Re: Crazy Jelly scripting in maven.xml

2003-03-05 Thread Incze Lajos
 1. ${antbasename} doesn't change with the iterations.
 Don't forget that you are using ant to set this, not jelly. Ant only 
 sets a property once and does not ever overwrite it.

OK. Thanks.
 2. The various ${namlen} variables mostly don't work.
 What do you mean. 'namelen 1 2' look ok, at 18. 'namelen 5 6 look ok at 
 18', and 'namelen 7' looks ok at 18. When do any of the namelen 
 variables have wrong values?

I set these namlenX's, and then try to USE is in ${dirname.substring(namlenX).
That is what does not work and don't know why.

 3. But sometimes do. Both variables (ext and namlen7) work when was set
by some sort of string indexOf() function (??).
 Etc. What on earth is going on? It's only a couple of examples, I have
 others, too. Am I missing something very obvious?


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Re: Crazy Jelly scripting in maven.xml

2003-03-05 Thread Colin Sampaleanu
Incze Lajos wrote:

1. ${antbasename} doesn't change with the iterations.


Don't forget that you are using ant to set this, not jelly. Ant only 
sets a property once and does not ever overwrite it.

OK. Thanks.


2. The various ${namlen} variables mostly don't work.


What do you mean. 'namelen 1 2' look ok, at 18. 'namelen 5 6 look ok at 
18', and 'namelen 7' looks ok at 18. When do any of the namelen 
variables have wrong values?

I set these namlenX's, and then try to USE is in ${dirname.substring(namlenX).
That is what does not work and don't know why.

3. But sometimes do. Both variables (ext and namlen7) work when was set
 by some sort of string indexOf() function (??).
Etc. What on earth is going on? It's only a couple of examples, I have
others, too. Am I missing something very obvious?


It may be related to Longs vs Ints, and coercion of arguments, take a 
look at this:
 goal name=test1
   j:set var=srcbase value=/opt/data/archive /
   echosrcbase  ${srcbase}/echo

   j:set var=source value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm/
   echosource  ${source}/echo
   j:set var=dirname value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/
   echodirname  ${dirname}/echo
   j:set var=namlen5 value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
   j:set var=namlen6 value=${size(srcbase)+1} /
   echonamlen 5 6 . ${namlen5} ${namlen6}/echo
   echonamlen 5 6 classes. ${namlen5.getClass()} 
   j:set var=reldir5 value=${dirname.substring(namlen5)}/
   echoreldir5  ${reldir5}/echo
   j:set var=reldir6 value=${dirname.substring(namlen6)}/
   echoreldir6  ${reldir6}/echo
   j:set var=namlen7 value=${source.toString().indexOf('j')} /
   echonamlen 7 ... ${namlen7}/echo
   echonamlen 7 class... ${namlen7.getClass()}/echo
   j:set var=reldir7 value=${dirname.substring(namlen7)}/
   echoreldir7  ${reldir7}/echo


and the output:
   [echo] srcbase  /opt/data/archive
   [echo] source  /opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm
   [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
   [echo] namlen 5 6 classes. class java.lang.Long class java.lang.Long
   [echo] reldir5 
   [echo] reldir6 
   [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
   [echo] namlen 7 class... class java.lang.Integer
   [echo] reldir7  jav/08
As you can see, namelen 7 is an Integer, while namelen 5 and 6 are 
Longs.  Now substring takes an int, and I would guess that maybe jelly 
is silently failing due to an exception trying to pass a long to a 
method expecting an int. As to why those vars are Longs and not Ints, I 
would guess it is as a result of the addition operation, where the 1 is 
treated as a long, and so coerces the entire result to Long. This is not 
how java works, but jelly expressions don't necessarilly follow correct 
java rules.

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Re: Crazy Jelly scripting in maven.xml

2003-03-05 Thread Colin Sampaleanu
Colin Sampaleanu wrote:

Incze Lajos wrote:

1. ${antbasename} doesn't change with the iterations.

Don't forget that you are using ant to set this, not jelly. Ant only 
sets a property once and does not ever overwrite it.

OK. Thanks.


2. The various ${namlen} variables mostly don't work.

What do you mean. 'namelen 1 2' look ok, at 18. 'namelen 5 6 look ok 
at 18', and 'namelen 7' looks ok at 18. When do any of the namelen 
variables have wrong values?

I set these namlenX's, and then try to USE is in 
That is what does not work and don't know why.


3. But sometimes do. Both variables (ext and namlen7) work when was 
 by some sort of string indexOf() function (??).

Etc. What on earth is going on? It's only a couple of examples, I have
others, too. Am I missing something very obvious?

