Re: [twsocket] ICS registration, Francois' postcards

2006-07-10 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Hello Francois,

Did you get my cards ?
I posted two from Pécs, Hungary about two weeks before, to compensate for being 
a bit late.
Please inform me when they arrive.

Thank you.

Best regards :-)

Peter Borosnyay

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:44:04 +0200, Francois Piette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As you subscribed to ICS support mailing list, you probably use ICS. Good !
 But have yo taken time to register your ICS copy ?

 ICS is freeware but to use it, you must register it.
 Registration is very simple: just mail a [real, paper] picture postcard to
 the author (me). You can find instructions in readme.txt file.


 PS: If you already sent your picture postcard, simply ignore this message.
 If you wants to know if I received it, then you must tell me when you sent
 it, from which country and what the picture is (I have several thousands
 postcards !).

 The author for the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Re: [twsocket] ICS registration

2006-06-15 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Dear Fracois,

   Cannot tell for anybody else, but I personally haven't forgotten your 
I WILL send it as soon as possible.
The only reason for not accomplising it yet is that the post office is a bit 
far from my workplace and I work in all of its opening hours. My company is in 
pressure now regarding time constraints, average daily activity per employer is 
10-12 hours.
We are 8 programmers and 5 hardware technicians here and develop a complete 
GPS/GPRS vehicle navigation system for local transport companies of bigger 
cities. There are 170 buses here for a population of approx. 200 000 people.
My task is to engineer the central communications software which collects and 
manages the data sent in by the 170 buses.
It was two weeks and three other component implementations until I finally 
became devoted to ICS for the FTP section.
Our final deadline is june 31. Next week everybody will go out to install the 
computer into the vehicles. We'll be happy if we could manage to all the 
computers being installed by the end of next week, including saturday and 
sunday work whole days.
In this best case, we will have only one week left to finalize everything to 
its final state.
So we are in a hurry. Big hurry.
Believe it or not, I haven't forgotten your postcard, but it's time that I 
can't give you more than this promise in this moment.
I'll send it the first occassion I will have one free hour during daytime, but 
I haven't got any in the last month.
Our hurry should be over in two or three weeks, that's the last time I will 
postpone your card until.

It's no question for me - and shouldn't be for anyone - that your work in ICS 
is highly valuable. It's much better that others.
As soon as my boss will be in a state that I can talk with him about these 
things, I will encourage him to donate ICS. When we started he promised me that 
he is willing to buy commercial components upon my request. But I can't tell 
him this now.

I hope You understand :-)

If my english is not clear enough, feel free to ask back !

I wish you all the bests along and many-many thanks for giving your excellent 
product away for free - I probably haven't done so nowadays.

Peter Borosnyay
communications software developer
HC Linear ltd.
Pécs, Hungary  (sorry, updated long ago - more in the 
native version)  (sorry, no english, but more pictures)

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:44:04 +0200, Francois Piette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As you subscribed to ICS support mailing list, you probably use ICS. Good !
 But have yo taken time to register your ICS copy ?

 ICS is freeware but to use it, you must register it.
 Registration is very simple: just mail a [real, paper] picture postcard to
 the author (me). You can find instructions in readme.txt file.


 PS: If you already sent your picture postcard, simply ignore this message.
 If you wants to know if I received it, then you must tell me when you sent
 it, from which country and what the picture is (I have several thousands
 postcards !).

 The author for the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Re: [twsocket] ICS FtpServer socket problem

2006-06-13 Thread Borosnyay Péter

This refers to blocking sockets or blocking function calls.
I attached a description of the problem.


On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:44:03 +0200, DZ-Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I received this question directly from an ICS user.  I suggested he
subscribe to this list, but in the meantime, can anybody shed some
light on the problem stated?

Thank you,

On Jun 13, 2006, at 03:11, AKINSOFT Programlama wrote:

Hi Jaime

I am using ICS's Ftp Server component and I get operation would block
message from my application
on some computers ( my application is a cafe control software). How can
I solve this problem.
( I cant get good information about this error message on message
boards so I ask this you, Sorry :)

Thank You


Catalyst Development

Blocking vs. Non-Blocking Sockets

One of the first issues that you’ll encounter when developing your Windows 
Sockets applications is the difference between blocking and non-blocking 
sockets. Whenever you perform some operation on a socket, it may not be able to 
complete immediately and return control back to your program. For example, a 
read on a socket cannot complete until some data has been sent by the remote 
host. If there is no data waiting to be read, one of two things can happen: the 
function can wait until some data has been written on the socket, or it can 
return immediately with an error that indicates that there is no data to be 

