On Fri, May 22, 2020, at 10:54 PM, Glyph wrote:
> So, pidfd's cool, we should totally use it. Also we should use posix_spawn 
> and maybe some other stuff too. But I wonder if there's any heuristic we 
> could use to speed up our current strategy, like ordering the to-reap list by 
> putting things with no open FDs at the front of it? And optimistically 
> assuming that once we've found something to reap, maybe we can stop? And 
> maybe it should run in a cooperator, rather than just blocking the reactor 
> indefinitely?

Those all sound like reasonable optimizations with little downside to me.

> Honestly it had not occurred to me that people were managing 20k+ python 
> interpreters at a time with spawnProcess (although, yikes, amazing, you've 
> gotta talk more about this application, and what kind of hardware you're on!)

Nonono, that was a synthetic stress test. It did spawn Python processes, but 
they immediately called `exec sleep` to conserve memory.

The result of the test was that the service would run out of memory _well_ 
before inefficiencies in Twisted's reaping scheme became a problem.

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