Re: [twsocket] DesignIde70.bpl dependancy

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels
Francois Piette wrote:
>> Why is there a dependency on designide70.bpl if used with D7?
> There is a property editor.

AFAIK designide is not a legal redistributable. 
It's very easy to split current package into a designtime
and a runtime package.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] Error 334

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels
kaythorn wrote:
> What is error 334?

Authentication AUTH PLAIN failed, use AUTH LOGIN instead,
for the exact meaning of error code 334 search the RFC.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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[twsocket] Error 334

2006-07-12 Thread kaythorn
On running the AllInOne function in Mailsnd1 I got the following result:

Connecting to SMTP server...


< 220 ESMTP

RequestDone Rq=0 Error=0

EHLO Kaythorn

> EHLO Kaythorn









< 250 8BITMIME

RequestDone Rq=10 Error=0

AUTH PLAIN bWFpbEBrYXl0aG9ybi5jby51awBtYWlsQGtheXRob3JuLmNvLnVrAGZyejExMg==

> AUTH PLAIN bWFpbEBrYXl0aG9ybi5jby51awBtYWlsQGtheXRob3JuLmNvLnVrAGZyejExMg==

334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

< 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

RequestDone Rq=11 Error=334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

Error, stoped All-In-One demo

What is error 334?

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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> If I understand well what you say, in may case, when I cut off
> voluntarily the connection from server side, the datasocket must be
> closed and the Connected property must be True. Is that ?

The order in which both connections are closed determines the
server, it may be the other way around, who knows?

> What I don't understand is :
> -if I launch a quitAsync => I've FTP Component not connected.
> And if I laucn connectAsync, I've "Ftp already connected"
> -or if I'm waiting 2 or 3 seconds after cut of the connection,
> Connected property set to false
> In fact, I'm sorry but I don't understand.
> So in the case where there is a problem on the line and there is a
> brutal disconnection, what can I test to know if I must launch a
> reconnection without waiting for 2 or 3 seconds ?

Let's play with the FtpTst demo a bit, this code untested and just to
give you an idea what I mean by posting a custom message, I hope it works :)


procedure WmCheckConnected(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_CHECK_CONNECTED;

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
procedure TFtpReceiveForm.WmCheckConnected(var Msg: TMessage);
if (FtpClient1.State in [ftpReady, ftpInternalReady, ftpPasvReady]) and
   (not FtpClient1.Connected) then
//do what you like i.e.

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
procedure TFtpReceiveForm.FtpClient1RequestDone(Sender: TObject;
  RqType: TFtpRequest; Error: Word);
Display('Request ' + IntToStr(Ord(RqType)) + ' Done.');
Display('StatusCode = ' + IntToStr(FtpClient1.StatusCode));
Display('LastResponse was : ''' + FtpClient1.LastResponse + );
if Error = 0 then
Display('No error')
Display('Error = ' + IntToStr(Error) +
' (' + FtpClient1.ErrorMessage + ')');

{ Display last progress value }
InfoLabel.Caption := IntToStr(FProgressCount);

if Error = 0 then begin
case RqType of
ftpDirAsync, ftpDirectoryAsync,
ftpLsAsync,  ftpListAsync   : DisplayFile(TEMP_FILE_NAME);
ftpSizeAsync: Display(
 'File size is ' +
 IntToStr(FtpClient1.SizeResult) +
 ' bytes' );
ftpPwdAsync, ftpMkdAsync,
ftpCDupAsync, ftpCwdAsync   : Display(
 'Directory is "' +
 FtpClient1.DirResult + '"');
// => 
else begin
{ Post a custom message if Get or Put failed. }
{ If the server has closed the control connection }
{ this message should be processed after OnSessionClosed triggered }
case RqType of
ftpGetAsync, ftpPutAsync : PostMessage(Handle, WM_CHECK_CONNECTED, 
Ord(RqType), Error);

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}

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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX
If I understand well what you say, in may case, when I cut off voluntarily
the connection from server side, the datasocket must be closed and the
Connected property must be True. Is that ?
What I don't understand is :
-if I launch a quitAsync => I've FTP Component not connected. And if
I laucn connectAsync, I've "Ftp already connected"
-or if I'm waiting 2 or 3 seconds after cut of the connection,
Connected property set to false
In fact, I'm sorry but I don't understand. 
So in the case where there is a problem on the line and there is a brutal
disconnection, what can I test to know if I must launch a reconnection
without waiting for 2 or 3 seconds ?
Thanks a lot.
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Indeed, Requestdone triggers but once time, the connected property is
> set to true.
> If I try to launch again a getasync command without reconnection, at
> this time I have an error and the Connected property is set to False.
> And side server, I launch FTPServer.disconnect property and the
> client is disconnected.
Nothing can be done at the same time ;-) 
So component behaviour is perfectly OK.
1) - Data connection is closed, RequestDone triggers, property Connected
is still TRUE.
2) - Control connection is closed, OnSessionClosed triggers, property 
Connected is now FALSE.  
Note that in order to make number 2 happen messages need to be
processed after number 1! But _never call ProcessMessages in RequestDone
or any other event handler. Instead you could post a custom message from
inside RequestDone and from the message handler check property Connected
again and decide what to do next.


