Hi there,

I've been using the Twitter API for a while now using HTTP
authentication to do posts for my two Twitter apps and I'm trying to
get my head around OAuth.  I setup a test app successfully following
the instructions here:  http://apiwiki.twitter.com/OAuth+Example+-+Ruby

The example given is a get request, which I "get."  I took a look at
the OAuth gem documentation and have been trying to do a simple status
update and haven't been having any luck.

Following the format of the tutorial link above, I've tried
constructing a post like this...

@response = UsersController.consumer.request(:post, '/statuses/
update.xml', @access_token, {:status => 'testing a post from my sample
app'}, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml' })

Do i need to encode the status?  It's currently failing.  If someone
could post an example, it would be really helpful.


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