Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-09 Thread Tom Davis
On 11/09/2011 07:49 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 12:50:23AM -0800, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
 As far as I know (having written most of the documentation in the linked
 wiki page, and from a brief skim through the git-svn manpage) it's
 impossible to make a shallow clone with git-svn (something like an
 ordinary svn checkout, or git clone --depth N), so anyone who wants
 to contribute to Twisted via git needs to clone the repository from
 scratch (potentially overloading the SVN server, although nobody seemed
 to notice or complain when I was doing my git-svn clone), or just copy
 a tarball of somebody's comprehensive, elaborate, automatic mirroring

 This is the part I don't understand.  Why doesn't 'git clone' work
 right in the face of svn metadata?

 Git has a .git directory in each repository, and expects certain files
 to be present within it. If there's more stuff that it doesn't know
 about, it just ignores it. git-svn keeps its metadata in other files
 that git-clone doesn't know or care about, and hence they don't get

 I guess there's an argument for not cloning them - just because person
 X has particular access rights to an SVN server doesn't mean that person
 Y should have them just because they cloned a repository from X.

 bzr-svn has some metadata it caches about the svn repository which
 doesn't stick around in the bzr repo or branch, but (from the
 performance of using it, at least) it doesn't need to stop the world
 and grab all of that data for most operations.

 In a git-svn-cloned repository, ordinary git operations are as speedy as
 you'd expect. git svn fetch is slow because (I think) it has to
 separately request each changed file from each SVN revision, and I think
 there's some other operations that are slow because they involve talking
 to the SVN server (like 'tell me what SVN properties are attached to
 this file').

 It would be better (for most users) to point to a canonical way to get
 access to a git-svn clone than to document how to make one, if making
 one takes 24 hours :).

 Don't worry, it doesn't take 24 hours! It's *much* longer than that! ;)

 (as the wiki page states, in early 2010 and from the other side of the
 world it took about a week; I don't have a feel for how it changes over

It's worth noting that you aren't *required* to clone all eight trillion 
Twisted revisions in order to get a working clone. Doing `git svn clone 
-rN:HEAD url` where `N` is some revision number will only clone from 
that revision. Obviously you will not have the entire history of the 
repository at this point, but I highly doubt that would be a meaningful 
loss for the majority of use cases.

I mean, yeah, it'd be nice to have a full git clone, but if you just 
prefer to use git for development and want to submit patches to Twisted 
it's hardly an insurmountable task compared to the other requirements 
for successfully working a ticket to completion.

 I'm not sure why that would be, except that possibly they found
 a tarball of somebody else's git-svn clone and forgot to update it, or
 they're confused about the best way to get cloned from some unofficial,
 no-longer updated mirror. Fixing this probably depends on having the
 canonical, correct, convenient instructions and advertising them widely.

 You edited GitMirror before, you can do it again :).

 I'm editing it to include what we've discussed here, as well as a few
 other things that I researched this afternoon and put into a reply that
 my MUA ate before it was sent.

 I believe the next step should be that somebody with the required
 permissions should connect to a machine on the same physical network as
 the SVN server and run:

  time git svn clone --stdlayout --prefix=svn/ \

 ...then check the load on the SVN server and see if it's going to be an
 issue to let the clone complete. If the clone completes successfully,
 then (a) we know about how long it takes, and (b) we have a seed
 repository we can potentially put up for people to download. I'd be
 happy to download it, check it, and write up some documentation about
 how people should update it. If it doesn't complete successfully, we
 should have some helpful error messages, adjust the clone command line
 and try again.

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Re: [Twisted-Python] Website visual improvements

2011-11-06 Thread Tom Davis

On Nov 6, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Jonathan Jacobs 

 I recently volunteered to make some visual improvements to the Twisted Trac 
 website. I received a lot of good feedback and suggestions from the IRC 
 channel, most of which I took to heart and fine-tuned the changes. I think 
 everyone is generally happy with the changes, I'm happy with the changes and 
 I'd like help with moving things forward to eventually deploy these changes.
 The branch is currently up for review on Launchpad[1], the merge proposal 
 contains links to some[2] static[3] pages demonstrating the style changes. 
 (It is worth noting that there are some quirks that are as a result of File 
 - Save As in Firefox, I wouldn't worry about these.)
 I am willing to help with the final deployment of the site changes as well as 
 integrating the new styling with:
 * the Sphinx documentation and documentation tools;
 * the Lore documentation (which I see thijs recently did some work on) if 
 that is necessary;
 * and the pydoctor API documentation.

Wow Jonathan, these changes look great! 

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Re: [Twisted-Python] SURVEY: Have you submitted a patch to Twisted and it never got in?

2011-07-01 Thread Tom Davis
On Jul 1, 2011, at 1:41 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2011, at 1:08 PM, chris wrote:
 doing continuous development based on tools like 
 svn and trac is really painful and it's really difficult to motivate 
 yourself to work on a once rejected ticket
 Can you be more specific, please?  What's painful?

I always found it especially irritating to come back to a patch later. If I 
don't already have a patched checkout of Twisted, I need to figure out what 
revision I was at before (or to actually be safe, make a HEAD checkout), then 
reapply my patch, hoping it is still valid.  