The first case is called a blocking socket. In other words, the program is 
blocked until the request for data has been satisfied. When the remote system 
does write some data on the socket, the read operation will complete and 
execution of the program will resume. The second case is called a non-blocking 
socket, and requires that the application recognize the error condition and 
handle the situation appropriately. Programs that use non-blocking sockets 
typically use one of two methods when sending and receiving data. The first 
method, called polling, is when the program periodically attempts to read or 
write data from the socket (typically using a timer). The second, and preferred 
method, is to use what is called asynchronous notification. This means that the 
program is notified whenever a socket event takes place, and in turn can 
respond to that event. For example, if the remote program writes some data to 
the socket, a read event is generated so that program knows it can read the 
data from the socket at that point.

For historical reasons, the default behavior is for socket functions to block 
and not return until the operation has completed. However, blocking sockets in 
Windows can introduce some special problems. For 16-bit applications, the 
blocking function will enter what is called a message loop where it continues 
to process messages sent to it by Windows and other applications. Since 
messages are being processed, this means that the program can be re-entered at 
a different point with the blocked operation parked on the program's stack. For 
example, consider a program that attempts to read some data from the socket 
when a button is pressed. Because no data has been written yet, it blocks and 
the program goes into a message loop. The user then presses a different button, 
which causes code to be executed, which in turn attempts to read data from the 
socket, and so on.

Blocking socket functions can introduce a different type of problem in 32-bit 
applications because blocking functions will prevent the calling thread from 
processing any messages sent to it. Since many applications are 
single-threaded, this can result in the application being unresponsive to user 
actions. To resolve the general problems with blocking sockets, the Windows 
Sockets standard states that there may only be one outstanding blocked call per 
thread of execution. This means that 16-bit applications that are re-entered 
(as in the example above) will encounter errors whenever they try to take some 
action while a blocking function is already in progress. With 32-bit programs, 
the creation of worker threads to perform blocking socket operations is a 
common approach, although it introduces additional complexity into the 

The SocketWrench control facilitates the use of non-blocking sockets by firing 
events. For example, a Read event is generated whenever the remote host writes 
on the socket, which tells your application that there is data waiting to be 
read. The use of non-blocking sockets will be demonstrated in the next section, 
and is one of the key areas in which a control has a distinct advantage over 
coding directly against the Windows Sockets API.

In summary, there are three general approaches that can be taken when building 
an application with the control in regard to blocking or non-blocking sockets: 
Use a blocking (synchronous) socket. In this 

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli false 404 pages

2006-06-12 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Hi !

Opera also gets the fancy page, so it's probably not IE-related.

Cheers, Peter

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 03:37:34 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please offer suggestion for this circumstance --

 If I use httpcli to get this page:

 everything is perfect.

 If I try to get non existent auction at same site with INTERNET EXPLORER for
 is the non existent auction URL.

 Then a fancy page appears saying item does not exist.

 WITH HTTPCLI, it gets a 404 error.  I have guesses that the ISAPI.dll sends
 back the fancy -page to IE or that it is something else.

 Is there any way to get same page as IE?  What am I doing wrong for this
 circumstance with nonexistent auction number?

 This mail sent through IMP:

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Re: [twsocket] 64-Bit Processors Issue

2006-06-10 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Hello Marcelo,

   Your problem has nothing to do with AMD processors. It was by coincidence 
that the machine that produced the problem had an AMD processor. You should try 
an Intel one also. As far as I know, socket implementations doesn't depend on 
or differ by processor type. They should not.
When you track down a problem, first always try to find the cause in YOUR work, 
among the things that YOU did.
People (including myself) are feeble and tend to forget this. The more 
experience one has, the higher the probability is, to forget the above.
Colleagues, NEVER forget it !

I wish good luck for everyone !



On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 22:58:14 +0200, Marcelo Grossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello again folks,

 I managed to fix the bug I told you guys about. Aparently it is endeed
 an ICS related problem or AMD's fault, can't be concise on that. Here's an
 overview of the problem with the solution in sample codes:

 Problem: The server did not received the packet from the client, only
 the first one. The packets in question were being sent from inside a for
 loop (small one, about 50 iterations). Here is a sample code of the faulty
 version of the code (Delphi 6):

 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
 // This line being the assembly of the buffer,
 // it is a very clean code and is a very fast function and very few
 // Buffer size estimations are about 20- bytes.
 BuildMessage(aString, aBuffer);
 // sends rapid-fire buffers to the server
 Socket.Send(@aBuffer[0], Length(arBuffer));

