We are working on adding OAuth support to the twitter stream gem
(http://github.com/voloko/twitter-stream) using roauth (http://
github.com/maccman/roauth) to generate the oauth header. We have the
library working fine with basic auth but as soon as we turn on OAuth
we get 500 errors from the server.

Here is the request we're getting the error with:

GET /1/statuses/filter.json?track=miami HTTP/1.1
Host: stream.twitter.com
User-Agent: TwitterStream
Authorization: OAuth
oauth_timestamp=1279049530, oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1,
oauth_consumer_key=[redacted], oauth_token=[redacted,
oauth_signature=RGz8UfkGHPQ8shsQopOSFD3r3Qg%3D, oauth_version=1.0

Any thoughts?

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