break down and fail. Two answers to the same question can be different but yet both correct.. depending on the stance of the author. I never intended to waste your time with unimportant topics.

I do not see the need to defend what I said above.   I certainly did not mean to belittle and if that is what is seen,  I will give more attention to what I say.   You all know that we are sharing only (maybe) 50% of what would normally be communicated if we were face to face.  Body language and tonation are not included in these emails so a sense of humor and the decision to think more highly of others than we do ourselves is critical.  Illustration on body language and tonation:    Say our loud wand with a big frown,  " You've got ten seconds to clean this room or you are in BIG trouble, buster." Now, say the same thing while smiling (yes - a fake smile but smile nonetheless).   

I never intended to waste your time with unimportant topics  -- these words make me fear that slade is a little ticked but how can I know for sure without asking.  So I will assume the best until it becomes obvious beyond debate. 

I see the biblical authors as writing with an emotional focus that is in stark contrast to the Western mindset which places the analytical on the throne of all that is righteous. and sensible.  "Mindset" is not "wrong" or "preferable" but it must be recognized and understood.    When James writes concerning "justification by works,"  I believe that in his mind, he is in full agreement with Paul and couldn't care less if his (James's) wording seems in conflict with the apostle he [on occasion] pastors.  And those of you on TT that read from the upper deck, so to speak, know that some high church theologians cast off the book of James because of this imagined  conflict  -- not recognizing that the oriental mind thinks and writes differently than the Western.  I try to allow for this difference in spite of the fact that I fancy myself as being a logical and analytical thinker.  As a result, I see lots of textual problems in the biblical message but no actual contradictions.   What the Book is intended to be is much more important to me than the various problems seen by the critical mind   --  such musing as to theoretical conflict within the written word is a waste of time to me.   I think that the âconflictâ between James and Paul is imaginaryâa definite clue to the fact that Paul is misunderstood. 

I agree with Izzy when she says there is no conflict with Shaul and James (Yaakov). After all, Peter says that people twist the words of Shaul to their destruction and Shaul said in his last address in the book of Acts, that he never did anything against the customs of their [Jewish/Israeli] fathers [i.e., Torah].

Did we not read my post a second time?   Is John saying there is a conflict between the two?  Of course not.  Does there appear to be a conflict?  To many the answer is yes.   Paul would never make the point of Jame's in the way Jame's wrote  -- and, guess what, he didn't.   I will forgo the opportunity to start a new thread regarding Paul and his opinion of the Law and the old-law abiding saint.   I was not even alluding to that theological issue.  What I said is to the point of mindset and intention rather than doctrine and needs little defense.

Hitler was a child of God. When??? He served the devil. His rebellion to that FACT brought him to a complete and miserable end.  I am a child of God and that defines what I do and how I am included in eternity.  Praise the Lord. For me to deny that reality puts me in the pond of hell in which Hitler finds himself. 
To say Hitler was/is a child of God is baffling at best. His works define who he is and he defines himself as DEATH and the DARKNESS of death. In God, there is no darkness and there is no death. W

RE: [TruthTalk] Martin Luther... the Father of the Holocaust

2004-07-05 Thread Slade Henson

I did not intend to post this email.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Slade 
  HensonSent: Monday, 05 July, 2004 19:06To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Martin Luther... 
  the Father of the Holocaust
  There would be no Hitler's Germany had it not been for Martin Luther. 
  Hitler's early plan for the Jewish people mirrored the "punishment" suggested 
  by Luther in The Jews and Their Lies.
  There is far more to the historicity of Hitler's Germany than IG Farben 
  who (among hundreds of other corporations) special ordered Jewish slave labor 
  like one would order office furniture or replacement batteries. The idea was 
  to acquire slave labor to produce maximum results with minimal cost. Thus, the 
  average Jewish wartime slave survived six weeks to four months -- the average 
  time it takes to starve a hard-working person to 
  far as compensation... IG Farben slave workers at Auschwitz got $1,700.00 
  each; AEG-Telefunken slave received $500.00 each; the families of those who 
  were worked to death received nothing. Austria, who was responsible for nearly 
  half of the mindless murders, paid $1,000.00 to a very few victims... claiming 
  that they (Austria) should be considered a "victim" of Nazi Germany. East 
  Germany, Rumania, and the rest of the nations under the Communist 
  Authority never bothered to even answer requests for compensation, 
  thereby paying nothing.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Chris 
BarrSent: Monday, 05 July, 2004 16:16To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Sacrificial goat 
and Romans 10:2

