Re: [Twisted-Python] twistd/tac : when does logging start?

2011-11-02 Thread Luke Marsden
On Wed, 2011-11-02 at 04:38 -0700, Tobias Oberstein wrote:
 I've got a Twisted application started via a tac file.
 Within the tac, I also initialize a database and create a db pool for use 
 with adbapi.
 Now it seems that log messages from the network services are logged, but not 
 from the initial DB setup stuff.
 When exactly does Twistd start the logging? How can I make it start logging 
 from the very beginning?
 I've looked at the docs:
 Before startLogging is called, log messages will be discarded and errors 
 will be written to stderr.
 If you are using twistd to run your daemon, it will take care of calling 
 startLogging for you, ...
 but that doesn't help me.
 Any hints are welcome

Hi Tobias,

You need to do your intialisation (database connections, etc) in a
startService method of your application, rather than (as you're probably
doing) in the __init__ method.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Mobile: +447791750420 (UK) / +1-415-449-1165 (US)

Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] Announcement: txHybridCluster client released

2011-09-12 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi all,

From a blustery grey Monday morning in Bristol, England, comes the
announcement of the immediate availability of a Twisted client for
interacting with the Hybrid Cluster API.

The Hybrid Cluster API allows you to set up websites, databases,
mailboxes, add SSL certificates, configure custom DNS, and more (over
100 API functions are documented).

If anyone's interested in building cool stuff with this, contact me
off-list and we can get you set up with a cluster to play with ;-)

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Mobile: +447791750420 (UK) / +1-415-449-1165 (US)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Moving Twisted off Trac and SVN to somewhere nicer

2011-07-01 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi all,

On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 12:00 +0100, Reza Lotun wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 Although I've hated git for a long while (and I still don't
 like it very much), I firmly believe Github is the right thing
 for Twisted. My incredibly unscientific poll amongst people
 who like Twisted but aren't devs is that they all love or at
 least like Github, and a surprising number has a distaste for
 Launchpad (unfamiliarity with Bazaar, perceived
 developer-unfriendly UI, slowness).
 I vote for GitHub too. Git's a pain but powerful (no need for
 combinator), and GitHub has a pretty good API into everything - low
 level repo innards, to issues/tickets. Also, GitHub's webhook system
 can easily integrate with buildbot (we used to do it at TweetDeck).
 Code review is doable by pull requests too. You can even map to a github hosted website, which itself would be a
 repo. Oh, and the wikis are git repos too. 

 Given all these tools, I see mappings for all of Twisted's bits and
 pieces (unless I'm missing something).

I agree, possibly the biggest win with GitHub is the way it encourages
fellow users to fork a project and contribute patches via pull requests.
Popularity doesn't always equate to quality but in this case (amongst
developers) I think it *is* indicative that they've got something right.
Pull requests can be used to implement the Twisted review model as they
form a good centralised place to review a set of changes.  GitHub's
issue tracker used to be pretty shoddy but has had a big upgrade
recently and is almost good now.

Git is powerful, and while it can also be confusing at times
StackOverflow almost always has the answer ;-)  Also, managing branches
in git really is real pleasure compared to the mish-mash of merging
branches with SVN and various external scripts.  For example, to merge
'somebranch' into master (i.e. trunk) and push it to GitHub (the
'origin' remote), after committing to somebranch, it's just:

git checkout master; git merge somebranch; git push origin master

Addressing the concern of getting your data out of GitHub, since git is
a DVCS, every repository is a complete copy of the entire revision
history.  Therefore, GitHub cannot lock you in.  I suppose the issue
tracker might be a different story, but it has an API.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Mobile: +447791750420 - Cloud web hosting platform 

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Question about starving the reactor

2011-06-20 Thread Luke Marsden
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 11:09 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Jun 20, 2011, at 7:39 AM, Phil Mayers wrote:
  On 20/06/11 11:29, Orestis Markou wrote:
  It might be there's no way to do guarantee something like that, so it
  might be just that everyone should be careful about this.
  I don't think you can stop callers of a function doing silly things with 
  the return value.
 +1.  The best way to deal with this is to make your APIs nice and
 simple, and their implementation straightforward.  If you try to do
 weird tricks to make callbacks on your Deferreds cooperative, then you
 might break an otherwise reasonable strategy on the part of the client
 code to be well-behaved on their part.
 For the code that is itself trying to be well-behaved, there are
 things like twisted.internet.task.cooperate.

