[tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-10 Thread Mengu
hi lukasz,

i am not a core developer but i call myself a TG evangelist so i
i can say something about this.

as long as TG stays the same, i am not against building TG on top of
pyramid. however do we really need that? TG is already working fast
and smart enough. it has the libraries that we need for rapid
prototyping or building applications fast. i haven't needed anything
that doesn't exist in TG ecosystem but exists in pyramid's.

another thing is pylons, as we know it, is dead. there will only be
pyramid and pyramid users has a different understanding of
development. they are choosing the long way because pyramid is not a
full stack framework like TG. the ones who don't want to do it the
long way are either coming to TG or going to django.

from what you're saying i understand that you are not happy with TG.
please tell us why. because as our community grows on both IRC and
ML, we get requests and many of them are taken into consideration.
core developers are trying hard to build a strong application and a
happy community. because we believe we can pull it off.

On Jul 8, 9:28 pm, Lukasz Szybalski szybal...@gmail.com wrote:
  Not everything was well done, though: The Pyramid merger announcement was
  handled poorly. I'll discuss the future with Pyramid more thoroughly below.

  We discussed what we want to see for this year, and I think our goals are
  more than reasonable. We want to get 2.2 out shortly (originally, we were
  thinking before Pycon, but I'm not sure we can after my absence of the past
  couple months). We want to get 2.3 underway, and we have some pretty decent
  sized plans for 2.3, and more on that below as well. We also have some
  plans for the website, some updates we want to see happen. We also want to
  find ways to expand the development team. We also discussed our need for
  Python3 support, though we don't have a firm timeline for that. Finally, we
  discussed the need for us to standardize on a JavaScript widget toolkit.

  Our plans for 2.2 are as follows: We want to either make or integrate a
  Widget browser. We're looking to switch to ToscaWidgets 2 by default, since
  they're about to release a stable version. We want to reduce the number of
  packages we have to show in our PyPI, in particular by
  repoze.what-quickstart and repoze.what-pylons. We also want to merge in
  work by Chris Perkins to make Object Dispatch into an external package
  named Crank.

  Our plans for 2.3 are as follows: Major speed improvements, possibly some
  backward incompatibilities will be introduced. We're planning on removing
  the dependency on Pylons entirely in this branch. Possibly we're going to
  replace the repoze.what/repoze.who packages as well as the default
  AuthenticationAuthorization mechanism.

  Our directions of inquiry for Python3 are as follows: We're going to look
  at marrow as a possible replacement for Paste. The other option is to look
  at Pyramid's Paste Replacement. We'll also need to evaluate other libraries
  and modules, as not everything is supporting Python3, and we need to move
  forward soon.

  For the JavaScript toolkits, we need to evalute Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and
  even Dojo. We did not come to a final decision at the time of the meeting,
  though it seems like we're going to settle on Bootstrap, based on recent
  conversations on the mailing lists.

  For the Pyramid merger, most of us who are using TurboGears are happy with
  the direction things are going for TG. After discussion, we came to the
  consensus that the product built on top of Pyramid that provides a TG-like
  layer should not be called TG3, but rather Orion. We're also leaning
  towards not promoting it as the evolution of TurboGears. TG isn't perfect,
  but we're happy with it, and want to continue to extend it, improve it, and
  make it vibrant again.

 To: Trubogears2 steering committee/TG2 Core developers

 My goal of writing today is to convince TG2 core developers to reconsider
 their plans for not using pyramid, embrace the new changes in
 pylons(pyramid), and reconfirm the state of the union between turbogears2
 and pylons project. Turbogears2 pylons backbone was a great success, it
 consolidated python web frameworks, and provided a bigger community to
 compete with others like django, ROR and was probably the perfect choice to
 develop web applications fast.
 Now 3 years later Turbogears2 (1K Downloads since 04/2012) is still strong
 but pylons (11K Downloads) have merged with repoze.bfg(3K Downloads) to
 create pyramid(14K Downloads since 05/2012), which merged the web
 frameworks even more and brought over some of zope/plone community with it.
 What these number mean for turbogears future is that if tg2 reconfirms
 their ties to pyramid, it might become one of the most powerfull contender
 to django (212K downloads).

 What are some pro's and cons with following pylons evolution:

 --Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in 

[tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-10 Thread Mike Orr
Hi all. Lukasz asked me for feedback on the question of converting
TurboGears to Pyramid. I should start by saying that although I'm involved
in Pyramid and Pylons development and know a few TG developers, I've only
followed TurboGears at a distance, and not since Orion was floated a year
ago. So my perspective is more historical and long-term.

