Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Tweet button and iphone

2011-07-27 Thread Ben Ward
On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:43 AM, Victor Ruiz wrote:

> On Android, working with intents and after sharing successfully, the
> window closes automatically so it returns to the previous page. The
> window that automatically closes should have set up a timeout because
> it takes some seconds to be closed. If for example client browser
> doesn't support Javascript, there is a cancel button that also works
> perfectly.
> On iPhone, is different than in Android, because after sharing
> successfully, you don't have possibility to close and return back. I
> guess Twitter detects the user agent and show different pages in
> Android and iPhone, isn't it?

iPhone and Android both have the same Web Intents UI (as do all devices, 
actually.) The behaviour you describe for Android, where the Intent page 
automatically closes and the browser takes you back to the original page is the 
correct behaviour. You should get the same experience on Android and iPhone.

The behaviour you're seeing on iPhone there is odd, but could occur (on any 
device) if the Tweet Intent is invoked in a different way (either without 
JavaScript, or without a window.opener being set.)

Can you link to the specific case where the iPhone UI isn't behaving as 
expected? I'll take a look to debug it.



On 21 jul, 07:21, ""> wrote:
>> It's working perfectly,Thanks Ben
>> Note: This issue is also noticed in another url,please check my other
>> thread here:
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[twitter-dev] Can you do one query and leave it running to get subsequent results?

2011-07-20 Thread Ben Flux

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Tweet button and iphone

2011-07-18 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Anajjar,

On Jul 17, 2011, at 7:35 AM, wrote:

> Thank you very much,can you please inform me when it's going to be
> deployed this week? or at least update me on this thread once it's
> deployed? Thanks again

This fix is live now. You should now find that cancel buttons link to the 
original_referer where appropriate.


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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Tweet button and iphone

2011-07-14 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Anajjar,

The fix for the cancel button links is done, and should be deployed next week.


On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:05 PM, wrote:

> Can someone please respond on my issue? Why the support doesn't follow
> up with my issue to the end?!! :\ ,Is there any other place to get
> better support than here ?
> -- 
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Re: [twitter-dev] What is the best strategy to get this volume of data?

2011-07-10 Thread Ben Flux
The intention was to do lots of the same query, perhaps 80 unique queries, 
but every 30 seconds or less

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Tweet button and iphone

2011-07-07 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Anajjar,

On Jul 7, 2011, at 6:28 AM, wrote:

> the login page will appear and you can see the cancel button,click on cancel 
> button,now it should return the user back to that link and as you can see the 
> link has a querystring original_referer with the original url so the cancel 
> button SHOULD return back to that url,but you will notice that it doesn't 
> return the user back to that page and instead it redirects to twitter homepage

Ah, you've found a bug. Thanks! I'll fix that. The cancel button there should 
behave the same way as cancel buttons elsewhere (e.g. in the after-Tweet 
screen) and redirect to the original referrer.

On Jul 2, 2011, wrote:

> In Safari I don't have any issues,but I do have issues with tweet
> button within the container,once the login window of twitter appears
> and user clicks on cancel it doesn't return the user back to my
> page,instead it redirects the user to twitter homepage,Is there any
> solution for this?

For what it's worth, this is the full cascade of behaviours that Cancel buttons 
have within Web Intents:

1. If the intent is a pop-up window (e.g. if `window.opener` is available) then 
clicking a cancel button will close the window. On desktop, this closes the 
window as you'd expect. On mobile platforms such as the iPhone, this closes the 
page and flips the user back to the page that invoked the Intent.

2. If `window.opener` isn't available, then the page is assumed to have been 
navigated to conventionally. In this case, the destination of cancel links is 
(or should be) set with the following priority:

2a. To the original_referrer, if available and valid.
2b. If original_referrer is not set, or if the original_referrer is an invalid 
URL, or that URL falls foul of our known-malware-URL filter, then the cancel 
buttons will simply point to

Finally, note that if you “pop up” an intent within a WebView in a native app, 
that does not set `window.opener`, so the page will believe it's been invoked 
directly in a browser (because it has.) If you want to handle the close event, 
you'll need to watch the source URLs.

If it's possible to create a WebView on your platform of choice, and set a 
default window.opener *and* override window.close() with a call to native 
‘close the WebView’ code, then you may be able invoke the Intent in a WebView 
and have all the autoclose behaviour from the web work. I've never tried this 

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[twitter-dev] What is the best strategy to get this volume of data?

2011-07-06 Thread Ben Flux
I want to send 100 queries to Twitter every minute via my server
application and would like to know if there is a method that will
allow me to do this?

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Re: [twitter-dev] Unwanted T.CO shortening

2011-06-10 Thread Ben Ward
On Jun 10, 2011, at 1:21 PM, Kosso wrote:

> The massive trouble I have with all this is that I like to know what the
> hell I'm clicking on before clicking a link.
> It's kind of my right as a citizen of the web.
> I personally can't stand it when, for example a link fires up iTunes or goes
> to some site I don't want to waste (possibly mobile and limited) bandwidth
> on. I like to choose WHO I give MY visit/traffic to.

To be clear, the API returns all the information for all clients to display the 
original short URL, and navigate via We also look up the full destination 
URL and return that too, allowing even clearer navigation of where you as a 
user will end up when following a link. You can see this implemented on today:

* The URL destination points to
* The displayed text of the URL is a cropped and shortened version of the real 
* The title (tooltip) of the URL displays the full address of the destination.

I've further illustrated it with a screenshot here:

The documentation for the URL entities that provide all of this information in 
the API response is here:


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Re: A Problem with the web view. [was: Re: [twitter-dev] Please confirm this OAuth flow ...]

2011-05-27 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Andrew,

On May 27, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Andrew W. Donoho wrote:

> My question: Am I in error? Does Twitter return a different callback value 
> for the "No, Thanks" case. If not, I humbly request that Twitter add this 
> important, for a better user experience, notification.

We actually do have a simple callback format for when the user denies access. 
It's not an automatic redirect, but we've always provided a link for users back 
into the app.

It works like this:

When a user doesn't click authorize they go to a screen informing them either 
that the application does not have access to their account, or that the 
application *does* still have access to the account (if they choose ‘Cancel’ on 
the `/authenticate` flow for an already authorized, for example.) This callback 
is the same URL as for the success case, but returns without an 
`oauth_verifier` parameter (since there isn't one) and with an additional 
`denied` parameter, in which we pass the value of the `oauth_token` that the 
request was originally made with.

Now, on the cancellation pages as your currently see them there's a link back 
to the app that is neither big enough or obvious enough for users to respond 
to. Therefore, we already have a design tweak implemented for next week that 
makes it a much clearer “Return to {{Application}}” button on the denied and 
cancel screens. Nothing is changing about the callback structure itself, which 
you can already access for testing.

This should keep both ends of the flow hooked into all kinds of apps. As ever, 
let us know if there's ways we can improve it for you; I'm particularly 
interested in suggestions of extra data to send through in that callback to 
improve the feedback in apps.



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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Visual refresh of the OAuth screens

2011-05-25 Thread Ben Ward

Congratulations on the new release—it works great! And thank you so much for 
writing up your implementation in this detail. I'm glad it's come together and 
I'm glad you've been able to use the callbacks mechanism to improve the flow. 
Hopefully we're at a point in mobile platform development now where OOBs become 
a real rarity for users, and we can use callbacks for better app integration in 
all sorts of ways.

Also, thanks for your patience and enthusiastic working with me to get the 
problem diagnosed. It was incredibly helpful to get your feedback and 
assistance, and took a bit of stress out of that weekend! I really appreciate 

On May 25, 2011, at 3:53 AM, bitrace wrote:

> The main reason we opted for the embedded UIWebView was because our
> TweetIgnite App allows the user to add multiple accounts, and we found
> that the cookies twitter sets after adding the first account makes it
> difficult to add a second, as the first account is still logged in and
> there is currently no option on the new screens to log in as different
> user.

For what it's worth, the `force_login` parameter which we'll release soon on 
the authorize flow is a solution to this problem. (As mentioned in some of the 
other threads.)


Platform Developer, Twitter

> Thankfully, we have now fixed the issue that caused the new OAuth
> templates to break our iPhone App and an update is now live on the App
> store.
> I thought I'd share our findings as they may prove useful to anyone
> else who has experienced problems or who is currently migrating from
> xAuth to oAuth in order to meet the new Direct Message access
> requirement.
> The problem we experienced following the rollout of the new OAuth
> screens occurred when a user tried to add their twitter account using
> the in-App UIWebView.  This rendered blank instead of prompting the
> user to enter their username and password.
> We traced the problem to how our OAuth helper was interacting with the
> UIWebView.  In our initial implementation the OAuth helper code was
> both creating and issuing the OAuth requests, and passing html
> responses back to the UIWebView, as text to be rendered.  Although
> this worked fine with the old style screens, changes to twitter's anti-
> click jacking implementation in the new templates resulted in the
> UIWebView being rendered blank.
> The solution was simply to get the OAuthHelper code to create the
> OAuth signed requests, and pass the NSURLRequest directly to the
> UIWebview for loading directly.
> Our initial OAuth implementation made use of a PIN based out-of-band
> flow, however, as part of our redesign we found that we were able to
> move over to an OAuth callback implementation, which provides a much
> slicker user experience.
> To do this:
> 1. Login in to twitter's developer page and change your applications
> settings to browser and register a nominal callback URL, say your
> twitter page (this callback URL is not actually used).
> 2. Back in your App, define a protocol specific callback url e.g.
> yourappname://oauth/callback ours was tweetignite://oauth/callback
> 3. Define the oauth_callback as your protocol specific url in the
> RequestToken request. [Take care not to over URL encode the callback
> URL in the header - a big time waster! 8-( ]
> e.g.
> OAuth oauth_callback="tweetignite%3A%2F%2Foauth%2Fcallback",
> oauth_consumer_key="x", oauth_nonce="C8612F28-
> D307-446B-88E6-4804282CCB4F",
> oauth_signature="xOKzHrQk4HwhOzdGEdWalVPxF6E%3D",
> oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1306318989",
> oauth_version="1.0"
> 4. Append the protocol specific url as an oauth_callback parameter in
> the Authorize URL e.g.
> Once you have implemented this in your OAuth code there are two
> choices for implementing the webview.  You can either spawn the
> request externally in mobile safari, and add your protocol specific
> callback URL to your Info.plist, which will cause your app to re-
> launch when it gets the callback.
> To get the tokens add
> - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL
> *)url to your AppDelegate and grab the tokens from the oauth_verifier
> to complete the flow.
> Or alternatively, as in our case continue to use the embedded
> UIWebview, which actually receives the callback URL directly in
> -(BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:
> (NSURLRequest *)request navigat

Re: [twitter-dev] and OAuth

2011-05-06 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Corey,

Thanks for your feedback.

On May 5, 2011, at 8:15 AM, Corey Ballou wrote:

> Your new OAuth authentication handler does a check to determine if the
> window has been opened in a new window and triggers a resize.
> I'll preface this message by saying that I have a high res monitor at
> 1920x1600. I currently have handling to center the window. Your new
> JavaScript is essentially resizing the window outside of the viewport,
> giving no consideration to the end user's window height or current
> window position.
> Is this something that can be resolved? It's kind of a nuisance. I'll
> repost in the tracker.

The auto-resize is not something I'm a massive fan of either, but we 
implemented it after the redesign because we found that whilst a lot of OAuth 
implementations are using pop-ups of a fixed sized, a great number of them are 
also invoking those pop-ups with scrollbars disabled at the window level, which 
makes important parts of the interface impossible for users to access.

Alas, though I appreciate that centering the window is aesthetically desirable, 
content hidden through disabled scrollbars was a bigger problem, so it's been 
patched for now.

I emphasise ‘for now’ because I know and agree that this isn't an ideal 
solution. Web content is by its nature of variable length. In this case:

  • Additional status messages can be displayed in the content. The 
authenticate flow has an extra header message, and users adding their first app 
are also given a special greeting message, and offered a link to the help 
section to explain what apps are.

  • Items on the page, and in the permission list may be changed, shortened, 
lengthened or removed outright based on feedback and experience. And, of 
course, Twitter will add new features over time, or might redesign the site 
again some day.

These are all changes that developers should expect to happen to every web 
service, not just Twitter, and should code for defensively. What's more, users 
can, will, and do use browser features such as resizing page text based on 
their needs, which throws all page size expectations out of the window. Given 
all of this, it mystifies me slightly that browsers allow scrollbars to be 
disabled at all, but here we are.

I'm keen that we assemble issues like this into a best practices guide. Not 
disabling scrollbars, and keeping the address bar (and SSL verification stamps) 
visible are important. There's more too, and I'd like to collect the feedback 
and experience of developers to help assemble thorough and relevant advice. 
(Please write in to the usual address.) (This one.)