It may be related to Longs vs Ints, and coercion of arguments, take a 
look at this:
 goal name=test1
   j:set var=srcbase value=/opt/data/archive /
   echosrcbase  ${srcbase}/echo

   j:set var=source value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm/
   echosource  ${source}/echo
 j:set var=dirname value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/
   echodirname  ${dirname}/echo
 j:set var=namlen5 value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
   j:set var=namlen6 value=${size(srcbase)+1} /
   echonamlen 5 6 . ${namlen5} ${namlen6}/echo
   echonamlen 5 6 classes. ${namlen5.getClass()} 
   j:set var=reldir5 value=${dirname.substring(namlen5)}/
   echoreldir5  ${reldir5}/echo
   j:set var=reldir6 value=${dirname.substring(namlen6)}/
   echoreldir6  ${reldir6}/echo
   j:set var=namlen7 value=${source.toString().indexOf('j')} /
   echonamlen 7 ... ${namlen7}/echo
   echonamlen 7 class... ${namlen7.getClass()}/echo
   j:set var=reldir7 value=${dirname.substring(namlen7)}/
   echoreldir7  ${reldir7}/echo


and the output:
   [echo] srcbase  /opt/data/archive
   [echo] source  /opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm
   [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
   [echo] namlen 5 6 classes. class java.lang.Long class 
   [echo] reldir5 
   [echo] reldir6 
   [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
   [echo] namlen 7 class... class java.lang.Integer
   [echo] reldir7  jav/08

As you can see, namelen 7 is an Integer, while namelen 5 and 6 are 
Longs.  Now substring takes an int, and I would guess that maybe jelly 
is silently failing due to an exception trying to pass a long to a 
method expecting an int. As to why those vars are Longs and not Ints, 
I would guess it is as a result of the addition operation, where the 1 
is treated as a long, and so coerces the entire result to Long. This 
is not how java works, but jelly expressions don't necessarilly follow 
correct java rules.
And in fact, in the above, if you change the definition of namlen 5 to
   j:set var=namlentemp value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
   j:set var=namlen5 value=${namlentemp.intValue()} /
Then the output becomes

   [echo] srcbase  /opt/data/archive
   [echo] source  /opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm
   [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
   [echo] namlen 5 6 classes. class java.lang.Integer class 
   [echo] reldir5  jav/08
   [echo] reldir6 
   [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
   [echo] namlen 7 class... class java.lang.Integer
   [echo] reldir7  jav/08

So indeed, this is a long vs. int issue, where there is a silent 
failure. As far as I can tell though, this is in no way a maven issue, 
but rather a jelly issue. Generally, I do find that jelly error checking 
and reporting is very weak at this point...

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Re: Crazy Jelly scripting in maven.xml

2003-03-05 Thread Incze Lajos
On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 05:46:40PM -0500, Colin Sampaleanu wrote:
 It may be related to Longs vs Ints, and coercion of arguments, take a 
 look at this:
   goal name=test1
 j:set var=srcbase value=/opt/data/archive /
 echosrcbase  ${srcbase}/echo
 j:set var=source value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm/
 echosource  ${source}/echo

 j:set var=dirname value=/opt/data/archive/jav/08/
 echodirname  ${dirname}/echo

 j:set var=namlen5 value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
 j:set var=namlen6 value=${size(srcbase)+1} /
 echonamlen 5 6 . ${namlen5} ${namlen6}/echo
 echonamlen 5 6 classes. ${namlen5.getClass()} 
 j:set var=reldir5 value=${dirname.substring(namlen5)}/
 echoreldir5  ${reldir5}/echo
 j:set var=reldir6 value=${dirname.substring(namlen6)}/
 echoreldir6  ${reldir6}/echo
 j:set var=namlen7 value=${source.toString().indexOf('j')} /
 echonamlen 7 ... ${namlen7}/echo
 echonamlen 7 class... ${namlen7.getClass()}/echo
 j:set var=reldir7 value=${dirname.substring(namlen7)}/
 echoreldir7  ${reldir7}/echo
 and the output:
 [echo] srcbase  /opt/data/archive
 [echo] source  /opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm
 [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
 [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
 [echo] namlen 5 6 classes. class java.lang.Long class java.lang.Long
 [echo] reldir5 
 [echo] reldir6 
 [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
 [echo] namlen 7 class... class java.lang.Integer
 [echo] reldir7  jav/08
 As you can see, namelen 7 is an Integer, while namelen 5 and 6 are 
 Longs.  Now substring takes an int, and I would guess that maybe jelly 
 is silently failing due to an exception trying to pass a long to a 
 method expecting an int. As to why those vars are Longs and not Ints, I 
 would guess it is as a result of the addition operation, where the 1 is 
 treated as a long, and so coerces the entire result to Long. This is not 
 how java works, but jelly expressions don't necessarilly follow correct 
 java rules.


many-many thanks. It drove me already crazy, and I tried to digging into
some magic istring interference in forehead-jelly-jexl-introspection
Bermuda triangle. What you've found is bad news but MUCH better news than
what I was after. I've filed this as critical bug in jira and if you
don't mind update it with your findings and lessen the level to ...
something not critical.


