Jew Bowl (Football):


You have probably never heard of it on the radio, read about it in the newspaper, nor seen it on TV.  However, Jew Bowl is perhaps one of TYJP members’ favorite events.  If you don’t consider yourself to be an athlete or don’t know how to play football, don’t be discouraged; you won’t be the only one.  All we ask is everyone have some fun!


Location:  Lake Crabtree County Park, Cary, NC

Date:  Sunday May 26, 2002

Time:  11:00 AM



Take I-40 to Exit 285, Aviation Parkway.  Turn right if you're coming from I-40 east, and left if coming from I-40 west (go south, away from the airport). Look for the entrance to Lake Crabtree Park on the left in less than a mile.  Park in the first lot on the right. 


For more information, please contact Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  RSVPs are not required.




Mark your calendars for the following events; more information will follow in other Emails.

    June 5, 2002:  Schmooze & Views, Location TBD 

    June 9, 2002 (possibly June 2, depending on Mosaic Hike):  Annual TYJP Picnic at IBM Rec Center

    *June 20, 2002:  Happy Hour, Location TBD in Cary/Raleigh

    June 29, 2002Durham Bulls Outing at 7:00 PM

    July 3, 2002:  Schmooze & Views, Location TBD 

    **July 4, 2002:  Fireworks at Regency Park

    July 13, 2002:  Ice Skating at 8:00

    *July 18, 2002:  Happy Hour, Location TBD in Durham/Chapel Hill 

    ***July 27, 2002Durham Bulls Fans Giveaway

    July 31, 2002:  TYJP Planning Meeting, Location TBD at 7:00 PM

    August 7, 2002:  Schmooze & Views, Location TBD

    August 11, 2002:  Crafts Day, Location & Time TBD

    *August 15, 2002:  Happy Hour, Location TBD in Cary/Raleigh


*If you have any suggestions for, or wish to host, any of the above Happy Hours, please contact Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

**Due to a scheduling problem, the annual Pool Party prior to the fireworks at Regency Park has been cancelled.  If anyone else can host a pool party, please contact Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

***We need five or six volunteers to help raise money for TYJP.  We will be helping the Durham Bulls give away various items to the Fans prior to the game.  The first five or six people who contact Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will be given more details, as well as be eligible for complimentary tickets to the game.  If interested, please provide your name, Email address, and phone numbers (day and evening).


Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for activities or events for the time frame of August 16 through December 31, please contact Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or just come to the July 31 Planning Meeting.  We need volunteers and ideas if we are going to keep TYJP active and alive.



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