Am 20.06.2013 00:06, schrieb Alessandro Molina:
Maybe someone more proficient in nose knows a better way to run the
tests of the generated application from inside the testsuite, right now
it loads them with which makes the whole testsuite result as a
single test.

I found that did not run properly. There were several problems: argv[0] must be the command name, the egg_info must be generated first, and it had also issues with output redirection.

So I solved it differently, by running " test" for the quickstarted project in a subprocess and checking the output. This has the advantage that TG can switch to any other test runner like nose2 and nothing has to be adapted in this test.

The improved test_quickstart found a failing test with Mako on Windows due to different linefeeds that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

We should now also add a Travis service hook for tg2devtools.

-- Christoph

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