Fastream Technologies wrote:
> To elaborate: You need a page with no content-length and no chunked
> encoding that returns 401 to see it.

        { FContentLength = -1 when server doesn't send a value }
        if ((FContentLength = -1) and            { Added 12/03/2004 }
            (FTransferEncoding <> 'chunked') and { Added 09/10/2006 by FP }
            ((FStatusCode < 200) or              { Added 12/03/2004 }
             (FStatusCode = 204) or              { Added 12/03/2004 }
             (FStatusCode = 301) or              { Added 06/10/2004 }
             (FStatusCode = 302) or              { Added 06/10/2004 }
             (FStatusCode = 304) ))              { Added 12/03/2004 }
            (FContentLength = 0)
Looks like the 401 and 407 have to be removed again from the condition
above. At least both do work when excluded, with and without a body
and connection: close, tested with custom responses from THttpServer
however without any real authentication. 
You should heavily test that change especially with all kinds of
authentication and against all kinds of proxy servers as well. I don't
have that time currently.  
Arno Garrels

> Best Regards,
> SZ
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 07:07, Fastream Technologies
> <>wrote: 
>> Here is a screenshot of the issue as a picture is worth a thousand
>> words:
>> Regards,
>> SZ
>> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 06:26, Fastream Technologies
>> <>wrote: 
>>> Dear Arno,
>>> The new problem happens with GET on pages with no content-length
>>> and no chunked-encoding. This bug had once been there, and then was
>>> fixed. Now it happens again. Please try against such a page with
>>> Httptst demo and you will see that the OnDocData is never called
>>> but instead all the data is assumed as header lines. I am using
>>> v7.18. 
>>> Thanks for your efforts,
>>> SubZero
>>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 20:11, Arno Garrels <>
>>> wrote: 
>>>> Fastream Technologies wrote:
>>>>> We had actually paid for HttpCli bug fixes to Arno. I hope he will
>>>>> show up and fix it soon. We do not use content coding so I do not
>>>>> think Yuri's fix would work.
>>>> I made your test case working by a fix of chunked decoding.
>>>> So what actually is the problem now?
>>>> Without a simple test case I won't look at it.
>>>> --
>>>> Arno Garrels
>>>>> BTW Yuri, your code lacks the latest 7.18 bug fix by us (me and
>>>>> Arno). Regards,
>>>>> SZ
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 19:24, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems
>>>>> Ltd <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I wrote about a similar bug, but got no response from the
>>>>>>> administration.
>>>>>> It is on my list of things to investigate this week, but paying
>>>>>> work has to come before minor bug fixes like this.
>>>>>> Angus
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