Kevin's original vision for TG was to select best-of-breed components and
integrate them into a framework. That was an excellent idea and inspired me
personally, but it failed in the sense that all his original decisions
became obsolete: Kid, SQLObject, Prototype and Scriptaculous, non-WSGI
base. To be fair, WSGI came out after TG was created and raised the bar on
what a framework should be. All frameworks at the time went through a
difficult conversion. I used TG (pre-1.0) for a short time, but it was not
stable enough at the time so I switched to Pylons.

The developers knew before 1.0 that it would need a restructure, and so 1.0
was released as the old code while work progressed on a new base -- after
some experiments like RhubarbTart, eventually Pylons was chosen as the
base.  The conversion to 2.0 was particularly traumatic on the user base,
who felt that they'd adopted shiny new 1.0 and bought the book and in less
than a year it was obsolete.

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Lukasz Szybalski szybal...@gmail.comwrote:

 For the Pyramid merger, most of us who are using TurboGears are happy
 with the direction things are going for TG. After discussion, we came to
 the consensus that the product built on top of Pyramid that provides a
 TG-like layer should not be called TG3, but rather Orion. We're also
 leaning towards not promoting it as the evolution of TurboGears. TG isn't
 perfect, but we're happy with it, and want to continue to extend it,
 improve it, and make it vibrant again.

 This sounds like a sensible solution to me. The biggest worry of users is
to go through a compatibility trauma again. It may be feasable to make a
100% compatible API on top of Pyramid, but inevitably something or other
will slip through and cause extra work for users. Also, the conversion of
Pylons to Pyramid showed that the developers will end up adopting some new
APIs as superior to the old ones, thus forcing the users to do so too.
Either way, it means modifications to applications. If it's desired to
retain compatibility *and* move into the future, then doing the former
under the TurboGears name and doing the latter under a new name makes
sense. Since Pylons is lightly maintained at this point, it would behoove
TG developers to step up to maintain it and perhaps plan a Pylons 2.0.

I have not heard anything about Orion besides rumors that it exists. Is it

 To: Trubogears2 steering committee/TG2 Core developers

 My goal of writing today is to convince TG2 core developers to reconsider
 their plans for not using pyramid, embrace the new changes in
 pylons(pyramid), and reconfirm the state of the union between turbogears2
 and pylons project. Turbogears2 pylons backbone was a great success, it
 consolidated python web frameworks, and provided a bigger community to
 compete with others like django, ROR and was probably the perfect choice to
 develop web applications fast.
 Now 3 years later Turbogears2 (1K Downloads since 04/2012) is still strong
 but pylons (11K Downloads) have merged with repoze.bfg(3K Downloads) to
 create pyramid(14K Downloads since 05/2012), which merged the web
 frameworks even more and brought over some of zope/plone community with it.
 What these number mean for turbogears future is that if tg2 reconfirms
 their ties to pyramid, it might become one of the most powerfull contender
 to django (212K downloads).

 What are some pro's and cons with following pylons evolution:

 --Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in turbogears,
 no rewrite of code would be required to take tg2 into python3 for example,
 take the speed improvements, etc...
 --All the components that were mentioned above from repoze.XXX would still
 be valid and would follow pyramid upgrades and no additional work would be
 required to get them working.
 --Any changes to Paste would already be done in pyramid.
 --Turbogears choice of most downloaded components as a default would bring
 over few users that have high learning curve because of pyramid default
 scaffolds selections.
 --More consolidation would mean more of most common packages would be
 available to users.
 -- Instead of splitting from pylons embrace the evolution of pylons would
 mean more users are reassured tg2 is the right choice to build on.

I have long believed strongly in modularity, reusablilty, and
interoperability. That's what led me to TurboGears, Pylons, and Pyramid. My
sense is that Pyramid has a strong and flexible base. It can go with
users to whatever gee-whiz technology may appear in the future.  Its
flexibility is also helpful when an application's direction 

Re: [tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-09 Thread jeetu
Thanks for such a nice discussion. It cleared many a things/confusions that 
I had on TG development. We have just started using TG and its really a 
good and clearly laid framework to develop upon. Speed developments in 
TG2.2(rc) are visible. The choice to include bootstrap is very well thought 
of (from the responsive design perspective). Template engines choice is 
also good. And sqlalchemy, wow. From a future perspective, I just want to 
say that when future versions of TG comes, my application should not 
break(other than few required minor changes to the code).