My hope and preference is that after documenting these issues and encouraging 
their adoption, we can remove the janky resize code and return all pop-up size 
and shape related issues entirely to the domain of the app developer.



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Re: [twitter-dev] OAuth Authorization screen on Windows Phone 7 (WebBrowser control)

2011-05-03 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Chris, Matthieu and any others running into this issue:

On May 3, 2011, at 5:00 PM, LoungeFlyZ wrote:

> Something has changed in the last few days and now the page is
> rendering a little "better" but scrolling/panning/zooming isnt working
> & i cant enter text in the username or password fields.
> Is there anything i can do to help diagnose this issue?

The update we put out this morning fixes the general rendering of the OAuth 
screen in WP7 (there's a couple more minor layout improvement tweaks coming as 
well, but the blocking problem is rectified.) It now works perfectly in Mobile 
IE on the phone, but for reasons which are inexplicable, loading the exact same 
page within a phone:WebBrowser control in an application suffers from cropped 
rendering and the no-scrolling behaviour described here.

Having spent a few hours in Visual Studio, and reproduced it, it appears you 
can work around the issue by setting IsScriptEnabled="False" on the control.

I'll continue to investigate what's causing the render bug, but the above fix 
should hopefully set everybody running again.

Thanks for your patience, and to Chris and Matthieu for corresponding with me 
on Twitter whilst debugging the issue.


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Re: [twitter-dev] New oAuth Authorization screen is unusable on phone webbrowser control

2011-05-01 Thread Ben Ward
Hi Bob, Tom, and others,

On Apr 29, 2011, at 11:50 PM, Bob12345 wrote:

> I've been using a WebBrowser control in my Window Phone application to
> login into Twitter. Today I noticed that the login/authorization page
> format had changed and it is now unusable in a web browser control
> that my application displays. The text on the page is squeezed
> together, and the page unscrollable.

I've seen a couple of reports of this concerning rendering in the current 
browser on Windows Phone 7. This is obviously unintended and I'm working on a 

On Apr 30, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Tom van der Woerdt wrote:

> It sounds like all UIWebView, WebBrowser and probably Android's WebView are 
> blocked. This is definitely a *good* thing for security reasons.
> The "workaround" I recommend: launch the actual browser, using a :// 
> link (something like myapplication://tokenDone) as the return URL. This is a 
> LOT safer for the users.

Although I'm personally a strong advocate of the protocol redirects, I can 
assure you that we have not actively blocked access to the OAuth screens in any 
context or browser with these updates. 

If you're having trouble with the auth screen in a web view, I'm going to need 
more information from you because there's no debugging tool for a UIWebView in 
third party apps. If you can trap any rendering or script errors from a browser 
view control in your development environment, please send them to me and I'll 
use them to look for any problems. Email me directly if you prefer.


/ @benward
/ Twitter platform developer

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[twitter-dev] user agent string

2011-04-05 Thread Ben Marsh

I've been trying to find out what the user agent string is for the bot that pings urls posted to Twitter.

I've had a look through the logs of some newly posted links but I
can't pick out which one is Twitter's bot. There were a couple of
mentions of Gnip, Google, Voyager etc...


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[twitter-dev] Does backtype offer better searching for a URL than the twitter api?

2010-11-25 Thread Ben Richardson
I'm trying to search the API for a specific URL (non-shortened) but am
getting different results on how many times the URL has been tweeted.
The URL I'm using for this example is
Shows a count of 42
doesn't give me any results
shows 151 tweets

It looks like backtype does a better job of the shortened links, but
from my testing the twitter api will find the results from the
shortened URL's *sometimes*.

I've also found that backtype can return more results than the twitter
api. For example: gives
me about 30 tweets going back about a week. gives
me 3,836 tweets going back much further.

So I guess I'm asking if it's possible that backtype is providing a
much better search than twitter, or I'm doing something wrong. It
seems like backtype is somehow grabbing every tweet - is that even
possible? It just doesn't seem right that they can be offering a
better search results of twitters data than twitter can (they also
seem to do a better job on shortened URL's than Google which returns
the same results as twitter).

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[twitter-dev] "Easy there, Turbo. Too many requests recently. Enhance your calm." - User streams limit?

2010-11-19 Thread ben
Hi, we're working on a Twitter client, using user streams API. Since
yesterday I found out that for certain accounts, whenever we try to
connect using user streams, we get the following error: "Easy there,
Turbo. Too many requests recently. Enhance your calm.". And ever since
this happened, the account itself seems to have been banned from
connecting to user streams--even when I open up Tweetdeck, it doesn't
deliver user streams anymore, but instead seems to poll the server
once in a while using REST. We haven't done anything abnormal. Has
anyone experienced the same problem? And could you enlighten me on how
to go about solving this problem? Thanks!

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[twitter-dev] cURL and rate limits

2010-11-04 Thread Ben Saufley
I'm just starting to mess around with a very, very basic call to the
Twitter API ( to
pull my tweets to my website through cURL. However, using a page that
nobody knows exists yet (thus eliminating the possibility of
inadvertent traffic), I'm getting a Rate Limit Exceeded thing before
I've had the chance to even test it. It says it resets at 5 past the
hour, so I check again, and for a minute it works but then it's back
to telling me my rate limit is exceeded. A few questions:

First, is the rate limit applied to my server? I would assume so, but
that could make it tough of course. Even one API call per visitor
could, on a site with marginal traffic, easily surpass the rate limit
in an hour. Is there a way to associate the call with the visitor, not
the server? Seems like probably not, but I'm not entirely sure how the
whole API works, and cURL does seem to be advocated in a number of
places. I'm aware that if I use JSON and AJAX the data in I can make
that request from the user, but just for the sake of argument, what
about cURL?

Second, any idea how I could be surpassing my rate limit without even
refreshing the page? I pay for hosting at another location, so I might
be sharing server space with another site, but my site definitely has
a unique IP, so that should … that should be OK, right? So how is it
that I'm surpassing the rate limit without even running the code (or
by running it once?)?

Here's what I've got for code, if it helps:


Any help?

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[twitter-dev] Steaming API — is track lagging cons iderably behind real–time right now?

2010-09-29 Thread Ben Hodgson

I’m having some trouble with the streaming API. Results for terms
we’re tracking for Cursebird ( are coming in
about 40 minutes late right now. Currently every single line is also a
duplicate. I’ve verified this both in production and on my local
development machine. Are other people experiencing this? I would
imagine it’s transient but it’s been like this for approximately 40
minutes. Is it just me, or is something broken at Twitter?


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[twitter-dev] Re: RWW article - "Twitter Permissions: How Much Do You Trust Your Apps?"

2010-09-16 Thread Ben Regenspan
Whoa - couldn't disagree more. I think the implicit (or explicit, in
ToS - havent't checked) understanding is that apps with read access
can access DMs in order to return them to the current user. E.g.
desktop clients or web apps with client-like functionality. They're
clearly certainly not the most secure private channel possible but
they are very much intended to be private.

As with a lot of other social services' APIs, the data returned might
not be usable in all contexts.  The goal of OAuth is to allow an app
to make calls on a user's behalf, it does not enforce that data be
used scrupulously or define what constitutes said scrupulous use.

Even if a fine-grained permission were added for accessing DMs, this
would not mean the user gave permission for the app developer to
personally look at their DMs.

On Sep 16, 3:48 pm, Ken  wrote:
> Anyone reading this article?
> my quick response - users need to understand that DMs aren't private,
> they're just direct: one-to-one as opposed to one-to-many.
> please - keep privacy settings simple!
> my 2 cents..  yours?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Search API problems...

2010-08-24 Thread Ben
Matt, thanks for the quick response.

After an evening of trying to figure out what's going on, it appears
to be working again. I guess the problem must have been on my side.

Thank you so much for replying so quickly though, and for the
explanation on rates and error messages!

Many thanks,


On Aug 25, 1:02 am, Matt Harris  wrote:
> There are no known issues with search and running your query works for me.
> Hey Ben,
> The Search API does not use authentication and is rate limited
> differently to the 150 IP requests allowed on the REST API.
> If you are rate limited on the Search API we would return an error
> telling you rather than not reply.
> If the atom link is still not responding can you 
> try let us know the
> result?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Ben  wrote:
> > Hey guys -
> > I'm curious as to know whether there's any problems with the search
> > API?
> > I'm curling from a PHP script, and it keeps timing out with 'couldn't
> > connect to host' errors when my URL is a search (eg:
> > Interestingly, if I
> > curl either of the following:
> >
> >
> > ...and it doesn't time out, I get a true, and my rate limit is
> > 150/150. I'm not using any authentication, this is a straight request
> > from a script.
> > Could I be on an IP blacklist for search (can I check this?)? I've
> > been pretty careful with my caching, I make nowhere near 150 requests
> > an hour, although my site is on a shared server, so it's entirely
> > plausible someone else has been hammering it. Although if that was the
> > case, would something not show up on the odd times I actually get the
> > rate limit to show something?
> > If anyone can help, or point me in the direction of something I've
> > missed, I'd be eternally grateful...
> > ben
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> > API updates via Twitter:
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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> > group:
> --
> Matt Harris
> Developer Advocate, Twitter

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[twitter-dev] Search API problems...

2010-08-24 Thread Ben
Hey guys -

I'm curious as to know whether there's any problems with the search

I'm curling from a PHP script, and it keeps timing out with 'couldn't
connect to host' errors when my URL is a search (eg: Interestingly, if I
curl either of the following:

...and it doesn't time out, I get a true, and my rate limit is
150/150. I'm not using any authentication, this is a straight request
from a script.

Could I be on an IP blacklist for search (can I check this?)? I've
been pretty careful with my caching, I make nowhere near 150 requests
an hour, although my site is on a shared server, so it's entirely
plausible someone else has been hammering it. Although if that was the
case, would something not show up on the odd times I actually get the
rate limit to show something?

If anyone can help, or point me in the direction of something I've
missed, I'd be eternally grateful...


Twitter developer documentation and resources:
API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
Change your membership to this group:

[twitter-dev] Re: Update on Twifficiency

2010-08-18 Thread Ben Metcalfe
What I'd actually like to see is some granularity in the oAuth
permissions that go beyond binary "has complete access: DENY|ALLOW",
and this would also solve this problem.

Surprising users when an app auto-tweets is one thing, but I'm more
concerned about a given app reading my DM's, for example (which I
wouldn't know about, thus no 'surprise' but still bad).

I would urge Twitter to look at Flickr's oAuth (well 'oAuth style')
auth which lets users dictate the level of access a given app is
allowed and even let developers appropriately request only the right
level they need.

Twifficiency technically only needed read-only access to my public
tweets (ok, it wouldn't have had the viral aspect).  If when I oAuthed
for it the twitter landing page said:

Give app "Twifficiency" access to the following on your account? :
[x] public tweets
[  ] send tweets
[  ] read direct messages

This seems more appropriate but would also deal with the issue of
surprising auto-tweets when the app developer doesn't highlight it up
front.  What do people think?

Ben Metcalfe

On Aug 18, 1:45 pm, Brian Sutorius  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Over the past 24 hours, we've received some questions about the
> Twifficiency app, so we thought we'd use this as an opportunity to
> quickly share some information around our Developer Principles.
> For background, the Twifficiency app computes a "Twifficiency score"
> based on different aspects of your Twitter account and posts the score
> as a Tweet. While the developer included a disclaimer that these
> Tweets would be posted to Twitter, user feedback indicated that the
> text was too far down on the page to be noticed before proceeding. As
> a result, many users were surprised that their scores were being
> tweeted automatically.
> Which brings us to our Developer Principles, one of which is "Don't
> surprise users." Specifically, we require developers to get users'
> permission before sending Tweets or other messages on their behalf.
> Allowing an application to access your account does not constitute
> consent for actions to automatically be taken on your behalf.
> Twifficiency violated this principle, so we suspended the app
> yesterday afternoon while we worked with the developer to make sure
> users were better informed about the application's actions and could
> control whether or not a Tweet would be posted. With these changes
> --which include a more prominent warning and a checkbox on the main
> page-- the application has been re-enabled.
> Our developer principles can be found in our API Terms of 
> Service:
> Brian Sutorius
> API Policy

[twitter-dev] Can I use the Twitter API to get tweets for a specific user and timeframe?

2010-08-16 Thread Ben H
I've been doing some research into using the Twitter API, and I'm not
sure if I'm understanding it correctly. I want to get tweets from a
specific user for a specific time-frame. From what I can tell, using
the search function to specify a date range doesn't work because only
the last 7 days are kept. I could just get the tweets and work out the
date range with JavaScript, but the documentation states the the max
you can get is 200 tweets, so if the tweets from the date range I want
aren't in the last 200 I can't do it.

