[twitter-dev] Twitter user picture sizes

2009-02-24 Thread Dave Briccetti

Hi. I’ve searched around for 1/2 hour or so, and haven’t found an
authoritative explanation of the sizes of pictures, and how to
retrieve them.

It seems that profile_image_url leads to a tiny picture:

But there is also a slighter bigger version:

And then a proper full-size one:

Am I correct in this? That the big version URL can be derived from
that in profile_image_url by dropping the _normal from the name? Is
this part of the API spec? Safe to use?


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread MIkeLangford

I also recommend you and other Twitter API developers join the
Developing Twitter group on Tweetworks.


The group was set up by @KrisColvin developer of http://twitterface.me/

On Feb 21, 9:00 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been getting a few requests here and there for twitter API
> development work.  I cannot take on any such projects at the moment,
> but I always feel bad for leaving them in the lurch.  Is there a list
> or directory anywhere of Twitter API developers that work freelance
> that I can send to them when this happens?  I'm happy to forward on
> such requests.
> -Chad

[twitter-dev] API Changes for February 24, 2009

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

We launched a few different things today, 2009-02-24:

* Fixed: Calls to /friendships/exists.json were returning  
incorrect results. (http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=312 
* Feature: The /users/show call now accepts the parameters  
user_id and screen_name to allow disambiguation of numeric screen  
names. (http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=162)

And for those in the OAuth closed beta:

* Security (OAuth): Misconfigured applications could use insecure  
PLAINTEXT signatures. This has now been explicitly disallowed.
* Fixed (OAuth): Changed OAuth tokens to work correctly during  
database replication delays.
* Feature (OAuth): Removed the approval process for new  
applications. New applications will be allowed by default and we will  
review and revoke as needed.

  — Matt Sanford

[twitter-dev] Re: "" info via the API seems broken

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi there,

The cache issue is such that if any other user has requested  
luomat (for example) and had notifications turned on you would see  
true. If they had it turned off, you would see false. It is a cache  
cross-population bug where every person looking at luomat sees the  
following and notification values of the person who triggered the  
cache population, not themselves. I'm not totally sure it's the cause  
but it seems the most likely. I just cleared the cache for your two  
example users, did that change things at all?

  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 24, 2009, at 01:50 PM, TjL wrote:

I don't think cacheing explains my bug. I have never had device
updates for these people; in fact I only just added a "device" this
afternoon and the default state is "false".


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Matt Sanford   

Hi there,
I believe both following and notifications are incorrectly  
returned due

to the same cacheing bug
(http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=157). I have  
working on this off and on for quite some time and hope to get it  

  — Matt Sanford
On Feb 24, 2009, at 01:28 PM, TjL wrote:

Following up: XML seems to be returning wrong information, JSON is
returning correct information:

for users 'luomat' and 'brookr' who I am following but not getting  


$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

XML is returning 'true' for almost every follower.


ps - FWIW,

  curl -s --netrc -d POST

is not changing my device settings either.

[twitter-dev] Re: "" info via the API seems broken

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

I don't think cacheing explains my bug. I have never had device
updates for these people; in fact I only just added a "device" this
afternoon and the default state is "false".


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> Hi there,
>     I believe both following and notifications are incorrectly returned due
> to the same cacheing bug
> (http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=157). I have been
> working on this off and on for quite some time and hope to get it resolved
> soon.
> Thanks;
>   — Matt Sanford
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 01:28 PM, TjL wrote:
> Following up: XML seems to be returning wrong information, JSON is
> returning correct information:
> for users 'luomat' and 'brookr' who I am following but not getting updates
> for
> $  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.json | tr ','
> '\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'
> false
> $ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.xml | egrep
> ".*" | sed 's#.*##g;
> s###g'
> true
> $ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.json | tr ','
> '\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'
> false
> $  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.xml | egrep
> ".*" | sed 's#.*##g;
> s###g'
> true
> XML is returning 'true' for almost every follower.
> TjL
> ps - FWIW,
>   curl -s --netrc -d POST
> 'http://twitter.com/account/update_delivery_device.json?device=none'
> is not changing my device settings either.