With a fork I can check it out any time, rebase to the current master (or 
branch I'm working on), having my changes reapplied for me. When I have made 
more changes I just push it up. No changes to tickets or switching keywords or 
watching Trac reject my patch file 10 times then clearing all my cookies or 

I've always admired Twisted's standards and process; I think they have made it 
possible for such a huge project to maintain working order for so long. The 
tools could use an upgrade, though.

 Procedurally, it's almost the same number of clicks (except for the 
 unfortunate need to type the word 'review') to do this on Github or 
 Launchpad.  What part of the process is painful?  If you're not a committer, 
 we're not going to let you run code on our buildbots either way without a 
 cursory review (that's just a recipe for automated attacks) so it's not like 
 you get past that step for free, either.
 Plus, you can use the DVCS of your choice to actually author the patch.
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Re: [Twisted-Python] Information on new endpoints API?

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davis
On Jun 13, 2011, at 8:26 AM, wrote:

 On 12 Jun, 01:34 pm, wrote:
 This is really why we introduced endpoints - to make it possible for
 applications to listen on (or connect to) an address that is specified
 elsewhere.  Previously, the easy thing to do was to only support
 TCP/IPv4.  With endpoints, the easy thing to do is to work with any
 address family/transport type that there is now (or will be in the
 future!) an endpoint for.
 That's a perfect explanation, many thanks!
 I will be giving a training on Twisted in a few days during the
 EuroPython conference (actually, more of an assisted tutorial than a
 training) and I'm not sure how I should present this. Any information
 would be helpful.
 Hope this helps!  Good luck with the session. :)
 Thanks. BTW, I've spent the past week browsing through twisted's 
 documentation (esp. the API reference). I have a few ideas that I think 
 would help newcomers find their away around much easier (and be less 
 scared of twisteD). The ideas are mostly organisational, the material 
 is there, if one knows what to look for. Should I create new tickets or 
 mail ideas to this list?
 It would probably be best if you could get Kevin Horn and/or Tom Davis' 
 attention.  They've both been thinking about making the documentation 
 more accessible lately.  It would be great to incorporate your ideas 
 into the overall plan.

My ears, they burn! But, yeah, in terms of discoverability, the ever-near 
lore-to-Sphinx conversion does a ton for discoverability and makes obvious a 
number of opportunities for organizational improvement (a link to a recentish 
build eludes me, but when you seem them you'll know what I mean). Beyond the 
low-hanging fruit, there are many notes regarding individual docs improvements. 
Feel free to share your own, though I recommend checking Trac first because 
many documents do indeed have tickets. If you need help there let me know.

Speaking of the lore-to-Sphinx conversion, I am contractually obligated to 
inform you that improvements to current documentation is not blocked by the 
pending conversion. And that you have the right to a lawyer.



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Re: [Twisted-Python] prerelease preview predocumentation

2011-03-28 Thread Tom Davis
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Mar 23, 2011, at 9:34 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:

 Anyone have comments about this?  With all the recent excitement about the
 docs, I thought there would be a much more active thread here!

 Thoughts about whether we should link it from the front page?

I meant to get to this sooner, but my weekend was unexpectedly busy. The
docs look awesome! Aside from the common formatting error of mandatory space
after marked up text, I didn't run into anything really odd. One issue on
the index is that both Twisted Conch and Twisted Core have subsections
called Twisted Documentation.

It's great to have everything indexed on one page with easy drill-down into
specific sections. It becomes really obvious where the hierarchy can be
optimized and how we can logically go about breaking up the various

In reply to your original post, I'm still planning to finish the trial
tutorial. I feel like an ass for not doing it this weekend, but I turned out
to be rather occupied. I'm going to make time for it early this week if it
kills me.


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Re: [Twisted-Python] Announcing Twisted 11.0.0pre1!

2011-03-22 Thread Tom Davis
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Jessica McKellar wrote:

 Intrepid Twisted developers and users: from Cambridge, Massachusetts I
 am pleased to announce the arrival of Twisted 11.0.0 pre-release 1.

 Tarballs for the pre-release are available at:

 Highlights include:

  * a new templating system in Twisted Web, twisted.web.template,
 derived from Divmod Nevow.

  * improved behavior of subprocess spawning on FreeBSD.

  * an API for constructing endpoints from descriptive strings.

  * twisted.plugin no longer emits a confusing traceback when it can't
 write a cache file.

 For more information, see the NEWS file.

 Download the tarballs and test away!

Awesome! Thanks for doing the release, Jessica! :)


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Re: [Twisted-Python] PyCon 2011 Twisted Sprint

2011-03-03 Thread Tom Davis
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Mar 3, 2011, at 12:21 AM, Tom Davis wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz 

 On Mar 2, 2011, at 11:28 PM, wrote:

  On 8 Feb, 04:24 pm, wrote:
  Hello all,
  Once again, we will be sprinting at PyCon.  I've just added Twisted to  If you plan to attend
  (for any amount of time), please add your name to the attendees list.
  Also feel free to suggest additional sprint topics.  We won't really
  limit sprint topics to things planned in advance, but adding particular
  things to the list is a probably a good way to attract more sprinters
  and let people do any background research that might be necessary
  the sprint actually starts.
  Just a reminder about this.  Please sign up if you plan to come!