Is there anyway I can do this?

[twitter-dev] Re: Using the Authorization header

2010-08-06 Thread Ben Jones
Hi Taylor,

Thanks for the pointers! Turned out the problem was related to
encoding. I fixed the encoding on the status in the body, and
then noticed that I wasn't encoding the '=' at the end of the
signature in the header. When I'd put the signature in the body,
it was encoded with all the other parameters, so worked
correctly. Now both ways are fine.

Thanks again,

On Aug 5, 3:21 pm, Taylor Singletary 
> Hi Everyone on this thread,
> A few clarifications:
> - The "realm" isn't required, but we'll take a realm if you provide one.
> Really, it's a no-op in our system. We don't care if you have it or not, and
> if you provide it, we don't do anything with it.
> - Timestamp is important in that the oauth_timestamp in your requests should
> be within about 5 minutes of our servers. We return the current time in a
> header within each response, failed or otherwise. One quick way to get a
> non-rate-limited check on the current time according to twitter is to send a
> HEAD request to /1/help/test.xml and inspect the "Date" header,
> recontextualizing your app's concept of the current time based on that.
> Back to the original poster's issue, I noticed you're essentially trying to
> post this status:
> "Test 1 2 3 4 1280937572396"
> But your POST body shows this status over-encoded:
> "status=Test%25201%25202%25203%25204%25201280937572396"
> When it should be:
> "status=Test%201%202%203%204%201280937572396"
> The encoding in your POST body is correct as to what should be in your
> signature base string. This might be what is causing your invalid signature
> errors.
> Taylor
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Ben Jones 
> wrote:
> > Hi Tom/Jacky,
> > Thanks for responding!
> > Apologies if this is a double post, last one didn't seem to go
> > through.
> > I tried removing 'realm' from the Authorization header, and this
> > changed the
> > response the first time, to something like 'Couldn't authenticate you
> > using
> > OAuth', but then returned to the previous behaviour of throwing 500
> > errors.
> > What should I look out for with regards timestamps? I'm following the
> > advice
> > from the OAuth spec, in that they have to be in seconds, and equal or
> > greater than the last used. Do they have to sync with Twitter's clock?
> > Thanks again!
> > ben
> > On Aug 5, 12:37 am, Tom  wrote:
> > > Oops, silly me, didn't read the full post. Sorry.
> > > Make sure to watch for character encoding and timestamps. Especially
> > > timestamps are known to cause trouble.
> > > 401 errors are almost never an issue at Twitter.
> > > Tom
> > > On Aug 5, 1:34 am, Tom  wrote:
> > > > You are sending realm="" in your Authorization header. It doesn't
> > > > belong there. ;-)
> > > > Tom
> > > > On Aug 4, 6:19 pm, Ben Jones  wrote:
> > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > I'm currently writing my own OAuth lib for use with Twitter and have
> > > > > gotten stuck whilst using the
> > > > > Authorization HTTP header, rather than putting the OAuth parameters
> > in
> > > > > the body.
> > > > > An example of a request that is failing is:
> > > > > POST /1/statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.1
> > > > > Authorization: OAuth realm="
> > > > > update.xml",
> > > > > oauth_consumer_key="x",
> > > > > oauth_token="x",
> > > > > oauth_nonce="x",
> > > > > oauth_timestamp="1280937572",
> > > > > oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
> > > > > oauth_version="1.0",
> > > > > oauth_signature="DLPyc3h6BcC5zbGXrUcujvZnqxk="
> > > > > User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_07
> > > > > Host:
> > > > > Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
> > > > > Connection: keep-alive
> > > > > Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> > > > > Content-Length: 53
> > > > > status=Test%25201%25202%25203%25204%25201280937572396
> > > > > ...(token etc blanked out, and new lines added in)
> > > > > This r

[twitter-dev] Re: Using the Authorization header

2010-08-05 Thread Ben Jones
Hi Tom/Jacky,

Thanks for responding!

Apologies if this is a double post, last one didn't seem to go

I tried removing 'realm' from the Authorization header, and this
changed the
response the first time, to something like 'Couldn't authenticate you
OAuth', but then returned to the previous behaviour of throwing 500

What should I look out for with regards timestamps? I'm following the
from the OAuth spec, in that they have to be in seconds, and equal or
greater than the last used. Do they have to sync with Twitter's clock?

Thanks again!

On Aug 5, 12:37 am, Tom  wrote:
> Oops, silly me, didn't read the full post. Sorry.
> Make sure to watch for character encoding and timestamps. Especially
> timestamps are known to cause trouble.
> 401 errors are almost never an issue at Twitter.
> Tom
> On Aug 5, 1:34 am, Tom  wrote:
> > You are sending realm="" in your Authorization header. It doesn't
> > belong there. ;-)
> > Tom
> > On Aug 4, 6:19 pm, Ben Jones  wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm currently writing my own OAuth lib for use with Twitter and have
> > > gotten stuck whilst using the
> > > Authorization HTTP header, rather than putting the OAuth parameters in
> > > the body.
> > > An example of a request that is failing is:
> > > POST /1/statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.1
> > > Authorization: OAuth realm="
> > > update.xml",
> > > oauth_consumer_key="x",
> > > oauth_token="x",
> > > oauth_nonce="x",
> > > oauth_timestamp="1280937572",
> > > oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
> > > oauth_version="1.0",
> > > oauth_signature="DLPyc3h6BcC5zbGXrUcujvZnqxk="
> > > User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_07
> > > Host:
> > > Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
> > > Connection: keep-alive
> > > Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> > > Content-Length: 53
> > > status=Test%25201%25202%25203%25204%25201280937572396
> > > ...(token etc blanked out, and new lines added in)
> > > This results in the server returning a 500 error and the "Something is
> > > technically wrong." error page.
> > > I've talked to another developer who doesn't experience this. I've
> > > tried this with the parameters
> > > alphabetically ordered, unordered and with and without the 'realm'
> > > parameter, which isn't used in the
> > > I don't have the same problem (as in the 500 error) when I put the
> > > OAuth parameters in the request
> > > body, but this often fails as well with 401 'Invalid signature'
> > > errors. What's strange is that putting the
> > > OAuth parameters into the form at Hueniverse's OAuth request signing
> > > page (
> > > shows them, including the signature, to be correct. If I retry the
> > > same request, it eventually works
> > > (sometimes it works the first time, just not consistently), so I don't
> > > think I'm calculating the signature
> > > incorrectly.
> > > Are the 401 errors occurring because Twitter is busy, or am I doing
> > > something wrong?
> > > Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated!
> > > ben

[twitter-dev] Re: Using the Authorization header

2010-08-05 Thread Ben Jones
Hi Tom/Jacky,

Thanks for replying.

I've seen a couple of places (The Hueniverse page above being one of
them) where the realm is included in the Authorization header. I
notice that this isn't the case for Twitter though so I'll remove it.
(Tried this, first time, it gave a new error 'Could not authorize you
using OAuth' I think, but then it went back to throwing 500 errors and
 serving up the error page)

Regarding the timestamps, I'm just going off the OAuth spec says on this. I've been making requests
more than 1 second apart at the moment, so the timestamps fullfil
the need to be greater or equal to the previous one. Is there
anything else I should watch out for with them?

Thanks again!

On Aug 5, 12:37 am, Tom  wrote:
> Oops, silly me, didn't read the full post. Sorry.
> Make sure to watch for character encoding and timestamps. Especially
> timestamps are known to cause trouble.
> 401 errors are almost never an issue at Twitter.
> Tom
> On Aug 5, 1:34 am, Tom  wrote:
> > You are sending realm="" in your Authorization header. It doesn't
> > belong there. ;-)
> > Tom
> > On Aug 4, 6:19 pm, Ben Jones  wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm currently writing my own OAuth lib for use with Twitter and have
> > > gotten stuck whilst using the
> > > Authorization HTTP header, rather than putting the OAuth parameters in
> > > the body.
> > > An example of a request that is failing is:
> > > POST /1/statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.1
> > > Authorization: OAuth realm="
> > > update.xml",
> > > oauth_consumer_key="x",
> > > oauth_token="x",
> > > oauth_nonce="x",
> > > oauth_timestamp="1280937572",
> > > oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
> > > oauth_version="1.0",
> > > oauth_signature="DLPyc3h6BcC5zbGXrUcujvZnqxk="
> > > User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_07
> > > Host:
> > > Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
> > > Connection: keep-alive
> > > Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> > > Content-Length: 53
> > > status=Test%25201%25202%25203%25204%25201280937572396
> > > ...(token etc blanked out, and new lines added in)
> > > This results in the server returning a 500 error and the "Something is
> > > technically wrong." error page.
> > > I've talked to another developer who doesn't experience this. I've
> > > tried this with the parameters
> > > alphabetically ordered, unordered and with and without the 'realm'
> > > parameter, which isn't used in the
> > > I don't have the same problem (as in the 500 error) when I put the
> > > OAuth parameters in the request
> > > body, but this often fails as well with 401 'Invalid signature'
> > > errors. What's strange is that putting the
> > > OAuth parameters into the form at Hueniverse's OAuth request signing
> > > page (
> > > shows them, including the signature, to be correct. If I retry the
> > > same request, it eventually works
> > > (sometimes it works the first time, just not consistently), so I don't
> > > think I'm calculating the signature
> > > incorrectly.
> > > Are the 401 errors occurring because Twitter is busy, or am I doing
> > > something wrong?
> > > Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated!
> > > ben

[twitter-dev] Using the Authorization header

2010-08-04 Thread Ben Jones
Hi all,

I'm currently writing my own OAuth lib for use with Twitter and have
gotten stuck whilst using the
Authorization HTTP header, rather than putting the OAuth parameters in
the body.

An example of a request that is failing is:

POST /1/statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth realm="
User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_07
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: keep-alive
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 53


...(token etc blanked out, and new lines added in)

This results in the server returning a 500 error and the "Something is
technically wrong." error page.
I've talked to another developer who doesn't experience this. I've
tried this with the parameters
alphabetically ordered, unordered and with and without the 'realm'
parameter, which isn't used in the page.

I don't have the same problem (as in the 500 error) when I put the
OAuth parameters in the request
body, but this often fails as well with 401 'Invalid signature'
errors. What's strange is that putting the
OAuth parameters into the form at Hueniverse's OAuth request signing
page (
shows them, including the signature, to be correct. If I retry the
same request, it eventually works
(sometimes it works the first time, just not consistently), so I don't
think I'm calculating the signature

Are the 401 errors occurring because Twitter is busy, or am I doing
something wrong?

Thanks in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated!

[twitter-dev] Trying to build a twitter feed on my site...

2010-07-30 Thread Ben Joven
Hi Everybody,

I am trying to build a twitter feed on my website that will display
tweets for a specific keyword...

I was just wondering if this community could point me in the right
direction of instructive YouTube videos, blogs, Twitter development
forums that would be a good start in learning.



[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter feed showing incorrect dates

2010-07-27 Thread Ben Juneau
Thanks Pascal for your help. Please excuse my ignorance as I'm still
learning JavaScript but how would I do this? My timezone is US Central


count=6&callback=?', function(data){
$.each(data, function(index, item){
$('#twitter').append('' + 
+ '' + relative_time(item.created_at) + '');


function relative_time(time_value) {
  var values = time_value.split(" ");
  time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + ", " + values[5] + " " +
  var parsed_date = Date.parse(time_value);
  var relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new
  var delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - parsed_date) / 1000);
  delta = delta + (relative_to.getTimezoneOffset() * 60);

  var r = '';
  if (delta < 60) {
r = 'a minute ago';
  } else if(delta < 120) {
r = 'couple of minutes ago';
  } else if(delta < (45*60)) {
r = (parseInt(delta / 60)).toString() + ' minutes ago';
  } else if(delta < (90*60)) {
r = 'an hour ago';
  } else if(delta < (24*60*60)) {
r = '' + (parseInt(delta / -3600)).toString() + ' hours ago';
  } else if(delta < (48*60*60)) {
r = '1 day ago';
  } else {
r = (parseInt(delta / 86400)).toString() + ' days ago';

  return r;

String.prototype.linkify = function() {
\/.=]+/, function(m) {


On Jul 26, 11:58 am, Pascal Jürgens
> Ben,
> did you account for UTC time?
> Pascal
> On 26.Jul2010, at 18:21, Ben Juneau wrote:
> > The dates are incorrect on my website...
> > I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here? Any help is much appreciated.

[twitter-dev] Twitter feed showing incorrect dates

2010-07-26 Thread Ben Juneau
The dates are incorrect on my website...

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here? Any help is much appreciated.

[twitter-dev] Search + App Engine = Bad News... OAuth soon please?

