Hi guys,

I'm a french beginner Twitter API developper, coming from a COCOA/Obj-
C background.

I'm planning on working on a web site which will integrate with
Twitter to retrieve the social graph of the logged user. But I don't
understand how I'm supposed to retrieve the social graph, my user
being limited to 150 requests per hour.

Let's say one of my user have 100000 followers. Just to retrieve the
list of followers IDs, I would need 20 calls (followers/ids returns
5000 IDs).

Then, I want to retrieve user details and here come the pain : user/
lookup only returns 20 users ! For the 100000 followers, that would
mean 5000 calls !!!

Of course, I could use status/followers but this method returns 100
users at a time and I would need to make 1000 calls to retrieve the
followers social graph..

And 100000 followers/friends is not even that big. Some user have much
bigger social graphs...

So, I wonder how I am supposed to retrieve the social graph and how
are you, experienced Twitter developpers, dealing with this problem. I
have probably missed something obvious here.

Thanks by advance for your help,


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