 All levels of experience are welcome, so if you've never been to a sprint
 before, we'd love to see you.

 Sign up as soon as you can though.  Sometimes space is allocated based on
 these lists.  I'm not sure how it's going to work this year, but it's best
 if we know approximately how many people will be there so we can be sure to
 get a big enough room for everyone.

 Finally signed up; last time the You must login to edit message was
 hardcoded *and* there was no link to the edit page. That was a confusing

 Woah, awesome!  So you're going to be in Atlanta after all?  (Or am I
 mixing you up with someone else whose plans were uncertain?)

That was me, I'm just bad with status updates. Really excited for my first
PyCon and some concentrated Twisted hacking!
Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] PyCon 2011 Twisted Sprint

2011-03-02 Thread Tom Davis
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Mar 2, 2011, at 11:28 PM, wrote:

  On 8 Feb, 04:24 pm, wrote:
  Hello all,
  Once again, we will be sprinting at PyCon.  I've just added Twisted to  If you plan to attend
  (for any amount of time), please add your name to the attendees list.
  Also feel free to suggest additional sprint topics.  We won't really
  limit sprint topics to things planned in advance, but adding particular
  things to the list is a probably a good way to attract more sprinters
  and let people do any background research that might be necessary
  the sprint actually starts.
  Just a reminder about this.  Please sign up if you plan to come!

 All levels of experience are welcome, so if you've never been to a sprint
 before, we'd love to see you.

 Sign up as soon as you can though.  Sometimes space is allocated based on
 these lists.  I'm not sure how it's going to work this year, but it's best
 if we know approximately how many people will be there so we can be sure to
 get a big enough room for everyone.

Finally signed up; last time the You must login to edit message was
hardcoded *and* there was no link to the edit page. That was a confusing


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Re: [Twisted-Python] twisted can't find internet module

2011-02-10 Thread Tom Davis
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Feb 10, 2011, at 8:08 AM, Stephen Thorne wrote:

 I am also very curious about the nature of the problem horse, as

 google translate suggests the first response is about. :-)

 I did not use google translate, but I was wondering why horses were
 mentioned in the discussion as well.

 Since the poster hasn't clarified, I thought I'd share this fascinating

 My wife (who was excited to learn the phrase for bug report from this
 message) explains that horse-top or on a horse is a Chinese idiom
 meaning fast, so the responder was telling the OP to describe their
 problem better, and if they do so, it will be resolved quickly.

 I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed; I thought that maybe Problem Horse
 would be Twisted's answer to the Django Pony, but alas we will never get to
 meet it.

I must admit that despite the ban on laughing out loud in #twisted, I have
done so in my apartment multiple times over Problem Horse. I hope its fate
is not yet sealed!

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Re: [Twisted-Python] Task-based documentation started

2011-02-06 Thread Tom Davis
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Feb 1, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Tom Davis wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz 

 On Jan 31, 2011, at 11:41 AM, Tom Davis wrote:


 Priority #1 for most people who are enthusiastic about documentation is to
 come in and write a ton of additional documentation.  But this is a lot like
 trying to fix a large, broken, untested system by writing a pile of new,
 untested code, because this time we'll get the design right.  What were
 the problems with the way the previous documentation got written?  How did
 we end up with this mess, and what is going to be done differently this
 time?  Most importantly, *what is the metric by which we will judge this
 new documentation to be better?*

 I'm still really interested in concise answer to that last question there.
  What are the priorities for what you're trying to improve?  What you've
 listed here is the steps you're going to take in order to improve it but I
 have yet to see a lucid description of the problem in detail.

I think the problem is largely one of organization (as it relates to
accessibility, e.g. how / under what context do I get linked to such and
such thing?) and outdated documentation. I think the individual problems are
all very well-known and while there is not some overarching problem with all
the documentation that requires starting from scratch, reorganizing and
restructuring what's there may make it look like I'm trying to do that.

 Those tutorials aren't new at all; they were taken (often verbatim) from
 the using twisted.web document. Writing a ton of new documentation really
 isn't my goal at all. My goals are threefold:

1. Reorganize existing documentation in a way that makes it more

 Accessible to whom?  How will reorganizing it make it more accessible?  One
 way to interpret this statement is that your goal is to remove all diagrams,
 because the documentation is currently not accessible to the blind.  I'm
 pretty sure *that's* not what you mean, but it's a good example of how
 ambiguous this statement is :).  (Plus, the couple of blind developers I've
 talked to about Twisted didn't seem to have a problem with the docs...)

1. Edit existing documentation to conform to a task
(howto/tutorial/etc.) vs. expanded learning model. (the whole instant
gratification thing and all that)

 OK, I'm on board with that.  Except that in order to understand the
 tutorial documentation you need a good backing of reference docs, so it's
 not like you can just choose one over the other.  And we have lots of
 tutorial docs (c.f. the infamous finger tutorial) which are in the tutorial
 / task-oriented paradigm but don't teach much that's directly useful.

Finger is a really bad example of what a howto should be; it doesn't teach
you how to achieve some specific, common goal quickly and easily. The names
a good example of a howto that tells me exactly how to do something in as
few steps as humanly possible. It could use a reference to wherever all the
functions (SOA, A, NS, etc.) are coming from and links to some follow-up
documentation of the *names* project in general, but I digress.

