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DTU - Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute - Section for Software Systems Engineering

We are looking for two bright and motivated PhD student for two 3-year PhD
positions. The main research topics of the two PhD positions are, respectively:
(1) verifying that distributed applications respect correctness, safety and
reliability specifications; and (2) verifying the privacy and security goals of
distributed programs and their interaction.

  * Application deadline: 27 November 2022

  * Expected starting date: 1 March 2023 (negotiable)

  * For inquiries, please contact:
Alceste Scalas <al...@dtu.dk> - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.compute.dtu.dk/alcsc__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j6qECUTI$ Sebastian Mödersheim <s...@dtu.dk> - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.compute.dtu.dk/samo__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j-AxRgaq$
  * Application link with complete details:

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dtu.dk/english/about/job-and-career/vacant-positions/job?id=dd8bd8bc-8712-4883-981c-d91a1247f444__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j0gR8FJq$ By joining the project team, you will become part of an international research
collaboration to advance the development of secure and reliable distributed


The two positions are part of the upcoming Horizon Europe project TaRDIS
(Trustworthy and Resilient Decentralised Intelligence for edge Systems). The
project goal is to design and develop a novel, event-driven programming model and toolkit (with solid foundations based on formal methods) to help programmers
in creating safe and reliable distributed applications. The focus lies on
distributed applications with smart and autonomous components deployed across
the cloud-edge continuum.

Project TaRDIS is a collaboration between DTU, NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal, project coordinator), the University of Oxford (UK), the University of Novi Sad
(Serbia), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), and 6
industry partners.


If you join this project, you will become a member of the DTU Compute research section on Software Systems Engineering, which involves researchers in various
areas of software specification, verification, engineering, and security ---
with a strong emphasis on formal methods. You will also join the DTU Compute PhD school and take part in its courses and activities. As part of your PhD training
and research activities, you will have research stays at the academic
collaborators' universities. Links:

* https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english/research/research-sections/software-systems-engineering__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j4nghyZo$ * https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english/phd__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142jws0Dh4X$
Your main tasks within this project will be:

* become familiar with relevant state-of-the-art research in formal methods for modelling and verifying distributed applications --- with a focus on
    either (1) verification of correctness, safety and reliability, or (2)
    modelling and verification of privacy and security properties;

  * study the project’s industrial use cases;

* explore new methods to ensure the correctness of distributed applications.
    You will help in developing the necessary theory and implementing new
    software tools based on such theory.

You will also have the opportunity to co-supervise MSc or BSc student projects
related to your research.

To be considered for the position, you need some experience with formal methods for programming languages, or distributed systems, or security. You will need to document these skills by listing the relevant university courses you took, or
the relevant experience you have.

It will be an advantage if you can also document good programming skills –
preferably including functional programming, and some experience in developing
distributed applications.

To begin the PhD position, you must have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS
points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year
master's degree. You can apply prior to obtaining the degree, providing the
expected graduation date.


The assessment of the applicants will take place in early December 2022.

For the application details, see:
For further information and inquiries, please contact:
  * Alceste Scalas <al...@dtu.dk>
  * Sebastian Mödersheim <s...@dtu.dk>

You can read more about DTU Compute at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j0KtBjqI$
You can read more about the DTU Compute Research Section on Software Systems
Engineering at:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.compute.dtu.dk/english/research/research-sections/software-systems-engineering__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j4nghyZo$ If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on working in Denmark at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dtu.dk/english/about/job-and-career/moving-to-denmark__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j23dWm1T$
Alceste Scalas <al...@dtu.dk> - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.compute.dtu.dk/alcsc__;!!IBzWLUs!VhZ66-hlZK7jbEaLxGBwH01RLNQNqlsCqf-whFrcuI8BYboj58-FaFSwVbTwmoE6JuexhyVp6hXogsd2E142j6qECUTI$ Associate Professor @ DTU Compute - Section for Software Systems Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Building 321, Room 010
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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