 \o/ !HALALU YAH! 
\o/Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua! 
Hitler was a puppet and 
pawn.  There would have been no "Hitler's Germany" if not for 
multinational pharmaceutical/industrialist cartels.
From the lead U.S. prosecutor at 
the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:"... these IG Farben criminals, not 
the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these 
criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will 
represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler 
if he were still alive." also (just for starters): Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in 1941:"If 
America loses this war it can thank tha Aluminum Corporation of America 
(ALCOA)."ALCOA negotiated a deal with the Nazis and IG Farben to 
supply Germany's war machine RATHER than the US Military with aluminum. 
ALCOA was a leading corporate supporter of Nazi Germany and eugenics. Sodium 
fluoride is a toxic byproduct of aluminum production (MILLIONS of tons). IG 
Farben discovered in slave labor camps that fluoride added to drinking water 
dulled resistance and made prisoners more submissive to authority ... just 
as in America today.If not for modern medicine there would have been 
no Hitler.  Also, modern medicine owes a chunk of its success to the 
Nazi death camps.I'm just getting warmed up. This is the very 
tiniest tip of the iceberg.Ahava b' 

(Love in The 
Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

[TruthTalk] Martin Luther... the Father of the Holocaust

2004-07-05 Thread Slade Henson

would be no Hitler's Germany had it not been for Martin Luther. Hitler's early 
plan for the Jewish people mirrored the "punishment" suggested by Luther in 
The Jews and Their Lies.
is far more to the historicity of Hitler's Germany than IG Farben who (among 
hundreds of other corporations) special ordered Jewish slave labor like one 
would order office furniture or replacement batteries. The idea was to acquire 
slave labor to produce maximum results with minimal cost. Thus, the average 
Jewish wartime slave survived six weeks to four months -- the average time it 
takes to starve a hard-working person to death.
As far 
as compensation... IG Farben slave workers at Auschwitz got $1,700.00 each; 
AEG-Telefunken slave received $500.00 each; the families of those who were 
worked to death received nothing. Austria, who was responsible for nearly half 
of the mindless murders, paid $1,000.00 to a very few victims... claiming that 
they (Austria) should be considered a "victim" of Nazi Germany. East Germany, 
Rumania, and the rest of the nations under the Communist Authority never 
bothered to even answer requests for compensation, thereby paying 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Chris 
  BarrSent: Monday, 05 July, 2004 16:16To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Sacrificial goat 
  and Romans 10:2
   \o/ !HALALU YAH! 
  \o/Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua! 
  Hitler was a puppet and pawn.  
  There would have been no "Hitler's Germany" if not for multinational 
  pharmaceutical/industrialist cartels.
  From the lead U.S. prosecutor at 
  the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:"... these IG Farben criminals, not 
  the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these 
  criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will 
  represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler 
  if he were still alive." also (just for starters): Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in 1941:"If America 
  loses this war it can thank tha Aluminum Corporation of America 
  (ALCOA)."ALCOA negotiated a deal with the Nazis and IG Farben to 
  supply Germany's war machine RATHER than the US Military with aluminum. ALCOA 
  was a leading corporate supporter of Nazi Germany and eugenics. Sodium 
  fluoride is a toxic byproduct of aluminum production (MILLIONS of tons). IG 
  Farben discovered in slave labor camps that fluoride added to drinking water 
  dulled resistance and made prisoners more submissive to authority ... just as 
  in America today.If not for modern medicine there would have been no 
  Hitler.  Also, modern medicine owes a chunk of its success to the Nazi 
  death camps.I'm just getting warmed up. This is the very tiniest tip 
  of the iceberg.Ahava b' 
  (Love in The 
  Baruch YHVH,
  (Bless The 
   Chris Barr 
  a servant of 