1. Gradually update / replace code listings with current best
practices examples that are tested.

 No arguing with that at all, that sounds great.

 I know you want an actual *layout* for the reorganization.

 Not really.

 What I want is a clear understanding of what you intend to change.  I
 usually get that by reading a diff: it's easy to read a diff and see what
 changed in the old versus the new version of something.  I can tell if it's
 an improvement without having to digest the entire content.

 But the structure of is a
 sprawling mess of placeholders and half-finished ideas.  It's different from
 the existing documentation in lots of ways; it has a completely different
 stylesheet (which I assume is some standard Sphinx thing we will get rid of
 with the consistent theming work in Kevin's sphinx transition).  I don't
 know what I'm looking at or how to appreciate it.

 This is why I started off by complaining about the separate git repository.
  If you're going to work in a separate repository and a separate format and
 not produce diffs that I can skim, then it's *very* hard to comment
 intelligently on your strategy, and you need to take an immense amount of
 care to call out the sections you consider complete, what exactly you want
 feedback on, and areas where you have or haven't added new content (so you
 can't be blamed for issues in old content that you're not trying to update).

 Note that diffs against Kevin's sphinx output would basically satisfy this
 same requirement, even if that output isn't really complete and those diffs
 would need to be re

Re: [Twisted-Python] Boston Mini-Sprint: February Edition

2011-02-06 Thread Tom Davis
On Feb 6, 2011, at 9:05 PM, Tenth wrote:

 We'll be holding another Boston-area Twisted Mini-Sprint on Sunday, February 
 13th at my place in Somerville, MA... I've sent out invitations to the 
 attendees from last time, plus a few other people who've expressed interest, 
 but if you weren't invited yet, and want to be, let me know!

I am interested in attending, good sir!

 - Dave
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Re: [Twisted-Python] Task-based documentation started

2011-02-01 Thread Tom Davis
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Albert Brandl

 On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 02:41:38PM -0500, Tom Davis wrote:

 I think that the overview in the first two sections is very good. It
 made me curious to learn more.

 The breadcrumbs on the main page look like this:
 Contents   ::   Serving on the Web — HTML, CGI, WSGI, etc.  » 
 Might be a problem with the Sphinx configuration.

Yeah, this is just how the Sphinx template lays things out and it's the
default one I use for documentation on my site, merely because the color
scheme is similar. It's definitely not the greatest and a Twisted-theme one
already exists so we'll be working from that.

 Not sure about the link read more about Twisted: There _is_ more about
 Twisted on the rest of the page. When I clicked the link, I expected to
 be redirected to or something like this. Maybe you
 don't need a link at this position at all.

Well, that was originally going to lead to some history/about stuff, but
looking at it again that doesn't seem like an initially great use of time.

 In the Why Use Twisted section, you write Framework - not sure if
 this should be uppercased. But there are some other nouns (Tasks,
 Project Documentation) that are written this way, so maybe it's Your
 Way Of Emphasizing Things ;-).

 I'm also not sure if the explanation why I would use Twisted should be
 in bold letters. Everywhere else you use italics.

 Do you intend to create a task description for connecting to an SSH
 server (maybe with certificates)? This is something that whould have
 been handy for me in the past.

Either create or expose one that already exists, yes.

 The Everything Else section should not contain links that are already
 presented somewhere else.

These are ToC trees which are different from inline links. I don't feel
there's much harm in linking to something twice on one page especially when
the same words are used and one of the uses is clearly a ToC.

 Do you intend to add some links to external pages here (e.g. the API
 documentation or other web pages describing how to use the framework)?
 Or should this documentation be self-contained?

API links will be common and will be under some reference/links area, I'm
sure. It is very much a work in progress.

 One small usability quirk: The presentation of links in an orange, bold
 font does not have much recognition value. I think it would be better to
 use the standard way of marking links by using a blue, underlined font.
 The same goes for links that have already been visited.

Again, this is a Sphinx template issue so we'll see how it changes with the
actual Twisted one :)

Thanks for the feedback!


 Best regards,

 Albert Brandl
 Weiermayer Solutions GmbH  | Abteistraße 12, A-4813 Altmünster
 phone: +43 (0) 720 70 30 14| fax: +43 (0) 7612 20 3 56

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Re: [Twisted-Python] Task-based documentation started

2011-02-01 Thread Tom Davis
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:19 PM, wrote:

 On 10:39 pm, wrote:
 Tell me the one command I need to serve a directory, *then* show me the
 that one command effectively runs and vaguely what it does.

 I think this is partially a disagreement over what tasks we actually
 want to document.  If the command line interface gets primacy in the
 documentation, then I think you're writing documentation for end users
 (sys admins, non-programmers).  I don't know about anyone else, but this
 category of documentation hadn't really crossed my mind before.

 I think that (ultimately) this is good documentation to have, but I
 don't know if it's as important as getting the programmer-oriented
 documentation in better shape.

 Another point to consider is that twistd web (and most other twistd
 plugins we provide) are semi-random mish mashes of functionality.  They
 have accreted by contribution from many different people over the years
 with no governing design or goal aside from expose features from the
 command line.  This does not make them the friendliest tools around.
 The functionality they are missing is often surprising, particularly
 when contrasted with some of the (non-)functionality they do provide.

