Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Thu, 14 Mar 2013, Michael Welzl wrote:

As I just said to Mikael, I don't think I worded that one well. I'm
envisaging two thresholds, testing two stress levels. It a lower one, one
marks ECN-capable traffic and drops non-ECN-capable traffic; at the higher
one, one drops from all traffic. What "threshold" means in a given
algorithm is algorithm-dependent, however.

Great, I turn on ECN, and that gives me more delay, just what I want!
And, even better: the more people use ECN, the more delay everybody gets.

Could you please elaborate on how you came to this conclusion?

Seriously, I see the incentive idea behind this two-level marking idea, 
but one has to carefully consider the increased delay vs. gained 
throughput trade-off in such a scheme.

Why would it be better to drop the packet than to ECN-mark it?

Concrete example:

Buffer depth > 30 ms = mark ECN traffic, drop non-ECN traffic
Buffer depth > 50 ms = drop all draffic

The congestion signal to TCP at buffer depth 30 ms is the same for both 
ECN and non-ECN traffic, so I don't see how this would increase the delay?

Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Wed, 13 Mar 2013, Andrew McGregor wrote:

A Netgear WNDR3800 (680MHz MIPS) can handle fq_codel on two flat out 
802.11n interfaces at the same time and still be very lightly loaded. 
CPU is not a problem because fq_codel is a tiny fraction of the usage of 
the firewall, connection tracking and 802.11 AP code, all of which are 
necessary (in IPv4 the NAT also uses more CPU than fq_codel).

I'll have to look into what devices we're using and what CPUs they're 
using. The WNDR3800 seems to be a fairly high end device when I look at 
the price point.

However, the other part of your reply sounds hopeful. I read 
draft-nichols-tsvwg-codel-01 and I now realise that yes, it shouldn't be 
too cpu intensive as the hashing into bins sounds efficient on a 
per-packet level.

Would having multiple bin "trees" increase CPU usage a lot? I'm thinking 
of the use case where there are 10 computers in the home, of which one is 
doing 100 upload TCP sessions (bittorrent). If there was some mechanism 
that could identify a source IP address that caused most of the congestion 
and put them in a separate bin "tree" (basically each source IP would get 
its own set of bins, up to a maximum of perhaps 16 trees) and then these 
sets of bins would be emptied in a round-robin fashion (MDRR perhaps?). Or 
perhaps there would just be a "high volume speaker" tree and a "low volume 
speaker" tree, and it would be enough to just MDRR between these two 
trees. I realise we're now into "flow" territory which is exactly what 
Codel doesn't need to bother with currently, but just checking...

I saw in ICCRG that some testing was done with LEDBAT which I would 
imagine would help for the bittorrent case, but what about trying to 
achieve some of that without needing LEDBAT by using the above technique?

Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Michael Welzl
Clarification in line, sorry:

On Mar 14, 2013, at 12:43 AM, Michael Welzl  wrote:

> Hi,
> About this two-level threshold idea:
>>> As I just said to Mikael, I don't think I worded that one well. I'm
>>> envisaging two thresholds, testing two stress levels. It a lower one, one
>>> marks ECN-capable traffic and drops non-ECN-capable traffic; at the higher
>>> one, one drops from all traffic. What "threshold" means in a given
>>> algorithm is algorithm-dependent, however.
> Great, I turn on ECN, and that gives me more delay, just what I want!
> And, even better: the more people use ECN, the more delay everybody gets.

… no, not everybody. The non-ECN users will still be doing fine.


Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Michael Welzl

About this two-level threshold idea:

>> As I just said to Mikael, I don't think I worded that one well. I'm
>> envisaging two thresholds, testing two stress levels. It a lower one, one
>> marks ECN-capable traffic and drops non-ECN-capable traffic; at the higher
>> one, one drops from all traffic. What "threshold" means in a given
>> algorithm is algorithm-dependent, however.

Great, I turn on ECN, and that gives me more delay, just what I want!
And, even better: the more people use ECN, the more delay everybody gets.

Seriously, I see the incentive idea behind this two-level marking idea, but one 
has to carefully consider the increased delay vs. gained throughput trade-off 
in such a scheme.


Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Wed, 13 Mar 2013, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:

That depends on how FQ is implemented. The implementation I did in 1994 
probably would have been high overhead. It has been minted by others, 
and I believe rewritten to be a calendar queue implementation. For that, 
I would not expect it was that much higher. I'll go take a look, though.

