cd: Yes, You are correct it is your imagination. By the way remove me from your/this list. This goes for the entire group on this list. I do not want any of you to contact me in private again- David I do not want you to call my home again-lose the phone # as I have a (2) grievances against you-that will be presented before God-both now and on that day. One you know the other is the fact that you left me out in the world for almost 2 years before you told/invited me among the brethren (S.P..) I did not at the time understand why churches rejected those that preach the gospel and why people hated me for doing so-you knew this. This was a hard time in my life-and you didn't even present me to the brethren until it made you look good to have someone come with you to New Orleans-two years later. I have thought on this for years and now know why God sent me at a latter date and I missed you. Now I know that you have more love for the wicked then you do for the brethren-You allow wickedness among them and no matter h ow many members of the Church are hurt/offended or lead into wickiness-Your belief is -lets not cause harm to Satan's messenger boys-You have it backwards David. TT is not a Christian site it is a secular site that Satan uses to cause a root of bitterness to grow in the brethren and to lead the weak/youngers Christians into sin-That is what was happening with the Astrology readings- You as leader of this site gave your personal info to the Hell bound Pagan astrology for a reading and we were suppose to jump on the train-that is why all the smiling was given by you at the time. Same thing with your comment to me years ago about the Mormon religion tempting you and asking me if it was the same with me.Clearly Satan's work. Remember this: Pride comes before the fall-as a prideful man will not listen to warning nor truth nor consider their wrong actions as the spirit of wackiness tempts them into area-I believe you have harbored that spirit and it will cause more harm to your soul. I leave you with these words- This type only comes out "by prayer and fasting". May God bless you and his light shine upon you and I mean that as I hope you will listen to the seriousness of these charges. I will stay around to defend this post also.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/13/2006 11:08:25 PM
Subject: Re: Private Moderator

So why do a lot of SPers seem to have problems in these areas?  Or.....Is it my imagination?

There are 3 things God does that God does not allow us to do.  They are too big for us to handle.  My guess is that Pharisees with TT's double standard will laugh at this.
1.  Get angry  (The Bible compares anger to murder.)
2.  Be jealous  (God is a jealous God, but we can't handle jealousy.)
3.  Be judge of others eternal destiny. (We can inspect fruit and we can smell rotten fruit, but we must leave the eternal judging to God.) 

Dave Hansen
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