 I don't want to say that they do not bear documenting until their state
 is improved, but if we focused on other areas first, maybe we would have
 something better to document when we eventually get around to things
 like twistd web.

I look at it from a pragmatic point of view: If the task is called serving
HTML and you *can* do that with a single command line argument, I'm willing
to possibly waste a sentence exposing something unideal or incomplete if it
fixes the visitor's problem *right now*. That's simply not a lot of effort
 for a good deal of gain. Immediately after that command line section should
be a dive into the actual code (or at least enough to get serving via a
python file).

I suppose you may disagree with task-based views entirely. The using
twisted.web howto isn't really one at all. It covers many / all of the
serving aspects of twisted.web which is cool and necessary, but the actual
building block tasks are buried.

It's still early and I'm not sure how much sense I'm making here. I think a
more complete example of what I'm talking about could serve to remedy a lot
of these issues and show that what everybody wants (and already has) is
still present, just moved to a more logical place.


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[Twisted-Python] Task-based documentation started

2011-01-31 Thread Tom Davis
I have the beginnings of some task-based documentation available in
twisted-docs ( now. You can find the
built version in the usual place (
-- just remember to bust the cache.

I chose serving web content as a starting point because it seems as common a
task as any. I took some examples from the existing howto (,
as well as added some examples of further learning and glossary entries to
make the point. Obviously there's nothing completely usable here yet; it's
primarily an exercise in showing how I'd like to split up sprawling,
semi-random docs like *using-twistedweb* into more coherent, digestible,
stackable pieces. A document to talk about core concepts (Site Objects,
Resources, etc.), sections for supplementary features like Sessions, Virtual
Hosts, etc.

Another advantage of this style is that we can effortlessly stitch together
our own tutorials (were that ever a goal) just by linking in step-wise
fashion to ever-advanced tutorials which themselves wrap back around to core
concepts like, in this case, Applications and the IService stack. It should
be up to the user how deep into the rabbit hole they want to go; right now I
have to slog through two sections to get to a part that tells me how to just
serve a directory of HTML.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Using SerialPort with t.a.s.Application

2011-01-28 Thread Tom Davis
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Kevin Horn wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:

 A service is supposed
 to be something you can start and stop, and encapsulates a
 self-contained piece of business logic.


 This or something very much like it should be in the Twisted Glossary.

I'd love to see concise, human-readable explanations for all of Twisted's
concepts! It's on the list, anyway...

 Kevin Horn

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Re: [Twisted-Python] HTTPClient handling LF only servers

2011-01-26 Thread Tom Davis
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 1:39 PM, wrote:

 On 06:28 pm, wrote:
 On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Kevin Horn wrote:
 Well, I can update the summary, but not the description, which is the
 really bad part.
 The description _is_ mutable, just only by certain magical people.
 (For the purpose of spam protection).
 For now, please feel free to attach a comment to any confusing ticket
 asking for a description update from someone who can do that; we should
 do this more often as the foci of various tickets shift.  In the near
 future hopefully a trac admin (maybe me) will have enough time to more
 effectively curate the group of magical accounts and their attendant
 powers so that more people (especially documentation wonks like you and
 Tom) have that ability.

 I've added Kevin and Tom to the group who can do this.  If someone would
 like to volunteer for the job of putting trusted people into this group,
 let me know.

Thanks, I can now more efficiently exercise my obsessive compulsions!


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[Twisted-Python] Fingering Finger

2011-01-22 Thread Tom Davis
In this thread, I hope to find a resolution to the issue of the Finger
tutorial and efforts to sufficiently improve it or remove it.

In the course of reviewing documentation-related tickets, I stumbled upon
#1148 ( Therein, Glyph first(?)
put down a lot of things we've been discussing and agreeing upon in the
Refactoring Documentation thread. One of the issues still up for debate is
whether or not the Finger tutorial is sufficiently strong to survive the
documentation overhaul. There are various points against it right now:

   - It isn't tested or even test*able*
   - It doesn't cover best practices as they relate to writing testable,
   maintainable code, etc.
   - It attempts to implement basically every main Twisted concept, often in
   contrived or poorly-executed ways
   - It has been said it has, best, the potential for mediocrity.

There are also enough tickets related to refactoring / rewriting it that a
resolution would make a significant dent in the list of stale documentation
tickets. Among these two year-old tickets are:

   - - Big jump from to in tutorial
   - - Split tutorial finger code
   into libraries
   - - Documentation codelistings
   need updating and tests

This shouldn't be a blocker on anything Kevin and I are doing, but it'd be
nice to concurrently have discussions on issues we'll need to address later.
I'm also pretty anal about ticket lists and if these aren't going anywhere
I'd love to close them ;)


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Weekly Bug Summary

2011-01-22 Thread Tom Davis

 Mean open ticket age: 1032 days

Mean time between ticket creation and ticket resolution: 238 days

Mean time spent in review: 83 days

Wow. Adding reduce these by at least one order of magnitude to my todo
list. Gotta have goals!