 Solution: Using the cumulative send function provided with ICS the
 problem is strangely resolved and the server receves ok the buffers (in this
 case, the single buffer made of the small buffers). Here is the sample code:

 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
 // Same buffer assemblage
 BuildMessage(aString, aBuffer);
 // Only sends the packet when the processing is finished (last
 if I = (Count - 1) then
 Socket.Send(@aBuffer[0], Length(aBuffer))
Socket.PutDataInSendBuffer(@aBuffer[0], Length(aBuffer));

 I hope I could be of any help and I'm pretty sure this can be reproduced
 (using the sample codes above) in any client/server model being the client
 an AMD 64-Bit processor (can't say much about Intel 64-Bit processors
 because we could not test it out). Anyways, thank you very much for all your

 Best regards,

 Marcelo Grossi

 - Original Message -
 From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] 64-Bit Processors Issue

 Marcelo Grossi wrote:
 Hello again,

 I'm new to this list and since I've been getting your messages, I
 was wondering if anyone got the message I sent about the problem I'm
 having with the 64-Bit AMD processors. I really really need your help
 on this, because I've never altered the source code of ICS and the
 problem mentioned (see below) only happens with users of 64-bit AMD
 (never tested with Intel) processors.

 It is very very unlikely that ICS in combination with AMD64 is the
 reason. I personally had troubles with hardware DEP (nx-flag) caused
 by another third party component, however I got at least a very strange

 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] Help file for FTPClient

2006-06-02 Thread Borosnyay Péter
 Why not make it compatible with RFC959 and return the correct response for
 the commands ?

Because we are in a hurry, and the colleague who wrote the microcontroller 
program didn't check the RFC, just picked a code whose description was best 
matching the situation. It is definitely an error. I will notify the colleague 
of this.
Thanks for giving information.


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Re: [twsocket] Help file for FTPClient

2006-06-01 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Hi guys,

   ICS is professional. At least its FtpCLient is. Absolutely logical structure 
and functionality.
I have successfully modified FtpCli.pas to accept response code 225 for STOR 
and RETR. It was easy to find the corresponding Next2PutAsync and Next2GetAsync 
This was needed because I communicate with a special custom engineered ARM 
microcontroller driven hardware device. It is an onboard navigation computer 
for public transport vehicles. It's our company's own development. It uses GPS, 
GPRS, TCP, FTP protocols. If anybody is interested in what we're doing, please 
contact me in a private mail.

I don't know if some other PC FTP servers also send response 225 for STOR and 
RETR, but the previous FTP components I tried have accepted 225 by hand.

Francois, if we get adequate information that FTP servers that send this code 
do exist, please consider this mail as a modification suggestion.

225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
I have decided to use FtpCli and ICS as widely as possible.


Peter Borosnyay
Pécs, Hungary

ps. notify me if no line breaks are uncomfortable.

On Tue, 30 May 2006 21:54:42 +0200, Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Peter,

 being the final component I choose for my communications program

 Good I hope you succeed ! If you have any questions you can fire this
 off in this mailing list. Lots of people are volonteer to standby...

 At least I plan to do so.

 Keep in touch :)

 Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

 Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 18:14, Borosnyay Péter wrote:

 Hello Wilfried,

 I dl'ed ICS today morning so I'm not in the position to help yet ...
 But I will experiment with it this week, it has a good chance of
 being the final component I choose for my communications program in
 our GPS navigation system at the local transport company of the second
 biggest city in Hungary.
 If I succeed and get my money I will either donate or do something useful 
 for you.
 At least I plan to do so.


 On Tue, 30 May 2006 15:18:06 +0200, Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: [twsocket] Help file for FTPClient

2006-05-30 Thread Borosnyay Péter
Hello Wilfried,

I dl'ed ICS today morning so I'm not in the position to help yet ...
But I will experiment with it this week, it has a good chance of being the 
final component I choose for my communications program in our GPS navigation 
system at the local transport company of the second biggest city in Hungary.
If I succeed and get my money I will either donate or do something useful for 
At least I plan to do so.


On Tue, 30 May 2006 15:18:06 +0200, Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Peter,

 Correct. There is already some framework on but
 all still need to be done. You are of course welcome to help :) And also
 this is the best learning tool ever exists :)

 Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

 Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 14:13, Borosnyay Péter wrote:

 Hello everybody,

I couldn't find help files for FTPClient (I mean the
 descriptions of properties, events and methods) neither in the
 package, nor on and in the faq. Help is probably not
 available yet.

 Am I right ?


FIGYELEM !  Ennek a levélnek a végén NINCS REKLÁM !!!
észrevetted ?

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