[twitter-dev] Re: "" info via the API seems broken

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi there,

I believe both following and notifications are incorrectly  
returned due to the same cacheing bug (http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=157 
). I have been working on this off and on for quite some time and hope  
to get it resolved soon.

  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 24, 2009, at 01:28 PM, TjL wrote:

Following up: XML seems to be returning wrong information, JSON is
returning correct information:

for users 'luomat' and 'brookr' who I am following but not getting  
updates for

$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

XML is returning 'true' for almost every follower.


ps - FWIW,

  curl -s --netrc -d POST

is not changing my device settings either.

[twitter-dev] Re: "" info via the API seems broken

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

Following up: XML seems to be returning wrong information, JSON is
returning correct information:

for users 'luomat' and 'brookr' who I am following but not getting updates for

$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/luomat.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

$ curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.json | tr ','
'\012' | awk -F":" '/^"notifications":/{print $2}'

$  curl -s --netrc http://twitter.com/users/show/brookr.xml | egrep
".*" | sed 's#.*##g;

XML is returning 'true' for almost every follower.


ps - FWIW,

   curl -s --netrc -d POST

is not changing my device settings either.

[twitter-dev] Re: google bookmarklet-like utility for twitter

2009-02-24 Thread Scott Carter

You can try BigTweet - http://bigtweet.com/

On Feb 22, 9:03 am, v4vijayakumar 
> First post.
> I am looking for,  google bookmarklet like utility for twitter, so
> that I can tweet from my browser, without visiting twitter web page.
> google bookmarklet is a simple javascript code and this can be added
> into browser bookmarks.
> javascript:(function(){var
> %20a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,d=a.open("http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=edit&output=popup&bkmk="+c(b.location)+"&title="+c(b.title),"bkmk_popup","left="+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+",top="+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+",height=420px,width=550px,resizable=1,alwaysRaised=1");a.setTimeout(function(){d.focus()},300)})();

[twitter-dev] Re: Are statuses deleted method

2009-02-24 Thread Chad Etzel

2 separate DBs... this is a known issue that deleted status still
appear in the search index.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:47 PM, TjL  wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Alex Payne  wrote:
>> For the moment, when we delete statuses, we really DELETE (in SQL
>> terms) statuses! In the future we'll probably just hide them, as we do
>> with deleted users whose accounts are still being held for possible
>> user-triggered restoration.
> How is search.twitter.com able to find them if they are deleted?  Are
> there two DBs of statuses?
> TjL

[twitter-dev] Re: Are statuses deleted method

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Alex Payne  wrote:
> For the moment, when we delete statuses, we really DELETE (in SQL
> terms) statuses! In the future we'll probably just hide them, as we do
> with deleted users whose accounts are still being held for possible
> user-triggered restoration.

How is search.twitter.com able to find them if they are deleted?  Are
there two DBs of statuses?


[twitter-dev] "" info via the API seems broken

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

OK, I just added a device to my @twitreport account and added exactly
ONE person to get notifications from (@Moltz)

Then I did this to dump my 'friends' list (note: my Twitter login
information is in ~/.netrc)

curl --netrc --silent
http://twitter.com/friends/ids/twitreport.xml | egrep "^" | sed
's###g; s###g' > /tmp/follow

that gives me a list of IDs of people that I follow, one per line, in
a temp file /tmp/follow

If I then go through that list and dump the "show" information, and
grab only the "notifications" information:

while read line

NOTIFICATION_STATUS=`curl -s --netrc
http://twitter.com/users/show/$line.xml |\
egrep ".*" |\
sed 's#.*##g; s###g'`


done < /tmp/follow

I am getting mostly all "true" responses (as if I was getting device
notifications for all those people).

If I go to the website (logged in as TwitReport) it shows that I am
NOT getting any of those notifications.