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:05 AM, wrote:

  Bug summary
 Summary for 2011-01-16 through 2011-01-23
   Opened Closed  Total Change
 Enhancements:  3  6690 -3
 Defects:   6  8547 -2
 Tasks: 2  7 65 -5
 Regressions:   0  1  1 -1
 Total:11 22   1303-11

 |== Type Changes   |== Priority Changes   |== Component Changes
 |Defect:   -2  |High:+1   |Conch:   -1
 |Enhancement:  -3  |Normal:  -4   |Core:-3
 |Regression:   -1  |Low: -5   |Mail:-3
 |Task: -5  |Lowest:  -3   |Release Management:  -1
   |Trial:   +0
   |Web: -1
   |Words:   -2

 Total TicketsOpen Tickets

 New / Reopened Bugs
 = High =
 [#4810] XMPPClientFactory eating away subscribe stanzas. (opened by 
 defect  words

 = Normal =
 [#4809] usage.Options should handle error messages in a consistent and 
 user-friendly way (opened by tpratt)
 enhancement core

 [#4811] @unittest.expectedFailure decorator breaks trial (opened by ivank)
 defect  trial

 [#4813] provide permissions accessor for filepath (opened by cyli)
 enhancement core

 [#4814] HTTPClient doesn't handle servers that use \n separators instead of 
 \r\n (opened by jasonjwwilliams) (CLOSED, duplicate)
 defect  web

 [#4816] twistd --uid without --gid breaks (opened by thobbs) (CLOSED, 
 defect  core

 [#4817] IPv4Address and UNIXAddress not-equal comparison is broken (opened by 
 defect  core

 [#4818] Determine standard structure of Howtos or Tasks (opened by binjured)

 [#4712] Missing bits of statinfo accessors in FilePath (opened by cyli) 
 (CLOSED, fixed)
 enhancement core

 = Low =
 [#3372] deprecate --extra option to trial (opened by exarkun) (CLOSED, fixed)

 Closed Bugs
 = Normal =
 [#4054] Delete all of the out-of-date mumbo jumbo from the im howto (opened 
 by exarkun, closed by thijs, fixed)
 defect  words

 [#4773] The core howto index should link to the endpoints howto (opened by 
 exarkun, closed by cyli, fixed)
 enhancement core

 [#4738] ckeygen man page has wrong summary and synopsis (opened by exarkun, 
 closed by cyli, fixed)
 defect  conch

 [#4740] Use strcred for `twistd mail` authentication options (opened by 
 exarkun, closed by cyli, fixed)
 enhancement mail

 [#4712] Missing bits of statinfo accessors in FilePath (opened by cyli, 
 closed by cyli, fixed)
 enhancement core

 [#4786] twcgi duplicate header (opened by lvh, closed by tenth, fixed)
 regression  web

 [#4042] [Documentation] It is too hard to figure out how to do trivial 
 common-case sending email with twisted.mail (opened by arkanes, closed by 
 thijs, fixed)

 [#3412] Include link to IMAP Server Tester in Twisted IMAP documentation 
 (opened by biny, closed by thijs, wontfix)

 [#4491] Release Twisted 10.0.1 (opened by exarkun, closed by thijs, invalid)
 taskrelease management

 [#4814] HTTPClient doesn't handle servers that use \n separators instead of 
 \r\n (opened by jasonjwwilliams, closed by exarkun, duplicate)

Re: [Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-22 Thread Tom Davis
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz

 On Jan 22, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Tom Davis wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz

 On Jan 20, 2011, at 11:20 PM, Tom Davis wrote:

 If branches that are out there *don't* meet these standards, commenting
 on their tickets and getting them deleted or closed as invalid (as
 appropriate) would be a big help too.  Lots of languishing tickets that
 nobody knows what to do with is not a good thing, and there's plenty of
 opportunities for interested parties to reopen tickets, attach new patches,
 and object in various ways, so you shouldn't be too concerned about stepping
 on toes.  Focus is a valuable commodity.

 I was wondering to what extent it would be helpful to actually reply to all
 the tickets, or just the ones that seem to have actionable next steps. I
 will try to find something to ask or opine on in each of the documentation
 tickets so we can get them moving along or removed.

 Getting rid of dead tickets is almost as important as actually getting
 valid tickets moved along.  I think this effort will be hugely valuable.

Will continue commenting on tickets and asserting non-existent power to get
them resolved! ;)

 Part of my comment about low-hanging fruit was to help you get familiar
 with and integrated into the development process.  Going through the process
 of getting patches reviewed and accepted will be _much_ easier if you go
 through the motions of doing a few trivial things first.  In fact you may
 want to just pick up a couple of trivial non-docs patches as well, which
 might help you on documenting the development process :). might help you there.

 I will find an easy ticket or few to bang out. I just replied here ( in an attempt to get started on
 one that doesn't already have a long history.

 After spending about an hour going over the easy tickets, it seems many
 of them are in odd states. Either they're done and waiting on something
 undefined or there is an incomplete debate in the comments or the owner
 disappeared or... well, there are lots of examples. Maybe this is just me
 being dense or whatever, but I think (at least as a newcomer) I could
 mass-update all these tickets with Guidance! and it would more often than
 not be a relevant comment given the state of the ticket.

