OK, I just added a device to my @twitreport account and added exactly
ONE person to get notifications from (@Moltz)

Then I did this to dump my 'friends' list (note: my Twitter login
information is in ~/.netrc)

    curl --netrc --silent
http://twitter.com/friends/ids/twitreport.xml | egrep "^<id>" | sed
's#<id>##g; s#</id>##g' > /tmp/follow

that gives me a list of IDs of people that I follow, one per line, in
a temp file /tmp/follow

If I then go through that list and dump the "show" information, and
grab only the "notifications" information:

        while read line

                NOTIFICATION_STATUS=`curl -s --netrc
http://twitter.com/users/show/$line.xml |\
                        egrep "<notifications>.*</notifications>" |\
                        sed 's#.*<notifications>##g; s#</notifications>##g'`
                echo "$line: $NOTIFICATION_STATUS"
        done < /tmp/follow

I am getting mostly all "true" responses (as if I was getting device
notifications for all those people).

If I go to the website (logged in as TwitReport) it shows that I am
NOT getting any of those notifications.

Is the API giving me bad information or am I asking the wrong question?


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