Re: [tg-trunk] (1.5) Trac rejections

2011-03-09 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Am 09.03.2011 05:44, schrieb Ken Kuhlman:
 Unfortunately Trac has decided that I'm a spammer, so I can't create,
 assign, or note tickets.   Should I wait until we're using Allura?  I
 see there's a turbogears1 project on sourceforge now.  Anything I can do
 to help?

Right, I've closed a few TG1 Trac tickets and will move the remaining
TG1 tickets to SF (Allura) this week, and then also help moving the TG2
Trac. So the new trackers will be available in the next days, Michael
and I will give extra notice on the lists.

It would be nice if you test the TG 1.5 branch as far as possible.
Feedback on the list an on the SF tracker once it's available.

 I have a test for it sitting on my laptop, though it requires a
 refactoring of testutil.capture_log  get_log.
 Those aren't used much (not at all in the test suite), so I don't 
 believe there's a problem with making the change even though we're 
 already at a 2nd beta. I didn't want to do it without a ticket,

Such minor changes are still possible in TG 1.5. There will be another
beta or at least a rc before the final release. The larger tickets will
be moved to TG 1.5.1 which will then not be a bugfix release only. I
think it's important to get TG 1.5 out the door because people will only
start migrating to 1.5 and giving feedback when there is an official
release available.

-- Christoph

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Re: [tg-trunk] (1.5) Trac rejections

2011-03-09 Thread Jorge Godoy
I am also having issues with Trac considering me as a spammer, even though I
have submitted (and closed) tickets in the past.

So, here's my report for TG1.5 as of SVN r7248.

(cut and paste from preview, with minor edits)

After some updates -- from OpenSuSE to Ubuntu, mainly -- the redirection
feature when I get an IdentityFailure exception stopped working (using 

Using external redirects on app.cfg provides me with a URL that when
clicked redirects me to the login screen and back to the application,
working correctly. Connecting directly to /login also works.  It is just
the internal redirection that stopped working.

Here's the full trace:

URL: http://localhost:8080/
Module paste.evalexception.middleware:306 in respond
__traceback_supplement__ = errormiddleware.Supplement,
self, environ
app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
return_iter = list(app_iter)  app_iter =
self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
Module cherrypy._cpwsgi:318 in tail
  so that any WSGI middleware in self.pipeline can run first.

return self.response_class(environ, start_response, self.cpapp)

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):  return
self.response_class(environ, start_response, self.cpapp)
Module cherrypy._cpwsgi:211 in __init__
  self.cpapp = cpapp
Module cherrypy._cpwsgi:259 in run
  headers = self.translate_headers(self.environ)
rfile = self.environ['wsgi.input'], path, qs, rproto, headers, rfile)

headerNames = {'HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION': 'Authorization',, path, qs, rproto, headers, rfile)
Module cherrypy._cprequest:564 in run

self.stage = 'respond'

except self.throws:  self.respond(pi)
Module cherrypy._cprequest:645 in respond
  if self.handler:
self.stage = 'handler'
response.body = self.handler()

# Finalize  response.body = self.handler()
Module cherrypy._cpdispatch:29 in __call__
  def __call__(self):
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
except TypeError:
x = sys.exc_info()[1]  return
self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
Module ?:3 in index
Module turbogears.controllers:364 in expose
  output = database.run_with_transaction(
func._expose, func, accept,
*args, **kw)
except NoApplicableMethods, e:
args = e.args # args from the last generic
function call  *args, **kw)
Module turbogears.database:? in run_with_transaction
Module turbogears.database:424 in so_rwt
retval = func(*args, **kw)
return retval  retval = func(*args, **kw)
Module turbogears.controllers:? in _expose
Module turbogears.controllers:393 in lambda
  rulefunc=lambda _func, accept, allow_json, *args, **kw:
_execute_func(_func, template, format, content_type,
  fragment, options, args, kw)))

if allow_json:  fragment, options, args, kw)))
Module turbogears.controllers:428 in _execute_func
  log.debug(Calling %s with *(%s), **(%s), func, args, kw)

output = errorhandling.try_call(func, *args, **kw)

if str(getattr(response, 'status', '')).startswith('204'):
output = errorhandling.try_call(func, *args, **kw)
Module turbogears.errorhandling:83 in try_call
  from turbogears.database import restart_transaction
return func(self, *args, **kw)
except Exception, e:
if (isinstance(e, cherrypy.HTTPRedirect)  return
func(self, *args, **kw)
Module ?:3 in index
Module turbogears.identity.conditions:236 in require
  except IdentityException, e:
errors = [str(e)]
raise IdentityFailure(errors)
fn._require = predicate
return require  raise IdentityFailure(errors)
IdentityFailure: ('/login', '')

(Extra Data from the fancy tracing)

CGI Variables
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'
HTTP_CONNECTION 'keep-alive'

[tg-trunk] TG2.1: problem with the (x)html genshi produces

2011-03-09 Thread Antti Koskimaa
I quickstarted a new tg 2.1 project by typing paster quickstart
testapp. In the genshi templates there's this kind of problem: if I
have a div / tag (that there is by default, a couple of div
class=clearingdiv / tag), genshi doesn't render them correctly. It
produces a div class=clearingdiv / element instead of  div
class=clearingdiv/div this is not allowed in xhtml nor html so
the browser thinks that the div element is not closed. You can verify
this by adding a display: none rule to .clearingdiv; everything
after the clearingdiv is hidden. Also, if you put a separate closing /
div in the same line, it's still rendered as div
class=clearingdiv / but if you put it on the next line, it's
rendered correctly as div class=clearingdiv/div Below is the
index.html file (unmodified after the quickstart) that's breaking:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=;

  xi:include href=master.html /

  meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=content-type
  titleWelcome to TurboGears 2.1, standing on the
  shoulders of giants, since 2007/title

  div id=getting_started
pTurboGears 2 is rapid web application development toolkit
designed to make your life easier./p
ol id=getting_started_steps
  li class=getting_started
h3Code your data model/h3
p Design your data model, Create the database, and Add some
bootstrap data./p
  li class=getting_started
h3Design your URL architecture/h3
p Decide your URLs, Program your controller methods, Design
templates, and place some static files (CSS and/or
JavaScript). /p
  li class=getting_started
h3Distribute your app/h3
p Test your source, Generate project documents, Build a
  div class=clearingdiv /
  div class=notice Thank you for choosing TurboGears.