Is the API giving me bad information or am I asking the wrong question?


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread dougw

Thanks for the heads up. The problem has been fixed.



On Feb 24, 2:08 pm, Pete Warden  wrote:
> Thanks for putting this together, it's a great way of supporting the
> community. The link shows up on the front page now, but asks for a PBWiki
> login, and then refuses access. Is there a permissions issue?
> Pete
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Doug Williams  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
> > tracked and recorded at:
> >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Developers.
> > It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
> > keep any changes/additions you make in sync.
> > Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
> > Thanks,
> > @dougw
> > do...@igudo.com
> > On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:
> >> My contact information
> >> Explore WorldWideWeb
> >> Detroit, Michigan
> >> @explorewww
> >> expl...@explorewww.com
> >>http://explorewww.com
> >> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:
> >>> Dave Briccetti
> >>> Lafayette, California
> >>> @dcbriccetti
> >>> da...@davebsoft.com
> >>>http://davebsoft.com
> >>> Thanks!
> >> --
> >> Sincerely,
> >> Burhan Tanweer
> >> Founder
> >>www.CorrectSearch.com
> >> Phone:  877-807-1818
> >> supp...@correctsearch.com
> > --
> > Doug Williams
> > do...@igudo.com
> >http://www.igudo.com

[twitter-dev] Re: Enable/Disable DM Notifications via API?

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

One last thing (I think)

The /devices page gives the option to get ONLY 'DM's sent as device
updates, but I don't see how to do that in the API either.


[twitter-dev] Re: Enable/Disable DM Notifications via API?

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Alex Payne  wrote:
> Call http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation#updatedeliverydevice
> with device=none.

1) FYI I called it like so:

curl -s --netrc -d POST

to enable notifications, and there's nothing in the response that says
"You have no SMS device defined, so we can't really enable updates to

2) I called it again (on an account which does have a device enabled)
and it returned the basic information, but did not change the setting
(which I checked by loading http://twitter.com/devices in my browser).
 I turned it on/off at the commandline, no change on the web.

(I couldn't find a way to check the current device "state"
[off/sms/im] via the API either.)


[twitter-dev] Re: Using max_id to navigate to pages after 15

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi there,

From the parameter names I assume you mean in the search API.  
That will certainly work but there is a limit on how far back in time  
we allow a max_id to be used. When you reach the limit you'll see a  
warning message (in the atom feed it's a twitter:warning tag) telling  
you so.

  — Matt

On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Karthik wrote:

Please confirm, if the following is allowed?

1. Set rpp=100 and retrieve 15 pages search results by incrementing
the param 'page'
2. Get the id of the last status on page 15 and set that as the max_id
for the next query
3. If we have more results, go to step 1

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Pete Warden
Thanks for putting this together, it's a great way of supporting the
community. The link shows up on the front page now, but asks for a PBWiki
login, and then refuses access. Is there a permissions issue?


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Doug Williams  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
> tracked and recorded at:
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Developers.
> It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
> keep any changes/additions you make in sync.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
> Thanks,
> @dougw
> do...@igudo.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:
>> My contact information
>> Explore WorldWideWeb
>> Detroit, Michigan
>> @explorewww
>> expl...@explorewww.com
>> http://explorewww.com
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:
>>> Dave Briccetti
>>> Lafayette, California
>>> @dcbriccetti
>>> da...@davebsoft.com
>>> http://davebsoft.com
>>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Burhan Tanweer
>> Founder
>> www.CorrectSearch.com
>> Phone:  877-807-1818
>> supp...@correctsearch.com
> --
> Doug Williams
> do...@igudo.com
> http://www.igudo.com

[twitter-dev] Using max_id to navigate to pages after 15

2009-02-24 Thread Karthik

Please confirm, if the following is allowed?