There might not be any way to stop consumers of your Deferreds executing
blocking operations, but when trying to track down which pieces of code
are the culprits, I found exarkun's BigTimesliceTimer very useful:

It uses a reactor-independent timing mechanism (the setitimer sigcall on
Linux, contact me if you want the FreeBSD version) to set an alarm which
the reactor then has to race to unset, else the itimer handler gets
pre-emptively executed.  When the alarm runs, it prints a traceback of
the current execution point in the client code.  By setting the alarm
frequency sufficiently low and by watching for sufficiently long you can
sample the code which is running while the reactor is blocked.  Code
paths which show up frequently are therefore *more likely* to be the

One day it would be nice to turn this into some kind of statistical tool
for highlighting which code paths are the hot-spots in your code, so
that you can optimise the blockiest bits first.  Premature
optimisation, etc.

Hope this helps; it helped me :-)

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Phone: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] 100% CPU on high opened descriptors

2011-05-19 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi Juan,

You could try:

print reactor.__class__

This should allow you to check that the twistd command-line argument is
working.  Example:

luke@pow:~$ twistd -noy |head -n 1
class 'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'

luke@pow:~$ twistd -r poll -noy |head -n 1
class 'twisted.internet.pollreactor.PollReactor'

luke@pow:~$ cat
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application import service
print reactor.__class__
application = service.Application(nothing)

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Phone: +447791750420

On Thu, 2011-05-19 at 21:57 +0200, Juan Antonio Ibañez Santorum wrote:
 Is there any way to check if it is using the the poll/epoll reactor?
 2011/4/26 Luke Marsden
 On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 17:42 +0200, Juan Antonio Ibañez
 Santorum wrote:
 I have a Linux box serving my twisted app. All works ok
  after some days running (where I can see my CPU going to
 100%). I saw
  that CPU goes 100% usage when the app reaches to 1024 opened
  descriptors (sockets).
 You can also switch to using the poll reactor, which will
 allow you to
 sustain more than 1024 connections.  You should still figure
 out what is
 keeping your connections open and find a way to reap them
 however, as
 this will just delay the problem.  As Glyph suggested an
 level ping may help here.
 In the mean-time you can switch to the poll reactor by adding
 -r poll
 to your twistd command.
 Best Regards,
 Luke Marsden
 CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.
 Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting
 Phone: +447791750420
 Twisted-Python mailing list

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] 100% CPU on high opened descriptors

2011-04-27 Thread Luke Marsden
 2011/4/26 Luke Marsden
 You can also switch to using the poll reactor

On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 08:01 +0200, Juan Antonio Ibañez Santorum wrote:
 Is that the unique way to get mor than 1024 simultaneous connections?

On Linux and BSD, yes. See for 
all the options for different platforms.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Phone: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] Announcing txMySQL - native async Twisted MySQL protocol

2011-02-08 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the release of txMySQL, a native Twisted MySQL
protocol implementation at

The bulk of this code is courtesy of _habnabit (thank you!), I just
added authentication support and fixed a couple of bugs which were
stopping the MySQL protocol parser working. As we will be using this in
production at Hybrid Logic I am happy to take over maintenance of it.

As you can tell from the TODO list in the README, this is still a fairly
rough draft, but it works well enough to .fetchall() basic results sets
and .query() any other MySQL statements you care to run. See

The incentive to produce this was due to a critical bug in MySQLdb with
threading under load (on FreeBSD) which was causing Python to lock up. I
decided that a native client protocol implementation would be less work
than tracking down that bug, and besides it's something I've wanted to
do for a while ;-)

It might be interesting to see how adbapi could be modified to use a
DeferredSemaphore to implement a completely threadless pool of MySQL
connections with this...?

Feel free to fork, tweak, fix, use, report issues, etc.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Phone: +441172232002 / +16179496062

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Boston Area Mini-Sprint

2011-01-13 Thread Luke Marsden
Damn, I'm going to be in Cambridge for 10 weeks from Wednesday 19th
onwards (usually based here in the UK). So I miss out by 3 days!

I'd really like to meet up with any Twisted folk when I arrive though.
Is anyone Boston-based up for a drink some time after the 19th?

FYI I'm the guy behind


Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting

Mobile: +447791750420

On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 12:32 -0500, Tenth wrote:
 Apologies in advance for the short notice, but I'm planning to host a
 Boston area Twisted mini-sprint this weekend on Sunday, January 16th.
 Space is fairly limited (hence the mini- prefix), but if you're on
 twisted-python and would be interested in the details of this and/or
 future Boston area sprints, let me know, and I'll add you to the
 - Dave
 Twisted-Python mailing list

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] how to implement sleep?