My development.ini file (also unmodified. I just added a
templating.genshi.mode line that *should* help with the problem but is
not helping).

# testapp - Pylons development environment configuration
# The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of
this file
# This file is for deployment specific config options -- other
# that is always required for the app is done in the config directory,
# and generally should not be modified by end users.

debug = true
# Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any
error reports
#email_to =
smtp_server = localhost
error_email_from = paste@localhost

templating.genshi.mode = html

use = egg:Paste#http
host =
port = 8080

cookie_secret = 2e54f72f-1db1-4918-b967-ad3f31bc3351

use = egg:testapp
full_stack = true
#lang = ru
cache_dir = %(here)s/data
beaker.session.key = testapp
beaker.session.secret = 2e54f72f-1db1-4918-b967-ad3f31bc3351

# If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache
data dirs
# for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired
# here:
#beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache
#beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions

# pick the form for your database
# %(here) may include a ':' character on Windows environments; this
# invalidate the URI when specifying a SQLite db via path name
# sqlalchemy.url=postgres://username:password@hostname:port/
# sqlalchemy.url=mysql://username:password@hostname:port/databasename

# If you have sqlite, here's a simple default to get you started
# in development

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/devdata.db
#echo shouldn't be used together with the logging module.
sqlalchemy.echo = false
sqlalchemy.echo_pool = false
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600

# if you are using Mako and want to be able to reload
# the mako template from disk during the development phase
# you should say 'true' here
# This option is only used for mako templating engine
# WARNING: if you want to deploy your application using a zipped egg
# (ie: if your application's defines zip-safe=True, then you
# MUST put false for the production environment because there will
# be no disk and real files to compare time with.
# On the contrary if your application defines zip-safe=False and is
# deployed in an unzipped manner, then you can leave this option to
templating.mako.reloadfromdisk = true

# the compiled template dir is a directory that must be readable by
# webserver. It will be used to store the resulting templates once
# by the TemplateLookup system.
# During development you generally don't need this option since
paste's HTTP
# server will have access to you development directories, but 

Re: [tg-trunk] Re: tg 2.1+ and nosetests

2011-03-09 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 09.03.2011 05:55 schrieb Michael Pedersen:

Now that my test cases are finally passing cleanly, I can get to work on
migrating tickets and applying patches as appropriate.

Thanks, Michael. It's important to keep our test suite clean. We should 
install Hudson/Jenkins on Florent's server once the trackers and home 
page have been set up, so such things will get more attention. The tests 
should also run in different environments (different Pylons and Python 
versions etc.)

-- Christoph

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Re: [tg-trunk] Re: tg 2.1+ and nosetests

2011-03-09 Thread Michael Pedersen
Oh, completely agreed on that count. Trying very very hard to keep the tests
in good working order. Was kind of weird, actually. During my testing I got
an extra failure that didn't seem to make sense. Turns out I was switching
from tg2.0 to tg2.1 and back, and left around a bad .pyc file. Fortunately,
a fix was easy:

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Christoph Zwerschke wrote:

 Am 09.03.2011 05:55 schrieb Michael Pedersen:

  Now that my test cases are finally passing cleanly, I can get to work on
 migrating tickets and applying patches as appropriate.

 Thanks, Michael. It's important to keep our test suite clean. We should
 install Hudson/Jenkins on Florent's server once the trackers and home page
 have been set up, so such things will get more attention. The tests should
 also run in different environments (different Pylons and Python versions

 -- Christoph

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Michael J. Pedersen
My IM IDs: Jabber/, ICQ/103345809, AIM/pedermj022171
  Yahoo/pedermj2002, MSN/

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[tg-trunk] Minor Mid Week Update

2011-03-09 Thread Michael Pedersen
I've started populating the ticket tracker on SF. It's slow going, mainly
because I'm tired already this week. Still, 16 tickets copied over in an at
least semi-usable fashion.

Would people mind checking out what's there, and seeing if it works for

Michael J. Pedersen
My IM IDs: Jabber/, ICQ/103345809, AIM/pedermj022171
  Yahoo/pedermj2002, MSN/

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[tg-trunk] Re: Minor Mid Week Update

2011-03-09 Thread Michael Pedersen
I suppose a link would be useful to people, wouldn't it? My apologies for
leaving it out.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Michael Pedersen m.peder...@icelus.orgwrote:

 I've started populating the ticket tracker on SF. It's slow going, mainly
 because I'm tired already this week. Still, 16 tickets copied over in an at
 least semi-usable fashion.

 Would people mind checking out what's there, and seeing if it works for

 Michael J. Pedersen
 My IM IDs: Jabber/, ICQ/103345809,
   Yahoo/pedermj2002, MSN/

Michael J. Pedersen
My IM IDs: Jabber/, ICQ/103345809, AIM/pedermj022171
  Yahoo/pedermj2002, MSN/

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