1. Set rpp=100 and retrieve 15 pages search results by incrementing
the param 'page'
2. Get the id of the last status on page 15 and set that as the max_id
for the next query
3. If we have more results, go to step 1

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Vinayak Joshi

I too belong here:

IILV (http://iilv.in/)

I mainly work with PHP. Also have some experience in developing Jabber based
chat bots.

Thanks & Regards

[twitter-dev] Re: Enable/Disable DM Notifications via API?

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Alex Payne  wrote:
> Call http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation#updatedeliverydevice
> with device=none.

Dammit. I **knew** I had seen that in there but missed it completely
when I went to look for it..  Sorry for being a dodo.



ps - thanks for the PHP book recommendation earlier too. May have to
check that out :-)

[twitter-dev] Re: Enable/Disable DM Notifications via API?

2009-02-24 Thread Alex Payne

Call http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation#updatedeliverydevice
with device=none.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:46, TjL  wrote:
> I've looked through http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation
> and I can see how to enable/disable notifcations on a per-person
> basis, but nothing which is the equivalent of sending an SMS saying
> "off" (to disable all notifications except DMs) or a 2nd "off" (to
> disable even DM notifications) or like the options found at
> http://twitter.com/devices
> Are these functions not available through the API or am I just missing them?
> TjL

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

[twitter-dev] Enable/Disable DM Notifications via API?

2009-02-24 Thread TjL

I've looked through http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST+API+Documentation
and I can see how to enable/disable notifcations on a per-person
basis, but nothing which is the equivalent of sending an SMS saying
"off" (to disable all notifications except DMs) or a 2nd "off" (to
disable even DM notifications) or like the options found at

Are these functions not available through the API or am I just missing them?


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Doug Williams
Hi all,
Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
tracked and recorded at:


It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
keep any changes/additions you make in sync.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.



On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER  wrote:

> My contact information
> Explore WorldWideWeb
> Detroit, Michigan
> @explorewww
> expl...@explorewww.com
> http://explorewww.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:
>> Dave Briccetti
>> Lafayette, California
>> @dcbriccetti
>> da...@davebsoft.com
>> http://davebsoft.com
>> Thanks!
> --
> Sincerely,
> Burhan Tanweer
> Founder
> www.CorrectSearch.com
> Phone:  877-807-1818
> supp...@correctsearch.com

Doug Williams


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread pnoeric

Hi Doug, if you wouldn't mind adding me to the page, would be much
appreciated. My main client just ended some work so I'm trying to pick
up some coding hours to fill in the gaps... best, E

Eric Mueller, Themepark
e...@themepark.com -or- Twitter: @FLWbooks

15+ yrs web development experience and 20k followers ;-) built
FlashlightWorthy.com, TeslaMotors.com, SmartNow.com, among others

On Feb 24, 8:41 am, Doug Williams  wrote:
> Updated.
> Sorry for the double post earlier!
> @dougw
> do...@igudo.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Stuart  wrote:
> > Seems to be the done thing...
> > @stut
> > 3ft9 (http://3ft9.com/)
> > cont...@3ft9.com
> > I developed TwitApps.com, Tweetmeme.com and TwitOrFit.com. Mainly but not
> > limited to PHP.
> > -Stuart
> > 2009/2/24 Doug Williams 
> > Hi all,
> >> Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
> >> tracked and recorded at:
> >>http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Developers.
> >> It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
> >> keep any changes/additions you make in sync.
> >> Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
> >> Thanks,
> >> @dougw
> >> do...@igudo.com
> >> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:
> >>> My contact information
> >>> Explore WorldWideWeb
> >>> Detroit, Michigan
> >>> @explorewww
> >>> expl...@explorewww.com
> >>>http://explorewww.com
> >>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti 
> >>> wrote:
>  Dave Briccetti
>  Lafayette, California
>  @dcbriccetti
>  da...@davebsoft.com
> http://davebsoft.com
>  Thanks!
> >>> --
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>> Burhan Tanweer
> >>> Founder
> >>>www.CorrectSearch.com
> >>> Phone:  877-807-1818
> >>> supp...@correctsearch.com
> >> --
> >> Doug Williams
> >> do...@igudo.com
> >>http://www.igudo.com
> --
> Doug Williams
> do...@igudo.comhttp://www.igudo.com

[twitter-dev] Re: Include $ as a searchable character

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi there,

This is behind a few other projects and I don't know the ETA for  

  — Matt

On Feb 24, 2009, at 08:39 AM, Karthik wrote:

Hi Matt,

We are building an App which heavily depends on this new feature. Can
you please let me know a tentative date for its release?