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Re: Crazy Jelly scripting in maven.xml

2003-03-04 Thread Colin Sampaleanu
Incze Lajos wrote:

I simply can't believe that it's just me. Below is a sample jelly script
extracted from my maven.xml. At the moment I don't know to how extent is
that maven, jelly, ant or my stupidity. Here is the script:

project default=java:jar
 goal name=emnl:test description=Test string manipulations
   j:set var=srcbase value=${} /
   echosrcbase  ${srcbase}/echo
   j:set var=namlen1 value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
   j:set var=namlen2 value=${size(srcbase)+1} /
   echonamlen 1 2 . ${namlen1} ${namlen2}/echo
   fileScanner var=sources
 fileset dir=${srcbase}
   include name=**/*.sgm /
   j:forEach items=${sources.iterator()} var=source
 echosource . ${source}/echo
 j:set var=filename value=${source.getName()}/
 echofilename ... ${filename}/echo
 basename property=antbasename file=${source} /
 echoantbasename  ${antbasename}/echo
 j:set var=dirname value=${source.getParent().toString()}/
 echodirname  ${dirname}/echo
 j:set var=ext value=${filename.lastIndexOf('.')}/
 echoext  ${ext}/echo
 j:set var=basename value=${filename.substring(0,ext)} /
 echobasename ... ${basename}/echo
 j:set var=basename2 value=${filename.substring(0,filename.lastIndexOf(
'.'))} /
 echobasename2 .. ${basename2}/echo
 j:set var=reldir_18 value=${dirname.substring(18)}/
 echoreldir_18 .. ${reldir_18}/echo
 j:set var=reldir1 value=${dirname.substring(namlen1)}/
 echoreldir1  ${reldir1}/echo
 j:set var=reldir2 value=${dirname.substring(namlen2)}/
 echoreldir2  ${reldir2}/echo
 j:set var=reldirJoke value=${dirname.substring(ext)}/
 echoreldirJoke . ${reldirJoke}/echo
 j:set var=reldir3 value=${dirname.substring(srcbase.length())}/
 echoreldir3  ${reldir3}/echo
 j:set var=reldir4 value=${dirname.substring(srcbase.length()+1)}/
 echoreldir4  ${reldir4}/echo
 j:set var=namlen5 value=${srcbase.length()+1} /
 j:set var=namlen6 value=${size(srcbase)+1} /
 echonamlen 5 6 . ${namlen5} ${namlen6}/echo
 j:set var=reldir5 value=${dirname.substring(namlen5)}/
 echoreldir5  ${reldir5}/echo
 j:set var=reldir6 value=${dirname.substring(namlen6)}/
 echoreldir6  ${reldir6}/echo
 j:set var=namlen7 value=${source.toString().indexOf('j')} /
 echonamlen 7 ... ${namlen7}/echo
 j:set var=reldir7 value=${dirname.substring(namlen7)}/
 echoreldir7  ${reldir7}/echo

And here is a sample run:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] emnl-transform]$ maven emnl:test
__  __
|  \/  |__ Jakarta _ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|   v. 1.0-beta-9
Attempting to download commons-jelly-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-xml-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-jsl-SNAPSHOT.jar.
   [echo] srcbase  /opt/data/archive
   [echo] namlen 1 2 . 18 18
   [echo] source . /opt/data/archive/jav/08/01jav.sgm
   [echo] filename ... 01jav.sgm
   [echo] antbasename  01jav.sgm
   [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] ext  5
   [echo] basename ... 01jav
   [echo] basename2 .. 01jav
   [echo] reldir_18 .. jav/08
   [echo] reldir1 
   [echo] reldir2 
   [echo] reldirJoke . data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] reldir3  /jav/08
   [echo] reldir4 
   [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
   [echo] reldir5 
   [echo] reldir6 
   [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
   [echo] reldir7  jav/08
   [echo] source . /opt/data/archive/jav/08/02jav.sgm
   [echo] filename ... 02jav.sgm
   [echo] antbasename  01jav.sgm
   [echo] dirname  /opt/data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] ext  5
   [echo] basename ... 02jav
   [echo] basename2 .. 02jav
   [echo] reldir_18 .. jav/08
   [echo] reldir1 
   [echo] reldir2 
   [echo] reldirJoke . data/archive/jav/08
   [echo] reldir3  /jav/08
   [echo] reldir4 
   [echo] namlen 5 6 . 18 18
   [echo] reldir5 
   [echo] reldir6 
   [echo] namlen 7 ... 18
   [echo] reldir7  jav/08


Total time:  17 seconds
1. ${antbasename} doesn't change with the iterations.

Don't forget that you are using ant to set this, not jelly. Ant only 
sets a property once and does not ever overwrite it.

2. The various ${namlen} variables mostly don't work.

What do you mean. 'namelen 1 2' look ok, at 18. 'namelen 5 6 look ok at 
18', and 'namelen 7' looks ok at 18. When do any of the namelen 
variables have wrong