2010-06-14 Thread Ben Hedrington
The current Search API has a lot of rate limiting issues when used on
App Engine (User Agent just doesn't make it work) making it
unreliable. I have an app ( that a fair
amount of people (for what it is) are using in Alpha mode that I'd
like to make publicly available but I don't feel I can until searching
is more reliable...

OAuth for Search would be perfect, I am searching on a users behalf as
part of the app and already have their tokens. Can you shed any light
on when this will be possible? I'd offer to be part of an alpha or
beta on your end just to get this problem resolved.


[twitter-dev] Re: issue -- querying for original url in streaming & search apis

2010-06-09 Thread Ben Metcalfe
I would love to see twitter include the original unwrapped url in a
key/value in the annotation field (else otherwise it's own specific
key/value in the payload).

There are loads of use cases for this: from search/discovery through
to reducing latency for twitter clients that want to show the original
url to the user (now potentially a two-stage task if url is 
-> ->


On Jun 9, 12:13 pm, Jim Gilliam  wrote:
> I'm creating a new thread for this because a few others have mentioned it,
> and we haven't gotten a response yet.  My hunch is that changing those APIs
> involve other teams within Twitter, so figuring out a solution could be
> challenging.
> Here is the issue.  We need to be able to get matches on the original URL
> through the streaming and search APIs.   For me, I'm tracking "act" so I can
> match tweets that link to ''.  This is not a link shortener
> service, the actual pages live at, and it was all designed
> specifically for Twitter so there would be no need for url shorteners.
> As far as I'm concerned, it's fine if that link changes to, as long as
> I can still get matches on (or act) through the streaming API (the
> search API is going to be important for people too, but less of an issue for
> me personally).
> The most elegant way to fix this would be to allow tracking of the original
> URL.  So I can put in a domain name, or URL substring, and match everything
> that way.  Same with search. This would be useful to a lot of people, and
> virtually all link oriented web apps with APIs provide a way to get all the
> matches for a particular domain. (digg, google, yahoo, etc)
> I'm sure there are other workaround ways of doing this, and I'm all ears.
>  It would be SUPER NICE (wink wink) to hear some kind of assurance that
> there will be a way for us to query this type of information before
> the t.cochanges go live.
> Thanks guys...
> Jim Gilliam
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Jim Gilliam  wrote:
> > Will we be able to get matches on the original URL through the streaming
> > API?
> > For example, I'm tracking "act" so I can match tweets that link to '
> >'.  Will I still be able to do that?
> > Jim Gilliam
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> >> Raffi,
> >> I'm fine with everything up to the new 140 character count.
> >> If you count the characters *after* link wrapping, you are seriously
> >> going to mess up my system. My short URLs are currently 18 characters
> >> long, and they will be 18 long for quite some time to come. After that
> >> they will be 19 for a very long time to come.
> >> If you implement this change, a ton, and I mean a *huge* number of my
> >> system's updates are going to be rejected for being over 140
> >> characters.
> >> On Jun 8, 7:57 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> >> > hi all.
> >> > twitter has been wrapping links in e-mailed DMs for a couple months
> >> > now.
> >> > with that feature, we're trying to protect users against phishing and
> >> other
> >> > malicious attacks. the way that we're doing this is that any URL that
> >> comes
> >> > through in a DM gets currently wrapped with a URL -- if the URL
> >> turns
> >> > out to be malicious, Twitter can simply shut it down, and whoever
> >> follows
> >> > that link will be presented with a page that warns them of potentially
> >> > malicious content. in a few weeks, we're going to start slowly enabling
> >> this
> >> > throughout the API for all statuses as well, but instead of, we
> >> will
> >> > be using
> >> > practically, any tweet that is sent through statuses/update that has a
> >> link
> >> > on it will have the link automatically converted to a link on its
> >> way
> >> > through the Twitter platform. if you fetch any tweet created after this
> >> > change goes live, then its text field will have all its links
> >> automatically
> >> > wrapped with links. when a user clicks on that link, Twitter will
> >> > redirect them to the original URL after first confirming with our
> >> database
> >> > that that URL is not malicious.  on top of the end-user benefit, we hope
> >> to
> >> > eventually provide all developers with aggregate usage data around your
> >> > applications such as the number of clicks people make on URLs you
> >> display
> >> > (it will, of course, be in aggregate and not identifiable manner).
> >> > additionally, we want to be able to build services and APIs that can
> >> make
> >> > algorithmic recommendations to users based on the content they are
> >> > consuming. gathering the data from will help make these possible.
> >> > our current plan is that no user will see a URL on but
> >> we
> >> > still have some details to work through. the links will still be
> >> displayed
> >> > as they wer

[twitter-dev] why am i not receiving the oauth_verifier in the callback parameters?

2010-05-27 Thread Ben
Hey all,

I'm new to twitter development and am trying to get started.  I'm
currently using python and the oauth-python-twitter2  oauth client
library and twitter api wrapper.

My basic problem is when the user gets redirected back to my app after
authorizing my app on twitter, I don't get back the oauth_verifier.  I
do see the oauth_token in my GET parameter, but nothing else.

Am I missing something?  If there was an error, where can I see



[twitter-dev] Re: @anywhere Follow Button Issue

2010-05-14 Thread Ben Regenspan
I am also seeing this issue.  I'm at an office and wondering if it's
at all possible that there is some rate-limiting by IP going on?

On Apr 16, 5:53 am, Albert Stein  wrote:
> FYI - once the "not found" issue starts - i get the same thing when i
> view the demo page on - the buttons on the anywhere
> page also say not found.
> please advise as i want to release today - thanks
> On Apr 15, 11:31 pm, Albert Stein  wrote:
> > Hi - I am working with the @anywhere Follow Button option. I added it
> > to my page - I have several buttons on the page for different users -
> > after a couple of refreshes, the buttons always change to a yellow !
> > and a "xyz user not found" and you can't click on the button. After a
> > period of time (seems like 20 mins), the buttons start working again -
> > that is they become blue with the follow link.
> > I asked a friend who codes a bunch of Twitter and he doesn't think
> > it's a rate limiting issue - so I would love some help with figuring
> > out what's going on.
> > I've tried hitting the site from multiple computers as well with the
> > same issue.
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > --
> > Subscription 
> > settings:

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth rate limit question

2010-03-02 Thread Ben Novakovic
Awesome! thanks very much!

We were still using rather than the new

Thanks again!


On Mar 3, 5:26 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> are you connecting via oauth to  if so, then please take a
> look at the rate limit headers and let me know what you see?
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ben Novakovic wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been reading about twitter api limits lately as a lot of my
> > users are exhausting their 150reqs/h on a fairly regular basis. I came
> > across the following post and noticed that if users login with OAuth,
> > they are given 350 reqs/hr.
> >
> > This was fair enough as you guys are trying to make twitter more
> > secure (good work!); so we set about implementing OAuth on our client.
> > We completed the implementation today, but fail to see the 350 reqs/
> > hr. We are still being limited by the 150 reqs/hr. I was just
> > wondering whether there was something special we needed to do to get
> > our req limits up to 350 for those users who login to our client with
> > OAuth.
> > Just to give you some background info, the client is a mobile web
> > based client and all requests to twitter are made on our server on
> > behalf of our users. If they are logged in with OAuth, the appropriate
> > OAuth details are also handed through as part of the request.
> > We know they are using OAuth as our 'updated via xxx' changes with
> > using OAuth.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> > Thanks!
> > Ben
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] OAuth rate limit question

2010-03-02 Thread Ben Novakovic

I have been reading about twitter api limits lately as a lot of my
users are exhausting their 150reqs/h on a fairly regular basis. I came
across the following post and noticed that if users login with OAuth,
they are given 350 reqs/hr.

This was fair enough as you guys are trying to make twitter more
secure (good work!); so we set about implementing OAuth on our client.
We completed the implementation today, but fail to see the 350 reqs/
hr. We are still being limited by the 150 reqs/hr. I was just
wondering whether there was something special we needed to do to get
our req limits up to 350 for those users who login to our client with

Just to give you some background info, the client is a mobile web
based client and all requests to twitter are made on our server on
behalf of our users. If they are logged in with OAuth, the appropriate
OAuth details are also handed through as part of the request.

We know they are using OAuth as our 'updated via xxx' changes with
using OAuth.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


[twitter-dev] No results in "from" search for various (verified?) accounts

2010-01-04 Thread Ben
I am getting a 200 status message but no results for these two
accounts, in both atom and json, and they both definitely have tweets:

I don't want to postulate, but I wonder if there's something similar
between these two (besides their looks, obviously) that makes them not
returning results... like perhaps verified and/or moved from a
different account name?

I looked around through the known issues and other threads, but didn't
see one that quite fit the same problem...

[twitter-dev] Re: Getting 500 responses from Twitter constantly

2009-12-02 Thread Ben Novakovic
Hi Mark,

Great - thanks very much for looking at this so quickly!


On Dec 3, 2:22 pm, Mark McBride  wrote:
> This should be resolved, please let us know if you continue to see errors
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Mark McBride  wrote:
> > We've identified the issue and are working on a fix right now.  Stay 
> > tuned...
> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Ben Novakovic  
> > wrote:
> >> since posting this - I've noticed other users on here have experienced
> >> the same problem. It only appears to happen to certain user accounts
> >> on home_timeline. Not sure what the issue is. I'm not over my rate
> >> limit because I can view replies/dms.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Ben
> >> On Dec 3, 11:37 am, Ben Novakovic  wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I run Mobile Tweete (, and I've noticed within the
> >>> last few hours that users keep getting 500 error response codes from
> >>> the Twitter Api. I have a dev server running the exact same code on my
> >>> machine here and I'm experiencing no such errors. I was just wondering
> >>> whether Mobile Tweete's IP address has been blocked from the API for
> >>> some reason?
> >>> I would really love to get to the bottom of this ASAP! Thanks very
> >>> much!
> >>> The IP Tweete is running on is: It also appears that
> >>> doesn't seem to work either.
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Ben
> > --
> >   ---Mark
> >
> --
>    ---Mark

[twitter-dev] Re: Getting 500 responses from Twitter constantly

2009-12-02 Thread Ben Novakovic
since posting this - I've noticed other users on here have experienced
the same problem. It only appears to happen to certain user accounts
on home_timeline. Not sure what the issue is. I'm not over my rate
limit because I can view replies/dms.


On Dec 3, 11:37 am, Ben Novakovic  wrote:
> Hi,
> I run Mobile Tweete (, and I've noticed within the
> last few hours that users keep getting 500 error response codes from
> the Twitter Api. I have a dev server running the exact same code on my
> machine here and I'm experiencing no such errors. I was just wondering
> whether Mobile Tweete's IP address has been blocked from the API for
> some reason?
> I would really love to get to the bottom of this ASAP! Thanks very
> much!
> The IP Tweete is running on is: It also appears that
> doesn't seem to work either.
> Cheers,
> Ben

[twitter-dev] Getting 500 responses from Twitter constantly

2009-12-02 Thread Ben Novakovic

I run Mobile Tweete (, and I've noticed within the
last few hours that users keep getting 500 error response codes from
the Twitter Api. I have a dev server running the exact same code on my
machine here and I'm experiencing no such errors. I was just wondering
whether Mobile Tweete's IP address has been blocked from the API for
some reason?

I would really love to get to the bottom of this ASAP! Thanks very

The IP Tweete is running on is: It also appears that doesn't seem to work either.


[twitter-dev] Re: List of all verified accounts

2009-10-12 Thread Ben Parr

It exists already -

Anyone that account follows is verified.

On Oct 12, 9:59 am, Kiam  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to obtain a list of all verified accounts?  Or are
> there plans to expose this in the future?
> Thanks,
> Kiam

[twitter-dev] twitter legal

2009-10-01 Thread Ben Eliott

for group interest:
usually the reg gets these stories about a week before the beeb, maybe  
i missed it.

On 1 Oct 2009, at 21:22, Christian Nunciato wrote:

Has anyone had any trouble sending strings containing line breaks to  
Twitter through OAuth?  I realize line breaks don't necessarily make  
sense in a Twitter update, but it still seems reasonable to be able  
to send them anyway, leaving the formatting up to Twitter, but in my  
case, I keep getting "incorrect signature" responses from /statuses/ 
update when I send them.

Tweetdeck, by comparison, uses basic-auth, and is sending them  
through URL-encoded, without error.  (Twitter, of course, replaces  
the line breaks with spaces.)  But with OAuth, I'm not having any  
luck.  It might just be my code, but things seem to be getting  
encoded properly (%0D), so I figured I'd check with the group to see  
whether anyone else had had a similar experience before going any  

Thanks in advance --


[twitter-dev] Re: Draft: Twitter Rules for API Use

2009-09-11 Thread Ben Eliott

My reading is that twitter can blacklist an app at any time for any  
reason - "Twitter may suspend or terminate your access to the API"  -  
That being true, effectively it means that's the rule and the other  
points are really guidelines. It provides total freedom for the  
Platform team. That's also my understanding of the current rules/TOS.