To be concrete, turning on fair-queue (and some other stuff to assure bw 
for certain tcp/port combinations) on a Cisco 7200 style device seems to 
give 2-3x CPU usage for the same traffic. This is with just 30-100 flows. 
This is in latest code available (15.2).

So since in my market we have gig speeds (we have low cost residential 
CPEs capable of moving ~600 megabits/s in a single tcp session), CPU 
impact of these queueing mechanisms is important.

And yes, I feel doing AQM at 100/100 speeds is still important, but here 
the limiting factor for speed might actually be the CPU of the CPE, so the 
queueing mechanism should preferrably be able to prioritize and gracefully 
handle the case where the links are not full but instead the CPE CPU is 
insufficient and that's what causing congestion/drops.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

new AQM list

2013-03-13 Thread Wesley Eddy
Following on the TSVAREA meeting today, we started a new non-WG
mailing list called "AQM" for Active Queue Management topics:

This is intended to be the place to discuss drafts, and proposing
a BoF or WG charter for AQM work, along with anything else related
to sizing and managing buffers that may be relevant.

If the folks who are interested could join there, and gradually
shift the conversations to it, off of TSVWG (who have other fish
to fry), that would be excellent.

Thanks for your feedback today!

Wes Eddy
MTI Systems

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread gorry
I think this is the kernel of something useful, a few comments in-line.

> On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:28 PM, 
>  wrote:
>> Fred,
>> Comments below:
>> Section 2, pt 2
>> "Deployed AQM SHOULD use ECN as well as loss, and set thresholds
>> to mark traffic earlier than it is lost."
>> - This is not clear, I agree SHOULD use ECN for ECT traffic, of course.
>> - I'm not sure about threshold question that sets ECN drop before ECN
>> loss
> As I just said to Mikael, I don't think I worded that one well. I'm
> envisaging two thresholds, testing two stress levels. It a lower one, one
> marks ECN-capable traffic and drops non-ECN-capable traffic; at the higher
> one, one drops from all traffic. What "threshold" means in a given
> algorithm is algorithm-dependent, however.
That's what I thought you intended.

>> - I like the idea for various reasons (I'm not expanding that here), but
>> this isn't what I understand as the current recommended TCP ECN reaction
>> -
>> which reacts to CE in the same way as loss?
> Well, 3168 says that TCP should respond in the same way it responds to
> loss. By that, what they mean is that it reduces cwnd, and if in
> slow-start, exit slow-start. The other thing it does to respond to loss is
> to retransmit a message. There is obviously no need to retransmit, but it
> should indeed play with cwnd in some way.

> How it responds will be specific to the congestion control algorithm,
> though. With newreno, it might set cwnd to 1 or to the initial value, or
> perhaps halve it.
1/2 would be ok

> With CUBIC, IIRC, it reduces it by a smaller fraction.
> With CalTech FAST, which is a delay-based model and tunes toward the knee,
> I could imagine that instead of literally reducing cwnd (if you're at the
> knee, why would you do that?) you might recalculate the current mean RTT.
>> We need to be careful that we don't suggest not using ECN can gain
>> advantage.
> Did I say that?
We need to be careful if that the incentive is correct - but you didn't
have space to explain the algorithm.

>> Section 2 pt 3
>> - Again I agree, but not sure we can say this as a BCP requirement? I
>> think we should think about how best to present this.
> 2.3.  AQM algorithms deployed SHOULD NOT require operational tuning
> There are algorithms that don't require tuning. I'm suggesting we use one.
If these really are shown to work on all scenarios...  Then that could be
ok, but I am not sure yet alg work in all places.