2010-09-19 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi Ruslan,

Try this to drop in to your code, as in: sleep(3)

def sleep(secs):
d = defer.Deferred()
reactor.callLater(secs, d.callback, None)
return d


On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 16:04 +0400, ruslan usifov wrote:
 Twisted is great, but how cant i emulate sleep behaviour in syested. I
 know that exists callLater, but how to use it in yield scenario, like
 def work(self):
 l_attempts = 0;
 while l_attemps  3:
 resp = yield some twisted call
 yield sleep(3);
 l_attempts +=1
 log.err(cant communicate);
 Here i make 3 attempts to connect busy service, with pause 3 seconds
 between attempts. How cant i implement this in twisted 
 Twisted-Python mailing list

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted HTTP client supporting failover for multiple A records?

2010-07-16 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi David,

 That's not to say using multiple A records isn't a helpful practice
 for many sorts of outages (especially to permit controlled
 maintenance).  Just don't expect it to necessarily be sufficient in
 all failure modes depending on the behavior you want clients to

Indeed, in our application it's considered an optimisation over DNS
failover. This is why we also use a low TTL (30 seconds) to purge the
bad A records out of the pool as soon as possible.

 If this is strictly limited to a client you control, it's much less of
 an issue, since you can drop the TCP connect timeout much lower than
 what it defaults to, though you still probably can't match how fast it
 can happen for rejected connections, since you'll want to leave enough
 room for occasional latency or response time issues without
 immediately failing over.  But you can do a lot better than the system

Unfortunately we have no control over the clients' configuration (this
is a LAMP web hosting environment). But 30 seconds is considered much
more acceptable than the days it can often take a manual repair job if a
server goes down.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] Twisted HTTP client supporting failover for multiple A records?

2010-07-15 Thread Luke Marsden
Hi all,

Is there any existing support for any Twisted HTTP client to simulate
the behaviour of all modern browsers in that -- if an address returns
multiple A records -- and if one IP fails (connection refused, etc) then
the client attempts a number of the other IPs before giving up?

If not, where should I start? I understand that client.Agent is more
modern than client.getPage.

Thanks for an awesome framework!

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted HTTP client supporting failover for multiple A records?

2010-07-15 Thread Luke Marsden
On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 08:06 -0400, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 10:46 +0100, Reza Lotun wrote:
  As for connecting to hosts that resolve to multiple A records - I
  presume as a means of load balancing via DNS round robin

We're actually using it to provide redundancy in this instance. In our
application any request for any site can be made to any (live) server,
so having dead servers in the pool of A records doesn't matter so long
as real web browsers failover to some other A record within a second,
which they do!

The problem is that my test application uses client.getPage which,
because it uses the reactor's standard DNS lookup mechanism, picks just
one A record and sticks to it. So, it reports connection errors (some
fraction of the time, as A records are randomised) even when the user of
a real web browser would not experience them. These errors go away
when the dead server(s) drop out of the DNS pool and reactor's lookups
stops returning the dead IP, but this takes some time.

 Gar. I should read better. Twisted uses a threadpool of gethostname by
 default, but you can plug in your own resolver (e.g. you can use
 The question is whether the client code re-resolves on each re-connect,
 and whether the current lookup interface is sufficient for this use
 Alas, I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
 You could however always just do the DNS lookup yourself, passing
 resulting correct IP to connectTCP, just make sure you don't block (e.g.
 by using deferToThread to call gethostbyname_ex).

Thanks Itamar, this is massively useful. I'll try subclassing
twisted.web.client.Agent to do its own DNS lookups with twisted.names so
as to be aware of the full list of A records returned. It would then
attempt all the IP addresses in turn until it finds one which works,
giving up only if all the IPs yield connection errors. This should
mirror the behaviour of the majority of web browsers in the wild.

Would you be interested in having this code contributed back to Twisted
if I can get it working? It might be a useful addition to the Agent.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted HTTP client supporting failover for multiple A records?

2010-07-15 Thread Luke Marsden
On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 14:28 +0100, Reza Lotun wrote:
  I suspect you can do this without subclassing... pass in IP address, and
  just make sure you pass correct Host header. I forget the exact API

This makes sense. Conceptually I had considered it to be the
responsibility of the web client itself to handle the reconnection, not
the calling code, hence my plan for a subclass. But a separate class
which uses the Agent's API makes a lot more sense, and it can equally
provide the same interface as Agent so that any code which uses Agent
can use it without modifications.

 Yeah, I was about to say, why not just call socket.gethostbyname_ex in
 deferToThread and in the callback do a regular Agent.request?

Sounds like a plan! Thanks guys.

Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
Hybrid Logic Ltd.

Hybrid Web Cluster - cloud web hosting based on FreeBSD and ZFS

Mobile: +447791750420

Twisted-Python mailing list