But would prefer to speak via direct email rather than in a forum.

Basically, I would like to create an application that adds RPG
elements (leveling up, accomplishments, avatar-personalization) to the
twitter experience.

An example, hopefully enough to form the idea in the readers head.

User opens the app, fills out twitter info, and then sees an egg. With
his/her first tweet a baby bird (sticking with twitter's theme) breaks
free of the egg. After acquiring your first follower you are allowed
to leave the nest. Later in game, if user is retweeted by justin
bieber at some point while he/she is playing the game, his/her bird
avatar can now be customized with justin bieber hair. If he/she gets x
number of followers, her baby bird evolves into a more mature and
cooler looking (customizable?) bird. Lots of possibilities.

Hate justin bieber? I am not a fan either, but this app would target
the largest audience possible.

Please email at cwil...@umich.edu if you think you can help. Or if you
can point me to someone who might be able to help i would also greatly
appreciate it.

- Chase

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