>> Section 2 pt 4
>> - Agree and we also now have tunnel technologies considering ECN
>> support,
>> so also these?
> 2.4.  AQM algorithms deployed SHOULD be effective on all common
>   Internet traffic
> We want to follow the rules for remarking traffic; I believe that's RFC
> 2983.
>> Section 2 pt 5
>> - Nice, but not not possible - so TCP without ECN  *IS* going to cause
>> loss and delay if it shares the same congested queue. The idea of
>> defining
>> guidance on what to expect here is also good, and maybe a significant
>> step
>> to getting a better understanding.
>  2.5.  TCP and SCTP congestion control algorithms SHOULD
>maximize their use of available bandwidth without
>incurring loss or undue round trip delay
> I'm not quite as pessimistic about the possibility here. We actually do
> have congestion control algorithms that tune to a point approximating the
> knee, and at least one that will co-exist with a loss-based model
> effectively (CAIA CDG). Note that I'm not dying to get to the knee,
> although that would be nice; the point is to not hit the cliff. Once the
> window advances to/beyond the knee, we are using the available bandwidth
> in its entirety; increasing cwnd after that point merely increases delay
> and the probability of loss, not throughput rate.
>> I note that RFC 2309 does recommend RED but importantly it did not
>> motivate it in the way that now makes AQM an imperative. It also largely
>> pre-dated ECN and certainly the experience in ECN implementation.
> Hmm. OK, then maybe we do need to re-do 2309. That was my first instinct
> when Wesley and I first chatted about this in mail, and I thought I would
> try simply building on it. I'll take a gander at that.
>> Gorry
>>> Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion.
>>> I
>>> welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.
>>> On Mar 13, 2013, at 12:48 PM, 
>>> wrote:

 A new version of I-D, draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
 has been successfully submitted by Fred Baker and posted to the
 IETF repository.

 Filename:   draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation
 Revision:   00
 Title:  IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management
 Creation date:  2013-03-13
 Group:  Individual Submission
 Number of pages: 7

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Fred Baker (fred)

On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:28 PM, 

> Fred,
> Comments below:
> Section 2, pt 2
> "Deployed AQM SHOULD use ECN as well as loss, and set thresholds
> to mark traffic earlier than it is lost."
> - This is not clear, I agree SHOULD use ECN for ECT traffic, of course.
> - I'm not sure about threshold question that sets ECN drop before ECN loss

As I just said to Mikael, I don't think I worded that one well. I'm envisaging 
two thresholds, testing two stress levels. It a lower one, one marks 
ECN-capable traffic and drops non-ECN-capable traffic; at the higher one, one 
drops from all traffic. What "threshold" means in a given algorithm is 
algorithm-dependent, however.

> - I like the idea for various reasons (I'm not expanding that here), but
> this isn't what I understand as the current recommended TCP ECN reaction -
> which reacts to CE in the same way as loss?

Well, 3168 says that TCP should respond in the same way it responds to loss. By 
that, what they mean is that it reduces cwnd, and if in slow-start, exit 
slow-start. The other thing it does to respond to loss is to retransmit a 
message. There is obviously no need to retransmit, but it should indeed play 
with cwnd in some way.

How it responds will be specific to the congestion control algorithm, though. 
With newreno, it might set cwnd to 1 or to the initial value, or perhaps halve 
it. With CUBIC, IIRC, it reduces it by a smaller fraction. With CalTech FAST, 
which is a delay-based model and tunes toward the knee, I could imagine that 
instead of literally reducing cwnd (if you're at the knee, why would you do 
that?) you might recalculate the current mean RTT. 

> We need to be careful that we don't suggest not using ECN can gain advantage.

Did I say that?

> Section 2 pt 3
> - Again I agree, but not sure we can say this as a BCP requirement? I
> think we should think about how best to present this.

2.3.  AQM algorithms deployed SHOULD NOT require operational tuning 

There are algorithms that don't require tuning. I'm suggesting we use one.

> Section 2 pt 4
> - Agree and we also now have tunnel technologies considering ECN support,
> so also these?

2.4.  AQM algorithms deployed SHOULD be effective on all common
  Internet traffic 

We want to follow the rules for remarking traffic; I believe that's RFC 2983.

> Section 2 pt 5
> - Nice, but not not possible - so TCP without ECN  *IS* going to cause
> loss and delay if it shares the same congested queue. The idea of defining
> guidance on what to expect here is also good, and maybe a significant step
> to getting a better understanding.

 2.5.  TCP and SCTP congestion control algorithms SHOULD
   maximize their use of available bandwidth without
   incurring loss or undue round trip delay 

I'm not quite as pessimistic about the possibility here. We actually do have 
congestion control algorithms that tune to a point approximating the knee, and 
at least one that will co-exist with a loss-based model effectively (CAIA CDG). 
Note that I'm not dying to get to the knee, although that would be nice; the 
point is to not hit the cliff. Once the window advances to/beyond the knee, we 
are using the available bandwidth in its entirety; increasing cwnd after that 
point merely increases delay and the probability of loss, not throughput rate.