Thank you.

- Karthik

On Feb 23, 7:52 pm, Matt Sanford  wrote:

Hi there,

 I added this info to the ticket.

   — Matt

On Feb 23, 2009, at 06:21 AM, Karthik wrote:

Can you accept the request for the colon character too? I may use  

prefix $IN for Indian stocks and would like to retrieve only the
updates containing the term $IN:REL for example? Does that make  

On Feb 23, 3:39 am, Matt Sanford  wrote:

Hi all,

 Requests for this have come up before so I opened a ticket for
the person working on our tokenizer to add this. I'm not sure when
he'll get to it but it's on the road map now. One bit of  
if you try to query for every ticker symbol every five minutes  

building something unscalable and you can expect to hit the rate
limit. Not that I'm sure this is what people have in mind but I
thought I'd put this out there ahead of time just in case.

— Matt

On Feb 22, 2009, at 02:17 AM, Karthik Murugan wrote:

No, they show status updates from unrelated profiles too. I guess,
they are indexing updates containing stock names and filtering out
posts that don't have a dollar sign before the stock name

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Chad Etzel 

My SWAG is that they are just parsing their follower/friend stream
themselves and highlighting tokens beginning with $.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Karthik 

I'm looking for a similar feature too. I wonder 
could show statuses containing $

On Feb 21, 10:35 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:

Yes, that's correct.  Add $ as a token modifier, if you will.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Nick Arnett


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Chad Etzel


Sorry I must have been unclear.

I don't want the $ by itself, I want it to be a searchable


in conjunction with other strings, so I want to search for

"$AAPL" or

"$C" much like # is with hashtags.

FYI, in search engine language this means is that you want

words to be

tokenized with and without the $ (or other) similar characters.
Right now, it sounds like $AAPL is tokenized as "AAPL".  If I


correctly, you'd want the search engine to also add the token



[twitter-dev] Re: Include $ as a searchable character

2009-02-24 Thread Karthik

Hi Matt,

We are building an App which heavily depends on this new feature. Can
you please let me know a tentative date for its release?

Thank you.

- Karthik

On Feb 23, 7:52 pm, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> Hi there,
>      I added this info to the ticket.
> Thanks;
>    — Matt
> On Feb 23, 2009, at 06:21 AM, Karthik wrote:
> > Can you accept the request for the colon character too? I may use the
> > prefix $IN for Indian stocks and would like to retrieve only the
> > updates containing the term $IN:REL for example? Does that make sense?
> > On Feb 23, 3:39 am, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>      Requests for this have come up before so I opened a ticket for
> >> the person working on our tokenizer to add this. I'm not sure when
> >> he'll get to it but it's on the road map now. One bit of forewarning:
> >> if you try to query for every ticker symbol every five minutes you're
> >> building something unscalable and you can expect to hit the rate
> >> limit. Not that I'm sure this is what people have in mind but I
> >> thought I'd put this out there ahead of time just in case.
> >> — Matt
> >> On Feb 22, 2009, at 02:17 AM, Karthik Murugan wrote:
> >>> No, they show status updates from unrelated profiles too. I guess,
> >>> they are indexing updates containing stock names and filtering out
> >>> posts that don't have a dollar sign before the stock name
> >>> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Chad Etzel 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> My SWAG is that they are just parsing their follower/friend stream
> >>> themselves and highlighting tokens beginning with $.
> >>> -Chad
> >>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Karthik   
> >>> wrote:
>  I'm looking for a similar feature too. I wonder 
>  howhttp://stocktwits.com/streams/all
>  could show statuses containing $
>  On Feb 21, 10:35 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > Yes, that's correct.  Add $ as a token modifier, if you will.
> > -Chad
> > On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Nick Arnett
> >>>  wrote:
> >> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Chad Etzel
> >>>  wrote:
> >>> Sorry I must have been unclear.
> >>> I don't want the $ by itself, I want it to be a searchable
> >>> character
> >>> in conjunction with other strings, so I want to search for
> >>> "$AAPL" or
> >>> "$C" much like # is with hashtags.
> >> FYI, in search engine language this means is that you want
> >>> words to be
> >> tokenized with and without the $ (or other) similar characters.
> >> Right now, it sounds like $AAPL is tokenized as "AAPL".  If I
> >>> understand
> >> correctly, you'd want the search engine to also add the token
> >>> "$AAPL".
> >> NIck