It's not obvious how to make an investable app on this basis. Am i  
wrong about this. Or can anyone confirm experience of successfully  
negotiating around this caveat for a due diligence?


On 11 Sep 2009, at 13:43, Dewald Pretorius wrote:

I guess the lawyers wrote this draft as an extension of the modified
Twitter TOS.

Alex, you will need to jump on this draft from a dizzy height and get
all your Platform rules in there.

Once the API Rules are published as "The Rules" you will have no
grounds to blacklist an application for other than what is written in
"The Rules". Unless the rules also state that, "we can blacklist an
app for any other reason as we deem fit," which will fly like a lead

If the rules are not clear and comprehensive, they will become a ball
and chain around the ankles of the Platform team.


[twitter-dev] Re: non json response

2009-09-07 Thread Ben Eliott

IP:, time is Europe/London

2009-09-07 11:19:48,014 - twittersearch.models - CRITICAL - Search did  
not reutrn a json object! code = 200 answer = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" " 

Starting to wonder whether this is connected to auth/user agent.

On 6 Sep 2009, at 20:35, Rudifa wrote:

I have seen this same http page with empty body

a number of times in the last few days (but intermittently - a good
response may come after several attempts),
in response to

The most recent one was on UTC time
2009-09-06 18:55:38.262
My IP is as reported by

Could someone at please tell us what does this mean?  

(s) overloaded?

On Aug 30, 1:20 pm, Steven Wilkin  wrote:
I'm consistently getting the same response when accessing


On Aug 26, 5:27 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:


It's a known issue and we are trying to hunt it down. Can you please
provide us with your source IP and an approximate time of when you  


Thanks, RyanOn Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:00 AM,  
ben wrote:

Occassionally i get back a 200 status html response from the json
search api which look like this, most times the same search works
fine, it just happens occassionally:

Does anyone recognise what this kind of response means? Is it  

or just beta-ish quirks?

[twitter-dev] the OK

2009-09-02 Thread ben

I noticed a post a week or two back about legal issues on 3rd party
apps, also on the terms of service its says that twitter will check
out an app and then ok or blacklist it. The app i've been working on
has some auto-following capability, but it's restricted to keep the
general peace and prevent evil, but generally it's difficult to move
forward with the awareness that at any given moment someone from
twitter or a lawyer might check it out and just blacklist the whole
app. Can anyone advise on a formal submission process?

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem in past 48 hours: friendships/create severe lag or loss

2009-09-01 Thread Ben Eliott

I haven't tested right through yet but issues relating to the POST/ 
auth requests from over the w/e and yesterday look largely resolved  
for me with all actions queued up and executed in the end.

Thank-you for getting onto that and sorting.

On 31 Aug 2009, at 20:07, PJB wrote:

Thanks Jon... can you let us know if past friendships/create (etc)
calls that haven't yet worked, will eventually work?  Since we
database all of these actions, we're worried that we're going to have
bad data for the past, e.g., 48 hours, unless those non-error calls
actually go through.

On Aug 31, 12:03 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:

We're on this. Updates from the usual sources soon.

On Aug 31, 11:57 am, David Dellanave 

I am pretty sure I am experiencing this issue as well.  I can't  
verify it,
yet.  I assumed it was an issue with OAuth, but it seems like that  
it is the

same issue.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem in past 48 hours: friendships/create severe lag or loss

2009-08-31 Thread Ben Eliott

Thank-you, good to know.

On 31 Aug 2009, at 20:03, John Kalucki wrote:

We're on this. Updates from the usual sources soon.

On Aug 31, 11:57 am, David Dellanave 
I am pretty sure I am experiencing this issue as well.  I can't  
verify it,
yet.  I assumed it was an issue with OAuth, but it seems like that  
it is the

same issue.

[twitter-dev] Re: /friendships/destroy.json /blocks/blocking /blocking/ids

2009-08-31 Thread Ben Eliott

Yes, lag makes more sense in this context, i'll run some tests for  
this.  And i note a few other emails about this now.

On 31 Aug 2009, at 19:15, PJB wrote:

We are experiencing similar problems.  Friendship create is returning
success, yet checking directly, or friends/ids.xml does
NOT show the id of the friended user.  At least not immediately.  It
appears as though there is a several hour delay before updating.

On Aug 30, 11:28 pm, Ben Eliott  wrote:

Ok, further to emails below, i had a bit of self doubt because i seem
to alone on this, but now i'm back to being pretty sure something is
up with some twitter servers. As below, twitter is returning success
codes to POST/auth actions but it looks like nothing is happening on
twitter database  (also blocking ids seems to be returning a  

number of people from the blocks/blocking.json (see email below)). I
mentioned all this already.   But here's an interesting part... i  

noticed if i follow someone via an api call, while neither the api /
friendships/show/ nor the listing shows that
person to be a friend, that persons tweets ARE now appearing on the
profile page as if they were a friend. Phew, now i know something's  

at twitter, madness averted. This occured 0602 UTC from
but it's an ongoing issue for last three days i'm sure i can  

or go back to logs for more info/more exact time if necessary.

On 29 Aug 2009, at 17:35, ben wrote:

Couple of issues sprouting, i have been editing the code so i'm  

back and back over for some error at my end, but it's looking mighty

It looks like:
/friendships/destroy.json is not being updated
blocks/blocking.json is not returning the same users as /blocks/

Logging below. My ip for is and times Europe/London.

logging for friendships/destory:
2009-08-29 17:10:56,702 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  

u'arthurcooke'} method=POST is_auth=True
2009-08-29 17:10:57,166 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, {u'id': 16612822, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'252429', u'profile_text_color':
u'66', u'followers_count': 14, u'protected': True, u'location':
u'Leeds, UK', u'profile_background_color': u'1A1B1F', u'status':
{u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Relaxing in
Aspen.', u'created_at': u'Mon Aug 10 22:45:51 + 2009',  

u'web', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'in_reply_to_screen_name':
None, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'id': 3233921143},  

0, u'statuses_count': 46, u'description': u'Runner, Mountain Biker,
Science Teacher, Film Fan', u'friends_count': 18,
u'profile_link_color': u'2FC2EF', u'profile_image_url': u'http://',
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://',  

u'arthurcooke', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'arthur cooke', u'url': None,
u'created_at': u'Mon Oct 06 12:07:50 + 2008', u'time_zone':
u'London', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'181A1E', u'following':

then..not long later

2009-08-29 17:10:59,746 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  

- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'b_e_n_', 'page': 1} method=GET is_auth=False

the response is parsed and friends username listed in log..note
including the one who was just destroyed.

2009-08-29 17:11:00,206 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - get current
friends for b_e_n_ - [u'TomChivers', u'Love_London', u'Fast140',
u'performativeweb', u'bbcbreaking', u'rhonafwelsh', u'danifromCO',
u'elliottzone', u'maustyn', u'unstuckdesign', u'arthurcooke',

logging for blocks/blocking, last few logs show 3 blocked users from
blocking.json and 2 from ids.json:

009-08-29 17:11:39,268 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  
exe. - kwargs={'page': 1}
method=GET is_auth=True

2009-08-29 17:11:39,608 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{

[twitter-dev] Re: /friendships/destroy.json /blocks/blocking /blocking/ids

2009-08-30 Thread Ben Eliott

Ok, further to emails below, i had a bit of self doubt because i seem  
to alone on this, but now i'm back to being pretty sure something is  
up with some twitter servers. As below, twitter is returning success  
codes to POST/auth actions but it looks like nothing is happening on  
twitter database  (also blocking ids seems to be returning a different  
number of people from the blocks/blocking.json (see email below)). I  
mentioned all this already.   But here's an interesting part... i just  
noticed if i follow someone via an api call, while neither the api / 
friendships/show/ nor the listing shows that  
person to be a friend, that persons tweets ARE now appearing on the  
profile page as if they were a friend. Phew, now i know something's up  
at twitter, madness averted. This occured 0602 UTC from  
but it's an ongoing issue for last three days i'm sure i can replicate/ 
or go back to logs for more info/more exact time if necessary.

On 29 Aug 2009, at 17:35, ben wrote:

Couple of issues sprouting, i have been editing the code so i'm going
back and back over for some error at my end, but it's looking mighty

It looks like:
/friendships/destroy.json is not being updated
blocks/blocking.json is not returning the same users as /blocks/

Logging below. My ip for is and times Europe/London.

logging for friendships/destory:
2009-08-29 17:10:56,702 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'arthurcooke'} method=POST is_auth=True
2009-08-29 17:10:57,166 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, {u'id': 16612822, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'252429', u'profile_text_color':
u'66', u'followers_count': 14, u'protected': True, u'location':
u'Leeds, UK', u'profile_background_color': u'1A1B1F', u'status':
{u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Relaxing in
Aspen.', u'created_at': u'Mon Aug 10 22:45:51 + 2009', u'source':
u'web', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'in_reply_to_screen_name':
None, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'id': 3233921143}, u'utc_offset':
0, u'statuses_count': 46, u'description': u'Runner, Mountain Biker,
Science Teacher, Film Fan', u'friends_count': 18,
u'profile_link_color': u'2FC2EF', u'profile_image_url': u'http://',
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://', u'screen_name':
u'arthurcooke', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'arthur cooke', u'url': None,
u'created_at': u'Mon Oct 06 12:07:50 + 2008', u'time_zone':
u'London', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'181A1E', u'following':

then..not long later

2009-08-29 17:10:59,746 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'b_e_n_', 'page': 1} method=GET is_auth=False

the response is parsed and friends username listed in log..note
including the one who was just destroyed.

2009-08-29 17:11:00,206 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - get current
friends for b_e_n_ - [u'TomChivers', u'Love_London', u'Fast140',
u'performativeweb', u'bbcbreaking', u'rhonafwelsh', u'danifromCO',
u'elliottzone', u'maustyn', u'unstuckdesign', u'arthurcooke',

logging for blocks/blocking, last few logs show 3 blocked users from
blocking.json and 2 from ids.json:

009-08-29 17:11:39,268 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe. - kwargs={'page': 1}
method=GET is_auth=True

2009-08-29 17:11:39,608 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{u'id': 16803782, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
u'00', u'followers_count': 8, u'protected': False, u'location':
u'United States', u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8',
u'utc_offset': -32400, u'statuses_count': 0, u'description': u':spends
a lot of hours surfing the net', u'friends_

[twitter-dev] Re: /friendships/destroy.json /blocks/blocking /blocking/ids

2009-08-30 Thread Ben Eliott

Hmm, no, a good idea though. i'm using a python wrapper, it's pretty  
exposed, i've cut out any cacheing in the course of debugging this  
Well, this looks like a bug with me, otherwise this list would be a  
whole lot more alive today.

On 30 Aug 2009, at 16:22, J. Dale wrote:

How are you calling twitter? Directly or via a wrapper like
EpiTwitter.  I had problems with EpiTwitter effectively caching
requests.  I had to go after particular elements in the result for it
to actually make/return the request.

On Aug 30, 4:47 am, Ben Eliott  wrote:

Ok, further to email below, i'm not able to post follow requests
either, it comes back with success, but no database update seems to
have occurred.
Pretty much looks  like any POST request just isn't happening, even
though twitter is coming back with friendly responses.

On 29 Aug 2009, at 17:35, ben wrote:

Couple of issues sprouting, i have been editing the code so i'm  

back and back over for some error at my end, but it's looking mighty

It looks like:
/friendships/destroy.json is not being updated
blocks/blocking.json is not returning the same users as /blocks/

Logging below. My ip for is and times Europe/London.

logging for friendships/destory:
2009-08-29 17:10:56,702 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  

u'arthurcooke'} method=POST is_auth=True
2009-08-29 17:10:57,166 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, {u'id': 16612822, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'252429', u'profile_text_color':
u'66', u'followers_count': 14, u'protected': True, u'location':
u'Leeds, UK', u'profile_background_color': u'1A1B1F', u'status':
{u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Relaxing in
Aspen.', u'created_at': u'Mon Aug 10 22:45:51 + 2009',  

u'web', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'in_reply_to_screen_name':
None, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'id': 3233921143},  

0, u'statuses_count': 46, u'description': u'Runner, Mountain Biker,
Science Teacher, Film Fan', u'friends_count': 18,
u'profile_link_color': u'2FC2EF', u'profile_image_url': u'http://',
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://',  

u'arthurcooke', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'arthur cooke', u'url': None,
u'created_at': u'Mon Oct 06 12:07:50 + 2008', u'time_zone':
u'London', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'181A1E', u'following':

then..not long later

2009-08-29 17:10:59,746 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  

- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'b_e_n_', 'page': 1} method=GET is_auth=False

the response is parsed and friends username listed in log..note
including the one who was just destroyed.

