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# Call for Volunteers

The SPLASH Student Volunteers program provides an opportunity for
students from around the world to associate with some of the leading
personalities in industry and research in the following areas:
programming languages, object-oriented technology and software
development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of the
conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with registration,
providing information about the conference to attendees, assisting
session organizers and monitoring sessions.

# How to apply?

All student volunteers are required to submit the application form
(https://form.jotformeu.com/91350830758359). The first application
deadline is 1st of August, 2019. A second application deadline is 15th
of September, 2019, but priority will be given to students applying
before the first deadline.

Please, send us a scan of your student id (applications will not be
considered without it). All student volunteers are expected to be
available from October 20th until October 25th of 2019.
We encourage applicants requiring a visa to apply by the first deadline
in order to have enough time to obtain it.

# Eligibility

Applicants can be undergraduate, Master’s or PhD students of computer
science and related fields.

# Student Volunteer Benefits

In exchange for performing their volunteer duties, student volunteers

- Complementary student conference registration
- Custom SPLASH garment
- Admission to all conference events
- Admission to all social events, including the banquet

# Travelling and Accomodation:

SPLASH’19 Student Volunteers are responsible for their own travel
arrangements and accomodation. More information about additional funding
here (https://2019.splashcon.org/attending/Students).

If you are looking for a room to share with other students, we recommend

# More Information:

For additional information, clarifications and questions please contact
the SPLASH’19 Student Volunteer Co-Chairs:

- Anastasios Antoniadis (https://github.com/anantoni),
- Juliana Franco (http://jupvfranco.github.io/), and
- Kiko Fernandez-Reyes (https://www.plresearcher.com/)

at student_volunte...@splashcon.org.

När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att 
vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du 
läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/

E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For 
more information on how this is performed, please read here: 

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