These are the things that matter to us rather that pyramid or something 
else at the core. Only thing,  is that making the core i.e proposed pyramid 
part itself pluggable may help, iff it does not deteriorate speed in a big 

Thanks for TG.

On Monday, 9 July 2012 09:11:05 UTC+5:30, Michael Pedersen wrote:

 There's no doubt that other frameworks are bigger, more widely used, and 
 more popular. No argument from me of any sort. Arguing in favor of a merger 
 by stating We have a better chance of taking down Django is not a useful 
 argument, though, not for me.

 I don't devote the time I do to take down Django. I don't do it for money. 
 I don't do it for fame. I don't even do it to help other projects improve, 
 or reach any of those goals.

 I do it because I love TurboGears. This web framework is the first one I 
 ever found that actually made *sense*. I'd tried others. I'd even written 
 my own really bad one in PHP in the early 2000's. None of them ever felt 
 wholly right, though. Always, some aspect was poorly done, or some piece 
 always got in the way of my project, or the entire system just seemed 
 designed to make easy tasks complex, and hard ones virtually impossible. 
 TurboGears provides something that others have always seemed to lack: just 
 the right amount of simplicity.

 When I go to work on a TurboGears project, I can navigate it easily. I can 
 find and deal with the various pieces, and feel comfortable that I am 
 actually finding what I need to find. When I need to make a change, I can 
 feel comfortable that I am changing the right piece of code. TurboGears 
 provides these things for me, and it makes coding with it into a joy.

 Arguing in favor a merger on the grounds that everybody can topple the 
 Django beast will not sway me. I love what we have, and I feel that the 
 future is bright. It's not an easy row to hoe, to be sure, but few things 
 worth doing are. All of that said, I'll address the rest of the points, and 
 reply to everybody.

 On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Lukasz Szybalski szybal...@gmail.com
 Assuming that we did the merger work, we would have some piece of code 
 called TurboGears that is based on Pyramid. Keep that in mind for these 

 --Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in turbogears, 
 no rewrite of code would be required to take tg2 into python3 for example, 
 take the speed improvements, etc...

 Unfortunately, this is not correct. We would be vulnerable to which 
 specific version of Pyramid we coded against. If a benefit from Pyramid 
 required changing the way we use an API, we could not gain that benefit 
 until we updated the code. If a backwards incompatible change were made in 
 Pyramid, we would have to update our code to fix it, or lock down which 
 version of Pyramid we support. If we found a problem in Pyramid, we would 
 have to rely on Pyramid to update before we could truly get it fixed. 
 Furthermore, while Pyramid may be Python3 ready, we are not. Pyramid being 
 ready or not has no bearing on whether our code is ready, and that's true 
 regardless of anything else that may be going on.

 This pro has some benefits, to be sure, but it's not the bed of roses that 
 is painted here.

 --All the components that were mentioned above from repoze.XXX would 
 still be valid and would follow pyramid upgrades and no additional work 
 would be required to get them working.

 The same problems and benefits as the previous item.

 --Any changes to Paste would already be done in pyramid.

 While this is true, since we're not at that point in our own development. 
 As such, this item is not a consideration for us at this time. In future, 
 maybe, but right now, no.

 --Turbogears choice of most downloaded components as a default would 
 bring over few users that have high learning curve because of pyramid 
 default scaffolds selections. 

 Agreed on this point. This would help Pyramid adoption, definitely.

 --More consolidation would mean more of most common packages would be 
 available to users. 

 For consolidation, what I would actually look to provide is some way for 
 modules to seamlessly make themselves available for multiple frameworks. 
 For instance (and this may be a bad example), if we were to provide a 
 webframework.model entrypoint, and all the frameworks were to honor it, 
 then a given plugin 

[tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-08 Thread Lukasz Szybalski

 Not everything was well done, though: The Pyramid merger announcement was 
 handled poorly. I'll discuss the future with Pyramid more thoroughly below.

 We discussed what we want to see for this year, and I think our goals are 
 more than reasonable. We want to get 2.2 out shortly (originally, we were 
 thinking before Pycon, but I'm not sure we can after my absence of the past 
 couple months). We want to get 2.3 underway, and we have some pretty decent 
 sized plans for 2.3, and more on that below as well. We also have some 
 plans for the website, some updates we want to see happen. We also want to 
 find ways to expand the development team. We also discussed our need for 
 Python3 support, though we don't have a firm timeline for that. Finally, we 
 discussed the need for us to standardize on a JavaScript widget toolkit.