 No, this is not you being dense.  At least among the core developers in
 Boston, this is a widely-recognized and frequently-complained-about problem,
 and it's something I'd like everyone doing ticket reviews to please think

 Reviewers: if you make a comment on a ticket, but you don't say what you
 want to happen next, then you have effectively killed progress on that
 ticket until some other reviewer comes along and contradicts you to get
 things moving again.  This is especially true if you make one trivial
 comment on the ticket and remove the review keyword, but don't say please
 address these issues and then merge or please address these issues and
 then resubmit for review.  If you've done a partial review, and made a
 comment like I don't like this aspect of the design or please update
 copyright dates or your docstring formatting is wrong, please note in
 your comment that this is not a complete review, and *don't* remove the
 review keyword.  Removing the keyword will introduce additional latency for
 the contributor, when other reviewers might still come along and attach more
 comprehensive feedback.  There are few things more discouraging than having
 one free weekend every six months to work on a ticket, and to come back
 every time to oops, you forgot to update the copyright date and insert a
 blank line in one file of your 300-line patch.

 So, Tom: mass updating those tickets wouldn't be helpful, but an update
 every couple of days with a specific question on one of these
 I-don't-know-what-to-do tickets would be great.  Your question on was a definite step forward.

Awesome! I'm sure a lot of this has to do with the fact that once you
maintain and work on something like this for a decade you take a lot for
granted, especially with regard to your own policies and procedures. It
becomes tedious to provide (or just difficult to enumerate) all the details
necessary to new people. Hopefully as I become more familiar with them I can
ensure some of the tedious/forgotten corners become documented in a way that
makes it easier. And just point out when the current status of something is
way too ambiguous to be actionable for more than a couple folks who are too
busy to deal with it.

 Here's a great example of what I'm talking about (and I apologize for the
 mid-message digression, but I think it's relevant...): This seems totally trivial, but
 five months later __all__ was never changed in t.i.main and JP's buildbot

Re: [Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-21 Thread Tom Davis
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Jan 21, 2011, at 8:29 AM, wrote:

 I don't think it makes sense to put anything on Launchpad for now.
 Eventually it needs to go into the canonical Twisted repository, but if
 it's easier to leave it in GitHub for now, that's fine.

 The only reason I even suggested Launchpad in the first place was to
 suggest a place where you could immediately stick a branch of the Twisted
 tree proper without having commit access, so that you could experiment
 within that tree.  ('bzr get lp:twisted').  I don't believe we have a mirror
 on github, but maybe somebody could correct me.

 As long as we're all on the same page as far as the eventual target of
 these docs (i.e. in the Twisted tree, part of some official structure) then
 please feel free to use whatever tools make that easier for you, your
 existing github repo included.

We are definitely on the same page. I never wanted the new documentation to
remain separate from Twisted proper. It should be part of the main
repository, build process, etc.

 Twisted-Python mailing list

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-20 Thread Tom Davis
Wow! Okay, so, not being really familiar with the list etiquette combined
with the fact that the topic has digressed a bit, I hope you'll forgive the
non-inline reply here. I want to hit the main points of what everybody said
/ asked, but let it be known that I read all of it!

How can we combine these efforts, or at least keep from working at cross

 I see from your link above that you are building your own Sphinx project.
 Perhaps you would be better off working from the results of the Lore2sphinx
 conversion?  Are you modifying existing docs or working from scratch?

 Let's get together on this!

Hey Kevin! Glyph and Jean-Paul got me up to speed (somewhat) on the whole
lore2sphinx thing last night—though they were rather unclear as to how close
it is to completion. (which you addressed later in this thread)

I certainly want to combine our efforts as much as possible and I'm not too
worried about working at cross purposes; your main task seems to be
converting the existing documentation while mine is reorganizing, editing,
and standardizing it. I'm sure our paths will start to cross when the lore
conversion is complete and you have a huge Sphinx project ready to be
properly organized and catalogued. My hope is we can then begin the process
of merging the two sides of this coin.

My current plan (which should become a bit more clear throughout this
massive reply) is to start from scratch *but* modify existing documentation
wherever possible. If a piece of documentation fits in a hole in the
structure and I can get by with a *mv* and some editing, that's what I'd
like to do—it seems the most pragmatic approach.

So here's what I'm kind of thinking as far as combining efforts:
 1) I'll continue with the Project Documentation conversion, while Tom
 works on the other bits.  Should be fairly easy to combine them, I'm
 2) Let's leave the Project Documentation pretty much as-is for the
 moment, until the Sphinx convo is done.
 3) I wonder if at least some of the task-based docs shouldn't be put into
 the project sections, and then just linked to from the task-based section?

This. Point of fact, (3) is already implemented; that example task simply
links to *projects/web/tasks/serve*. This strikes me as the most logical
layout as the tasks are all specific to a particular project (the only iffy
one being Core which is sort of a few projects plus the foundation)—we just
want to highlight some of them.

On to Glyph's reply...

There are many outstanding documentation branches which are substantial
 improvements, which need to be edited and merged - the trial tutorial among
 them.  It would be great if your efforts could start with getting those
 landed, turning the crank on the process to get our users better
 documentation in the interim, as you survey the existing documentation.

I definitely agree that resolving the low-hanging fruit first is a good
idea. For finishing docs branch X to make sense, my personal belief is
that X should:

   - Still be relevant in terms of best practices and simply what's
   - If project documentation, have outstanding issues that a passing
   familiarity with the project [right now] will be sufficient to close them (I
   could spend time learning one project, or the same time improving *all* the
   - Adhere to whatever documentation standards we agree upon, if much is to
   left to do.