> I note that RFC 2309 does recommend RED but importantly it did not
> motivate it in the way that now makes AQM an imperative. It also largely
> pre-dated ECN and certainly the experience in ECN implementation.

Hmm. OK, then maybe we do need to re-do 2309. That was my first instinct when 
Wesley and I first chatted about this in mail, and I thought I would try simply 
building on it. I'll take a gander at that.

> Gorry
>> Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion. I
>> welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.
>> On Mar 13, 2013, at 12:48 PM, 
>> wrote:
>>> A new version of I-D, draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
>>> has been successfully submitted by Fred Baker and posted to the
>>> IETF repository.
>>> Filename:draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation
>>> Revision:00
>>> Title:   IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management
>>> Creation date:   2013-03-13
>>> Group:   Individual Submission
>>> Number of pages: 7
>>> URL:
>>> Status:
>>> Htmlized:
>>> Abstract:
>>>  Fifteen years after the IAB issued its recommendations regarding
>>>  congestion control in RFC 2309, a major issue in the community is the
>>>  issue that RFC addresses: Buffer bloat.  It may be time to update the
>>>  recommendation.
>>> The IETF Secretariat

Re: [tsvwg] AQM work

2013-03-13 Thread Andrew McGregor
The sqrt() in CoDel is *not* tuning it to TCP, it's scaling the drops to
the right proportionality for controlling the queue.  It's an artefact of
happening to measure the square of what you really want.  Nevertheless,
CoDel's general behaviour is actually tuned to TCP, allowing a new flow to
build queue for a while is only appropriate for TCP-like controllers.

I believe we need to standardise the signals from the network to the
transport, so AQM designers at least know what signals and signal density
they need to deliver (there's at least six signal paths... drops, ECN and
arrival time, and their respective statistical distributions).  Given that,
we can then make sure that all the transport control systems deal with
those signals sanely (and ignore those that are not helpful).

That's quite a bit of work, and I expect it to need its own working group.
 It will also have a research dimension, so ICCRG will need to be involved.
 That WG should be in the transport area, of course.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Roland Bless  wrote:

> Hi,
> two things (not sure whether tsv-area or tsvwg is appropriate)
> following today's AQM discussion in the tsvarea meeting:
> - IMHO AQM work is strongly related to the transport area
>   as transport protocols are affected (as Lars already mentioned)
>   and we also have ECN which is not working without AQM underneath.
> - it may be the case that it makes no difference which AQM algorithms
>   (codel, PIE, whatever) are actually deployed (as Matt Mathis pointed
>   out) - and I agree with Fred that it would be good to have the
>   flexibility to use different AQMs.
>   However, to me it's not quite obvious how consistent a system with
>   different heterogeneous deployed AQMs works. For instance, codel is
>   (somewhat) tuned to TCP's CC behavior by employing a sqrt() related
>   drop intensity, while other's are maybe not tuned to specific
>   transport protocols.
>   It may be interesting to study how a combination of different AQMs
>   along a path influences the transport protocol's behavior in
>   comparison to a more homogeneous AQM setting (maybe it doesn't
>   matter so much as long as the bottleneck location isn't moving)...
> Regards,
>  Roland

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Fred Baker (fred)

On Mar 13, 2013, at 1:25 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson 

> On Wed, 13 Mar 2013, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:
>> Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion. I 
>> welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.
> I voiced my opinion on the tsv-area meeting via jabber that AQM especially on 
> low/medium bw links (up to 10-20 megabits/s) is needed and bufferbloat is a 
> serious problem. As an employee of an operator, I would like to see documents 
> in the line of RFC6204, ie basic requirements, for (in this case) AQM that I 
> can use in procurement documents. Preferrably these would be implemented by 
> kernel vendors (linux kernel and others) so the actual device vendor only 
> needs to turn it on and perhaps set a few parameters (like communicate the 
> link speed to the queue handler).