 Our plans for 2.2 are as follows: We want to either make or integrate a 
 Widget browser. We're looking to switch to ToscaWidgets 2 by default, since 
 they're about to release a stable version. We want to reduce the number of 
 packages we have to show in our PyPI, in particular by 
 repoze.what-quickstart and repoze.what-pylons. We also want to merge in 
 work by Chris Perkins to make Object Dispatch into an external package 
 named Crank.

 Our plans for 2.3 are as follows: Major speed improvements, possibly some 
 backward incompatibilities will be introduced. We're planning on removing 
 the dependency on Pylons entirely in this branch. Possibly we're going to 
 replace the repoze.what/repoze.who packages as well as the default 
 AuthenticationAuthorization mechanism.

 Our directions of inquiry for Python3 are as follows: We're going to look 
 at marrow as a possible replacement for Paste. The other option is to look 
 at Pyramid's Paste Replacement. We'll also need to evaluate other libraries 
 and modules, as not everything is supporting Python3, and we need to move 
 forward soon.

 For the JavaScript toolkits, we need to evalute Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and 
 even Dojo. We did not come to a final decision at the time of the meeting, 
 though it seems like we're going to settle on Bootstrap, based on recent 
 conversations on the mailing lists.

 For the Pyramid merger, most of us who are using TurboGears are happy with 
 the direction things are going for TG. After discussion, we came to the 
 consensus that the product built on top of Pyramid that provides a TG-like 
 layer should not be called TG3, but rather Orion. We're also leaning 
 towards not promoting it as the evolution of TurboGears. TG isn't perfect, 
 but we're happy with it, and want to continue to extend it, improve it, and 
 make it vibrant again.


To: Trubogears2 steering committee/TG2 Core developers

My goal of writing today is to convince TG2 core developers to reconsider 
their plans for not using pyramid, embrace the new changes in 
pylons(pyramid), and reconfirm the state of the union between turbogears2 
and pylons project. Turbogears2 pylons backbone was a great success, it 
consolidated python web frameworks, and provided a bigger community to 
compete with others like django, ROR and was probably the perfect choice to 
develop web applications fast. 
Now 3 years later Turbogears2 (1K Downloads since 04/2012) is still strong 
but pylons (11K Downloads) have merged with repoze.bfg(3K Downloads) to 
create pyramid(14K Downloads since 05/2012), which merged the web 
frameworks even more and brought over some of zope/plone community with it. 
What these number mean for turbogears future is that if tg2 reconfirms 
their ties to pyramid, it might become one of the most powerfull contender 
to django (212K downloads). 

What are some pro's and cons with following pylons evolution:

--Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in turbogears, 
no rewrite of code would be required to take tg2 into python3 for example, 
take the speed improvements, etc...
--All the components that were mentioned above from repoze.XXX would still 
be valid and would follow pyramid upgrades and no additional work would be 
required to get them working.
--Any changes to Paste would already be done in pyramid.
--Turbogears choice of most downloaded components as a default would bring 
over few users that have high learning curve because of pyramid default 
scaffolds selections. 
--More consolidation would mean more of most common packages would be 
available to users. 
-- Instead of splitting from pylons embrace the evolution of pylons would 
mean more users are reassured tg2 is the right choice to build on.

-- Some work is required to replace pylons components with pyramid
-- Some tg.ext would need to be updated to support new changes.
-- Core developers would have to go a little outside of their comfort zone 
by not just being happy with current state of tg2 but to take it to the 
next level.
-- Won't be able to design the new framework to replace pylons part, but 
rather will need to include 

Re: [tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-08 Thread Alessandro Molina
This has already been discussed around an year ago, both in person, on
HangOut and many other ways, and we came to an agreement that didn't
prevent anyone from doing his own TurboGears like scaffold on Pyramid,
it just didn't have to be called TurboGears. Orion was the suggested
name at the time.

Now I don't see any point in bringing it up again, especially
considering that the 2.3 pylons less branch has been already under
development for 6 months, is now able to serve TurboGears applications
three times faster without any required change, works on Python3 and
has 1/3 of the dependencies we previously had.

