[TYPES/announce] FIT 2012 - Call for Contributions

2011-10-25 Thread Sebastian Bauer
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  4th International Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies
WORKSHOP AT ETAPS 2012 - Tallinn, Estonia
  Sunday 25th March 2012

  Please visit: http://fit2012.pst.ifi.lmu.de/


Component-based design is widely considered as a major approach to
developing complex systems in a time- and cost-effective
way. Component interfaces are central in this approach and summarize
the externally visible properties of a component which can be
syntactic properties such as operation signatures, but can also be
behavioral and extra-functional properties such as quality of service,
security and dependability. In recent years, rich interface formalisms
have been proposed to specify legal sequences of messages, or resource
and timing constraints. The challenge is to achieve compositionality -
the key requirement for the effective analysis and prediction of
global system behavior based on individual component behaviors.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are
interested in the formal underpinnings of interface technologies.

FIT 2012 is affiliated to ETAPS and will be held in Tallinn, Estonia.


  * Modeling of rich interfaces, handling aspects like
   o timeliness
   o QoS
   o safety
   o reliability
   o fault-tolerance
   o security
   o probability
   o resource constraints
  * Type systems
  * Design methods for interfaces, design by contract
  * Verification and analysis of interfaces:
   o abstraction
   o refinement
   o assume/guarantee reasoning
   o compositionality
   o property preservation
   o adaptation
  * Domain-specific interfaces, use of interfaces like
   o product lines
   o web services


FIT embraces an inclusive formula that emphasizes interaction and
discussion. Researchers are encouraged to submit new results, work in
progress, work already published, or work submitted for publication
elsewhere. Submissions will be judged on general quality and
prospective interest to workshop participants. Contributions should be
typeset in EPTCS format, available at http://style.eptcs.org/ .

Two kinds of submissions are considered:

  * Regular papers (up to 20 pages in EPTCS format), presenting original
and unpublished work (which can also be a survey)
  * Abstracts (up to 3 pages in EPTCS format), presenting published work

All papers should be submitted via EasyChair:

Informal proceedings will be given to registered participants.
Regular papers will be published as post-proceedings after the
workshop as a volume of the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science (EPTCS).


  * Submission: Monday, 19th December 2011
  * Notification: Thursday, 19th January 2012
  * Camera-ready version for the local pre-proceedings:
  Monday, 6th February 2012
  * Workshop: Sunday, 25th March 2012
  * Final version for Post-Proceedings (EPTCS): 12th April 2012


  * José Luiz Fiadeiro (University of Leicester, UK)
  * Jiri Srba (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  * Karsten Wolf (Universität Rostock, Germany)


  * Tevfik Bultan (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
  * Marco Faella (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
  * Rolf Hennicker (LMU München, Germany)
  * Holger Hermanns (Saarland University, Germany)
  * Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  * Axel Legay (INRIA/IRISA Rennes, France)
  * Thomas Santen (Microsoft Research, Germany)
  * Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK)
  * Mariëlle Stoelinga (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  * Andrzej W#261;sowski (IT University Copenhagen, Denmark)


Sebastian Bauer (LMU München, Germany): baue...@pst.ifi.lmu.de
Jean-Baptiste Raclet (University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, France):

[TYPES/announce] CAV 2012: Call For Papers

2011-10-25 Thread CAV 2012 CFP
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV
2012) July 7-13, 2012 Berkeley, California, USA

Program Chairs: Madhusudan Parathasarathy and Sanjit A. Seshia
Website: http://cav12.cs.illinois.edu/

Aims and Scope
The conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2012, is the 24th
in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of
computer-aided formal analysis methods for hardware and software
systems. CAV considers it vital to continue spurring advances in
hardware and software verification while expanding to new domains such
as biological systems and computer security. The conference covers the
spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with an
emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and
techniques that are needed for their implementation. The proceedings
of the conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series. A selection of papers will be
invited to a special issue of Formal Methods in System Design and the
Journal of the ACM.

Topics of interest include:
- Algorithms and tools for verifying models and implementations
- Hardware verification techniques
- Hybrid systems and embedded systems verification
- Deductive, compositional, and abstraction techniques for verification
- Program analysis and software verification
- Testing and runtime analysis based on verification technology
- Verification methods for parallel and concurrent hardware/software systems
- Applications and case studies in verification
- Verification in industrial practice
- Algorithms and tools for system synthesis
- Verification techniques for security
- Formal models and methods for biological systems

** NEW in 2012 **
CAV will have *special tracks* in the following four areas:
1. Hardware Verification (track chair: Andreas Kuehlmann)
2. Computer Security  (track chair: Somesh Jha)
3. Embedded Systems (track chair: Stavros Tripakis)
4. SAT and SMT (track chair: Daniel Kroening)

Submissions in these four topics are especially encouraged.
Papers in these areas will be subject to the same rigorous review
process as other papers.
Accepted special track papers will be organized into special sessions
that are highlighted in the program.

