The Streaming API docs say we should avoid opening new 
connections with the same user:pass when that user already 
has a connection open.  But I'm hoping it is okay to do this 
every hour or so, here's why:

My plan is to write the streaming XML data to a text file 
during each connection -- but I don't want this file to get 
so big that I have trouble processing it on the back end.  
Therefore I want to rotate these files every hour ...

This means I have to stop writing to the file, close it, move 
it somewhere else, and create a new file so I can use the new 
file to continue storing new streaming XML data.

The obvious way for me to close these files is to close the 
connection -- by opening a new connection -- because from 
what I've read it seems that opening a new connection forces 
the previous connection to close.

Can I do this without running into any black listing or 
denial of service issues?  I mean, is this an acceptable way 
to close a connection ... by opening a new one in order to 
force the old connection to close?

Any info you can provide that will clarify this issue is 
greatly appreciated, thanks!


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