2009-08-29 17:11:00,206 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - get current
friends for b_e_n_ - [u'TomChivers', u'Love_London', u'Fast140',
u'performativeweb', u'bbcbreaking', u'rhonafwelsh', u'danifromCO',
u'elliottzone', u'maustyn', u'unstuckdesign', u'arthurcooke',

logging for blocks/blocking, last few logs show 3 blocked users from
blocking.json and 2 from ids.json:

009-08-29 17:11:39,268 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api  
exe. - kwargs={'page': 1}
method=GET is_auth=True

2009-08-29 17:11:39,608 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{u'id': 16803782, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
u'00', u'followers_count': 8, u'protected': False, u'location':
u'United States', u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8',
u'utc_offset': -32400, u'statuses_count': 0, u'description':  

a lot of hours surfing the net', u'friends_count': 111,
u'profile_link_color': u'ff', u'profile_image_url': u'ht

[twitter-dev] Re: /friendships/destroy.json /blocks/blocking /blocking/ids

2009-08-30 Thread Ben Eliott

Ok, further to email below, i'm not able to post follow requests  
either, it comes back with success, but no database update seems to  
have occurred.
Pretty much looks  like any POST request just isn't happening, even  
though twitter is coming back with friendly responses.

On 29 Aug 2009, at 17:35, ben wrote:

> Couple of issues sprouting, i have been editing the code so i'm going
> back and back over for some error at my end, but it's looking mighty
> odd.
> It looks like:
> /friendships/destroy.json is not being updated
> blocks/blocking.json is not returning the same users as /blocks/
> blocking/ids.json
> Logging below. My ip for is and times Europe/London.
> logging for friendships/destory:
> 2009-08-29 17:10:56,702 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
> - kwargs={'screen_name':
> u'arthurcooke'} method=POST is_auth=True
> 2009-08-29 17:10:57,166 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
> response, {u'id': 16612822, u'verified': False,
> u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'252429', u'profile_text_color':
> u'66', u'followers_count': 14, u'protected': True, u'location':
> u'Leeds, UK', u'profile_background_color': u'1A1B1F', u'status':
> {u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Relaxing in
> Aspen.', u'created_at': u'Mon Aug 10 22:45:51 + 2009', u'source':
> u'web', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'in_reply_to_screen_name':
> None, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'id': 3233921143}, u'utc_offset':
> 0, u'statuses_count': 46, u'description': u'Runner, Mountain Biker,
> Science Teacher, Film Fan', u'friends_count': 18,
> u'profile_link_color': u'2FC2EF', u'profile_image_url': u'http://
> u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://
>', u'screen_name':
> u'arthurcooke', u'profile_background_tile': False,
> u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'arthur cooke', u'url': None,
> u'created_at': u'Mon Oct 06 12:07:50 + 2008', u'time_zone':
> u'London', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'181A1E', u'following':
> True}
> then..not long later
> 2009-08-29 17:10:59,746 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
> - kwargs={'screen_name':
> u'b_e_n_', 'page': 1} method=GET is_auth=False
> the response is parsed and friends username listed in log..note
> including the one who was just destroyed.
> 2009-08-29 17:11:00,206 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - get current
> friends for b_e_n_ - [u'TomChivers', u'Love_London', u'Fast140',
> u'performativeweb', u'bbcbreaking', u'rhonafwelsh', u'danifromCO',
> u'elliottzone', u'maustyn', u'unstuckdesign', u'arthurcooke',
> u'jools2']
> logging for blocks/blocking, last few logs show 3 blocked users from
> blocking.json and 2 from ids.json:
> 009-08-29 17:11:39,268 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe. -
> kwargs={'page': 1}
> method=GET is_auth=True
> 2009-08-29 17:11:39,608 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
> response, [{u'id': 16803782, u'verified': False,
> u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
> u'00', u'followers_count': 8, u'protected': False, u'location':
> u'United States', u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8',
> u'utc_offset': -32400, u'statuses_count': 0, u'description': u':spends
> a lot of hours surfing the net', u'friends_count': 111,
> u'profile_link_color': u'ff', u'profile_image_url': u'http://
> 62184497/212297864a2022621782b584997122l_normal.jpg',
> u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://
>', u'scre

[twitter-dev] /friendships/destroy.json /blocks/blocking /blocking/ids

2009-08-29 Thread ben

Couple of issues sprouting, i have been editing the code so i'm going
back and back over for some error at my end, but it's looking mighty

It looks like:
 /friendships/destroy.json is not being updated
blocks/blocking.json is not returning the same users as /blocks/

Logging below. My ip for is and times Europe/London.

logging for friendships/destory:
2009-08-29 17:10:56,702 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'arthurcooke'} method=POST is_auth=True
2009-08-29 17:10:57,166 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, {u'id': 16612822, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'252429', u'profile_text_color':
u'66', u'followers_count': 14, u'protected': True, u'location':
u'Leeds, UK', u'profile_background_color': u'1A1B1F', u'status':
{u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'Relaxing in
Aspen.', u'created_at': u'Mon Aug 10 22:45:51 + 2009', u'source':
u'web', u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'in_reply_to_screen_name':
None, u'in_reply_to_user_id': None, u'id': 3233921143}, u'utc_offset':
0, u'statuses_count': 46, u'description': u'Runner, Mountain Biker,
Science Teacher, Film Fan', u'friends_count': 18,
u'profile_link_color': u'2FC2EF', u'profile_image_url': u'http://',
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://', u'screen_name':
u'arthurcooke', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'arthur cooke', u'url': None,
u'created_at': u'Mon Oct 06 12:07:50 + 2008', u'time_zone':
u'London', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'181A1E', u'following':

then..not long later

2009-08-29 17:10:59,746 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'screen_name':
u'b_e_n_', 'page': 1} method=GET is_auth=False

the response is parsed and friends username listed in log..note
including the one who was just destroyed.

2009-08-29 17:11:00,206 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - get current
friends for b_e_n_ - [u'TomChivers', u'Love_London', u'Fast140',
u'performativeweb', u'bbcbreaking', u'rhonafwelsh', u'danifromCO',
u'elliottzone', u'maustyn', u'unstuckdesign', u'arthurcooke',

logging for blocks/blocking, last few logs show 3 blocked users from
blocking.json and 2 from ids.json:

009-08-29 17:11:39,268 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe. - kwargs={'page': 1}
method=GET is_auth=True

2009-08-29 17:11:39,608 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{u'id': 16803782, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
u'00', u'followers_count': 8, u'protected': False, u'location':
u'United States', u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8',
u'utc_offset': -32400, u'statuses_count': 0, u'description': u':spends
a lot of hours surfing the net', u'friends_count': 111,
u'profile_link_color': u'ff', u'profile_image_url': u'http://
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://', u'screen_name':
u'SARAH161008', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'SARAH161008', u'url': u'http://MY-
OWN-PAGE.TK', u'created_at': u'Thu Oct 16 07:03:12 + 2008',
u'time_zone': u'Alaska', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'87bc44',
u'following': False}, {u'id': 16804065, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
u'00', u'followers_count': 7, u'protected': False, u'location':
u'', u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8', u'utc_offset': -32400,
u'statuses_count': 0, u'description': u':wants to GAIN weight!wants to
try bungee jumping & sky diving (but im acrophobic)',
u'friends_count': 84, u'profile_link_color': u'ff',
u'profile_image_url': u'
u'notifications': False, u'profile_background_image_url': u'http://', u'screen_name':
u'JOYCE161008', u'profile_background_tile': False,
u'favourites_count': 0, u'name': u'JOYCE161008', u'url': u'http://MY-
OWN-PAGE.TK', u'created_at': u'Thu Oct 16 07:40:38 + 2008',
u'time_zone': u'Alaska', u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'87bc44',
u'following': False}, {u'id': 69771552, u'verified': False,
u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'e0ff92', u'profile_text_color':
u'00', u'followers_count': 3, u'protected': False, u'location':
None, u'profile_background_color': u'9ae4e8', u'status':
{u'favorited': False, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'except whole
foods mac n cheese is just not as good as kraft.',
u'created_at': u'Sat Aug 29 10:49:

[twitter-dev] blocks/blocking - page paramater dodgy?

2009-08-29 Thread ben

Could be me, but I'm gettings matching returns from blocks/blocking
whatever the page parameter is, logging below.

Also i'm finding the blocking/ids not returning the same as the blocks/
blocking results. Are the /ids/ results cached? If so, is this true of
all the friends/followers/ id methods?

2009-08-29 15:06:05,851 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'page': 1}
method=GET is_auth=True
2009-08-29 15:06:06,823 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{'id': 16803782, 'verified': False,
'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'e0ff92', 'profile_text_color':
'00', 'followers_count': 8, 'protected': False, 'location':
'United States', 'profile_background_color': '9ae4e8', 'utc_offset':
-32400, 'statuses_count': 0, 'description': ':spends a lot of hours
surfing the net', 'friends_count': 111, 'profile_link_color':
'ff', 'profile_image_url': '
62184497/212297864a2022621782b584997122l_normal.jpg', 'notifications':
False, 'profile_background_image_url': '
1251493570/images/themes/theme1/bg.gif', 'screen_name': 'SARAH161008',
'profile_background_tile': False, 'favourites_count': 0, 'name':
'SARAH161008', 'url': 'http://MY-OWN-PAGE.TK', 'created_at': 'Thu Oct
16 07:03:12 + 2008', 'time_zone': 'Alaska',
'profile_sidebar_border_color': '87bc44', 'following': False}, {'id':
16804065, 'verified': False, 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'e0ff92',
'profile_text_color': '00', 'followers_count': 7, 'protected':
False, 'location': '', 'profile_background_color': '9ae4e8',
'utc_offset': -32400, 'statuses_count': 0, 'description': ':wants to
GAIN weight!wants to try bungee jumping & sky diving (but im
acrophobic)', 'friends_count': 84, 'profile_link_color': 'ff',
'profile_image_url': '
62185674/212297864a2698743034b849032084l_normal.jpg', 'notifications':
False, 'profile_background_image_url': '
1251493570/images/themes/theme1/bg.gif', 'screen_name': 'JOYCE161008',
'profile_background_tile': False, 'favourites_count': 0, 'name':
'JOYCE161008', 'url': 'http://MY-OWN-PAGE.TK', 'created_at': 'Thu Oct
16 07:40:38 + 2008', 'time_zone': 'Alaska',
'profile_sidebar_border_color': '87bc44', 'following': False}, {'id':
69771552, 'verified': False, 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'e0ff92',
'profile_text_color': '00', 'followers_count': 3, 'protected':
False, 'location': None, 'profile_background_color': '9ae4e8',
'status': {'favorited': False, 'truncated': False, 'text': 'except
whole foods mac n cheese is just not as good as kraft.',
'created_at': 'Sat Aug 29 10:49:19 + 2009', 'source': 'web',
'in_reply_to_status_id': None, 'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,
'in_reply_to_user_id': None, 'id': 3623286748L}, 'utc_offset': None,
'statuses_count': 1, 'description': None, 'friends_count': 690,
'profile_link_color': 'ff', 'profile_image_url': 'http://',
'notifications': False, 'profile_background_image_url': 'http://', 'screen_name':
'Blackburn432', 'profile_background_tile': False, 'favourites_count':
0, 'name': 'TrinidadBlackburn', 'url': None, 'created_at': 'Sat Aug 29
03:05:08 + 2009', 'time_zone': None,
'profile_sidebar_border_color': '87bc44', 'following': False}]
2009-08-29 15:06:06,824 - twitterauth.utils - INFO - twitter api exe.
- kwargs={'page': 2}
method=GET is_auth=True
2009-08-29 15:06:07,710 - twitterauth.utils - DEBUG - api auth
response, [{'id': 16803782, 'verified': False,
'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'e0ff92', 'profile_text_color':
'00', 'followers_count': 8, 'protected': False, 'location':
'United States', 'profile_background_color': '9ae4e8', 'utc_offset':
-32400, 'statuses_count': 0, 'description': ':spends a lot of hours
surfing the net', 'friends_count': 111, 'profile_link_color':
'ff', 'profile_image_url': '
62184497/212297864a2022621782b584997122l_normal.jpg', 'notifications':
False, 'profile_background_image_url': '
1251493570/images/themes/theme1/bg.gif', 'screen_name': 'SARAH161008',
'profile_background_tile': False, 'favourites_count': 0, 'name':
'SARAH161008', 'url': 'http://MY-OWN-PAGE.TK', 'created_at': 'Thu Oct
16 07:03:12 + 2008', 'time_zone': 'Alaska',
'profile_sidebar_border_color': '87bc44', 'following': False}, {'id':
16804065, 'verified': False, 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'e0ff92',
'profile_text_color': '00', 'followers_count': 7, 'protected':
False, 'location': '', 'profile_background_color': '9ae4e8',
'utc_offset': -32400, 'statuses_count': 0, 'description': ':wants to
GAIN weight!wants to try bungee jumping & sky diving (but im
acrophobic)', 'friends_count': 84, 'profile_link_color': 'ff',
'profile_image_url': 'http://a1.twi

[twitter-dev] Re: non json response

2009-08-27 Thread Ben Eliott

H Ryan,
Thanks for coming back on this. Here's a bit of logging which has the  
url query and the precise time of the returned search, the timezone is  
Europe/London. The ip is I might be able to get more for  
other times, let me know if you need 'em. This app is in development  
so it may yet be some bug with me.