That doesn't mean that TurboGears can't work with the Pyramid team, we
are in 2012 and most of the web frameworks are now build by many
independent modules that provide some kind of feature to the
framework. We will continue to share WebOb, Baker, WebHelpers, most of
the repoze stack and many other things.

It's just a matter of would you like to replace 400 lines of custom
code with a library thousands of lines big that won't do anything new
and you will probably have to monkeypatch deeply like it happened with
Pylons?. TurboGears already broke code of its past users too many
times and doing it again would probably hurt the project a lot more
than not having written on our homepage that we are whatever
underlying framework based.

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Lukasz Szybalski szybal...@gmail.com wrote:
 My goal of writing today is to convince TG2 core developers to reconsider
 their plans for not using pyramid, embrace the new changes in
 pylons(pyramid), and reconfirm the state of the union between turbogears2
 and pylons project. Turbogears2 pylons backbone was a great success, it
 consolidated python web frameworks, and provided a bigger community to
 compete with others like django, ROR and was probably the perfect choice to
 develop web applications fast.
 Now 3 years later Turbogears2 (1K Downloads since 04/2012) is still strong
 but pylons (11K Downloads) have merged with repoze.bfg(3K Downloads) to
 create pyramid(14K Downloads since 05/2012), which merged the web frameworks
 even more and brought over some of zope/plone community with it.
 What these number mean for turbogears future is that if tg2 reconfirms their
 ties to pyramid, it might become one of the most powerfull contender to
 django (212K downloads).

 What are some pro's and cons with following pylons evolution:

 --Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in turbogears,
 no rewrite of code would be required to take tg2 into python3 for example,
 take the speed improvements, etc...
 --All the components that were mentioned above from repoze.XXX would still
 be valid and would follow pyramid upgrades and no additional work would be
 required to get them working.
 --Any changes to Paste would already be done in pyramid.
 --Turbogears choice of most downloaded components as a default would bring
 over few users that have high learning curve because of pyramid default
 scaffolds selections.
 --More consolidation would mean more of most common packages would be
 available to users.
 -- Instead of splitting from pylons embrace the evolution of pylons would
 mean more users are reassured tg2 is the right choice to build on.

 -- Some work is required to replace pylons components with pyramid
 -- Some tg.ext would need to be updated to support new changes.
 -- Core developers would have to go a little outside of their comfort zone
 by not just being happy with current state of tg2 but to take it to the
 next level.
 -- Won't be able to design the new framework to replace pylons part, but
 rather will need to include already written software.

 TG won't be perfect with pyramid at its core but I think a lot more users
 will be happy with it, and want to continue to extend it, improve it, and
 make it vibrant again.

 Would developers consider following the evolution of pylons and including
 pyramid into turbogears?

 Thank you,

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Re: [tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-08 Thread Christoph Zwerschke

Am 08.07.2012 21:20, schrieb Alessandro Molina:

Now I don't see any point in bringing it up again, especially
considering that the 2.3 pylons less branch has been already under
development for 6 months, is now able to serve TurboGears applications
three times faster without any required change, works on Python3 and
has 1/3 of the dependencies we previously had.

That doesn't mean that TurboGears can't work with the Pyramid team, we
are in 2012 and most of the web frameworks are now build by many
independent modules that provide some kind of feature to the
framework. We will continue to share WebOb, Baker, WebHelpers, most of
the repoze stack and many other things.

It's just a matter of would you like to replace 400 lines of custom
code with a library thousands of lines big that won't do anything new
and you will probably have to monkeypatch deeply like it happened with
Pylons?. TurboGears already broke code of its past users too many
times and doing it again would probably hurt the project a lot more
than not having written on our homepage that we are whatever
underlying framework based.

Agree with all points. Actually Pyramid is not such a huge library, it's 
still pretty lightweight. Nevertheless, the core Pyramid docs is already 
a 700 pages PDF file. People would have to use a framework where they 
don't understand what's going on in the lower levels or they would have 
to read these 700 pages just to understand the lower levels.

Also, if TG would make another radical change now, we would again come 
into the situation where people start asking shall I use TG2 now or 
shall I wait for when TG3 based on Pyramid appears, and start wondering 
whether they will be able to migrate their TG2 apps.

And then, the documentation would need to be adapted again etc.

