Hi All,

If you're using OAuth, you should have 350 API calls per hour on GET
requests. The one-hour window begins after your first request within the
group. Most POST requests are not rate limited, but have certain kinds of
business logic limits that change from time to time. You may be running into
the maximum tweets your account can send per day (a site-wide limitation) or
it's possible you're trying to send the same tweet more than once in a short

If you provide more details about the exact error message you received we
can help you further.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 2:56 AM, James8472 <jame...@gmx.li> wrote:

> I've got the same problem,
> I got a token, post one status update successfully and when I want to
> post another status update, I got a 401 Error.
> Can I get an unlimited access_token oder s.th. like that?

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