DEBUG - urlopen success on
, code 200
2009-08-26 19:55:01,783 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - search answer:
2009-08-26 19:55:01,783 - twittersearch.models - CRITICAL - Search did  
not reutrn a json object! code = 200 answer = 

2009-08-26 20:10:02,548 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - urlopen  
success on
, code 200
2009-08-26 20:10:02,548 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - search  

2009-08-26 20:25:02,439 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - urlopen  
success on
, code 200
2009-08-26 20:25:02,439 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - search  
2009-08-26 20:25:02,439 - twittersearch.models - CRITICAL - Search did  
not reutrn a json object! code = 200 answer = http://www.w3.or

2009-08-26 20:40:07,334 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - urlopen  
success on
, code 200
2009-08-26 20:40:07,334 - twittersearch.models - DEBUG - search  
2009-08-26 20:40:07,334 - twittersearch.models - CRITICAL - Search did  
not reutrn a json object! code = 200 answer = http://www.w3.or

The response is always: 

On 26 Aug 2009, at 17:27, Ryan Sarver wrote:

> Ben,
> It's a known issue and we are trying to hunt it down. Can you please
> provide us with your source IP and an approximate time of when you saw
> it?
> Thanks, Ryan
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:00 AM, ben  
> wrote:
>> Occassionally i get back a 200 status html response from the json
>> search api which look like this, most times the same search works
>> fine, it just happens occassionally:
>> TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/strict.dtd">
>> Does anyone recognise what this kind of response means? Is it normal,
>> or just beta-ish quirks?

[twitter-dev] non json response

2009-08-26 Thread ben

Occassionally i get back a 200 status html response from the json
search api which look like this, most times the same search works
fine, it just happens occassionally:

Does anyone recognise what this kind of response means? Is it normal,
or just beta-ish quirks?

[twitter-dev] Mobile Twitter has been blocked?

2009-08-25 Thread Ben Novakovic


I was just wondering where I should post this, but it appears that
Mobile Tweete ( has been blocked.

I worked up until about an hour ago, but now it appears as though no
API requests are being processed. I can ping the twitter servers from
the Tweete machine, but nothing else works. I have a staging server
running the same trunk as the live box and that works fine (different
machine/IP) so I can only assume I have been blocked.

Any ideas on what I should do to avoid this. I realise that twitter is
cracking down on 'threats' after the downtime about a month ago, but
Mobile Tweete is a legitimate client that has been running for over a
year now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Ben Novakovic
Developer of Mobile Tweete

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-22 Thread Ben Eliott

Hi Ryan,

Thank-you for the fast response. That makes sense, thanks a lot for  
Wow, this is a really exciting feature.

Best Regards,


On 21 Aug 2009, at 17:44, Ryan Sarver wrote:

> Ben,
> Currently we geocode your user.location data to get an idea of where
> you are. That gets attached to each tweet as it comes in, but its not
> usually a representation of where you were when you actually sent the
> tweet. The new functionality will allow you to geotag the actual
> update without modifying the user.location field.
> When it comes to search, we'll use both and give priority to the
> tweet-level geotag.
> Make sense?
> Best, Ryan
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:06 AM, Ben Eliott > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please could you advise on the differences between this and the  
>> current
>> location based searching facility? Is the current location search  
>> based on
>> the users location in their settings whilst this is a exact  
>> location for
>> each tweet?
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
>> On 20 Aug 2009, at 21:46, Ryan Sarver wrote:
>> We wanted to give you all a heads up on a cool new feature that is  
>> coming
>> soon - Geolocation. The Geolocation API will give us the ability to  
>> attach
>> geographic metadata to tweets to provide additional context with your
>> update. Along with the option to tag updates, we will be able to  
>> search for
>> nearby tweets and view the geo metadata in user timelines. The  
>> additional
>> context allows for us to deliver more meaningful and localized  
>> experiences
>> to users. We are also really excited about a unique facet of this  
>> release in
>> that it will be API-only initially. This means that won't
>> surface the functionality and we look forward to seeing the new and
>> interesting experiences that will grow out of the ecosystem.
>> As part of our Geolocation efforts we will soon be publishing  
>> "Geolocation
>> Best Pracitices" to guide everyone through issues like security and  
>> privacy
>> as well as discussing some ideal experiences for users. Topics will  
>> include
>> things like storage of location data, what to do with a user's  
>> historical
>> data, how to present the concept of geotagging and more. The guide  
>> will
>> create a framework from which we can address the challenges that  
>> come about
>> when dealing with something as sensitive as someone's location while
>> hopefully allowing everyone enough creative freedom to create their  
>> own
>> experiences around it.
>> It
>> is important to note that the feature is going to be strictly opt- 
>> in. It will be disabled until a user chooses to switch it on. We  
>> will provide a read-only attribute
>>  on the user object so an app can detect if the user  
>> has it
>> disabled and let them know if they need to turn it on before using a
>> geolocation feature.
>> While we can't provide an exact date for launch, you should plan on  
>> having a
>> few weeks of development time before the new API is officially  
>> launched.
>> With that being said, lets get to it...
>> Example: Geotagging a Tweet
>> ---
>> curl -d "lat=37.780467&long=-122.396762&status=I have arrived" -u  
>> user:pass
>> "";
>> Tue Apr 07 22:52:51 + 2009
>> ...
>> 37.780467 -122.396762
>> 1401881
>> Doug Williams
>> ...
>> true
>> ...
>> We have also updated the wiki to reflect what the API will look  
>> like when it
>> launches, so check it out and let us know if you have any questions:
>> We'll also be in our recently announced IRC channel (#twitterapi
>> on if you want to discuss the announcement with  
>> the team.
>> Ryan
>> PM, Platform Team

[twitter-dev] dm / follow handling

2009-08-22 Thread ben


I'd appreciate any opinions regarding a dilemma about handling a DM
where you don't know if the correct relationship exists.

Since a DM isn't rate limited it effectively tells me for 'free'
whether the target user is following the source user by raising an
exception if the correct relationship doesn't exist.  So if you're
sending a DM anyhow it would seem better to just try the DM first,
then handle the exception if it comes in, rather than make a rate
limited call to check the relationship details first.

While this seems like a sensible option for the app logic, i'm not so
sure if it's sensible with regard to the app's relationship with
twitter. It could be percevied to be less responsible, and perhaps
after a while DM calls to non-followed users will red-flag the account
with twitter? Or maybe, conversely, its been cunningly designed for
just this scenario.

Any opinions/experience with this?

Thanks in advance,


[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-21 Thread Ben Eliott
Please could you advise on the differences between this and the  
current location based searching facility? Is the current location  
search based on the users location in their settings whilst this is a  
exact location for each tweet?

On 20 Aug 2009, at 21:46, Ryan Sarver wrote:

> We wanted to give you all a heads up on a cool new feature that is  
> coming soon - Geolocation. The Geolocation API will give us the  
> ability to attach geographic metadata to tweets to provide  
> additional context with your update. Along with the option to tag  
> updates, we will be able to search for nearby tweets and view the  
> geo metadata in user timelines. The additional context allows for us  
> to deliver more meaningful and localized experiences to users. We  
> are also really excited about a unique facet of this release in that  
> it will be API-only initially. This means that won't  
> surface the functionality and we look forward to seeing the new and  
> interesting experiences that will grow out of the ecosystem.
> As part of our Geolocation efforts we will soon be publishing  
> "Geolocation Best Pracitices" to guide everyone through issues like  
> security and privacy as well as discussing some ideal experiences  
> for users. Topics will include things like storage of location data,  
> what to do with a user's historical data, how to present the concept  
> of geotagging and more. The guide will create a framework from which  
> we can address the challenges that come about when dealing with  
> something as sensitive as someone's location while hopefully  
> allowing everyone enough creative freedom to create their own  
> experiences around it.
> It is important to note that the feature is going to be strictly opt- 
> in. It will be disabled until a user chooses to switch it on. We  
> will provide a read-only attribute  on the user object  
> so an app can detect if the user has it disabled and let them know  
> if they need to turn it on before using a geolocation feature.
> While we can't provide an exact date for launch, you should plan on  
> having a few weeks of development time before the new API is  
> officially launched. With that being said, lets get to it...
> Example: Geotagging a Tweet
> ---
> curl -d "lat=37.780467&long=-122.396762&status=I have arrived" -u  
> user:pass "";
> Tue Apr 07 22:52:51 + 2009
> ...
> 37.780467 -122.396762
> 1401881
> Doug Williams
> ...
> true
> ...
> We have also updated the wiki to reflect what the API will look like  
> when it launches, so check it out and let us know if you have any  
> questions:
> We'll also be in our recently announced IRC channel (#twitterapi on  
> if you want to discuss the announcement with the  
> team.
> Ryan
> PM, Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: Do My Customers Have a Twitter Account?

2009-08-19 Thread Ben Hall

I think the search my username feature has been removed. It now is just Name...

You could use the gmail\yahoo\aol integration -


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
> Good point. Why not just send them an email, and offer to let them follow
> you?  This puts it as a opt in on their part. You can then follow them back
> if you desire, which I assume you do.
> Probably not a good idea to do anything of this nature when you are talking
> about 400K.
> On Aug 19, 2009, at 1:14 PM, David Fisher wrote:
>> Sounds like something you should be able to do in an email to them or
>> with a message on your website.
>> On Aug 19, 1:29 pm, arawajy  wrote:
>>> I want to invite them to follow the company on Twitter.
>>> On Aug 19, 8:25 pm, Andrew Badera  wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:07 AM, arawajy wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> I have a list of 400,000 e-mail addresses of my clients. I want to
> know "Is it possible to develop a script to check if they have a
> twitter account or not?". I will then want to generate 2 separate
> lists based upon the result; one for the twitter users and one for the
> non-twitter users. I want to only invite the users and create a custom
> invitation message. Is it possible to check if the e-mail address's
> owner is a twitter user or not? provide details please.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mahmoud
 If they're already your "clients" then what are you inviting them to?
> --
> Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

[twitter-dev] Re: available languages

2009-08-17 Thread Ben Eliott
Hi Michael,
Thank you very much for this. Going back to look again at that page  
again the ISO link is right there, as you say. I don't know why my eye  
skipped over it like that. I guess too much/not enough caffeine.
Thanks again, sorry for the time waster.

On 17 Aug 2009, at 15:24, Michael Paladino wrote:

> According to the documentation of the "lang" parameter under  
> "Parameters" at 
> , the language codes should be provided using the ISO 639-1 code  
> (actual list at 
> .  Those codes are two letter such as “en” for English and “es” for  
> Spanish.
> Hope this helps.
> Michael Paladino
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [ 
> ] On Behalf Of ben
> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:35 AM
> To: Twitter Development Talk
> Subject: [twitter-dev] available languages
> I can't spot information on languages in the wiki. Please can someone
> advise what values are in the language parameter in tweets from the
> search api. All possible iso language codes? two and four codes, e.g.
> en-us and en, or just the two-letter codes? Whatever the user wants?
> Thanks a lot,
> Ben

[twitter-dev] available languages

2009-08-17 Thread ben

I can't spot information on languages in the wiki. Please can someone
advise what values are in the language parameter in tweets from the
search api. All possible iso language codes? two and four codes, e.g.
en-us and en, or just the two-letter codes? Whatever the user wants?
Thanks a lot,

[twitter-dev] friend/follow ratio

2009-08-14 Thread ben

Is there a guesstimate out there for twitter's spam-guarding friend/
follow ratio.

It would be nice to warn users, or red-flag users, before they
actually get hit by twitter account blocking measures.

Similarly, is there any idea about roughty what the 'follower churn'
rate is before it gets flagged by twitter. It would be pretty
pointless warning users about a dangerous friend/follow ratio, which
results in them unfollowing a lot of users, which then gets them red-
flagged for follower churn.

I appreciate that these are probably complex algorithms which twitter
doesn't want to publish anyhow. But a rough guesstimate would useful,
just to trigger some warnings before users get up in arms about
accounts being blocked.

