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                  1st International Workshop on
             Rewriting Techniques for Real-Time Systems

                          R T R T S  2010

         Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, Norway, April 6-9, 2010


*** Proceedings will be published by EPTCS ***


February 24, 2010      Deadline for submission
Early March, 2010      Notification of acceptance
April 6-9, 2010        Workshop in Spitsbergen


The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers with
an interest in the use of rewriting-based techniques (including
rewriting logic) and tools for the modeling, analysis, and/or
implementation of real-time and hybrid systems, and to give
them the opportunity to present their recent works, discuss
future research directions, and exchange ideas.

The topics of the workshop comprise, but are not limited to:
- methods and tools supporting rewriting-based modeling and
analysis of real-time and hybrid systems, and extensions of
such systems;
- use of rewriting techniques to provide rigorous support for
model-based software engineering of timed systems;
- applications and case studies;
- comparison with other formalisms and tools.


Erika Ábrahám     RWTH Aachen
Francisco Durán      Universidad de Malaga
Narciso Marti-Oliet  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
José Meseguer      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sayan Mitra          University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thomas Noll          RWTH Aachen
Peter Ölveczky (chair)  University of Oslo
Joel Ouaknine      Oxford University
Olaf Owe                University of Oslo
Grigore Rosu        University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stavros Tripakis        University of California, Berkeley
Martin Wirsing    Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich


RTRTS 2010 will be held in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen. Spitsbergen
is a fascinating archipelago pretty close
to the North Pole (same latitude as northern Greenland!). April is the
high season, with the sun above the horizon yet it should be wintry
enough to do the usual winter activities, like dog sledding,
snow scooter trips, and ice cave exploration, etc. Maybe this could
be your last chance to see polar bears roaming around freely?


Submissions will be evaluated by the Program Committee for
inclusion in the proceedings, which will be published
by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.

Papers must contain original contributions, be clearly written,
and include appropriate reference to and comparison with related work.
They must be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for
publication elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 20 pages,
formatted according to EPTCS guidelines (http://style.eptcs.org),
and should be submitted electronically using Easychair:



(to be announced)


For more information, please contact the organizer
or visit the workshop web page

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