Hi Dan,

We don't have the information about when someone started following you
available on the API. We do allow you to opt-in to new follower
notification emails though, so you could receive those going forward
to keep a record of when different users followed you.

What does happen is the friends and followers lists return users in
the order they followed you (followers), or you followed them
(friends), with the most recent being first. Whilst you cannot obtain
the time the connection was created, you can get the order.

I hope that answers your question,

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 4:25 AM, Dan <dani...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been looking back at the previous discussions to find out about
> this, but haven't found anything of too much use (inside of this year
> anyway) - is there a way to find out at what date a user began
> following you? I've been looking in the API to no avail, and from
> previous discussions I read it was something being talked about. Is
> this a possibility at all?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --
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Matt Harris
Developer Advocate, Twitter

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