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Indeed, Requestdone triggers but once time, the connected property is
> set to true.
> If I try to launch again a getasync command without reconnection, at
> this time I have an error and the Connected property is set to False.
> And side server, I launch FTPServer.disconnect property and the
> client is disconnected.

Nothing can be done at the same time ;-) 
So component behaviour is perfectly OK.
1) - Data connection is closed, RequestDone triggers, property Connected
is still TRUE.
2) - Control connection is closed, OnSessionClosed triggers, property 
Connected is now FALSE.  

Note that in order to make number 2 happen messages need to be
processed after number 1! But _never call ProcessMessages in RequestDone
or any other event handler. Instead you could post a custom message from
inside RequestDone and from the message handler check property Connected
again and decide what to do next.

> What is curious is that in debug mode, if I make a pause, the
> connected property set to false.
> It's like if an event hadn't yet finished.
> Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
>> Thanks for your response.
>> I test it but when I cut on the connection with server during a
>> download, a requestdone triggers but not the sessionclosed.
> Event OnSessionClosed is only triggered when the control connection
> closes. When data connection closes only OnRequestDone fires.
> So, in your case the server did not close the control connection,
> you may probably start subsequent transfers without reconnect first.
> ---
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX
Indeed, Requestdone triggers but once time, the connected property is set to
If I try to launch again a getasync command without reconnection, at this
time I have an error and the Connected property is set to False.
And side server, I launch FTPServer.disconnect property and the client is
What is curious is that in debug mode, if I make a pause, the connected
property set to false.
It's like if an event hadn't yet finished.
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Thanks for your response.
> I test it but when I cut on the connection with server during a
> download, a requestdone triggers but not the sessionclosed.
Event OnSessionClosed is only triggered when the control connection
closes. When data connection closes only OnRequestDone fires.
So, in your case the server did not close the control connection,
you may probably start subsequent transfers without reconnect first. 
Arno Garrels [TeamICS]


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Thanks for your response.
> I test it but when I cut on the connection with server during a
> download, a requestdone triggers but not the sessionclosed.

Event OnSessionClosed is only triggered when the control connection
closes. When data connection closes only OnRequestDone fires.
So, in your case the server did not close the control connection,
you may probably start subsequent transfers without reconnect first. 

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX
Thanks for your response.
I test it but when I cut on the connection with server during a download, a
requestdone triggers but not the sessionclosed.
Does it exist another trigger ?
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry but I've always my problem.
> I launch a GET and I kill the client connection on my FTP server.
> Then, I launch a new connection and I've an error which triggers in
> the OnError : FTP already connected. And in
> overbite.ICS.ftpclient.pas there is this test: 
> if FConnected and (ftpFctOpen in Fcts) then begin
> HandleError('FTP component already connected');
> Exit;
> end;
you cannot reconnect until OnSessionClosed has been triggered.
> And the problem is that Fconnected is always to True while the
> connection is cut off.
If OnSessionClosed does not trigger the control connection is still
alive, means the server did only drop the data connection for some
When OnSessionClosed triggers post a custom window message and in
its message handler reconnect.
Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> Please, what can I do ?
> Arnold
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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arno Garrels

Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry but I've always my problem.
> I launch a GET and I kill the client connection on my FTP server.
> Then, I launch a new connection and I've an error which triggers in
> the OnError : FTP already connected. And in
> overbite.ICS.ftpclient.pas there is this test: 
> if FConnected and (ftpFctOpen in Fcts) then begin
> HandleError('FTP component already connected');
> Exit;
> end;


you cannot reconnect until OnSessionClosed has been triggered.

> And the problem is that Fconnected is always to True while the
> connection is cut off.

If OnSessionClosed does not trigger the control connection is still
alive, means the server did only drop the data connection for some

When OnSessionClosed triggers post a custom window message and in
its message handler reconnect.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> Please, what can I do ?
> Arnold
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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX
To avoid this problem, I must make a 1 second pause and processmessages
before launch a new connection.

The "MakePause" procedure is like:



intFinish = Timer + 1

Do While Timer < intTempsFinal




Is it natural to do it ?

If I don't do that, onerror trigger return "FTP component already connected"
because Fconnected is set to true.



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Re: [twsocket] Problem with FTPClient when a shutdown

2006-07-12 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX


Sorry but I've always my problem.

I launch a GET and I kill the client connection on my FTP server. Then, I
launch a new connection and I've an error which triggers in the OnError :
FTP already connected. And in overbite.ICS.ftpclient.pas there is this test:

if FConnected and (ftpFctOpen in Fcts) then begin

HandleError('FTP component already connected');




And the problem is that Fconnected is always to True while the connection is
cut off.

Please, what can I do ?




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