[TYPES/announce] QAPL 2010 Call for Papers

2009-10-05 Thread Gethin Norman
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

   [Apologies for multiple copies]

  Eighth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 
   Affiliated with ETAPS 2010 March 27-28, 2010, Paphos, Cyprus


Quantitative aspects of computation are important and sometimes essential in
characterising the behavior and determining the properties of systems. They
are related to the use of physical quantities (storage space, time, 
etc.) as well as mathematical quantities (e.g. probability and measures for
reliability, security and trust). Such quantities play a central role in
defining both the model of systems (architecture, language design, 
and the methodologies and tools for the analysis and verification of system
properties. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the explicit use of
quantitative information such as time and probabilities either directly 
in the
model or as a tool for the analysis of systems.

In particular, the workshop focuses on:

   * the design of probabilistic, real-time, quantum languages and the
 definition of semantical models for such languages

   * the discussion of methodologies for the analysis of probabilistic and
 timing properties (e.g. security, safety, schedulability) and of other
 quantifiable properties such as reliability (for hardware components),
 trustworthiness (in information security) and resource usage (e.g.,
 worst-case memory/stack/cache requirements)

   * the probabilistic analysis of systems which do not explicitly 
 quantitative aspects (e.g. performance, reliability and risk analysis)

   * applications to safety-critical systems, communication protocols, 
 systems, asynchronous hardware, and to any other domain involving
 quantitative issues


Topics include (but are not limited to) probabilistic, timing and general
quantitative aspects in: Language design, Information systems, 
Asynchronous HW
analysis, Language extension, Multi-tasking systems, Automated reasoning,
Language expressiveness, Logic, Verification, Quantum languages, Semantics,
Testing, Time-critical systems, Performance analysis, Safety, Embedded 
Program analysis, Risk and hazard analysis, Coordination models, Protocol
analysis, Scheduling theory, Distributed systems, Model-checking, Security,
Biological systems, Concurrent systems, and Resource analysis.


   *  German Puebla, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
   *  To be confirmed


In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop 
solicits two
types of submissions - regular papers and presentations:

   1. Regular paper submissions must be original work, and must not have 
  previously published, nor be under consideration for publication
  elsewhere. Regular paper submission must not exceed 15 pages, possibly
  followed by a clearly marked appendix which will be removed for the
  proceedings and contains technical material for the reviewers.

   2. A presentation reports on recent or ongoing work on relevant 
topics and
  ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. There is no
  restriction as for previous/future publication of the contents of a
  presentation. Typically, a presentation is based on a paper which 
  appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another
  recognized conference, or which has not yet been submitted. The 
  abstract of presentation submissions should not exceed 4 pages.

All submissions must be in PDF format and use the EPTCS latex style, see
http://style.eptcs.org/. Submissions can be made on the following website:


The workshop PC will review all submissions of both types to select 
ones for acceptance in each category, based on their relevance, merit,
originality, and technical content. The authors of the accepted 
submissions of
both types are expected to present and discuss their work at the workshop.
Accepted regular papers will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Publication of a selection of the 
in a special issue of a journal is under consideration.

For regular papers:
 Submission (regular paper): December 21, 2009
 Notification: January 25, 2010
 Final version (ETAPS proceedings): February 15, 2010
 Final version (EPTCS proceedings): TBA

For presentations:
 Submission: February 1, 2010
 Notification: February 3, 2010


PC Chairs:

[TYPES/announce] CFP: Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming WFLP2010

2009-10-05 Thread Julio MariƱo
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

 Preliminary Call For Papers

  19th International Workshop on Functional
  and (Constraint) Logic Programming

   Madrid, Spain, January 17, 2010

colocated with
 Principles of Programming Languages
  POPL 2010


Abstract Submission: November 9, 2009
Full Paper Submission: November 15, 2009
Acceptance Notification: December 15, 2009
Preliminary Proceedings: January 5, 2010
Workshop: January 17, 2010


The aim of the Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic
Programming is to bring together researchers interested in functional
programming and (constraint) logic programming with special emphasis
on the integration of both paradigms and of other declarative
programming extensions. It promotes the cross-fertilizing exchange of
ideas and experiences among researchers and students from the
different communities interested in the foundations, applications, and
combinations of high-level declarative programming languages and
related areas.

The previous WFLP editions are: WFLP 2009 (Brasilia, Brazil), WFLP
2008 (Siena, Italy), WFLP 2007 (Paris, France), WFLP 2006 (Madrid,
Spain), WCFLP 2005 (Tallinn, Estonia), WFLP 2004 (Aachen, Germany),
WFLP 2003 (Valencia, Spain), WFLP 2002 (Grado, Italy), WFLP 2001
(Kiel, Germany), WFLP 2000 (Benicassim, Spain), WFLP'99 (Grenoble,
France), WFLP'98 (Bad Honnef, Germany), WFLP'97 (Schwarzenberg,
Germany), WFLP'96 (Marburg, Germany), WFLP'95 (Schwarzenberg,
Germany), WFLP'94 (Schwarzenberg, Germany), WFLP'93 (Rattenberg,
Germany), and WFLP'92 (Karlsruhe, Germany).


WFLP 2010 will be held on January 17, 2010 in Madrid, Spain, colocated
with the 37th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages (POPL 2010).

WFLP 2010 solicits papers in all areas of functional and (constraint)
logic programming, including but not limited to:

 * Foundations: formal semantics, logic variables, binding and
   abstract syntax, rewriting and narrowing, unification, constraint
   solving, dynamics, type theory, meta-theory, effects, etc.

 * Language Design: security, services, modules, type systems,
   multi-paradigm languages, concurrency and distribution, objects,
   libraries, generic programming, interoperability, etc.

 * Implementation: abstract machines, parallelism, compile-time and
   run-time optimizations, foreign-language interfaces, memory
   management, multi-threading, exploiting parallel hardware, etc.

 * Transformation and Analysis: abstract interpretation,
   specialization, partial evaluation, program transformation, program
   calculation, program proof, meta-programming, generative
   programming, etc.

 * Software Development: algorithms, data structures, design patterns,
   components and composition, specification, proof assistants,
   verification and validation, model checking, debugging, testing,
   profiling, tracing, etc.

 * Paradigm Integration: integration of declarative programming with
   other paradigms or features such as imperative, object-oriented,
   aspect-oriented, concurrent, real-time programming, event-driven
   architectures, etc.

 * Applications: education, industry, commercial uses, domain-specific
   languages, visual/graphical user interfaces, embedded systems, WWW
   applications, XML processing, artificial intelligence, knowledge
   representation and machine learning, deductive databases, advanced
   programming environments and tools, etc.


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original unpublished
work. Papers must be at most 15 pages long. Exceptionally, authors may
surpass the page limit by providing well-marked appendices intended as
reviewing aids. Appendices will not appear in the final publication.

Submission categories include regular research papers, system
descriptions, and short papers describing on-going work (at most 8

Submissions must be formatted in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) style. This requirement needs not apply to appendices.

Papers should be submitted in pdf or postscript format electronically
via the web-based submission site

Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop. Selected
authors will be invited to submit  a  full version of their papers
after the workshop. Contributions accepted for the post-workshop
proceedings have usually appeared in journals -- those of the 2009
edition have been published in LNCS, 

[TYPES/announce] ICFP videos now available

2009-10-05 Thread Wouter Swierstra
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

I am happy to announce that videos of all talks at ICFP and some of
the associated workshops this year have made available online:


I'm sure you'll join me in thanking Malcolm Wallace for the time and
effort he put into making this possible. Thank you Malcolm!
