Your best best, IMHO, is to follow the sample code on this wiki to
request the API payload via CURL and then dump the response into the
MagpieRSS parser.

It's just easier that way, I find - as authentication via CURL is
known to work out of the box.  This will also make your code more
future proof if you decide to make API calls instead of RSS feeds (as
presumably MagpieRSS will only handle authentication for feeds that
are going to be parsed by it).

On Jul 5, 3:57 pm, 13eastie <> wrote:
> I'm a relative beginner using MagpieRSS with PHP to present Twitter
> RSS feeds on my web-page.
> I've had no problems with regular feeds, but I'm struggling to get
> authenticated feeds to work.
> I'd be very grateful if someone could explain very simply how to
> implement the HTTP authentication to work with MagpieRSS for me.

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