Thanks for any advice,

[twitter-dev] Re: block - incorrect signature

2009-08-14 Thread ben


http -> https

On Aug 13, 7:15 pm, ben  wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone experienced an 'incorrectsignature' error from the /block/
> methods using oauth token authentication.
> All the other methods which require oauth token seem to be ok for me.
> Just wondering if there's a common issue here i should be aware of.
> Can't spot anything obvious in the wiki.
> Thanks,
> Ben

[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-13 Thread Ben Hall

Cool. One request.

Could we have an extension to the search API so that I could search
for a term which has been tweeted?


I want to know how many times a particular term has been included in a
retweet which I can then aggregate to see how many times it has been
retweeted as a total  I know it's similar to TweetMeme, but they
are links - I want terms :)

What do you think?



On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Josh Roesslein wrote:
> This new api looks very cool. Good work twitter API team. :)
> Josh

[twitter-dev] block - incorrect signature

2009-08-13 Thread ben


Has anyone experienced an 'incorrect signature' error from the /block/
methods using oauth token authentication.

All the other methods which require oauth token seem to be ok for me.
Just wondering if there's a common issue here i should be aware of.
Can't spot anything obvious in the wiki.



[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + OAuth for iPhone

2009-07-30 Thread Ben Gottlieb

Sorry, I should have been more careful when prepending my read me
content. I've updated the read me file on GitHub, but basically:

Use the project in the Demo folder. You'll need to replace the strings
in Demo/Src/OAuthTwitterDemoViewController.m with your own consumer
key and consumer secret (visit
to obtain these).



On Jul 30, 3:42 am, Marneo  wrote:
> Ben,
> It says in the read me file that:
> Use the key and secret info provided there to modify the constants at
> the top of YHOAuthTwitterEngine.m
> You should also set up your callback url at the top of the YHTwitter.m
> But I cant find these files. Where can I find these files and edit
> them for my info. Thanks!
> On Jul 30, 1:50 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > Okay, sendUpdate is now working with spaces again.
> > On Jul 29, 10:41 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > > Update: it's not working if you have %-escaped characters in your
> > > update status string. It appears that there may be some double-
> > > escaping going on, and that may be confusing things. Not sure if this
> > > is my code or something else (this was working over the weekend, but
> > > something else may have changed before I committed to GitHub.). In
> > > progress.
> > > B
> > > On Jul 29, 8:31 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > > > I just re-tested the code this morning, and it still works.
> > > > On Jul 29, 6:03 am, chloros  wrote:
> > > > > Does this currently work?  I'm using OAuthConsumer as well and my app
> > > > > stopped working after the last update.
> > > > > On Jul 28, 2:32 pm, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > > > > > If anyone is interested, I've implemented Twitter OAuth on iPhone
> > > > > > (which includes an iPhone version of the OAuth static lib). It's on
> > > > > > GitHub:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + OAuth for iPhone

2009-07-29 Thread Ben Gottlieb

Okay, sendUpdate is now working with spaces again.

On Jul 29, 10:41 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> Update: it's not working if you have %-escaped characters in your
> update status string. It appears that there may be some double-
> escaping going on, and that may be confusing things. Not sure if this
> is my code or something else (this was working over the weekend, but
> something else may have changed before I committed to GitHub.). In
> progress.
> B
> On Jul 29, 8:31 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > I just re-tested the code this morning, and it still works.
> > On Jul 29, 6:03 am, chloros  wrote:
> > > Does this currently work?  I'm using OAuthConsumer as well and my app
> > > stopped working after the last update.
> > > On Jul 28, 2:32 pm, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > > > If anyone is interested, I've implemented Twitter OAuth on iPhone
> > > > (which includes an iPhone version of the OAuth static lib). It's on
> > > > GitHub:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + OAuth for iPhone

2009-07-29 Thread Ben Gottlieb

Update: it's not working if you have %-escaped characters in your
update status string. It appears that there may be some double-
escaping going on, and that may be confusing things. Not sure if this
is my code or something else (this was working over the weekend, but
something else may have changed before I committed to GitHub.). In


On Jul 29, 8:31 am, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> I just re-tested the code this morning, and it still works.
> On Jul 29, 6:03 am, chloros  wrote:
> > Does this currently work?  I'm using OAuthConsumer as well and my app
> > stopped working after the last update.
> > On Jul 28, 2:32 pm, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > > If anyone is interested, I've implemented Twitter OAuth on iPhone
> > > (which includes an iPhone version of the OAuth static lib). It's on
> > > GitHub:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + OAuth for iPhone

2009-07-29 Thread Ben Gottlieb

I just re-tested the code this morning, and it still works.

On Jul 29, 6:03 am, chloros  wrote:
> Does this currently work?  I'm using OAuthConsumer as well and my app
> stopped working after the last update.
> On Jul 28, 2:32 pm, Ben Gottlieb  wrote:
> > If anyone is interested, I've implemented Twitter OAuth on iPhone
> > (which includes an iPhone version of the OAuth static lib). It's on
> > GitHub:

[twitter-dev] Twitter + OAuth for iPhone

2009-07-28 Thread Ben Gottlieb

If anyone is interested, I've implemented Twitter OAuth on iPhone
(which includes an iPhone version of the OAuth static lib). It's on

[twitter-dev] Re: streaming API for DM for multiple users ?

2009-07-28 Thread Ben Hall

Random idea, but wouldn't a streaming API for DMs allow IM style
clients to be implemented on top of the twitter platform?  I know I
use DMs instead of MSN now, the delay is a bit of a pain but being
able to move the conversation from public to private is great, plus
sometimes you do want delayed IM conversations (for example, when
travelling) ;)


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Doug Williams wrote:
> There is currently no Streaming API to receive DMs for a given user. If you
> have a great use case for this please share it here.
> We like to have justification for new streaming methods. If you have ideas
> to help augment a business case for engineering resources, we would love to
> know about them.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:24 AM, Fabien Penso  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I wonder if there is a way to use the streaming API to receive DM for
>> a list of specific users.
>> As far as I understand there isn't, is anyone working on this? Basicly
>> I want to offer the possibility to receive Apple Push Notifications
>> and I'll get tons of user, so I want to go the efficient way.
>> Thanks.

[twitter-dev] Re: search API - why not XML output...

2009-07-06 Thread Ben Metcalfe

Atom is XML

On Jul 6, 8:03 am, Carlos  wrote:
> Hi, bu looking at the search API docs I see the output format is JSON
> and Atom, why not X-ML?  Forgive me I haven´t tried myself to request
> xml to see what I get, but hopefully the docs are obsoletea and XML is
> supported best regards, Carlos

[twitter-dev] Re: Using MagpieRSS Authentication with the Twitter API

2009-07-06 Thread Ben Metcalfe

Your best best, IMHO, is to follow the sample code on this wiki to
request the API payload via CURL and then dump the response into the
MagpieRSS parser.

It's just easier that way, I find - as authentication via CURL is
known to work out of the box.  This will also make your code more
future proof if you decide to make API calls instead of RSS feeds (as
presumably MagpieRSS will only handle authentication for feeds that
are going to be parsed by it).

On Jul 5, 3:57 pm, 13eastie  wrote:
> I'm a relative beginner using MagpieRSS with PHP to present Twitter
> RSS feeds on my web-page.
> I've had no problems with regular feeds, but I'm struggling to get
> authenticated feeds to work.
> I'd be very grateful if someone could explain very simply how to
> implement the HTTP authentication to work with MagpieRSS for me.

[twitter-dev] Search beyond 7 days

2009-06-21 Thread Ben Hall


According to the documentation,, the
twitter search api only provides results from the past 7 days. I was
wondering if it is possible to get results from before then?



[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth and Perl

2009-05-15 Thread ben

I'm having the same problem as Jesse using the Net::OAuth

Here's what I get back from twitter:

$VAR1 = bless( {
 '_protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1',
 '_content' => 'Failed to validate oauth signature or
 '_rc' => '401',
 '_headers' => bless( {
'connection' => 'close',
'set-cookie' =>
'cache-control' => 'no-cache,
'status' => '401
'date' => 'Sat, 16 May 2009
01:57:55 GMT',
'vary' => 'Accept-Encoding',
'client-ssl-cert-issuer' => '/
C=US/O=Equifax Secure Inc./CN=Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1',
'client-ssl-cipher' => 'DHE-
'client-peer' =>
'client-warning' => 'Missing
Authenticate header',
'client-date' => 'Sat, 16 May
2009 01:57:55 GMT',
'client-ssl-warning' => 'Peer
certificate not verified',
'content-type' => 'text/html;
'server' => 'hi',
'client-response-num' => 1,
'content-length' => '43',
'client-ssl-cert-subject' => '/
(c)08/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/',
'expires' => 'Sat, 16 May 2009
02:02:55 GMT'
  }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
 '_msg' => 'Unauthorized',
 '_request' => bless( {
'_content' => '',
'_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o =
+message')}, 'URI::https' ),
'_headers' => bless( {
agent' => 'libwww-perl/5.808',
'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length' => 0
'HTTP::Headers' ),
'_method' => 'POST'
  }, 'HTTP::Request' )
   }, 'HTTP::Response' );

On Apr 30, 6:39 pm, Mario Menti  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> > I just wanted to bring back attention to this.  Has anyone on the list
> > gotten Twitter's OAuth to work with Perl?  Care to share some code examples?
> I'm using Perl's Net::OAuth heavily, but only for updating twitter status
> with existing access tokens (as my backend processing is Perl, while the
> frontend is RoR, so authorisation/key exchange is handled through rails
> OAuth).
> I did find one bug which I've reported back to the Net::OAuth CPAN
> maintainer, who said he'll implement in a future release:
> The issue relates 
> to's lots
> of useful into in this thread)
> The problem occurs when you pass an extra_param containing certain Unicode
> characters. What happens is that the parameter is passed to the signature
> creation, and the signature ends up wrong, leading to 401 errors when trying
> to make a request.
> The fix for this is actually detailed in the above thread, a problem with
> the regexp doing the escaping. In Perl's case, the below change
> to Net::OAuth's fixes this:
>     sub encode {
>        my $str = shift;
>        $str = "" unless defined $str;
>        # return URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8($str,'^\w.~-');
>        # MM, fix based on twitter OAuth bug report
>        return URI::Escape::uri_escape($str,'^0-9a-zA-Z\d._~-');
>     }
> I'm not sure if this is relevant to you given your previous messages, but
> thought I'd share just in case. With this fix implemented, it seems to work
> very well, more than 10,000 of my users have migrated to OAuth and I'm doing
> hundreds of thousands OAuth-based status update requests, without obvious
> problems.
> Mario.

[twitter-dev] Problems with creating Twitter accounts for use with an API based application

2009-04-08 Thread ben

For confidentially reasons, I can't disclose here the niche that our
application operates in but it requires a considerable number of
Twitter accounts as it's essentially developing a highly localised
service. Each account refering to individual locations in the country.

I've already been told in this group that it's not currently possible
to use the API to create the 5000 odd accounts we need. So we've been
trying to manually register them. But a considerable number of the
accounts have been suspended presuamably to prevent spam.

We're 100% not a spam operation and once the accounts have been
registered we'll offer an incredibly novel and exciting platform that
will speed up the uptake of Twitter in our niche market. But we need
to be able to register the accounts!

Anyone here had similar experiences? Anyone from Twitter able to give
us a hand? Outside of a public forum, we're happy to disclose further

Best wishes

[twitter-dev] Account opening

2009-04-04 Thread ben

I'm working on an application that will require the use of a
considerable number of Twitter accounts- around 5700.

Is there an easy and legitimate way of opening this number of accounts
rather than having to manually do so?

Are Twitter helping developers do things like this? Is it allowed?

[twitter-dev] direct_messages since_id parameter doesn't work

2009-03-30 Thread Ben Burleson

I use this URL:

The result includes the message with that ID (when it should only
messages AFTER that ID) AND previous messages.  This is very broken.

Should I abandon it and just use the since parameter (as date)?

If so, fix the API doc!!!1


Being kind to the API - how many requests per minute is acceptable?

2009-01-02 Thread Ben Metcalfe

I'm building a twitter authority bot that makes numerous calls to
twitter to derive a given user's authority.

I'm about to turn this motha' on in production, and so I'm just
wondering how many calls to the API I can make per minute and without
being considered harmful? I have a whitelisted username and IP, but
would rather know the friendly limits than be suddenly turned off for
being too much.

I am making use of as much caching as I can, but frankly there's a lot
of calls to be made so I'll still need to throttle.

Perhaps Alex/someone at Twitter could let me know.


PS: Do you guys have an IRC chan or something - I *REALLY* don't want
to turn this on and give you problems so would love to have some real
time contact (short of walking around to your offices!).