
I have implemented the oauth for a desktop application. The
application has been approved and I get the token back and also can
make HTTP requests using the token. However, when I post an update
using the app, it shows "...via API" instead of the application name.
I thought the approved application's name suppose to appear instead. I
made sure that the post has oauth header instead of basic auth.
header. Do I need to do something else to ensure that the app name
appears instead of the API?

POST header:

Twitter request header: {
Authorization = "OAuth realm=\"\", oauth_consumer_key=\"XXXX\",
oauth_token=\"XXXXX\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",
oauth_signature=\"lAx4jFI%2FeXaFv4aBxEYg2n3kkSo%3D\", oauth_timestamp=
\"1281566038\", oauth_nonce=\"F0999B0E-66FC-4CFE-AED7-4D87064A92A9\",
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
"X-Twitter-Client" = WritePad;
"X-Twitter-Client-Url" = "http://www.phatware.com/writepad";;
"X-Twitter-Client-Version" = "4.1";



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