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Doug Williams

Sorry for the double post earlier!


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Stuart  wrote:

> Seems to be the done thing...
> @stut
> 3ft9 (http://3ft9.com/)
> cont...@3ft9.com
> I developed TwitApps.com, Tweetmeme.com and TwitOrFit.com. Mainly but not
> limited to PHP.
> -Stuart
> 2009/2/24 Doug Williams 
> Hi all,
>> Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
>> tracked and recorded at:
>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Developers.
>> It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
>> keep any changes/additions you make in sync.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
>> Thanks,
>> @dougw
>> do...@igudo.com
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:
>>> My contact information
>>> Explore WorldWideWeb
>>> Detroit, Michigan
>>> @explorewww
>>> expl...@explorewww.com
>>> http://explorewww.com
>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:

 Dave Briccetti
 Lafayette, California


>>> --
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Burhan Tanweer
>>> Founder
>>> www.CorrectSearch.com
>>> Phone:  877-807-1818
>>> supp...@correctsearch.com
>> --
>> Doug Williams
>> do...@igudo.com
>> http://www.igudo.com

Doug Williams


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Stuart
Seems to be the done thing...
3ft9 (http://3ft9.com/)

I developed TwitApps.com, Tweetmeme.com and TwitOrFit.com. Mainly but not
limited to PHP.


2009/2/24 Doug Williams 

> Hi all,
> Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
> tracked and recorded at:
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Developers.
> It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
> keep any changes/additions you make in sync.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
> Thanks,
> @dougw
> do...@igudo.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:
>> My contact information
>> Explore WorldWideWeb
>> Detroit, Michigan
>> @explorewww
>> expl...@explorewww.com
>> http://explorewww.com
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:
>>> Dave Briccetti
>>> Lafayette, California
>>> @dcbriccetti
>>> da...@davebsoft.com
>>> http://davebsoft.com
>>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Burhan Tanweer
>> Founder
>> www.CorrectSearch.com
>> Phone:  877-807-1818
>> supp...@correctsearch.com
> --
> Doug Williams
> do...@igudo.com
> http://www.igudo.com

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Karthik

Me too,

twitter: twitter.com/yemkay
elance profile: yemkay.elance.com
email: fermis...@gmail.com

Thanks Alex.

On Feb 23, 11:33 pm, Alex Payne  wrote:
> There isn't one that I'm aware of, but if people would like to post
> their contact info in this thread (Twitter username, URL, email,
> whatever) I'm happy to collect them on the API Wiki.
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 18:00, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I have been getting a few requests here and there for twitter API
> > development work.  I cannot take on any such projects at the moment,
> > but I always feel bad for leaving them in the lurch.  Is there a list
> > or directory anywhere of Twitter API developers that work freelance
> > that I can send to them when this happens?  I'm happy to forward on
> > such requests.
> > -Chad
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Doug Williams
Hi all,
Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is being
tracked and recorded at:


It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread and
keep any changes/additions you make in sync.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.