> Coming back to the document at hand, reading 
> draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt, I notice a few things. Am I 
> misinterpreting text such as:
> "Hence, network communication to the host regarding the moderation of
>   its traffic flow SHOULD include both ECN and loss, with ECN being
>   triggered earlier than loss."
> ... that it recommendeds that ECN traffic will be marked before non-ECN 
> traffic is dropped? I believe desired behaviour is that ECN traffic is marked 
> and non-ECN traffic is dropped at the exact same queue depth (or whatever 
> mechanism causes packets to be dropped/marked).

Hmm. I probably didn't word that all that well.

My point is that at some level of congestion stress, we should mark ECN-capable 
traffic and drop non-ECN-capable traffic. At some higher level of stress, we 
should drop from all streams, ECN-capable or not. In general, I'd like to 
believe that ECN is effective in managing end-to-end throughput.

> Also, the documents seem to handle both host stack implementations and device 
> queue management. Am I correct? Perhaps it would be preferable to have one 
> document handling queueing (including the queue on the host towards its 
> network interface (wifi/fixed/cellular etc), and another document talking 
> about "TCP congestion control mechanisms"? Or this the document at hand 
> trying to be an umbrella document for other documents?

One could argue for the separation. To my mind, though, they are firmly linked. 
Besides self-defense, the reason the network marks/drops traffic is to signal 
to TCP/SCTP. if that's the case, it seems like it's useful to say what that 
signal means to TCP/SCTP, and how we hope it might work.

> Anyhow, I feel this (AQM/congestion) area of discussion is extremely 
> important and it solves a real life problem that impacts a lot of people on 
> the Internet as it works today. Personally I have routers with quite advanced 
> AQM on my home connection (100/100 megabit/s) because I feel that FIFO even 
> with WRED isn't good enough. However I understand that "fair-queue" uses a 
> lot of CPU at these speeds, so it might not be feasable to do too advanced 
> stuff at those speeds. However, at ADSL type accesses, for the uplink 
> interface there is definitely a huge upside to have AQM.

That depends on how FQ is implemented. The implementation I did in 1994 
probably would have been high overhead. It has been minted by others, and I 
believe rewritten to be a calendar queue implementation. For that, I would not 
expect it was that much higher. I'll go take a look, though.

> When evaluating AQM the test scenarios should be quite advanced (I liked what 
> I heard in ICCRG meeting yesterday) including VoIP, hundreds of TCP sessions 
> using bittorrent, gaming (could be over TCP) etc. The ideal solution would be 
> something that automatically allow at least per-user fairness in the upstream 
> and something that perhaps sent ACKs and other smaller packets ahead of the 
> queue of larger data packets.
> -- 
> Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

AQM work

2013-03-13 Thread Roland Bless

two things (not sure whether tsv-area or tsvwg is appropriate)
following today's AQM discussion in the tsvarea meeting:

- IMHO AQM work is strongly related to the transport area
  as transport protocols are affected (as Lars already mentioned)
  and we also have ECN which is not working without AQM underneath.

- it may be the case that it makes no difference which AQM algorithms
  (codel, PIE, whatever) are actually deployed (as Matt Mathis pointed
  out) - and I agree with Fred that it would be good to have the
  flexibility to use different AQMs.
  However, to me it's not quite obvious how consistent a system with
  different heterogeneous deployed AQMs works. For instance, codel is
  (somewhat) tuned to TCP's CC behavior by employing a sqrt() related
  drop intensity, while other's are maybe not tuned to specific
  transport protocols.
  It may be interesting to study how a combination of different AQMs
  along a path influences the transport protocol's behavior in
  comparison to a more homogeneous AQM setting (maybe it doesn't
  matter so much as long as the bottleneck location isn't moving)...


Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread gorry

Comments below:

Section 2, pt 2
"Deployed AQM SHOULD use ECN as well as loss, and set thresholds
 to mark traffic earlier than it is lost."
- This is not clear, I agree SHOULD use ECN for ECT traffic, of course.
- I'm not sure about threshold question that sets ECN drop before ECN loss
 - I like the idea for various reasons (I'm not expanding that here), but
this isn't what I understand as the current recommended TCP ECN reaction -
which reacts to CE in the same way as loss?

We need to be careful that we don't suggest not using ECN can gain advantage.

Section 2 pt 3
- Again I agree, but not sure we can say this as a BCP requirement? I
think we should think about how best to present this.

Section 2 pt 4
- Agree and we also now have tunnel technologies considering ECN support,
so also these?