I guess my overall opinion here is that, yes, if relatively minor edits can
bring a branch close enough to completion that we can get it out there to
help newcomers *now*, let's do that. If a branch is more of a draft and
requires a good deal of fleshing out (or is simply stale), it's probably
worth nailing down the structure and previously mentioned docs standards
before I just create more work for myself (or others) down the road.

Finally, my biggest hurdle right now is not knowing how to *find* said
branches. I don't see documentation as a category in Trac and common
keyword searches didn't show up much for me. I'm sure this is an easy
question to answer, though.

What *should* a newcomer who reads this document know by the end of it?

I'm not sure because I can't see how a practical guide to creating something
so generic really fits in the grand scheme of things. I think if you want to
create a TCP server from scratch you must first create the Universe! In this
case, that means learning how Twisted addresses the *concept* of a server
before ever bothering to write one so generic. My general beef is that many
documents seem to make an attempt to appeal to everybody and in doing so
don't sufficiently help anybody. Maybe I can justify that claim better with
examples of better (at least more targeted) documents.

A massive pile of improved documentation would of course be useful, but a
 good start would be a clear statement of requirements and audience.  (As
 well as an enumeration of*different* audiences that different documents

[Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-19 Thread Tom Davis
I've been using (and threatening to work on) Twisted for a few years now. It
seems like every time I get back into it, I need to dig up old code or
Google queries just to get started. Yesterday, Jean-Paul introduced me to
the trial-tutorial
has shed some light on the basics of using trial and testing Twisted
client/server applications in general. Until he mentioned it in IRC, I was
stuck looking at the actual tests for protocols and deciding which parts of
that were generically useful to me. I agreed to finish up that documentation
so that it could finally (four years later) be added to trunk (and more
importantly, But after thinking about it, I believe the
problem runs much deeper than just the lack of a branch merge.

Reading code to find answers isn't rocket science; I've been programming
long enough to be comfortable doing it. But I probably have to resort to
reading Twisted's code about 8 billion percent more often than any other
codebase. And reading code is a hurdle. Reading through Twisted's
semi-random, 45-point FAQ is a hurdle—and recommending it as a starting
point is unhelpful at best. The core documentation isn't awesome either,
given that it has a tendency to be overly cryptic and link to API
documentation that is often incomplete or generally unhelpful.

As one very basic example, see: Let's
just review a few things wrong with this page:

   - It's tutorial page #1, but basically tells me I need to read
   howto/plugins.html first if I am writing an application (whatever that
   is), as opposed to a TCP, SSL, and Unix socket server. And it's the wrong
   place for UDP.
   - It attempts to introduce Protocols and Factories—two of Twisted's most
   important concepts—and does neither particularly well. I know that Protocols
   (usually) inherit from t.i.p.Protocol and may be instantiated for a variety
   of reasons and aren't (usually) persistent. I also know that Factories
   instantiate Protocols and give a reference to themselves so protocols can
   access and modify the persistent configuration. I am told I need to
   implement some interface (or something) to actually listen on a host/port. I
   - At one point TCP4ServerEndpoint is instantiated (but never imported);
   its explanation is left to a digression into the endpoints API, which has
   its own issues. Suffice it to say the document doesn't give me sufficient
   reason to actually use the endpoints API.
   - Later on, we just use reactor.listenTCP()—which our previous digression
   (if bothered to click through and read) claims is not preferable.

By the end of the *servers* tutorial (and after reading some linked
documentation), here's all I *really* know:

   1. Factories create protocols somehow
   2. Protocols have methods like connectionMade, connectionLost, and
   dataReceived to handle events
   3. There are other protocols with other methods. One that I know of,
   4. I may need to write a state machine (???)
   5. I should use an Endpoint or maybe a Service or reactor (but probably
   6. I should also use Application for serious business

Moving forward, howto/clients.html duplicates a lot of these things and
fills in some gaps in knowledge while creating more holes. Meanwhile, I
still never wanted to create a QOTD or Echo server.

I think the point has been made. My *real* point, though, is that I love
Twisted. And I'm constantly wishing it was more accessible to newcomers.
Twisted is Python's oldest and most mature event-based networking engine and
despite its decade of existence it remains largely confusing and obscure to
the majority of Python programmers who come upon it. It contains concepts
and standards that are alien to the average Python programmer, but they make
a lot of sense and have a lot more consistency and predictability than the
documentation conveys.

I want to fix that, among other things. And as luck may have it, I like
writing documentation. And I know at least enough Twisted to get the
high-level stuff in order and improve the documentation to the point that
people will keep reading long enough to make sense of the idea of Twisted
and be able to implement some basic things and expand upon them later.

There are some things I *do* want to accomplish early on:

   - Make the docs accessible (a lot is hidden and hard to find)
   - Make them more concise and useful to somebody who doesn't want to know
   the 50 different ways to skin every cat (including the ones you should never
   - Make them introduce and explain Twisted in a way that somebody as dumb
   as me can understand it. This means talking about protocols, factories,
   deferreds, etc. in a way that doesn't require thousands of words of circular
   explanations, digressions, and duplications.
   - Document the different Twisted projects