On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Burhan TANWEER  wrote:

> My contact information
> Explore WorldWideWeb
> Detroit, Michigan
> @explorewww
> expl...@explorewww.com
> http://explorewww.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti wrote:
>> Dave Briccetti
>> Lafayette, California
>> @dcbriccetti
>> da...@davebsoft.com
>> http://davebsoft.com
>> Thanks!
> --
> Sincerely,
> Burhan Tanweer
> Founder
> www.CorrectSearch.com
> Phone:  877-807-1818
> supp...@correctsearch.com

Doug Williams


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread dougw

Hi all,
Thanks for your responses. All the information provided this far is
being tracked and recorded at:


It will be linked to the front page shortly. I'll monitor this thread
and keep any changes/additions you make in sync.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.



On Feb 24, 10:45 am, Burhan TANWEER  wrote:
> My contact information
> Explore WorldWideWeb
> Detroit, Michigan
> @explorewww
> expl...@explorewww.comhttp://explorewww.com
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti  wrote:
> > Dave Briccetti
> > Lafayette, California
> > @dcbriccetti
> > da...@davebsoft.com
> >http://davebsoft.com
> > Thanks!
> --
> Sincerely,
> Burhan Tanweer
> Founderwww.CorrectSearch.com
> Phone:  877-807-1818
> supp...@correctsearch.com

[twitter-dev] Re: friendships/exists broken?

2009-02-24 Thread Burhan TANWEER
Yes, I have tried this url as XML vs JSON. It shows false in XML output but
it is true in JSON. It is definitely a JSON API problem.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Hayes Davis  wrote:

> Further investigation shows the XML format is working fine. Seems to
> be a problem only with the JSON version.
> Hayes
> --
> http://cheaptweet.com


Burhan Tanweer
Phone:  877-807-1818

[twitter-dev] Re: Getting "Not authorized" when using new friends/ids and followers/ids

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi Rainer,

Sounds like a bug. Open an issue at http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list 
 and we'll take a look.

  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 24, 2009, at 03:43 AM, Rainer Müller wrote:


I am experimenting with the new API and I stumbled upon a problem.

Why do I have to authenticate to the API to fetch the friends/
followers of people who protect their updates, when I can see them on
the website without authenticating?

For example:
$ curl http://twitter.com/friends/ids/19397184.json
{"request":"\/friends\/ids\/19397184.json","error":"Not authorized"}

This only affects people protecting their updates, others work fine,


[twitter-dev] Re: friendships/exists broken?

2009-02-24 Thread Matt Sanford

Hi all,

Looks like someone opened a Google Code issue (http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=312 
). We'll look into it.

  — Matt Sanford

On Feb 24, 2009, at 07:29 AM, Burhan TANWEER wrote:

Yes, I have tried this url as XML vs JSON. It shows false in XML  
output but it is true in JSON. It is definitely a JSON API problem.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Hayes Davis   

Further investigation shows the XML format is working fine. Seems to
be a problem only with the JSON version.



Burhan Tanweer
Phone:  877-807-1818

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Burhan TANWEER
My contact information

Explore WorldWideWeb
Detroit, Michigan

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Dave Briccetti  wrote:

> Dave Briccetti
> Lafayette, California
> @dcbriccetti
> da...@davebsoft.com
> http://davebsoft.com
> Thanks!


Burhan Tanweer
Phone:  877-807-1818

[twitter-dev] Getting "Not authorized" when using new friends/ids and followers/ids

2009-02-24 Thread Rainer Müller


I am experimenting with the new API and I stumbled upon a problem.

Why do I have to authenticate to the API to fetch the friends/
followers of people who protect their updates, when I can see them on
the website without authenticating?

For example:
$ curl http://twitter.com/friends/ids/19397184.json
{"request":"\/friends\/ids\/19397184.json","error":"Not authorized"}

This only affects people protecting their updates, others work fine,


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Dave Briccetti

Dave Briccetti
Lafayette, California