Section 2 pt 5
- Nice, but not not possible - so TCP without ECN  *IS* going to cause
loss and delay if it shares the same congested queue. The idea of defining
guidance on what to expect here is also good, and maybe a significant step
to getting a better understanding.

I note that RFC 2309 does recommend RED but importantly it did not
motivate it in the way that now makes AQM an imperative. It also largely
pre-dated ECN and certainly the experience in ECN implementation.


> Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion. I
> welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.
> On Mar 13, 2013, at 12:48 PM, 
>  wrote:
>> A new version of I-D, draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
>> has been successfully submitted by Fred Baker and posted to the
>> IETF repository.
>> Filename: draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation
>> Revision: 00
>> Title:IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management
>> Creation date:2013-03-13
>> Group:Individual Submission
>> Number of pages: 7
>> URL:
>> Status:
>> Htmlized:
>> Abstract:
>>   Fifteen years after the IAB issued its recommendations regarding
>>   congestion control in RFC 2309, a major issue in the community is the
>>   issue that RFC addresses: Buffer bloat.  It may be time to update the
>>   recommendation.
>> The IETF Secretariat

Re: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Wed, 13 Mar 2013, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:

Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion. I 
welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.

I voiced my opinion on the tsv-area meeting via jabber that AQM especially 
on low/medium bw links (up to 10-20 megabits/s) is needed and bufferbloat 
is a serious problem. As an employee of an operator, I would like to see 
documents in the line of RFC6204, ie basic requirements, for (in this 
case) AQM that I can use in procurement documents. Preferrably these would 
be implemented by kernel vendors (linux kernel and others) so the actual 
device vendor only needs to turn it on and perhaps set a few parameters 
(like communicate the link speed to the queue handler).

Coming back to the document at hand, reading 
draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt, I notice a few things. Am I 
misinterpreting text such as:

"Hence, network communication to the host regarding the moderation of
   its traffic flow SHOULD include both ECN and loss, with ECN being
   triggered earlier than loss."

... that it recommendeds that ECN traffic will be marked before non-ECN 
traffic is dropped? I believe desired behaviour is that ECN traffic is 
marked and non-ECN traffic is dropped at the exact same queue depth (or 
whatever mechanism causes packets to be dropped/marked).

Also, the documents seem to handle both host stack implementations and 
device queue management. Am I correct? Perhaps it would be preferable to 
have one document handling queueing (including the queue on the host 
towards its network interface (wifi/fixed/cellular etc), and another 
document talking about "TCP congestion control mechanisms"? Or this the 
document at hand trying to be an umbrella document for other documents?

Anyhow, I feel this (AQM/congestion) area of discussion is extremely 
important and it solves a real life problem that impacts a lot of people 
on the Internet as it works today. Personally I have routers with quite 
advanced AQM on my home connection (100/100 megabit/s) because I feel that 
FIFO even with WRED isn't good enough. However I understand that 
"fair-queue" uses a lot of CPU at these speeds, so it might not be 
feasable to do too advanced stuff at those speeds. However, at ADSL type 
accesses, for the uplink interface there is definitely a huge upside to 
have AQM.

When evaluating AQM the test scenarios should be quite advanced (I liked 
what I heard in ICCRG meeting yesterday) including VoIP, hundreds of TCP 
sessions using bittorrent, gaming (could be over TCP) etc. The ideal 
solution would be something that automatically allow at least per-user 
fairness in the upstream and something that perhaps sent ACKs and other 
smaller packets ahead of the queue of larger data packets.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

Re: New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

2013-03-13 Thread Fred Baker (fred)
Folks. I posted the email I sent yesterday as a draft, for discussion. I 
welcome comments, and if substantive comments are made, suggested text.

On Mar 13, 2013, at 12:48 PM, 

> A new version of I-D, draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Fred Baker and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Filename:  draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation
> Revision:  00
> Title: IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management
> Creation date: 2013-03-13
> Group: Individual Submission
> Number of pages: 7
> URL: 
> Status:  
> Htmlized:
> Abstract:
>   Fifteen years after the IAB issued its recommendations regarding
>   congestion control in RFC 2309, a major issue in the community is the
>   issue that RFC addresses: Buffer bloat.  It may be time to update the
>   recommendation.
> The IETF Secretariat