Lastly, everything also depends on the time and energy the core 
developers have at hand, and that is very limited. Mark, who orginally 
came up with the plan of a merge, wasn't able to spend time for the 
project any more. Currently only Alessandro and Michael are actively 
working on the project. Maintaining what we currently and developing 
that slowly and carefully is already enough work. I think they're doing 
a good job, and I like that TG2 is moving more steadily now and less 
jumping around with new ideas and changes every other week.

-- Christoph

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TurboGears Trunk group.
To post to this group, send email to turbogears-trunk@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [tg-trunk] Re: State of the Gears

2012-07-08 Thread Michael Pedersen
There's no doubt that other frameworks are bigger, more widely used, and
more popular. No argument from me of any sort. Arguing in favor of a merger
by stating We have a better chance of taking down Django is not a useful
argument, though, not for me.

I don't devote the time I do to take down Django. I don't do it for money.
I don't do it for fame. I don't even do it to help other projects improve,
or reach any of those goals.

I do it because I love TurboGears. This web framework is the first one I
ever found that actually made *sense*. I'd tried others. I'd even written
my own really bad one in PHP in the early 2000's. None of them ever felt
wholly right, though. Always, some aspect was poorly done, or some piece
always got in the way of my project, or the entire system just seemed
designed to make easy tasks complex, and hard ones virtually impossible.
TurboGears provides something that others have always seemed to lack: just
the right amount of simplicity.

When I go to work on a TurboGears project, I can navigate it easily. I can
find and deal with the various pieces, and feel comfortable that I am
actually finding what I need to find. When I need to make a change, I can
feel comfortable that I am changing the right piece of code. TurboGears
provides these things for me, and it makes coding with it into a joy.

Arguing in favor a merger on the grounds that everybody can topple the
Django beast will not sway me. I love what we have, and I feel that the
future is bright. It's not an easy row to hoe, to be sure, but few things
worth doing are. All of that said, I'll address the rest of the points, and
reply to everybody.

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Lukasz Szybalski szybal...@gmail.com
Assuming that we did the merger work, we would have some piece of code
called TurboGears that is based on Pyramid. Keep that in mind for these

--Features that pyramid is capable of would work by default in turbogears,
 no rewrite of code would be required to take tg2 into python3 for example,
 take the speed improvements, etc...

Unfortunately, this is not correct. We would be vulnerable to which
specific version of Pyramid we coded against. If a benefit from Pyramid
required changing the way we use an API, we could not gain that benefit
until we updated the code. If a backwards incompatible change were made in
Pyramid, we would have to update our code to fix it, or lock down which
version of Pyramid we support. If we found a problem in Pyramid, we would
have to rely on Pyramid to update before we could truly get it fixed.
Furthermore, while Pyramid may be Python3 ready, we are not. Pyramid being
ready or not has no bearing on whether our code is ready, and that's true
regardless of anything else that may be going on.

This pro has some benefits, to be sure, but it's not the bed of roses that
is painted here.

 --All the components that were mentioned above from repoze.XXX would still
 be valid and would follow pyramid upgrades and no additional work would be
 required to get them working.

The same problems and benefits as the previous item.

 --Any changes to Paste would already be done in pyramid.

While this is true, since we're not at that point in our own development.
As such, this item is not a consideration for us at this time. In future,
maybe, but right now, no.

 --Turbogears choice of most downloaded components as a default would bring
 over few users that have high learning curve because of pyramid default
 scaffolds selections.

Agreed on this point. This would help Pyramid adoption, definitely.

 --More consolidation would mean more of most common packages would be
 available to users.

For consolidation, what I would actually look to provide is some way for
modules to seamlessly make themselves available for multiple frameworks.
For instance (and this may be a bad example), if we were to provide a
webframework.model entrypoint, and all the frameworks were to honor it,
then a given plugin could make it's model accessible without caring about
who it's written for. That would allow for consolidation, without requiring
that everybody join with a specific web framework or be invisible.

 -- Instead of splitting from pylons embrace the evolution of pylons would
 mean more users are reassured tg2 is the right choice to build on.

Does it really? If someone is trying to make a choice, then wouldn't Built
on Pyramid being on everybody's site be more of a vote for any users to go
to Pyramid, instead? If the number of users mattered to me, this would
actually be a detriment to TG, not a bonus.

 -- Some work is required to replace pylons components with pyramid

An unknown amount of work for a benefit that may not materialize for the TG
framework. That's a high risk proposition to me. This particular item is a
bigger detriment than I feel you give credit for it being.

 -- Some tg.ext would need to be updated to support new changes.

Actually, many of them would. For