[TruthTalk] Sacrificial goat and Romans 10:2

2004-07-05 Thread Chris Barr

 \o/ !HALALU YAH! \o/Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua! 
Hitler was a puppet and pawn.  
There would have been no "Hitler's Germany" if not for multinational 
pharmaceutical/industrialist cartels.
From the lead U.S. prosecutor at the 
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:"... these IG Farben criminals, not the 
lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these 
criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will 
represent a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if 
he were still alive." also (just for starters): Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in 1941:"If America 
loses this war it can thank tha Aluminum Corporation of America 
(ALCOA)."ALCOA negotiated a deal with the Nazis and IG Farben to supply 
Germany's war machine RATHER than the US Military with aluminum. ALCOA was a 
leading corporate supporter of Nazi Germany and eugenics. Sodium fluoride is a 
toxic byproduct of aluminum production (MILLIONS of tons). IG Farben discovered 
in slave labor camps that fluoride added to drinking water dulled resistance and 
made prisoners more submissive to authority ... just as in America 
today.If not for modern medicine there would have been no Hitler.  
Also, modern medicine owes a chunk of its success to the Nazi death 
camps.I'm just getting warmed up. This is the very tiniest tip of the 
iceberg.Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 
Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

RE: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread ShieldsFamily



Lance, as usual, I have NO IDEA what you
are talking about.  And I assume that, as
usual, you will refuse to explain it to me.. Izzy


Speaking as an 'interloper', I'd suggest that  all (I do mean ALL) are included in the 'second
adam', ' the obedient Israelite', the 'Incarnate Lord". THAT then is the
sense in which I'd agree with the 'child of God' reference including
Hitler.(qualifier: 'as I see it')

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread Lance Muir

Speaking as an 'interloper', I'd suggest that  
all (I do mean ALL) are included in the 'second adam', ' the obedient 
Israelite', the 'Incarnate Lord". THAT then is the sense in which I'd agree with 
the 'child of God' reference including Hitler.(qualifier: 'as I see 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: July 05, 2004 13:56
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Divine 
  slade in yaroq
  I understood Slade's thoughtful 
  repose to be the result of nothing more than one who is thinking out 
  loud.   In the end of this episode, Slade concludes his presentation 
  by admitting  that " Since these questions both have two answers 
  depending upon the working mindset, they are a useless argument."  I 
  don't know how "useless" this internalization was, but it was of little 
  consequence in view of the fact that it actually spoke little as to what I 
  consider to be important  -- from my point of view, of course. 
  I meant by the term "Useless argument" was that if two people have divergent 
  mindsets, they can fail to understand each other and discussion between them 
  can break down and fail. Two answers to the same question can 
  be different but yet both correct.. depending on the stance of the 
  author. I never intended to waste your time with unimportant 
  I see the biblical authors as 
  writing with an emotional focus that is in stark contrast to the Western 
  mindset which places the analytical on the throne of all that is righteous. 
  and sensible.  "Mindset" is not "wrong" or "preferable" but it must be 
  recognized and understood.    When James writes concerning 
  "justification by works,"  I believe that in his mind, he is in full 
  agreement with Paul and couldn't care less if his (James's) wording seems in 
  conflict with the apostle he [on occasion] pastors.  And those of you on 
  TT that read from the upper deck, so to speak, know that some high church 
  theologians cast off the book of James because of this imagined  
  conflict  -- not recognizing that the oriental mind thinks and writes 
  differently than the Western.  I try to allow for this difference in 
  spite of the fact that I fancy myself as being a logical and analytical 
  thinker.  As a result, I see lots of textual problems in the biblical 
  message but no actual contradictions.   What the Book is intended to be is much 
  more important to me than the various problems seen by the critical 
  mind   --  such musing as to theoretical conflict within the 
  written word is a waste of time to me.   I 
  think that the “conflict” between James and Paul is imaginary—a definite clue 
  to the fact that Paul is misunderstood. 
  agree with Izzy when she says there is no conflict with Shaul and James 
  (Yaakov). After all, Peter says that people twist the words of Shaul to their 
  destruction and Shaul said in his last address in the book of Acts, that he 
  never did anything against the customs of their [Jewish/Israeli] fathers 
  [i.e., Torah].
  Hitler was a child of 
  God. When??? He served the devil. His 
  rebellion to that FACT brought him to a complete and miserable end.  I am 
  a child of God and that defines what I do and how I am included in 
  eternity.  Praise the Lord. For me to 
  deny that reality puts me in the pond of hell in which Hitler finds 
  say Hitler was/is a child of God is baffling at best. His works define who he 
  is and he defines himself as DEATH and the DARKNESS of death. In God, there is 
  no darkness and there is no death. We worship the God of light and HE is the 
  God of the living.  I found a quote in a book I would like to give: 
  The great mass of Jews who remained [in Europe during the time of the Nazi 
  pogroms] overwhelmingly religious, were deceived and self-deceived. Their 
  history told them that all persecutions, however cruel, came to an end; that 
  all oppressors, however exigent, had demands that were ultimately limited and 
  could be met. Their strategy was always geared to saving 'the remnant.' In 
  4,000 years the Jews never faced, and had never imagined, an opponent who 
  demanded not some, or most, of their property, but everything; not just a few 
  lives, or even many, but all, down to the lat infant. Who could conceive of 
  such a monster? The Jews, unlike the Christians, did not believe the devil 
  took human shape. This quote refers to your child of god Hitler. Please 
  consider redefining your definition of a "child of God" by using John 1:12 and 
  Matthew 7:16-20.

