Thanks for fixing my mistakes!

Based on your fixes I started a personal checklist, see below.
Is that list correct so far? (it will not include things I already
did right)

I noticed that you also changed 'x' to b'x' in some places. I did
not do that yet because it is not needed for those tickets, I wanted
to keep them small and focussed.

Instead I am planning tickets for just that: (after minimizing the
number of places to be fixed)
twisted.spread.banana and tests: literal strings become bytes where appropriate
twisted.spread.jelly and tests: define *_atom consistently for all atoms, 
change them to bytes
twisted.spread.pb and tests: literal strings become bytes where appropriate

The current checklist:

Line length max. 79
*.rst doc: One line per sentence, no length limit
fully qualified names in doc and news, twisted.*
no __ in Twisted. Everything in a test case is private anyway.
if possible __execute__ (not __define__) only one assert per test
document changed API like raising more or different exceptions
use new print() formatting syntax
Document and isolate test code using the private API of the module to be tested.
test everything with PY2.6 too
did twistedchecker add new warnings?
news: most frequent form: Qualified now does ...
news about spread belong into twisted/topfiles
doc: not pb but PB
docstring ends with point
break docstring lines not sooner than needed
avoid the word “test” in test docstrings
do not use the “I am” form in docstrings
test docstring: describe what happens, including exceptions
doc: avoid mentioning the private API


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