The conference will include the following events:
* Pre-conference workshops on July 7-8.
* The main conference will take place July 9th-13th:
  -- Invited tutorials on July 9th.
  -- Technical sessions on July 10-13.
Please see the conference website for further details.

Paper Submission

There are two categories of submissions:

A. Regular Papers: Submissions, not exceeding sixteen (16) pages using
Springer's LNCS format, should contain original research, and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the
contribution. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are
strongly encouraged to make their data available with their
submission. Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial
context are strongly invited, and should describe details, weaknesses,
and strengths in sufficient depth. Simultaneous submission to other
conferences with proceedings or submission of material that has
already been published elsewhere is not allowed.

B. Tool Presentations: Submissions, not exceeding six (6) pages using
Springer's LNCS format, should describe the implemented tool and its
novel features.  An appendix that will not be part of the published
presentation may be added for use in the program committee selection
process.  A demonstration, in a separate demonstration session, is
expected to accompany a tool presentation. Papers describing tools
that have already been presented (in any conference) will be accepted
only if significant and clear enhancements to the tool are reported
and implemented.

Papers exceeding the stated maximum length run the risk of rejection
without review.
Note that the page limit for submissions has been increased to 16
pages. For regular papers, an appendix can be joined to the
submissions providing additional material such as details on proofs or
experiments. The appendix is not guaranteed to be read or taken into
account by the reviewers and it should not contain information
necessary to the understanding and the evaluation of the presented
work. The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where
authors will have the option to respond to reviewer comments.

Papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submission is done with
EasyChair. Information about the submission procedure will be
available at: http://cav12.cs.illinois.edu/

Important Dates
- Abstract submission: January 15, 2012
- Paper submission (firm): January 22, 2012 at 23:59 Samoa time (UTC/GMT-11)
- Author feedback/rebuttal period: March 7-9, 2012
- Notification of 

[TYPES/announce] CAV 2012: Call For Workshops

2011-10-25 Thread CAV 2012 CFP
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


  24th International Conference on
 Computer Aided Verification
  CAV 2012
   July 7-13, 2012
Berkeley, California, USA

Workshop Chair: Shuvendu Lahiri (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

The 2012 Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) Workshops provide an
opportunity for participants to discuss topics in the broader
verification related domains. CAV 2012 Workshops will be held
before the main conference on July 7 and 8.

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Workshop chair along with
the program chairs and members of the steering committee. Proposals
must consist of the following two parts:

-- Part I: Technical Information --

A short (about 1 page) scientific justification of the proposed
topic, its significance and relevance to CAV, and the particular
benefits of the workshop to the verification community, as well as a
list of previous or related workshops (if relevant).

-- Part II: Organizational Information --

- contact information of the workshop organizers
- identifying a main contact for the workshop (i.e. a workshop chair)
- the desired length of the workshop, (one or two days)
- estimate of the audience size
- proposed format and agenda  (for example, demo sessions, tutorials, etc.)
- potential invited speakers
- procedures for selecting papers and participants
- plans for dissemination, if any (for example, special issues of
- special technical, AV, or USB stick needs
- links to a preliminary website of the workshop and call for
  papers (if possible)
- information if workshop has been previously held

Important Dates:

Proposals are due by Nov 10th, 2011 by email to the Workshop
chair. Organizers will be notified by Nov 20th, 2011.

The workshop proposals will be reviewed and evaluated on the following

* Potential to advance state of the art in verification technologies,
especially ability to break new ground.
* Relevance to CAV.
* Overlap of topics with other proposed workshops.
* Past-successes of the workshop and association with previous CAV
* Organizers' ability and experience to lead a successful workshop.

All accepted workshops will be asked to provide a webpage, call for
papers, and list of invited speakers. The workshop participants will
be required to register for the workshop through the CAV main
registration page.

The registration rates for workshops will be set by CAV organizers in
consultation with the workshop organizers, following rate structures
similar to (but not the same as) those followed in the past. The
workshop organizers are strongly encouraged to seek external funding
and sponsorships.

For further enquiries or information, please contact:

Shuvendu Lahiri (CAV2012 Workshop Chair)
Microsoft Research,
One Microsoft Way,
Redmond, WA 98052, USA
Phone: 1-425-722-4122
email: shuvendu AT microsoft.com
http: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/shuvendu/