RE: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-05 Thread Slade Henson

in yaroq
I understood Slade's thoughtful 
repose to be the result of nothing more than one who is thinking out 
loud.   In the end of this episode, Slade concludes his presentation 
by admitting  that " Since these questions both have two answers depending 
upon the working mindset, they are a useless argument."  I don't know how 
"useless" this internalization was, but it was of little consequence in view of 
the fact that it actually spoke little as to what I consider to be 
important  -- from my point of view, of course. 
What I 
meant by the term "Useless argument" was that if two people have divergent 
mindsets, they can fail to understand each other and discussion between them can 
break down and fail. Two answers to the same question can be 
different but yet both correct.. depending on the stance of the author. I never 
intended to waste your time with unimportant topics.
I see the biblical authors as writing 
with an emotional focus that is in stark contrast to the Western mindset which 
places the analytical on the throne of all that is righteous. and 
sensible.  "Mindset" is not "wrong" or "preferable" but it must be 
recognized and understood.    When James writes concerning 
"justification by works,"  I believe that in his mind, he is in full 
agreement with Paul and couldn't care less if his (James's) wording seems in 
conflict with the apostle he [on occasion] pastors.  And those of you on TT 
that read from the upper deck, so to speak, know that some high church 
theologians cast off the book of James because of this imagined  
conflict  -- not recognizing that the oriental mind thinks and writes 
differently than the Western.  I try to allow for this difference in spite 
of the fact that I fancy myself as being a logical and analytical thinker.  
As a result, I see lots of textual problems in the biblical message but no 
actual contradictions.   What the 
Book is intended to be is much more important to me than the various 
problems seen by the critical mind   --  such musing as to 
theoretical conflict within the written word is a waste of time to 
me.   I think that the “conflict” between 
James and Paul is imaginary—a definite clue to the fact that Paul is 
agree with Izzy when she says there is no conflict with Shaul and James 
(Yaakov). After all, Peter says that people twist the words of Shaul to their 
destruction and Shaul said in his last address in the book of Acts, that he 
never did anything against the customs of their [Jewish/Israeli] fathers [i.e., 
Hitler was a child of God. When??? He served the devil. His rebellion to that 
FACT brought him to a complete and miserable end.  I am a child of God and 
that defines what I do and how I am included in eternity.  Praise the Lord. For me to deny that reality puts me 
in the pond of hell in which Hitler finds himself. 
To say 
Hitler was/is a child of God is baffling at best. His works define who he is and 
he defines himself as DEATH and the DARKNESS of death. In God, there is no 
darkness and there is no death. We worship the God of light and HE is the God of 
the living.  I found a quote in a book I would like to give: The great 
mass of Jews who remained [in Europe during the time of the Nazi pogroms] 
overwhelmingly religious, were deceived and self-deceived. Their history told 
them that all persecutions, however cruel, came to an end; that all oppressors, 
however exigent, had demands that were ultimately limited and could be met. 
Their strategy was always geared to saving 'the remnant.' In 4,000 years the 
Jews never faced, and had never imagined, an opponent who demanded not some, or 
most, of their property, but everything; not just a few lives, or even many, but 
all, down to the lat infant. Who could conceive of such a monster? The Jews, 
unlike the Christians, did not believe the devil took human shape. This 
quote refers to your child of god Hitler. Please consider redefining your 
definition of a "child of God" by using John 1:12 and Matthew 